
Leonardo DaVinci

What do these two men have in common? That's right!!
They are both famous artists!

Leonardo DaVinci is most famous for his paintings of "The Last Supper" and the "Mona Lisa"

Michelangelo created the deeply moving ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Look closely at their works below.

Note the brilliance of the reds and maroons, the radiant "glow" of the golds?
Even today, 488 years after he completed the Sistine Chapel ceiling, Michelangelo still amazes us with his dedication and love that he put into this project,a project that took him 3 years to complete.
The "Mona Lisa" is perhaps the most famous painting in the world.
Leonardo DaVinci has managed to capture all that is mysterious and beautiful in a woman. With a tender smile on her face, the "Mona Lisa" has enthralled admirers since the 1500's.
Other famous people who have contributed to society are:
Yves St. Laurent (clothing designer)
Svend Robinson (Member of Canadian Parliament)
Siegfreid & Roy (wild animal entertainers)
Joan Biaz (singer)
David Bowie (singer and actor)
Virginia Woolf (British writer and publisher)
Ellen Degeneris (actress)
Martina Navratilova (tennis champion)
Hadrian (Roman conqueror and builder of Hadrian's Wall, England 76-138 a.d.)
Richard the Lion Hearted (English king and crusader, 1157-1199)
Peter The Great (Russian Czar, 1672-1725)
Hans Christian Anderson (Danish poet and writer, 1805-1875)

There are thousands of people throughout history who have contributed in a positive and lasting manner to society, and they all had the same thing in common.

When you looked at the paintings by Michelangelo and DaVinci, what did you see? Did you see the person who created them, or did you see the beauty of the art?

If you are a "normal" person, you were too busy reading what I had written about the paintings, and looking for what I had said in the paintings,( the brilliance of the reds..the tender smile on her face...) to even think about the artist.

Well, that is they way things should be looked at.
We should be looking at how a person contributes positively to society. How do they conduct themselves in relation to the laws of the land? Are they a good person? (meaning law abiding, kind and considerate of other peoples feelings).

Did you know that Michelangelo, and DaVinci were Gay?
Did you know that every person I listed above is either Gay or Lesbian? Yet it doesn't stop you from enjoying their work, does it?

Would you refuse free tickets to go and see Siegfreid & Roy, a complete first edition of Hans Christian Anderson, or a whole free wardrobe from Yves St. Laurent, just because they were gay?
No, probably not. Because you admire their talent, and enjoy what they have achieved. You do not shun them.

If Ellen Degeneris or David Bowie were to strike up a conversation with you at a restaurant, would you turn your head and walk away. I bet you wouldn't. You would stay and listen, and go home and brag about who you met today!! You probably wouldn't even mention the fact that they were gay, right? Because it had nothing to do with who they are.

Why then, do people openly shun, torment and torture people that they do not even know, saying that it's because they are "Gay"? They are no different than you or I. Would you ridicule a person who was physically disabled, saying it's because they are "crippled"? I should think not.

The only difference between a homosexual and a heterosexual is the gender of their partners.

What business is it of yours if Joe Bloe down the street sleeps with his wife or his secretary? It isn't your business at all, so why then should you make it your business if Joe Bloe is sleeping with Jack or Bob, or if Jane Doe is sleeping with Janet or Megan?

Once the world stops and realizes that it is not their business who people are sexually attracted to, unless it is your husband, wife or lover they are with, then things may get a little better.

If Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transgendered citizens are not infringing upon your rights, why then, should you have the right to infringe upon theirs?

This site has been set up to tell the story of one such person, a young man who is gay, and has had his rights taken away from him. His right to freedom, to walk about his town openly, his right to an education, free from harassment, and his right to freedom of sexual expression have all been taken away from him.

He cannot attend school for fear of ridicule, beatings and torment. He cannot walk down the street alone.

He has been reduced to living in his home, with little or no friendship, except for what he can get over the internet.

His family has been emotionally abused and shunned by their fellow townsmen, his mother was even spit upon by local youths!!

This is Tim's story.....

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