The Application of the Word of G-d to Experience and its' Interpretation can be divided into three categories:

"Religiousness", "Religious Experience" and Direct Truth


This can identified by the sole focus on the "outward observance" of "religiousness" [1], the "religious trappings" or displays, or perhaps "religious pictures" which man might consider sufficient for "religiousness". As long as one outwardly keeps some religiousness, it is considered "good" in the eyes of man. Mere Church attendance or donating money may be two other examples. Some of these things may not be wrong in themselves, but are not to be done for just for show, solely for mans' approval.


In this approach, the individual is directed toward a "religious experience" or series of "experiences" as being the proper "observance". This can include many areas but is characterized mainly by what the individual "feels". In this interpretation, emotions are everything, and if the emotions are lessened or absent, the person "feels" as though they are possibly no longer Saved, or perhaps no longer operating in G-ds' Will for their lives. Sometimes persons may be "monitored" by other group members enquiring about the correct "feelings".


The last approach is as Direct Truth. This means that the Word of G-d is applied Directly to the individuals' Experience as Truth itself. That the Words in the Bible are for today and are to be Applied Directly by Faith alone. The Word of G-d Itself has Life and in the Application of the Word and Its' Promises, the Will of G-d is Directly worked-out in our lives. This means that the Word of G-d is the Ultimate Authority.


In the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31 ff., Hebrews 8:8,9), the first two examples; "religiousness" and "religious experience", can become over-emphasized to the EXCLUSION of the Application of the Word of G-d Directly in an individuals' Spiritual life and the Kingdom of G-d in our hearts. G-d Speaks to us through His Word Directly.

In other words; among certain groups, either a certain amount of "religiousness" or the "religious experiences" are considered to be the fulfillment of their obligation. Because of this, following the Scriptures and the interpretation of the Scriptures can be affected. The first two examples, if focused on to the exclusion of the most important (the third or Direct Truth) we consider to be incorrect. The Bible is the Sole Authority, and not "religiousness" or our "feelings".


The problem comes when the Direct Application is rejected or ignored in favor of either "religiousness" or "religious experience". Some go so far as to force interpretations UPON Scripture to make it agree with one or both. The entrance of Humanistic Elements [2], into Scriptural Application and Interpretation is the actual problem.

Scripture interprets Scripture; and should not be superceded by either "religiousness" or "feelings". Those who twist Scripture sometimes use either "religiousness" or "feelings" to alter the interpretation producing that which is not found. This can lead to error.

By the Application of Direct Truth, on the other hand, everything can be set in order. There should be no Humanistic Elements added to Faith.

The Object of the entire Bible is to bring the Believer into His Kingdom. The "religiousness" approach can lead to an external observance without the inner reality. The "religious experience" or merely an "emotional" observance can lead to an attempted interior observance without the external reality. The Application of Direct Truth works to bring the Believer into His Kingdom Reality NOW.


[1] This is not to suggest that all tradition is wrong. The Application of "the Schoolmaster" for example (Galatians 3:24). The purpose of the Torah (G-ds' Law), is to bring us to Yeshua (Jesus). It is also judges sin (I John 3:4). The Torah is not The Inheritance however, because The Inheritance is by Promise (Galatians 3:18), which again points us to Yeshua who Fulfilled The Promise.

[2] One such example might be a "requirement" made by some group that an individual believer "speak in tongues" or they are "not Saved". This would constitute the introduction of a Humanistic element into Salvation. Salvation is the result of Christs' finished Work on the cross, which is the Work of G-d alone with no Humanistic elements added to Grace. G-d Gives us the Faith to believe. Ephesians 2:8,9 Further, the focus is to be on His Kingdom. Prophecies and Spiritual Gifts are not the Kingdom, but were Given to point and guide to it. Some focus solely on the Gifts instead of the Kingdom. This should not be.

See our research on Understanding Humanism

Further, the entire Purpose of the Gospel and Evangelism is to Direct the individual toward the Kingdom of G-d NOW. All the New Testament so Directs the Believer. The Kingdom of G-d is "that which is Perfect", and so "tongues...will cease" (I Corinthians 13:8) because what has been Sought has been Found.

Go here for The Kingdom of G-d


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