The Five Canons of Classical Discourse or, Classical Rhetoric

The Five Canons of Classical Discourse, or Classical Rhetoric

The 5 Canons in Greek (and Latin)

English Meaning

Use in Developing a Classical Argument 



Introducing types of arguments to support a view

The main subjests were topoi (Latin loci ), "special" & "common":

Common topoi:

  • definition
  • relationship (cause and effect)
  • comparison
  • circumstance (possible or impossible)
  • preliminary testimony

Audience Analysis and beginning Argument. Development and Analysis



Arrangement of Argument, Thesis presented over against Antithesis



Classified as:

  • low (plain)
  • middle
  • high (florid)

Presentation determined by Aim of Argument

Style used, Further development of Thesis and Antithesis. Or: HERMENEIA (PHRASIS) Detailed Exposition, Exegesis.



Argument Design
used for final Development of Thesis and Antithesis



Use of authoritative sources. Final Evidence: Thesis Proved, Antithesis Disproved, Fallacies Refuted. Conclusion which Establishes Objective Truth as am Absolute and True Resolution.


It is very important for the Believer to understand this Classical System because it is still very much in use today, but many times, not by the ones who should be using it. This is the System that was developed centuries ago for determining Truth. It is taught in some form in colleges and universities, but in an even less complete form at the lower levels as a rule.


This is the root system by means of which the Greek culture conquered the world so-to-speak. The Truth behind it accomplished this. This System can be found used in Classical debate. Every Classical Argument contained these Principles. It was developed over many centuries and is found in Greek thinking, but actually is a procuct of the Old Testament Scriptures. See Isaiah 1:18-31 for exanple.


The Apostle Paul was very well-educated and knew this System very well. It was this System that he used on Mars Hill to present the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) to the Greeks there because it was a System they all understood, and Paul was a genius who was himself expert at it. Let us examine Pauls' usage of this System from Acts 17: 22-31.

I. INVENTIO (HEURESIS): Paul addresses his Audience. 17:22a.

II. DISPOSITO (TAXIS): Paul presents his beginning Arrangement, Thesis and Antithesis. verse 22b.

III. ELOCUTIO (LEXIS) or HERMENEIA (PHRASIS): Paul presents his Style. Thesis and Antithesis further developed. verse 23.

IV. PRONUNTIATIO (HYPOKRISIS): Paul develops his Delivery. verses 24-28. Final presentation of Thesis vs. Antithesis before Closing. See especially verse 28b where Paul cites a Greek poet to further his Argument.

V. MEMORIA (MOEME): Paul presents his Final Evidence and Conclusion. Thesis Proved, Antithesis Disproved, Establishing Objective Truth and True Resolution. verses 29-31.

In verse 34 we see the results of Pauls' use of the 5 Canons of Classical Discourse on his Audience. Dionysus the Areopogite, a woman named Damaris and "many others" "clave" to Paul.

All the 5 Canons of Classical Discourse are found in Pauls' witness on Mars' Hill.[1] We ask: Should Believers then not use it as well? They already did. This System was used to defeat every idea that opposed Christianity.


Augustine, before he was Saved, established his own successful School of Rhetoric that used this foundational system. After Augustine was Saved, he employed the Full System as well to debate the pagans of his day and refute their arguments using the System they themselves understood and considered authoritative.


The works of Philo also used this same Full System to communicate Old Testament Truths to the Greek thinking population and demonstrate that the foundations of this System were founded actually upon Old Testament Principles.

Martin Luther used this System in Bondage of the Will.

Lex Rex uses this System.

Jonathan Edwards used this System in Veritas Redux.

Hume used this System.


The students of the ancient world were introduced to the full System of Classical Discourse early-on. In the ancient world, only a "select few"; priviledged, wealthy and brilliant were well-Educated. The rest "got a regular day job". This continued the Class Structure. Today also, unless you were priviledged to receive an excellent Classical Education, you will most likely never have heard of it, yet, it is still used in some form.[2]

This System is the basis for Higher Criticism and Advanced Scholarship used many times by those at the Ph.D. level. It is highly organized, and gives an "automatic edge" to those that use it in its fullest form. It can give the appearance of arguments being irrefutable. Even unbelievers' arguments may appear irrefutable if they use this System. If the Believer is not informed about the Full System and how it is to be properly used, they can believe themselves overwhelmed, not knowing what Full System is being used against them.

High School students in early America were taught this Full System but are no longer. The foundations of Anglo-Saxon Law and fundamental Jurisprudence contain this System.[3]


The Clessical System of Determinig Truth, fully accepted in Western Civilization and early American schools, was disregarded with the presentation of the Hegelian Dialectic. Hegel taught that the former idea of "A" and "-A" (The Thesis and the Antithesis) could be combined into a "shade of grey" called a Synthesis. This basically threw the entire Classical idea of determining Truth and Error out the window and opened the door to anything one wanted to place there as a "Synthesis".

In this way, Hegel essentially said, "There are no Absolutes", but all thought could be considered in a sense "Evolutionary".[4] This permitted the full entrance of Humanism, and Darwins' theory of "The Survival of the Fittest" was given full credibility. This brought on Karl Mannheim and all the rest who rejected even Divine Faith as an Absolute.

Anyone that accepts the Hegelian Dialectic simply agrees to surrender the possiblitiy of any Absolute except "Change". All becomes "Relative" and Amoral which leads to the idea that we live in a meaningless Universe. The Hegelian "Synthesis" has produced "synthetic absolutes" which have led directly to the ideas behind "establishing a secular society".


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[1]The fact that Paul used the Greek Classical System of Discourse to present the Gospel brings for the charge by those that insist that the New Testament is void of "Jewish roots" and that Paul himself was a "Hellenizer". The charge is without merit for as we all know, Philo and many other Jews also used the same System.

[2]Foolish persons today who say they reject all "Greek, Hellenized thinking" had better mail their diplomas back to the institution from which they received them! The very methods the ignorant ones most times use to construct their arguments against "Greek Hellenization" are themselves based on the Greek thinking they are condemning! Their whole argument is invalid from the start.

But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. I Corinthians 14:38

Education today is itself based on this System in some form although they may not be inclined to admit it, or even be fully aware of it.

[3]Only the brilliant and the upper classes in the ancient world were taught this Full System and received a good education.

Today, the general educational system does not reveal what it once did to High School students in early America. The result is a "dumbing down" of the students and the population who are awarded a "high school diploma" without the Full System being revealed to them. Even at the Universtity level in some cases this is also true. Only a "select few" are taught it. For example, a simple University student may be thrown a mass of literature to read, analyze and categorize and not be given the tools by which that literature can be analyzed as it always was in earlier times.

The Full System may be given only later to a seeming "select few" and therefore is hidden from the rest.

Can this System based on common sense principles be used by Believers to refute the Humanistic arguments of those that use it? Absolutely. The Fallacies of Humanism can be clearly revealed and refuted by it. Just as the Apostle Paul and Augustine did. But if it is only taught to a "select" or "priviledged few" those "select few" are only able to now use it. And it is being actively used against the Bible.

The usual substitute provided at the lower levels is based on Psychology, Sociology or even a "politically correct" agenda in some cases, such as Feminism. A Good Education in its Classical sense is generally not ever provided.

This in no way is suggesting that the entirety of Greek thought should be accepted. This System however, can be useful if properly used.

[4]It is important to understand that the only thing that the Hegelian Dialectic provides is a synopsis of the failure of Humanism down through the centuries to arrive at a True Absolute by using mans' autonomous thought. That is all ist really does, and in that is why it is accepted. It admits the failure of Humanism.

Does the Hegelian Dialectic actually refute the Classical System? No it does not. It simply refuses to admit on some level that any Absolutes exist except its own method for determining "truth"!


Augustine, Aurelius. City of God.

Downes, Stephen. List of Logical Fallacies.

Hume, David.

Mannheim, Karl. Ideology and Utopia. New York. Harvest. 1936.

Marsdon, George M. The Outrageous Idea of Christian Scholarship. Oxford University Press.

Philo of Alexandria. Complete Works.

Rutherford, Reverend Samuel. Lex Rex. 1641.

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