I'm trying to update the site so please check in with me :o) January 17, 2002 the whole ordeal is over.

We settled out of court. The judge told our lawyers that if they tried the case in court, that "they" (meaning the school board) would have lost big time. A quote from the Washington Blade states School district attorney James T. Marnen said the school settled because if the case went to trial and the district lost, a jury award could have approached $1 million." The judge also told our lawyers that in all his cases he has had, this is the first case that he did not seal the case.

I still have to go and sign more documents, but after that I will be able to tell more about the case. Please check back soon, and I will keep you posted.

I want to take this time now and thank everyone that has been there to support me in the past, and I hope that this site will help others in need.

P.S. If you want to see what other�s have written about the case please check on the links below.
Don't forget to read all the "new" stories on the News Articles page too.

This deals with the ending of the lawsuit
The story at the Washington Blade
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