Today we hear a lot about the Family and how it is "under attack". Is there any vital part of teaching the younger women of the Assemblies missing? If this is not found in the Assemblies, could this be the reason Families today are "under attack"?

Are there Offices of Great Value missing from your Church?

If one visits several Churches, the "teenagers" are usually in "youth groups" overseen by "youth Pastors"[1] (usually male), and no elder Ladies of Grace teaching the younger women separately is found.[2]

Sometimes these are "singles groups" overseen by "singles Pastors" or other single women.

These "youth groups" or "singles groups" usually engage in meeting one another, "togetherness", singing songs, listening to music, volleyball games, some Bible study, "sharing" experiences, going on trips, etc., but where are the elder Ladies of Grace Teaching the younger women separately? We have not found this at all.

Is this right? What does the New Testament say?


In the New Testament, we find that the Younger Women are in a Class by themselves (literally), and Qualified elder Ladies of Grace are to teach them.

"The aged women (plural, there will usually be more than one Lady Teacher) likewise, that [they be] in deportment as becomes sacred ones, not slanderers, not enslaved by much wine, teachers of what is right; that they may school the young women to be lovers of their own husbands, to love their children, [to be] discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, in submission to their own husbands, that the Word of G-d may not be evil spoken of." Titus 2:3-5

NOTE: The KJV 1611 rendered, "teach the young women". The original Greek text has "school the young women". sophronizosin. To "school" means more than just "teach". More on this follows.

There will not be ongoing "family problems" or unresolved disputes between the mother and the children. They will Honor her highly and listen and obey her advice. They will participate in the Church activities and confirm to all that they honor and have obeyed her decisions. We cannot stress this too highly. They will actively support her. Her husband will also be successful, Honored and be an active participant in the Church.


The teachinmg of the Younger Ladies is very important to the Church. The Younger Ladies form the backbone of the Next Generation and are the future stability of the homes. This is why valid and useable information must be passed on by truly Qualified Lady Teachers. The Younger Ladies are our most treasured asset.

We must be frank. We seek to offend none, but the truth must be told. The unqualified, or mothers who have had manifold problems with raising their own daughters to the extent that they will not have that much to do with them, should not be teaching the Younger Ladies of anyone elses' family. This may cause some resentment toward the more capable Ladies who are Qualified and their children which are their testimony and do participate, but we cannot allow petty jealousies to prevent us from continuing on.


Regarding elder women as widows we find this:

"Honor widows that are widows indeed. But if any widow have children or descendants, let them (her relatives) learn first as to their own house to be pious, and reward to render to their parents; for this is good and acceptable toward G-d. 1 Timothy 5:3,4.

This means the widow should train her own household and relatives first. It should be a well-known fact that this is what she is about as well.

"Let not a widow be taken into the Assemblies under 60 years of age, having been the wife of one man, well reported of for good works, if she brought up children, if she showed hospitality to strangers, if she has washed the saints' feet, if to the oppressed she has imparted relief, if every good work she [has] followed after." 2 Timothy 5:9,10.

Given that the widows are instructed so, it is a pattern the elder married women should also be observing to be qualified to teach the younger women.


First, the Lady Teacher must be "aged" and having been the wife of one husband.

Second, her children are to be the G-dly evidence of her correct Application of Biblical Wisdom. The children will be in open agreement with her about this as well.

Third, her husband must be Recognized by the whole Church as an Honourable Man of G-d: "known in the Gates". He will be an active participant in the Church. No "let her do it" (build up his name) while he is out "busy" somewhere with other things.

Fourth, her duty is to her own children first. The New Testament says that she will not only just "teach", but that she will "school" her children in all these things. This indicates painstaking planning and organization directed toward a well thought-out curriculum. This would suggest tests and examinations.

By truly being and doing all these things, in truth without hypocrisy, she will have Fulfilled the "Woman of Valor" or "Virtuous Woman" passage in Proverbs 31:10-31.[3]

The glaring absence of this New Testament Command shows us one thing:


Is it being done anywhere? Let's take a look.


What is a New Testament Command from the Apostle Paul is practiced today. Where? In some Jewish sects is where!

In Chassidic and Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, the schooling of the young girls begins usually at the age of 4. This is considered the age at which they are old enough to learn. They are taught to comprehend the Hebrew letters of the aleph-bet. There is no waiting until they are "teen-agers" to instruct them.

There is also no "they are equals with the males so don't bother" ideology. The younger woman is considered an asset, recognized in Judaism as a woman at about age 12. She has been prepared by the continual teaching of principles from the time she is old enough to comprehend to make her future husband Honorable, her future Household and Family strong.

The instruction is not "secular" but combined with the religious rulings found within Judaism. The education is "sacred" in nature.

Special Ladies are chosen to do this: ones that conform to Proverbs 31 and the "Woman of Valor" who have successful husbands.

Contrast this with how the majority of children are educated today. Most are educated in a secular system that may or may not devote, say, 15 minutes for "prayer time" during the day! The rest of the time the Sacred is absent or ignored. The instruction is not G-d-Centered, but Humanistic in nature. Go here to see Humanism Exposed . Humanism is the "religion" primarily taught in secular institutions. The results should be plain to see. Juvenile crime, drugs, alcohol, rebellion, promiscuity, unmarried pregnancies, gangs, hate crimes, etc. Even later, a 50% divorce rate does not speak well of training they supposedly received.


These "mistakes of youth" we are told are to be chalked up to the "the generation gap" or "adolescence" and excused. They then become "statistics"!

As for divorce, the solutions presented have not produced great sweeping benefits noticed so far; that is, if a couple gets married at all, but simply "lives together".


Basically, we have found the children have been given over to a secular Humanistic educational system. [4] It is that system everyone is told "is working". "Improvements" and "promises" are made almost daily. Statistics are reworked. But is it really working?

We are not convinced that it is.

The fact is, Qualified aged Ladies of Grace have basically disappeared as teachers of the younger women within the Churches and within the culture and no one really seems to notice or even care.[2] There are women "teaching" in some Churches, but they seem to want to teach men instead, or "adult classes" rather than the younger women separately as they have been Commanded to do!

Apathy in this area might be an apt description, even to the point of introducing Christian Humanism as an extension of secular schools or universities to "keep them interested"?


There is a clear description of Education for Believers:

I Peter 1:5-9: "But also for this very reason [5], giving All Diligence, add to your Faith Virtue, to Virtue Knowledge, to Knowledge Self-Control Perseverance, to Self-Control Perseverance G-dliness, to G-dliness Brotherly Kindness, and to Brotherly Kindness Love. For if these things are yours and abound, [you will be] neither barren nor unfruitful in the Knowledge of our L-rd Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these things is shortsighted, even to blindness, and has forgotten that he was cleansed from his old sins."

We see that the first element is Faith. Faith must be taught. What system teaches it? From Faith, next is Virtue. Who teaches Virtue? Then comes Knowledge!

Consider the following verse:

...for without Faith it is impossible to please Him." Hebrews 11:6

No Humanistic system that we have ever heard of teaches Divine Faith, As a matter of fact, they say it has no place in their system. But this is supposed to be the very Foundation of the Believers' Life?

We have found that because of the severe lack of Qualified and "aged women" Honored by their children (whether those children be married or not) to teach the younger women separately as per Titus 2:3-5 in the Assemblies today, we will seek to make available courses of instruction and Qualified Ladies that fill that need.

The "aged women" will so instruct the younger women. The Wise women form the future of their husbands' success and honor, the strong Family with Godly obedient children to build up the Church. We believe they are a most treasured asset for the Assemblies. If you are interested please email us.


� Copyright 2000-2003 People of G-d Ministries, Inc. No reproduction or redistribution without the Prior Written Consent and Approval of People of G-d.


[1]The term "youth Pastor" or "singles Pastor" is not found in the New Testament. Many of these ones who are given and then "assume the title" are not Pastors at all. They do not possess the Spiritual Gift of Pastor, and some may just have "the worldly gift of gab". This can bring in Christian Humanism very quickly.

We do not recognize, accept or endorse "Christian youth groups", "Christian singles groups" or "conferences" where the younger women are not taught separately by the "aged women" as Titus 2:3-5 Commands.

There should also be visible evidence of her children continuing to listen to her, even after marriage if that be the case, because:

...Wisdom is Justified of her children. Luke 7:35

In other words, the Church cannot afford to have any woman whose own children reject her Spiritual advice or teaching, teaching the younger women of another family. If there is turmoil, bitterness, dissensions, quarreling, accusations or any other ongoing obstacle betewwn the mother and child, whether they now live with the parents or not, they should clearly not be teaching someone elses' children no matter how kind, compassionate, "sweet", "dedicated" or "spiritual" they may appear to be. The absence of their own childrens' participation is one easily recognized sign that there may be very real problems in this area. The Church is not a place to pretend someone is Qualified to attain this office.

There is also no provision in the New Testament for one Lady Teacher to "lord it over" the other Lady Teachers. Such "power struggles" or "bullying" is usually indicative of problems within their own families.

[2]The Office authorizing Qualified Ladies to teach the younger women is therefore found to be Biblically sound by us. There is a direct Command for the younger women to be separated out specifically for this purpose and none other.

The secular institutions may teach that elder Ladies and their Wisdom are to be rejected. This is because of their "theory of evolution" which has been modified somewhat to imply the "younger generation is much more evolved now" and so somehow "genetically superior" to the elder Ladies of "older generations". This is a bold-faced lie and foolishness.

[3]All Ladies who are Qualified to teach the younger women should be approved by the Pastor of the Congregation and identified and honored to certify her as such.

Just because she is "nice and kind" and "quotes a lot of Scripture" or knows the Bible by heart and doctrine does not automatically confirm her. Remember that her childrens' presence (or lack of participation thereof) will be the evidence of successful or unsuccessful application fo all these things.

The Qualified Lady instructs on Godly home and family life to make the younger womans' husband (or future husband) successful and honorable, her children Godly and her Family strong in Faith. See Proverbs 31:10-31.

All Lady Teachers remain so at the discretion of the Pastor. Doctrinal matters should be referred to the Pastor.

[4] The New Testament Scriptures define two basic "systems" in operation in the earth. These are The Kingdom of G-d on the one hand and the Beast system on the other. See Revelation 17.

G-ds' Kingdom emphasizes Scripture, Sacred Teaching and being delivered out from "the corruption that is in the world because of lust". "If we would judge ourselves we would not be judged".

The Beast system can be identified by the distinct absence of the Word of G-d, Pastors and judgment of lusts. Perhaps even classifying lusts as "normal" or claiming lusts are "actually good for you".

The worlds' emphasis on "the flesh" of secular instruction with their "techniques" can also be brought into the Assemblies in our very own day. We must guard against such synergistic attempts.

[5] For what "very reason"? In I Peter 1:1-4, the Faith that we have Received is from the Calling of "Glory and Virtue" to obtain the Promises, and be "Partakers of the Divine Nature", and ESCAPE the "corruption that is in the world because of lust". This points once again to the Kingdom of G-d begun in the heart.

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