Lexis Steele
Guardians of Gaia
Meeting the Guardians
Contact Info
Name: Lexis Steele
Age: 18
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Blue
Height: 5'10"
Belief: Eastern
Element: Metal
Appearance: Lex isnt a small girl, she is tall & powerful, yet moves quite gracefuly. She has a face full of metal, & metal chains that she never takes off. Lex is a bit... well odd, one night she is at a rave, the next at a death metal show.. and her personaly matches that pattern as well
History: An orphen, Lex has spent her life bounching from one place to another trying to fit... but always feeling different... 'till she met Kyle
Razors Edge
RPG Addicts Anon
Goal: To protect Gaia
Best Friend: Kyle
Alies: Western & Eastern Elementals
Enemies: Corrupted Elementals & Shadows
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