Bear Jones
Guardians of Gaia
Meet the Guardians
Contact Info
Razors Edge
Name: Bear Jones
Age: 22
Eyes: Light brown
Hair: Dark brown
Height: 6'3"
Belief: Eastern
Element: Earth
Appearance: Bear is a native american. He has a natural tan and has fair features. He has no facial hair since it's pretty hard for him to grow any to begin with! lol. His muscles are toned and defined, but not bulgy. It's basically natural strength. He's not the typical indian tho. He wears normal clothes since he grew up in the city. His hair is pretty much cut short, but is swept back, giving it that kinda spiked back look. He does, however, wear arm bands that his grandmother made for him. On each arm band is a raven's feather.
History: Bear grew up in the city, but was always taught the native american way. His entire family is native america. When he started to grow older, he always had these weird dreams. When he told his parents, they knew what it meant, but never told him. That kinda sent him into a frenzy and his elemental powers erupted. The earth around him shuddered and erupted all about, causing a mini-earthquake. His skin turned rock hard and his hair took to the liking of rock spikes. He looked at himself and knew what had happened. His dreams all came clearer now. He told his then girlfriend that he couldn't be with her because he was a freak and he might end up hurting her. He only realized what a mistake that was, and now only devotes his life to finding other elementals like himself to help protect the child.
RPG Addicts Anon
Goal: To protect Gaia
Girlfriend: Jade
Alies: Western & Eastern Elementals
Enemies: Corrupted Elementals & Shadows
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