Educational Links

Here you will find articles written by, about and for gays and lesbians, and also links that will help to answer any questions that you may have about the gay and lesbian societies.

You will learn about the myths and the truths.
You will share their hopes and fears, their laughter and their tears.
Hopefully, you will come to know that these people are just as deserving of your friendship as the next person.

It is up to you, as a people, to be informed, and educated regarding any matters in today's society, and that is why this page has been set up.

Due to the subject matter, some of the links are not appropriate for young children.
It is up to the guardians of minor children to monitor their children's activities on the Internet.

If you know of any links, or articles of interest, please submit them to Friends Of Tim

Rights and Freedoms
Marc is a grade 12 honours student in a small town in Ontario, Canada. His school prom is coming up soon and he would like to attend with his date. The problem? Marc is gay and the date is his boyfriend. The Principal of the Catholic school that he attends says that is against the school board policy to let a gay student attend prom with his boyfriend. Please visit Marc's site and support his cause...a cause that may well set a precedance for the rights and freedoms of all GLBT youth of Canada.

GLSEN: Teaching respect for all in our schoolsAdvocate: The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine Internet site.
PlanetOut: A mix of news, education, current eventsGayAmerica: A wealth of information.
Check out the Teens and Resources pages


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