
Student Area


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"Culture is a response to nature, a rejoinder; it is the amen to nature's prayer."
                         - Lionel Basney,
                           An Earth Careful Way of Life


  We, as the caretakers of this earth need to think of culture as a response to nature. As humans, we tend to think of the world as a backdrop to our lives, when really, it is an ingredient in them. We know we cannot live without the earth, but  how often do we stop and think about how our everyday lives affect the planet? And how often do we change our ways if we do? It is essential that we learn how to live in a balance with the world we have been given. This site is being created to act as a starting point. It will include information on current environmental and social issues, tips for living with not against the earth, as well as links to helpful sites, and a special area for kids.

Current Issues

Earth Friendly Lifestyle

Site Map

Student Area


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