Anarchy is the rejection of all law outside of self. "Self" becomes the source of "law". Anarchy refuses to be bound by any law or any authority outside their own selves. This is a concept implied in such phrases as the "autonomous mind of man". auto is a Greek word meaning "self", and nomos means "law". "Autonomous" means basically man "as a law unto himself", without any restrictions of Absolutes to "bind" him. Unregenerate man seeks to keep his "autonomy" and deny Divine Absolutes; in extreme cases, perhaps even G-d Himself. All this is because man seeks to be "sovereign".

Having denied "the constrictions of absolutes" as law, autonomous thinking sets the stage for lawlessness and anarchy. The fruit of Humanism is just such anarchy because "autonomous man", ever-seeking to "prove his autonomy" will defy any perceived restrictions of morality or law that stands in the way of what he calls "personal freedom" or "self-actualization". Even political or material benefit may play a part in his rejection of Absolutes; particularly the Bible, Christianity. He may even go so far as to deny or lessen the Sovereignty of our L-rd Jesus Christ as the Sole Way of Salvation in attempting to achieve a Humanistic goal or "peace".


Anarchy proclaims "liberty in love".[1] In excersizing "love" they "feel" they are now "free from bondage".[2] "Free Love is Freedom". They are also free to "love everyone" to also "set them free" with their "Liberty of Love".

To the anarchist, "love is the Higher Way". He also seeks to set "love" free from True law and Justice. Perfection itself, he says, is found in "Free Love"; with "self" the intended object.

Because the anarchist has already rejected True Justice (substituting his own arbitrary "feelings" of "justice" instead), he will also sooner of later reject "Love" also as a binding law on him. Even "Love" itself cannot be a permanent "law" for the anarchist because of changing circumstances that will cause him to reject it also out of necessity. He cannot be bound by law, "laws are made to be broken" as well as Covenants, Promises, Oaths and Vows except that which suits "self" at any given point in time. The "self" is then exalted as "law", and True Perfection is Ultimately "Faith in Self", "self-confidence", "self promotion", "self-actualization", "self image", etc.[3] The essence of pride.


"Love", to an anarchist, is only the first step to this "freedom". Love does not carry a true Necessity, for Love also can be sacrificed and broken, just as any other "law" if it ever comes to stand in the way of "self". If "Love" restricts "freedom" or becomes "restricting" in any way, he will break Love also. The anarchist will not be bound or restricted. What today is "free love" or even "True Love" can tomorrow become Free Hatred, Betrayal and Contempt depending on how the anarchist views any situation from the perspective of "self as law" and his own prideful dominance.

Anarchists can also gather together and reject "True Love" itself if they all agree as to "self-law".


"The Love Gospel" desires to exclude G-ds' Justice and Judgment from Love, by proclaiming No Law But Love. In this, man establishes "self" as all law depending on how he "feels" about his "freedom" at the moment.


The human heart cannot be trusted.

The heart is deceitful above all things; and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9

Human Love makes the anarchists' heart "feel" good and titillates the flesh of unregenerate autonomous man, who seeks to rid G-ds' Love from all Justice and Judgment, making Love Superior to Justice, and have his own heart be "law". In the "name of love" he will break all manner of Promises, Vows and Covenants and reject any authority that stands in the way of "self". An anarchist-type seeks total autonomy as "total freedom", and will sometimes sacrifice True Love to gain their "freedom". This has Humanistic roots.


G-d has Laws (I John 3:4). Every "god" imaginable has "laws" as well. You can tell who a persons' G-d is by which Law they follow. The anarchist has "self" as "law". Therefore, the anarchist sets up "self" as his own "god" (or) "goddess" whichever the case may be. As a case in point, Feminism is a perfect example of anarchists (sometimes even "religious anarchists") in action.

Making "self" their "law" they therefore in actuality make themselves "goddesses" and are antiChrist.

Such persons as Elton John sing, "Can you feel the love", and Boy George, "I just want to be loved by you", extolling "love" but refusing to recognize the Justice of Romans Chapter One.

The consummate anarchist may have been Rimbaud.[4]

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[1]Scripture says the "in the Spirit of the L-rd there is Liberty" (II Corinthians 3:17). The Spirit of the L-rd also includes G-ds' Law (I John 3:4), however. His Justice is also included with His Love because All of G-ds' Attributes are a Unity; as "One G-d". None higher or lower.

[2]Being "Free from the Law" (Romans 8:2) also means to not break G-ds' Law. His Justice was Satisfied at the cross, but Justice is also not excluded as One of His Attributes. Being "Free from the Law" does not mean we can break the Law, but rather that we are above the Law as long as we are in Fellowship, and do not establish a lifestyle of sin by breaking Covenants, Promises, Vows, or try to set up "self" as "law" denying His Sovereignty.

Covenant-breaking is a serious sin, and the Law does Judge it. Romans 1:31.

[3]This can also become the "self-atonement" of Masochism.

[4]Arthur Rimbaud was a debauched homosexual anarchist who actively sought to destroy all law. He wrote of himself that he on at least one occasion staggered home drunk, defocating all over himself and was not bothered by it. To Rimbaud, this was an anarchists' victory over all.

"His life of debauch was for him one long martyrdom (see Masochism; above), but a martyrdom giving him all the ecstatic joys of a religious martyrdom, and to reach this sublime condition, he was willing to sacrifice dignity, health and purity." (Starkie).


Rushdoony, Rousas J. The Politics of Guilt and Pity. Fairfax, Virginia. Thomson Press. 1978.

Starkie, Enid. Arthur Rimbaud. New York. New Directions. 1961.

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