Sounds and Sighs

The Animal Liberation Orchestra and The Free Ranch Horns VS. L.A.G(Fealdt Productions) Imagine Tom Jones leading a hippie band singing lyrics straight outta Ishtar and you have these guys. Featuring 3 songs about underage girls and one about the swinging town Sodom and Gomomorrah this cd is the musical equivalent of an Ed Wood Jr movie or more appropriately the Springtime for Hitler scene from the Mel Brooks classic the Producers.I think these guys are serious and that scares me. The cool funk arrangements and the humor of some of the other songs like "Rotting Pumpkin" make this disc a keeper. For music fans with a bizarre sense of humor that like horn driven groove music. Final Tally-61% Humor Tally-93%

The Bloody Stools- Meet the Bloody Stools(Caroline Records) Spinal tap lives- this cassette is one of the most offensive, loutish and hilarious records of the metal age. These guys are ready to rock-unfortunately they have the intellect of a smoking area reject from Middle School. Sexist lyrics , air guitar riffs and lighter anthems inhabit one of the worst albums of the 90's. If you like to laugh seek out this relic. Final Tally-2% Humor Tally-100%

Prince and The New Power Generation-New Power Soul (NPG Records) His name was Prince and once again he is funky. The latest effort from Prince is a yeoman journey into the world of modern funk. This is not the creative Prince of Sign of the Times or even the solid pop effort of Diamonds and Pearls-it is more of an average album where Prince plays the role of libidinous funkster. There are several standout songs including the mature "Sho-Bed-Ooh" and the hidden track "Wasted Kisses". If you like Prince and 70's funk with a 90's twist check this disc out. Guest musicians on this disc include Doug E. Fresh , Chaka Khan and Larry Graham. Final Tally- 80%

Daze-Super Heroes(Columbia Records) Dazzling happy-happy pop from Denmark's biggest band. This album is so catchy that even Bill Buckner can pick up the tunes .Standout cuts include the single "Superhero", "Together Forever (The Cyber Pet Song)" and "Call Girl". This album is not recommended for Diabetics-it's saccharin level is deafening. Imagine an even happier Ace of Base. Final Tally-55%

bedside toxicology- ogre-atkins- (Invisible Records) This collaboration between former Killing Joke/Ministry drummer-Invisible records head Martin Atkins and x-Skinny Puppy dude Ogre is an odd assortment of originals and covers(they take on Petula Clark's "Downtown"). If you like harder industrial -Ministry, Godflesh, Marilyn Manson you will not enjoy this disc. The cover of "Downtown" is sort of funny but not needed- still the funniest industrial covers are Bi-God 20's version of Madonna's "Like A Prayer" and the whacked out version of "Good Vibrations" by Fleshhouse. The "Crackhead Waltz" sounds like it was conceived and recorded by crack heads. This album reminds me of acid tripped out Pink Floyd with Syd Barrett meeting Bauhuas. If you like the weirder less direct Skinny Puppy songs you may enjoy this album. "Idle Contact" is the most upbeat song on this album. Other highlights include "And When" and "The Daze". Final Tally-63%

Dennis Miller -Ranting Again-3 disc set (BBD Audio) The thinking man's comedian (with apologies to Bill Mahrer) is back with even more rants. Unlike his first set of tirades he refers to as rants Miller has discovered that being mad without funny is just annoying. But being angry and clever and witty and sarcastic is the way to go. The walking Thesaurus of pop culture scores with a consistently funny 3 disc reading of his latest bestseller. If you liked him on SNL news or you like his HBO show you will enjoy these comedy stylings by the sardonic Miller. Final Tally - 89%

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