Dispensationalists have as a part of their core doctrines and beliefs that things will only get a lot worse. This is "prophesied" they tell us. The worse things get, the better it is for us?

There is only "doom to come" because their "antichrist" is somewhere out there on the horizon, and he is "coming soon".

Should we only expect the worst? Should we continue to listen to people who have run individuals' names through giant high speed computers to determine if some letter configuration of their name adds up to 666?

In the 1980's, Hal Lindsays' movie, "The Late Great Planet Earth" had a computer segment showing where names were being fed into a mainframe computer to attempt to disclose the identity of "antichrist"!

Today, some have have even gone so far in their "calculations" as to say that the "antichrist" is Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft!

Is this what the "Christian Life" is really all about? Is this what His Church has always believed?


Is this what you hear when you go to "church"? When you hear the radio or watch TV? The fear and negativity of doom and gloom? That the "seven year great tribulation" is "possibly right around the corner!"?

Is what you are hearing just, "pie in the sky by and by"? No Kingdom Blessings from the Old Testament Fulfillment of Scripture in our Messiah for us right now?


Christians in past ages were always taught that The Kingdom of G-d in the Person of Jesus Christ had come in its Fullness. (Matthew 28:18) The influence of His Kingdom in Believers' lives would produce better things for His people. There would be constant and continuous Victory over whatever opposed His Spiritual Kingdom.

The Blessings of Abraham are for the People of G-d NOW! Believe it! Scripture declares it is TRUE!

Dispensationalists will tell people that the "Kingdom Age" is not yet come. It is a "Golden Age of the Jews" where all the Blessings of Abraham will then be made manifest world-wide and not until. It is not for "The Church Age", they say. The Churchs' blessings are "heavenly" only they say, and not "earthly".[1] Further, strict Dispensationalists say that anyone that tries to have earthly Blessings is guilty of "robbing the Jews of their blessins". Not only that but that anyone that tries to do so is of the devil!

They say he Blessings of the Old Testament are for Israel only, not the Church. The Old Testament Prophesies have not been fulfilled to Israel, they say.[2]

They will claim that what they are telling you is "rediscovered Church teaching" that has been "suppressed", but now "revealed to you" by them.[3]


For earlier generations of Christians, The Church of Jesus Christ was Triumphant in every sphere of life. His Kingdom was Firmly Planted in the hearts of True Believers by Faith and Christs' Kingdom would Prevail.

That the Blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the Promise of the Spirit through Faith. Galatians 3:14

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Proverbs 4:18


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[1]Many "teachers" of Dispensationalism are themselves totally unaware of the so-called "deeper truths" they claim to be preaching. For instance, they may not know that Dispensationalism contains A Concealed Second or "another" Gospel that it says never was for the Church! What they really mean by this is that the whole Church of Jesus Christ is a "mystery parenthesis", a "secret" which the Old Testament Prophets never even knew about neither did they ever Prophesy concerning it!

The Prophet Amos Spoke otherwise:

Surely the L-rd G-D will do nothing, but He revealeth His Secret unto his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7

The Church in the 1st Century A.D. used the Old Testament Prophets to evangelize everyone they met. The Scriptures were opened to their understanding, and they used the Old Testament Scriptures exclusively, and saw there the Church Revealed, before the New Testament was written. The Fulfillment of the Old Testament Prophets as the Church of Jesus Christ itself had become a reality. See especially Pauls' Defense before Felix in Acts 24 where Paul says he is "believing all things which are written in the Law and the Prophets" and defends the Church thereby.

Dispensationalists have a big problem with this. They, by their own admission, are simply unable to see the Church in the Old Testament at all! This alone should tell us a great deal about those that continue to embrace Dispensationalist teachings.

[2] According to their "deeper Dispensationalist truth" the Church is not Israel and Israel is not the Church.

One might wonder why the Old Testament is called "The Old Testament" at all by them, given the Dispensationalists' positions regarding "unfulfilled Old Testament passages" coupled with their insistence that the Aaronic Priesthood and Levitical sacrifices will be re-established in their "Millennium" contrary to the Book of Hebrews. It should be called by them perhaps the "Not quite Old yet Covenant"?

[3]They are unable to see the New Testament Church at all in the Old Testament but are clearly able to see Dospensationalism where it does not exist in Church history? They reject the Councils abd Creeds of the Church as "the decisions and writings of men" because there is nowhere in the historical accounts of the Creeds or Councils where Dispensationalism can be found.

The founders also rejected The Westminister Confession of Faith (1646) and the London Confession of Faith and all Protestant Confessions as well. They specifically rejected the works of Matthew Henry, whom they said was "in darkness" regarding Prophecy.


Allis, Dr. Oswald T. Prophecy and the Church. Wayne, Pennsylvania. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company. 1945.

Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity. Peabody, Massachusetts. Prince Press. 1999.

Henry, Matthew. Commentary on the Whole Bible. London, England. 1707.

The London Confession of Faith. 1644.

The Westminister Confession of Faith. 1646.

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