
Tibet is the highest region on Earth and is called "the roof of the world." Tibet borders China and India. People in Tibet believe in Buddhism and on February 24, 2001, the Tibetan people celebrated the Tibetan New Year which is called Losar. To celebrate, the people use coloured powder and draw beautiful Mandalas.

Buddhists say that their tradition is made up of three parts called the Three Jewels. These are the Buddha, dharma or teachings; and the sangha or religious community which is made up of monks, nuns and every day followers.

The Chinese are still trying claim Tibet to take over the territory. Tibetans believe they should live in peace but they are still struggling with the Chinese who are disrupting their way of life . The Chinese don’t care about the Tibetans, their religion of what they believe in and have killed so many people in Tibet. This is horrible and should be stopped. Everyone deserves to live a peaceful life.

By: Priya VaidyaJ

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