György MAILÁTH (1818 - 1883)


Father: György Mailáth
Mother: Karolina Uzovits de Petőfalva *1793+1856


Son: Gusztav Károly, György, István Geza, József, László
Daughters: Etelka *1853+1936 married Ede Marquess de Pallavicini, Sarolta


Sister: Caroline (Karolina); Mária *1817+1901; Julianna +1896
Wife: Baroness Stephanie Hilleprand de Prandau *1831+1914


Names: György Mailáth
Born: 3 December 1818
Place: historical Hungarian county of Pozsony (now Slovakia)
Died: 29 March 1883 in Buda, Hungary


Mail: [email protected]


György Mailáth (1818-1883)
Mailáth György a
Knight of the Golden Fleece was Lord Chief Justice, the leader/speaker of the Upper House, and a member of the governing body of the Hungarian Academy of Science.


Baranya CountyHe inherited his father's and grandfather's Baranya County Coat of Armsintellect and strong, stable personality. By 1839, in his 21st. year he was a parliamentary representative of Baranya county.

After this he was appointed as the first Vice Lord Lieutenant of Baranya county until 1843-44 when he became the parliamentary representative of Baranya county once more. In 1847 he was elected Lord Lieutenant of that county.

Dress belonging to Baroness Stefánia Hilleprand-Prandau



His wife, Baroness Stefánia Hilleprand-Prandau, wore this ornate dress in 1867 at the coronation of the Austrian Emperor Franz Josef. (The Hungarian National Museum)

Count Mailáth György's residence was in Zavar, Pozsony county Hungary, which is now Zavar, Slovakia.

Count Mailáth György's residence in Zavar, Pozsony, Hungary

He was murdered in Buda, Hungary in 1883 and was buried in the family crypt at Zavar (lower right on map below) not far from Nagyszombat (now called Trnava, Slovakia).

Pozsony County Coat of Arms Nagyszombat in Pozsony county of historical Hungary

See La Confrérie Amicale de la Toison d'Or for those interested in the Order of the Golden Fleece, which is working to preserve its history and further the aims of the Order in bringing the peoples of mankind together for the common good. See the Insignia of the Golden Fleece

Last updated 27 January 2000 by T. Majlath.([email protected])

Picture of György Mailáth kindly supplied by Joseph Mailáth.([email protected])

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