Mary is Blessed Forever. She is the mother of our L-rd Jesus. This does not mean we support or endorse Roman Catholic "Mariology", but that she is to be Honored, and she is Honored Eternally as Jesus' mother..

If there ever was a Lady who was Qualified to assume a "position of authority" in the early Church, Mary was without a doubt that Lady. There was or is no Lady higher than her.

There in fact can be no woman that can claim to be a greater Lady than Mary. Plus, because she was the mother of the humanity of Jesus Christ, no woman can ever be greater than Mary.

Given that she was and is so "Blessed among women", what was her Spiritual Position, "authority" or Office(s) in the 1st Century Church? Where are these "offices" listed?

They are not found.


"Sexism" according to the definition means "discrimination against women" based on their gender. It is used to establish female authority in "the world". It is also associated with the French concept of Egailtarianism. (From the French), egalite: equality.[1]

The question then is, did Mary "Bow to a Bunch of Sexists" that held her back from any "rightful claims of authority" in the Churches?

What would these claims for her "authority" have been, one may ask? On what would they be based?

Let us take a look at Marys' True Credentials.


1. A Full Jewess (both mother and father Jewish), a natural Descendant in a continuous unbroken line from the Tribe of Yehudah (Judah) and the Royal Line of David the king, which list resided in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, then standing, for all to see (See Luke 3 for Marys' geneology).

2. The mother of the humanity of our L-RD and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself, The Messiah of Israel as foretold by the Prophets.

3. A Virgin from her youth, and a Virgin at the time of her Holy Conception by means of G-d the Holy Spirit.

4. Completely Torah-Observant in Israel according to the Law of Moishe (Moses) which she Obeyed. No accusation of sin or slackness was ever brought against her by anyone, believer or unbeliever.[2]

Married to only one husband her whole life long. Yosef (Joseph). It is recorded in Church history that she was later widowed. She never remarried.

These are all the things that Mary was. Now let us look at what Mary was not.


1. Mary never was an Apostle.

2. Mary was never a "Prophetess". There were "prophetesses" mentioned in the New Testament, but none after the completion of the Canon of Scripture.

3. Mary never was a Pastor, or a co-Pastor.

4. Mary never preached a sermon in a Church.

5. Mary never "started her own denomination".

6. Mary never went on a "missionary journey".

7. Mary never Baptized anyone.

8. Mary never wrote a Book of the New Testament.

9. Mary was not the authoress or co-authoress of any book on "Womans' Rights".

10. Mary never usurped the authority of any Man of G-d, nor did she align herself with, or condone anyone who did such things.[3]


Mary would have taught the younger Ladies.

Mary would have borne witness to the Truth and told the Gospel story, yes. Her Testimony would have been incredibly strong of what the L-rd had done for her. But not used as any "authority" over Men in the Churches.

If anyone can still not see that the True Role of The Lady of Grace in the Churches is to be in Submission to Men of G-d as Blessed Mary surely was, then we have no further answers for them.

The Ladies of Grace are to conform to the Example of Blessed Mary. None others. When they do, they shall receive Glory and Honor from the Men of G-d in this life, be a strong Rebuke to Feminists, and Receive Eternal Honor and Reward as Mary has now.

Those that disagree with what the early Church said about all of this are now involved in substituting their own:


They make Pauls' Gospel out to be "only for some talkative women in Corinth" and no others. As if Pauls' Gospel was "time dated" for the 1st Century alone. This they say is exactly the case, and they insist that "certain parts" of Pauls' Gospel (the parts pertaining to the Ladys' Submission in the Formal Assemblies) are "not for today".

They routinely twist Scripture to agree with their Feminist "Politically-Correct" position. They do not consider that Blessed Mary did none of what they are trying to prove happened, as they say it happened, but didn't.


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[1]Those that are always crying "sexism" have become known in Conservative political circles as "gender benders". They have gone so far in their condemnation of "sexism" that they have demanded the admittance of open homosexuals to the L-rds' Supper, and the Ordination of homosexuals because they "constitute a separate gender". As a result of this, some governments support the marriage of gays and lesbians now. This is now being permitted in several denominations, or at least being considered.

[2]Being Torah-Observant meant that Mary could never become a Levitical Priest. G-ds' Law in the Torah delclares the Office of High Priest and the Levitical Priests could only be Men.

Admittedly, Mary was not of the Tribe of Levi. But what about other women who were of that Tribe? Will they now say (as some already have come out and said) that G-ds' Command in the Torah is also a "sexist command"? Therefore Orthodox Judaism is "sexist" because they still keep G-ds' Law, the Torah? To be consistent, do they not have to condemn the Torah in those places? They are logically forced to condemn the Torah, Old Testament Obedience with regard to the Levitical Laws and Orthodox Judaism.

This also does not mean that Mary "never sinned" as Roman Catholicism teaches. She was born in sin just like the rest of us and had an Old Sin Nature as we all do.

Jesus Christ was the Only Person born without an Old Sin Nature as He had no human father through which the Old Sin Nature is passed down. Jesus Father was G-d Himself, who has no sin.

[3]By the 2nd Century A.D., apostasy and heresy had already begun to creep in to the Assemblies. This was first found recorded in the history of the early Chuch in the person of one Marcion. Marcion had begun "ordaining" "female pastors" and allowing them to Baptize people. One day Marcion journeyed to Smyrna where Polycarp was.

Now, Polycarp, remember, was a direct Disciple of the Apostle John of the New Testament, and had received his teaching directly from John. That day Marcion met Polycarp. Marcion said to Polycarp, "Do you recognize me?" Polycarp answered saying, "I recognize you, as the firstborn of Satan."

What was the result of all this? Marcion was Ruled a Heretic by all the Churches and Excommunicated in July of 144 A.D. along with all his "female pastors". Anyone who had been Baptized by any of his "female pastors", their Baptism was Ruled invalid on the basis of Polycarps' received teaching from the Apostle John, and had to be re-Baptized by a Man of G-d.


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