Those that are most inquisitive concerning the secret things which belong not to them are most easily imposed upon by seducers. II Thessalonians 2:3...Seducers are more dangerous enemies to the Church than persecutors. (Matthew Henry)


Today we may hear quite a bit about "The Rapture"[1], but very few are told of the different interpretations of Scripture concerning this subject. A very popular one in the world today is known as "the Darby Rapture" which only originated about 1830. It was basically unknown before that time.

"The Darby Rapture" is an interpretation of I Thessalonians 4:15-17 which stands in opposition to the Protestant Confessions of Faith. The Protestant Confessions say that Yeshua will returm One Time for Eternal Judgment. Darby said no, he will return two times. Two times to "make room" for "other events" which Darby insisted had to transpire as he said they had not actually happened. That is the difference. Once again, students are not informed of this, neither are they told that not only John Darby, but all the founders of this "new interpretation", to a man, openly despised the Accepted Protestant Confessions. Darby was a member of a sect known as the Plymouth Brethren. He rose to great power and influence using the Brethren as his base. They have had several major schisms since.

"The Darby Rapture" based completely on "Darbyism" has become a very "popular" doctrine in our own day and age and many books have been written and several movies made about it. But shouldn't we ask ourselves, what are the origins of this doctrine? Is it truly Biblical? If so, where is it found exactly? This will take some scrutiny from the original Greek of the New Testament so please bear with us. Let us examine it from an historical standpoint and from the Scriptures themselves.

We place before you only the facts concerning the origins and development of this doctrine that have been verified after lengthy research. This page is not intended to offend.


The earliest roots of the Dispensational doctrine are based on the Futurist predictions of one Francisco Ribera. Francisco Ribera was a Jesuit Roman Catholic priest working for the Roman church actively attempting to discredit the Protestant Reformations' teachings regarding the pope. He produced his "papally approved" interpretation about 1640.

Riberas' interpretation did not openly appear in Protestant Churches until the 1830's. John Nelson Darby took Riberas' teaching and combined it with a few other things and developed his own "new" interpretation of I Thessalonians 4:15-17.


Matthew Henry did use the term "rapture" in his Commentary on I Thessalonians Chapter 4 (3) before Dispensationalism "stole" the term and applied a different meaning altogether. Darby took the word "rapture" and built a whole other teaching upon it: two returns of Jesus and not one as the Protestant Confessions all say.

Darby said that Jesus would "delay" His coming for Eternal Judgment by at least 1,007 years.


But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming... Matthew 24:48a

They claim a "delay" because "Gods' clock has stopped" for their "Church Age". The "70th week of Daniel has been delayed" they say until the "Church Age" is completed.

In Matthew 24:15 Yeshua clearly identifies as false teachers any that would say there was "delay" to Daniels' Prophecies! Yet these very same keep saying that Daniels' Prophecies are "delayed"? Yeshua perfectly identified the passages that certain ones would use in the future to justify "delay" didn't He? Yes, because Daniel is the very Book they all use to maintain their "delay"!

Yeshua calls these persons "wicked".


The word is derived from the Latin rapere which means to be "swept up". What is being taught today however as "The Darby Rapture" bears no resemblance whatsoever to Matthew Henrys' "rapture" description. As a matter of fact, Matthew Henry says those that are "caught away", "inherit the Kingdom of God" (the Dispy "Millennium"). Matthew Henry says nothing about "waiting in the clouds" or the later return of Christ "after seven years" to avoid the Great Tribulation and defeat the "antichrist". Matthew Henrry agreed with the Protestant Confessions that the Return of Christ (once) would be the end of the world, period.


Later, another Jesuit priest by the name of Emmanuel Lacunza followed Riberas' teachings and added what has become known as "the rapture" to it. He then assumed the name of "Rabbi Ben Ezra" and disguised himself as a "converted Jewish rabbi" to gain the sympathies of unsuspecting Protestants! His book was published in Spanish in 1812, and using this guise, the book actually found its way into the library of the Archbishop of Canterbury!!! Go HERE for more.

In the mid-1800's, a certain John Nelson Darby appeared on the scene who added even more to all of this conglomeration.[2] The original roots of this doctrine (not containing Darbys' Rapture) came from the Jesuit Ribera in 1640.


As stated, Riberas' doctrine resurfaced in England in the 1830's. Several individuals of the Plymouth Brethren movement and the Powerscourt conferences then began vigorously promoting it. The main individuals' names were: Irving, Maitland, Burg and Darby.

John Maitland was the main person that most of them followed. He was a Roman Catholic and was preaching Riberas' doctrine to cause the Protestants to rejoin the Roman Catholic Church. He openly admitted this on numerous occasions.[3]


Darby openly admitted he was a follower of the Roman Catholic Maitland who sought to undermine Protestantism. Darby was the first to categorize this "two comings" teaching. He added to what the Jesuit Ribera had written and said that the Second Coming of Yeshua (Jesus) was not "final" (at the end of the world for Eternal Judgment), but would now occur two separate "times". To accomodate intervening events Jesus' Coming would be "delayed".


Darby put forward that Yeshua would come two separate and distinct times, not one. First: He would Come FOR the Church (which Darby called "The Rapture"), and then Second: (after Riberas' "seven year great tribulation"), WITH the Church to reign on earth.


To cause his doctrine to hold together, Darby boldly assigned certain distinct "times" to certain specific Greek words in the New Testament. These Greek words, Darby said, represented "specific time-designated events" in his new interpretation. They were as follows:

PAROUSIA: "presence" r "coming" To Darby, this was "The Rapture" which he said would occur BEFORE Riberas' "seven year great tribulation".

APOKALYPSIS (English: APOCALYPSE): "revealing" Darby said this word meant Yeshuas' Arrival AFTER Riberas' "seven year great tribulation".

EPIPHANEIA (English: EPIPHANY): "appearing" Darby said this also meant Yeshuas' Arrival AFTER Riberas' "seven year great tribulation".

Darby proclaimed his "system" correct based on the "time designations" he said were absolutely present in the New Testament Greek words above. Very few persons to whom Darby preached his "system" knew any Greek at all. They simply trusted Darby. Many were new believers who had no knowledge that Darby was teaching what went completely against the teachings of the Protestant Reformation, and what was not in Greek and not found in the Bible at all.


The doctrine of "the two separate comings" was simply called "Darbyism" for some time. The roots were identified with Darby. No one seemed to take "Darbyism" very seriously, so they gave it a more "scholarly name": "Dispensational Premillenialism". Later, Riberas' doctrine with Darbys' added "First of Two Comings Rapture" was put into categorized form in the "Scofield Reference Bible" by C.I. Scofield. Dispensationalism is the system of theology put forward in the notes of Scofields' bible.

Specific Greek New Testament words were used by Darby to introduce his doctrine of "The First of Two Comings Rapture" FOR the Church before Riberas' "great seven year tribulation" and the Second Coming WITH the Church after it.

Let us examine the main passage Darby used and see what we find.


The main passage used by Darby for "The First of Two Comings Rapture" doctrine was I Thessalonians 4:13-18. From this, he simply asserted that Yeshua must Personally "come back" TWICE. The first time he said was FOR the Church. In I Thessalonians 4:13-18 however, the word FOR is simply not found. In verse 14 we do find WITH, but not FOR the Church.[4]

Darby and later expositors of "The Rapture" doctrine routinely begin their exegesis in I Thessalonians 4 verse 15 and omit verse 14 that plainly says WITH which would create a problem with their exegesis, (so they routinely avoid verse 14). (see Footnote 1 above)


As stated, Darby emphasized the word "coming" (PAROUSIA), as the main point and it was UPON THIS WORD THAT DARBY BASED HIS RAPTURE THEORY by giving it (PAROUSIA) a specific "time designation" that he claimed meant his "Rapture" event.

Let us examine it more closely therefore.

PAROUSIA is defined in Arndt and Gingrichs' classic work, "Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and 0ther Early Christian Literature"; p. 635 as:

1.) "Presence"; 2.) "Coming or Advent".

In "Lexical Aids to the New Testament" from the Zodhiates "Hebrew-Greek Study Bible", PAROUSIA is defined as:

"present, presence, being present, coming to a place".


Serious questions arise because this same word "PAROUSIA" is also used in other passages such as I Thessalonians 3:13, concerning the Second Coming of Yeshua, AGAIN together with the word WITH, and not FOR the Church.

In other words, in the very passages where we would certainly expect to find Yeshua coming FOR the Church (and Darbys' "Rapture" doctrine could be easily verified and exhonorated) we have instead in each and every instance the OPPOSITE? Yeshua always coming WITH His Church?

Let us look at the other Greek words Darby assigned "time designations".


There are other Greek words used with reference to the Second Coming of Yeshua that had strict "time designations" interpretions for Darby. These words are usually assigned to Yeshuas' Coming AT THE END OF THE TRIBULATION which Tribulation Darby had placed in the middle of the two comings.

These Greek words are APOKALYPSIS and EPIPHANEIA.

APOKALYPSIS (English: APOCALYPSE) means "revealing" or "revelation". (Darby "time-dated" this is word to mean after Riberas' "seven year great tribulation")

EPIPHANEIA (English: EPIPHANY) means "appearing". (Darby "time-dated" this word to also mean after Riberas' "seven year great tribulation")


The first time the word PAROUSIA is used is in Matthew 24:3 when the Disciples question Yeshua. Yeshua answers with the same word PAROUSIA in verses 27, 37 and 39. He uses it with regard to the Brightness of His PAROUSIA (verse 27) but also with reference to Noah. One more word is used here which is ERCHOMAI which means "coming on the way". Because ERCHOMAI appears numerous times in the New Testament, Darby did not choose to award it a "specific time designation" as he did these three other New Testament Greek words.


We find that in Lukes' Gospel an account is given of the SAME DISCOURSE given in Matthew 24:3 and following (see above), in Luke 17:22-37. In Luke 17 verse 30 however, in English it reads:

Even thus shall it be when the son of man is REVEALED. Luke 17:30

But wait! In the Greek, the word translated "Revealed" in Luke Chapter 17 verse 30 is APOCALYPSE, NOT PAROUSIA! Was Luke speaking of another discourse? No, it was the same discourse. Another event? No, it was the same event. Did Luke fail to remember that Yeshua was speaking of His PAROUSIA and make a mistake and use the word APOCALYPSE which isn't supposed to happen until AFTER Riberas' "seven year great tribulation" as Darby said?

Now hold on here! If there are such fundamental discrepencies in the "Dispensational" argument, can we find other examples where these Greek words are not assigned their "correct time designations" as Darby told everyone they did? Could it also mean that these words are actually INTERCHANGEABLE?

Let's have a further look and see.

II Thessalonians 2:1,2

In this passage, the words PAROUSIA and APOCALYPSE ARE used interchangeably.

Next, with regard to the wicked (one):

II Thessalonians 2:8,9

"...and (Yeshua) shall destroy (him) with the EPIPHANY of His PAROUSIA."

Here we have two opposing "time designated" words being used in the same sentence! Do the Scriptures fail to mention that they should be separated by "seven years of great tribulation"? OR are they actually communicating one final event?

Not only that, but they are used in reverse order as to what Rapture theorists assert. EPIPHANY is used FIRST and PAROUSIA LAST? What's going on here? Did the Scripture writers put these words in the wrong places? Or, are they the same event.

II Peter 1:16,17

Peter here refers to the PAROUSIA in terms of the Transfiguration which he witnessed. Peter was not "Raptured" at that PAROUSIA; he remained to write I and II Peter!

II Peter 3:12

Peter here says that the PAROUSIA will be accompanied by the elements being "melted with fervent heat" and the Heavens being "dissolved". Is he here describing "The Rapture"? If the elements (which would of course include the earth) are burned up, upon what planet will the "seven year great tribulation" take place that is supposed to be in the middle?

I Corinthians 1:7

"So that you come behind in no Gift, waiting for the coming (APOCALYPSE) of our L-rd Jesus Christ."

So what are we then waiting for? Christs' PAROUSIA or His APOCALYPSE? Is this then not instead very strong evidence that these words are interchangeable and are not separate "time related" words AT ALL as Darby caused many believe?


Unfortunately, the concept or idea that Yeshua comes FOR the Church and does a "round-trip" back to Heaven with it is NOT FOUND anywhere in Scripture at all. This did not deter Darbys' doctrine however, because he said it was "IMPLIED"!!!

By this means Darby began preaching it as a "true doctrine" in the mid-1800's and from that time forward it has been accepted without question by many right up to our very own day!

Let us go even further. Did Darby have any ground on which to stand whatsoever?


Darby said that Yeshua will only come "part-way" the next time.

By Darbys' uncritical inference that the Greek word PAROUSIA means "The Rapture" without His full Return to reign on earth, he asserted this precarious position.

Since when is that what PAROUSIA means at all? Do we have any clear examples of its use in Scripture to demonstrate that it means otherwise? Indeed we do!


Let us take a look at the word PAROUSIA used in other New Testament passages.

Paul writes from Ephesus:

"I am glad of the PAROUSIA of Stephanus and Fortunatus and Achaicus, for that which was lacking on your part they have supplied."

Did they actually arrive and remain to help Paul? Or did these ones meet him on the city limits of Ephesus and then take off on a "round trip" with Paul for another destination with him in tow? No. Since they brought what Paul needed, they obviously went to Ephesus and completed their PAROUSIA.

Then in II Corinthians 7:6 Paul says:

"...comforted by the PAROUSIA of Titus."

Did Titus actually reach Paul? Or not? Didn't Titus actually go to Ephesus, meet Paul, and remain there personally to bring consolation or was there a "round trip" to some other place? No, Titus went and remained there with Paul.

Look at Philippians 1:26; Paul said:

"That your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ for me by my PAROUSIA to you again."

Did Paul mean that he would not really go and be present with them in Philippi? That he would just stop part way for a "round trip" and not actually go be present there? Were the Philippians to meet Paul at Neapolis and sail away elsewhere without him ever going to Philippi at all? No. Paul actually went to Phillipi and completed his PAROUSIA.


Darby pointed to Titus 2:13 as support for his "Rapture". Let's take a closer look.

Here is what is says in the King James Version which many use:

"Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing (EPIPHANY) of the great G-d and our Saviour Jesus Christ."

(Note the comma after "blessed hope" above and also the "the" before "appearing". This is very critical, and we will return to it shortly.)

Darby said that the "blessed hope" was actually some sort of "mysterious biblical code word" for "The Rapture" and the second word "appearing" (EPIPHANY) represented of course the Return of Yeshua after the "seven year great tribulation".

EPIPHANY, remember, is one of Darbys' "time dated" words that he said is to be associated with the arrival of Yeshua to Personally set up His earthly Kingdom after Riberas' "seven year great tribulation". Seems to make sense, doesn't it?

But wait again. What does it say in the original Greek? Here is the same passage:

Titus 2:13: "Looking for (prosdechomai) that blessed (makarios) hope (elpis) and (kai) glorious (doxa) appearing (epiphaneia) of the great (megas) G-d (theos) and (kai) our (hemon) Saviour (soter) Jesus (Iesous) Christ (Christos);"


"Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great G-d and Saviour Jesus Christ."

We see above that in the Greek there is no comma after "blessed hope". In the Greek language KAI (after "blessed hope") means "and" and it can also be translated "even". Also there is no definite article "the" before "appearing" both making it appear as two separate events, but this passage in Greek is actuality describing one single event, and NOT TWO EVENTS.

Scripture catches Darby in his own cleverness.


Premillennial "Rapturites" are taught that the L-rd Coming "as a thief in the night":

For yourselves know perfectly that the Day of the L-rd so cometh as a thief in the night. I Thessalonians 5:2

represents "The Rapture". Then will of course, come Riberas' "seven year great tribulation" and theor "millennium". Let's look at another passage that uses "the thief in the night":

But the day of the L-rd will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. II Peter 3:10

The Apostle Peter here says that "the thief in the night" does represent Yeshuas' Return, but what happens then? The Apostle says "in which" the earth will be melted! The Return will also include the earths' melting as clearly indicated by the use of "in which"! Where will Riberas' "seven year great tribulation" and "millennium" on a carnal earth take place? Peter does not mention any of that. Could he have forgotten?

We don't think so. The Return of Yeshua will be accompanied by destruction of the earth as we now know it, and a "new heaven and a new earth" replaces it. (Revelation 21:1) There will be no "millennium" on a carnal earth with sinners present and rabbinical ordinances being reinstated!


Based on these findings we submit to you the words that were used by Darby as "time dated" are completely interchangeable.

"Even so come L-RD Jesus."

We should not suggest there may be an option to delay Salvation by giving false hope to anyone that they can always be Saved "in the tribulation" if they get "left behind" at "The Darby Rapture".

Many are also completely unaware of how Dispensationalist organizations routinely "deal" with persons who disagree with their teachings.[6]



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[1] For those unfamiliar with this doctrine, Believers at "The Darby-style Rapture" will mysteriously depart from the earth bodily, and immediately join Jesus in the sky resulting in pilotless aircraft, driverless cars, etc. with accompanying crashes, chaos and mayhem. The ones "left behind" will have to go through the "seven year great tribulation" because they were "unbelievers", or "not ready". This is called the "Pre-Tribulation Rapture" and the adherents "Pre-Tribbers" for short.

In other "Rapture variants", other "Darby-style Rapture theologians" disagree and say that believers will be Raptured in the middle of the Tribulation (Mid-Tribbers) and others say at the end (Post-Tribbers). These particular "Rapturites" feel "very safe" as the Temple in Jerusalem has not been rebuilt so their "Darby Rapture" can't happen until it is, so all of this "getting ready for the Rapture" preached by the Pre-Tribbers has no effect on the Mid or Post-Trib Rapture Dispensationalists! They all remain perfectly calm because Jesus can't return until after the Temple in Jerusalem is rebuilt!

Ribera said the final "seven years of the Jewish Age" (the great tribulation) is necessary because G-d has not fulfilled every Old Testament Promise to the Jewish people. He did so to attempt to eliminate any Protestant teaching that the papacy could possibly have been antiChrists. Go HERE for a look at the reasons.

So do we believe the Ribera-Darby-Scofield interpretation by thinking all is "not yet fulfilled", or Luke 24:44 where Yeshua clearly Says that His Ministry was to FULFILL ALL THINGS written in the Law (the Torah), the Prophets and David concerning Himself. Yet the Dispensationalists still insist that the Old Testament prophecies are still unfulfilled concening Yeshua and they routinely cite the Book of Daniel!

[2]There is some dispute as to whether John Darby was the originator of this doctrine. A certain 15-year old "prophetess" named Margaret MacDonald had apparently announced a "vision" very similar to Darbys' later "Rapture" teaching. She was known to draw large crowds and considerable excitement. John Darby was seen visiting the same Margaret MacDonald before he announced his "Rapture" theory at the Powerscourt Conferences, but Darby never gave Margaret any credit, however. Go HERE for more on that subject.

[3]The roots of the "Dispensational doctrine" were first produced about 1640 by one Francisco Ribera, a Spanish Jesuit Roman Catholic priest as a part of the Counter-Reformation trying to discredit Protestant teaching about the popes. Riberas' doctrine was first introduced to nominally Protestant church members in the 1800's by John Maitland, also a Roman Catholic trying to get Protestants to rejoin the Roman Catholic Church, which he openly admitted several times. John Darby openly admitted that he was a follower of John Maitland, the Roman Catholic. Now go to the Roman Catholic Church and see if they support or teach "Dispensationalism" as any sort of "true doctrine", and further, being such a "popular doctrine" among non-Romanists, have they ever openly dscredited it? This does not even raise an eyebrow.

[4] Here is the passage in the Greek:

I Thessalonians 4:14: "For (ar) if (ie) we believe (pisteuo) that (hoti) Jesus (Iesous) died (apothnesko) and (kai) rose again (anistemi) even so (houto) them also (kai) which sleep (koimao) in (dia) Jesus (Iesous) will (ago) God (theos) bring (ago) WITH (sun) him (autos)." (emphasis ours)

[5] That Yeshua clearly states in the New Testament warns "no man knows the times or seasons" that are "in the Fathers' Hands" (Acts 1:7) did not appear to affect either Riberas' or Darbys' bold assignations of "times" to future events.

Also there is the fact that sometimes believers become frightened or are troubled by this doctrine. In Verse 18 however it says just the opposite: that we are to be "comforted"?

The teaching of Pre-Millennialism took deeper root in the United States at the "Niagara Conference" in 1878 together with the 1909 publication of "The Scofield Reference Bible".

Many Evangelicals recommend the writings of Corrie Ten Boom. What did she say regarding "The Darby Rapture" teaching? She rebuked Christians for trusting in Darbys' "Rapture" while Christians in other countries were suffering and dying at the hands of their persecutors. Millions of Chinese had been taught Darbys' "Rapture" doctrines by American missionaries; that they would be delivered and "raptured away". While they were waiting, Mao-Tse Tung took China and slaughtered what has been estimated at millions upon millions of "Darby Rapture" believing Chinese Christians.

Many express curiosity as to how this doctrine ever became part of any of the Assemblies. It is believed the main influence was Dwight L. Moody who was enawed of C.I. Scofield. Moody had very little education and had been a shoe salesman, while Scofield was an Attorney, so this may have been naturally humbling for Moody. Scofield found it easy to befriend the well-known Moody and communicated Dispensationalism to Moody with almost immediate success. Later, the Moody Bible Institute had a printing operation going where they printed Christian materials. The Assemblies of God (A.O.G.) Churches approached the Moody Bible Institute to do printing for them. The A.O.G. Churches had never preached anything approaching such doctrines previously. After a connection with the Moody Bible Institute, Dispensational literature and the "Darby Rapture" began to appear in the Assemblies of God Churches, until the doctrine was preached openly and fully endorsed soon afterwards. Dispensationalism quickly spread like wildfire to other Charismatic Churches from that point on.

It is now taught at Dallas Theological Seminary (which rejects "the tongues movement") as an "accepted Doctrine" of the Assemblies, even though Dispensationalism has never been approved as such by all the Churches Assembled. Chuck Swindoll is current President of Dallas Theological Seminary having replaced John Walvoord, an editor of the Scofield Reference Bible.

Contrariwise, as stated above, it is also promoted through the Moody Bible Institute and TBN which do accept "the tongues movement" (Moody Bible Institute is apparently "non-committal" so therefore accepting, perhaps for business purposes). The interesting history about how Dispensationalism and the "Darby Rapture" became a part of the "Charismatic Movement" as it is known is fairly simple. The Assemblies of God originally did not preach "the Darby Rapture" at all. They were seeking a place to publish their materials and since Moody Bible Institute contained a large publishing house, they went there.

This is where they ran across "the Darby Rapture" teaching materials and it slowly found its way into the Assemblies of God pulpits. From there it spread to other Charismtic denominations. And as it is said, "The rest is history" my friends.

[6] Dispensationalists are always crying, "Be tolerant of us and our beliefs, we can all get along. These are "minor doctrines", "minor issues", please let us in so we can tell you more?"

But what their leaders do behind the scenes is not well known or documented.

It seems once you "sign on" with these characters, rise in promotion and become a preacher of it, or an established teacher, and then have a few questions about the basis for this teaching,


You are literally out on your ear. They are not being honest saying it is only a "minor doctrine", or individuals within their Churches would be freely permitted to teach the Accepted Protestant interpretation! And they are not!

Here are some documented examples:

"In spite of the strong biblical argument for the prewrath position (that the Church will go through the tribulation and that Jesus will return only ONCE, and G-ds' Wrath will come on all that are left, destroying them all utterly), and in spite of the consequences of what will happen to the church if the pretribulation (Darby rapture) view is wrong, scores of men in Christian leadership have told me that if they were to publically teach the prewrath rapture position, they would lose their jobs.

"Marvin Rosenthal (a highly-respected Jewish-Christian believer) is a perfect example of what can happen if you change your view. He was thrown out of the Jewish ministry to which he had devoted his life, even though he was personally responsible for building the Friends of Israel ministry from a handful of employees to one of the largest, conservative missions to Jews in the world today...

"...Charles Cooper, a Dallas Seminary (of which Chuck Swindol is now President) grad, held a teaching position at Moody Bible Institute.He was extremely popular with the students, was a speaker at Moody Founders Week, at Moody Pastors' Conference, at Bible Conferences that sponsored Moody weeks (and many other featured events)... Like Marv Rosenthal, he became convinced of the Biblical basis for the prewrath view of Christs' return...(he) was given a choice: 'Support the pretrib (Darby Rapture, then Christ returning twice) position and your job is secure: (OR) support the prewrath position and you must leave...' He resigned.

"These are only two examples of stories I hear from pastors, missionaries, teachers, even board members that have been forced to leave ministries they had given their time and resources to, faithfully, over many years!...

"...Today, many pastors...kiddingly refer to themselves as "closet prewrathers" (disbelievers in the "Darby rapture" scenario of two returns of Christ) knowing that if they went public with their convictions, on this particular issue, they would pay the price and be expelled from the association, labelled, like Marv Rosenthal, as proponents of 'false teachings'."

From The Rapture Question Answered, Plain and Simple. by Robert Van Kampen. pp. 198-202.


Arndt and Gingrich. Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Cambridge University Press. Chicago, Illinois. 1957. 909 pps.

Henry, Matthew. Matthew Henry's Commentaries. Six Volumes. McClean, Virginia. Macdonald Publishing (reprint). Preface First Published: 1706.

Rusk, Robert. The Other End of the World. Le Book Company. Plano, Texas. 1988. 268 pps.

The Westminister Confession of Faith. 1646.

Zodhiates, Spiros. Hebrew-Greek Study Bible. AMG Publishers. 1991. 1935 pps.

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