News Articles

Teen sues district for not intervening
By The Tribune-Review
Regional News - June 23, 2000

A northwestern Pennsylavanian teen-ager is suing a school district for failing to intervene with anti-gay harassment he said drove him to try to commit suicide. Timothy Dahle, 17, and his parents, Ronald and Diane Dahle, of Titusville, this month sued the Titusville School District in Crawford County alleging that it failed to put a stop to harassment that started when the boy was in sixth grade. The lawsuit says Dahle realized he was gay or bisexual when he was in sixth grade. He claimed that since that time he was subjected to name-calling, obscene jokes and physical assaults. Dahle said in the lawsuit that he reported the harassment to school administrators, but no one did anything to help. "I know our small rural community is not the only place this is going on," Diane Dahle said. "It is happening everywhere across the United States. We want to change things for these children." Titusville Superintendant Ken Winger declined comment on the allegation.

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