There is a tyranny today. It has crept into our institutions and into our schools and universities almost undetected. It pervades all our society from our professional class all the way into every part of the culture.

It masquerades as "good" but is secretly tyrannical and uses totalitarian methods against all who may dare oppose its' order.

It is not a new tyranny, but has been used and can be traced to past generations.

What is this tyranny?

It is the tyranny of Autonomous Thought Paradigms that exert themselves over everything else divorced from their original G-dly roots that gave validity to them.


Since the Model of the Mathematical-Technological Paradigm is the one we most often come into contact with today, we will begin with it first.

First, there comes some "breakthrough" that establishes a theory, point of view or law which gains some degree of "universal acceptance". Let us take the discoveries of Galileo and Newton for example. Their discoveries and theories become elevated to "sacrosanct" as it were.


From that point, the environment in which these ideas were conceived is not deemed particularly relevant.[1] The environment then is jettisoned, removed, and only the idea or concept moves forward which takes on "a life of its' own" so to speak.

Then, the idea itself quickly becomes its' own Absolute, quietly and coonveniently divorced from its' G-dly roots. This is something the discoverers had never intended!


Having ignored the relevance of the True G-dly environment in which these ideas were conceived, and the Faith of the men as well, it becomes a very short step to deny altogether the relevance of any G-dly roots.

Then, the idea (divorced from any concept of G-d or His Ordered Universe) is "taken over" by forces which can be hostile TO G-d and used as their "autonomous reality" completely against His Purposes!


This is where the tyranny of ungody forces takes over and declares that the idea or concept alone is what is relevant, and the True G-d is not.

Not only is not, but should never be!

Do we see this outright theft and trickery?

But this is not the end of it! They then by using all means necessary (including totalitarian methods) and even the law, actively seek to silence all opposition: academic and otherwise.


All of the believers thinking has to be Biblically-based. This is a given.

In todays' culture we are told that certain "absolutes" prevail. Two of them are "mathematics and science". We are told that all things relate somehow structurally to the "Mathematical-Scientific Model" and are referred to what has become known as:

The Galilean-Newtonian Mathematical Model of Empirical Reality.

We are told in no uncertain terms from tne Halls of Academe outwardly that these principles are "as the core and substance of all knowledge". They then attempt to exalt them as our realite nouveau, with certain "additions".[2]

The ideas themselves however are something entirely different than when they were originally presented centuries ago by G-dly men with a Biblical understanding! The discoverers had never intended their ideas to be put to such idolatrous purposes!

By these simple steps, this is how they have stolen our Biblical Heritage right out from under most believers' noses!

In its' place, they have substituted the Humanistic Model while people hardly have noticed.

It is far past time for G-ds' people to realize this.

More Following Soon!


� Copyright 2001 People of G-d, Messianic Ministries, Inc. No reproduction or redistribution without the Prior Written Consent and Approval of People of G-d.

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[1]Both Galileo and Newton were very strong believers in Yeshua (Jesus). Newton was of the Reformation. They both gave all the Glory to Him for their discoveries. This realite actuelle is systematically avoided by todays' Humanists.

[2]With all of the emphasis on the "Space-Time Continuim": space as "infinity" becomes a "divine concept" with the Space Model (headed-up by Newtonianism) amd the Time Model (headed-up by Darwinism).


Berthoud, Jean-Marc. "A Letter". Chalcedon Report. Vallecito, California. Calaveras Press. October 1995.

Dooyeweerd, Herman.

Schaeffer, Francis. How Shall We Then Live?. Video Series.

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