Throughout the literature of the world, we find myths in vast abundance. Persons in every age seem to have a penchant for these myths. For instance, the legends surrounding "King Arthur" and the "Knights of the Round Table" with Arthurs' sword Excalibur fetched from the stone the Lady of the Lake profferred. Camelot. The Knights of the Round Table. The fabled "King Arthur" may never have existed however; and if he did exist, the tales told about him and the other knights are generally agreed to be mostly myths and folk tales.[1]

Knights dressed in armor riding on horses weilding broadswords, Camelot and the Round Table make for a fine legend. Likewise, St. George and the dragon, perhaps transposing that legend to combatting demons in a second-rate horror film. Fire as a symbol of judgment. Cinderella and her royal coach changed from a pumpkin as she goes to meet her prince, or some "Merlin" who is magically able to appear and disappear at will.

And last but not least, the odd mystery of "The Black Knight".

Now there is some "harry potter" instruction to achieve "powers". Myths can be also associated with fairies.

All legends, myths and cleverly-worded fairy stories carry multitudes of powerful archetypical symbols: a hero returning home, a sword, a white charger. Pagans had a phoenix raised from the ashes and resurrected to life again, quasi-miracles, mentioning codes of chivalry from a "knight in shining armor", The "holy grail", the harried rescue of the distressed bride, victory over the dragon and demons. All of these are powerful archetypical symbols, which, according to Carl Jung reside in mans' unconscious; even unbelieving mans' unconscious.

These symbols also have a more ancient Biblical meaning which are Truths and not myths. The sword that stood in Edens' gate. The King of Kings and L-rd of Lords returning to rescue His people on a white horse. The sword that proceeds forth from Yeshuas' Mouth, the Bride being prepared for Yeshua which is His Church, the final victory over satan "the great red dragon" and the forces of darkness. Yeshua being able to appear in a locked room to the Disciples after He was Resurrected from the dead; Hellfire and damnation to His enemies.

The true roots of these archetypical symbols are found in Scripture and in the hearts and minds of every Christian as well.


Seeing that these Biblical symbols carry such power in and of themselves, those who "compose fairy stories", myth makers, legend builders, authors, media script writers, and anyone who seeks a "name" as perhaps some "messiah-like hero figure" freely borrows from these symbols at every opportunity to symbolically produce a semblance of "reality" in their "quest" to "sell" their fairy story to a waiting wide-eyed, paying audience.

The world uses these archetypes to dramatically increase interest in their commercialization and advertisements, and if "interesting" enough, or "spell binding" enough, can generate phenomenal interest and huge sums of money as people become "entranced" and carried off by these fairy story sellers and their highly symbolic products.

Story tellers learned this long, long ago; that by using these symbols and images that evoke powerful reponses in people, they could just about tell them whatever they wanted, and their audiences would reward them with acute interest, loyalty, and in many cases, a paycheck for being so "entertained" by some "new symbolic interpretation" using the these symbols.


Those who assemble false teachings do know the power evoked by symbols and Biblical proof-texts. They routinely use them to goad powerful reponses in their followers and to deceive the unwary, and capture their hearts and souls. They use Scripture proof-texts (See? It's in the Bible!") to make it appear that they are "orthodox Christians" or even "protestants" while they invent "fairy stories" that have never been Approved by the whole Church Assembled at any time in history. They encorporate evocative symbolism into their teachings: this is what they always do.


Adolf Hitler knew extremely well how to evoke powerful symbols attempting to bring forth his "Master Race" and the "Thousand Year Reich" (his "Millennium") combined with yet another myth: Darwinianism and its dictum: "Survival of the Fittest". He had huge all-night bonfires preaching "Aryan" and "Knightly" principles as the people stood with flaming torches and his Nazi leaders were dressed in knights' armor brandishing broadswords while quoting Bible passages along with myth.

And how was Hitler to bring his "Thousand Year Reich" (Millennium)"?

Well, a LOT of Jews just HAVE to die.

False teachings use these techniques and similarities along with Biblical proof-texts and different definitions to ensnare young believers and bring power to the false teachers' position.

If enough people believe it, or if a national leader believes it and begins to act upon its principles, false teachings can find their way into the areas of political decision-making.

This is why certain doctrines must be identified as Heresies within the Assemblies themselves; for the protection of the Assemblies, to alert the Religious and Civil Arms, and for the protection of the population at large as well.


Let us look at Dispensationalism.

The concepts that Dispensationalism uses seem Biblical.[2] They are based on the Bible, and appear correct. It seems to make sense, except that the Bible says not to try and assign "times" or "seasons" to future events! And that is all the Dispensationalists do! They create powerful symbolism using Biblical concepts and applying their own interpretations along with these passages such as "The Anti-Christ", "The Great Tribulation"[2], rebuilding a third temple and much more. These all evoke powerful imagery and symbolism which they use to weave their web of odd interpretation.

With their interpretation of the Rapture however, the possibility remains for at least "one generation" not having fear of being Eternally lost who do not believe in Jesus Christ if they are not Raptured. They (that "one generation") still would have a "grace period" of seven years to repent and believe.

That that "one generation" would have all of the events and miracles to convince persons (they say) that would not otherwise be convinced, is a given. That this would be slightly "unfair" to everyone else who did not have all these things happen and so be damned forever because they were not "sufficiemtly convinced" shall we say, by "outward evidence" is not addressed by Dispies (they are by and large Arminians and independant "free will" is their ultimate chooser, and not G-ds' Election). But back to "The Trib".

This they call, "the seven year great tribulation" or more simply, "The Trib". Many preachers say it will happen in this generation.[3] Some people answer them with, "I'll wait and see if your Rapture happens, then I'll believe, you said I had seven more years if I was wrong."

Their "Great Tribulation" is a "kinder and gentler Hell" where the "Antichrist" is in charge of all the misery and God is waiting to rescue everyone out of it that "wills to believe" or survives.


Eternal Damnation in Hell is not really preached at all, but instead everyone is to fear "The Antichrist" and "The Trib", and people are reading bar codes on merchandise, with fear of Social Security numbers, calculating other numbers that might mean "666". "The Antichrist" is constantly being sought out with such "suspects" as Henry Kissinger all the way to Microsofts' Bill Gates for crying out loud! At this time it is down between two pseudo-suspects: "Stone Alexander" (Books and movies, "Left Behind" series: Tim LaHaye) or "Nicolae Carpathia" (Film: "The Omega Code").

The fact is that the Biblical reference refers to "many antichrists" "already in the world" at the time of the writing of I John. This is avoided scrupulously by Dispensationalists. One other term they seem to avoid is "The Beast" in favor of "The AntiChrist", although Scripture links the two. What does Scripture say about "The Beast" to perhaps cause them to "shy away" from using the term? First let us look at "The Great Red Dragon".

And his tail drew the third part of the stars of Heaven, and did cast them before the earth: and the Dragon stoofd before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man child which was to Rule all nations with a Rod of Iron: and her child was caught up unto G-d and to His Throne.

Here the "Great Red Dragon" was satan who drew the fallen angels to earth and unsuccessfully attacked our Saviour. Next let us look at "The Beast"


And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the Beast I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the Beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the Beast: and they worshipped the Beast, saying, 'Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with him?" And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against G-d, to blaspheme His Name and His Tabernacle and them that Dwell in Heaven. And it was given unto him to make was with the Saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not Written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the world. If any man hath an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the Patiemce and Faith of the Saints. And I beheld another Beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon. And he excersizeth all the power of the first Beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first Beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire to come down from Heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the Beast: saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the Beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life to the image of the Beast, that the image of the Beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed. And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in the right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name. Here is Wisdom. Let him that hath Understanding count the number of the Beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:1-18

First, there is not "one Beast" but two. The "first Beast" and the "second Beast". The first Beast coming out of the sea would correspond to their "AntiChrist".

But would not the second Beast coming "out of the earth", "with two horns and like a lamb" be the one promulgating this "AntiChrist" teaching to make him one of the centerpoints and focus of their doctrines? And would not this "second Beast" in being "like a lamb" appear to be Christian? Or at least identified with Christian teaching while deceiving them? Causing all who buy into it to be mentally occupied in fear of his pronouncements about the first Beast? Mental occupation by means of great fear is indeed "worship" of sorts, the Romans were keen on this type "worship". Especially if it replaces the occupation of the mind which is supposed to be on our L-RD Jesus Christ instead to occupation with "great fear of the AntiChrist" and speaking of possible "death at his hands"!

Please look closely at who "gives power to the Beast" and what Scripture says people say who "worship the Beast", that is, what Scripture says "worship" is in this case. It is identified by their speech:

And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the Beast: and they worshipped the Beast, saying, 'Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with him?"

Scripture says that "they" bring "power" to the Beast, and by so doing "worship the dragon" by several means.

No one says much as these fast-paced tales of "good guy vs. bad guy" are played out in books and movies "on location" in the streets of Jerusalem, and the writers cause their characters to mouth blasphemies. The actors taking on these "AntiChrist" roles repeat the blasphemies the writer has provided for their "role".

Should we not pay special attention to this verse?

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

The inclusion by these writers that the characters they invent "be given" a "mouth speaking great things and blasphemies" is ignored as immaterial; sacrificed at the altar of making money. The scenario becomes further perpetuated with ever-changing characters (to protect a Copyright on whatever is sold?). The myth is retold using the same symbols but different identites. The aspect of "false prophecy" (because these fiction characters are not real at all) is dismissed, in pursuit of more symbolic myth-making and more dollars. People want to read fiction more than the Bible as these myths take on "a life of their own" vis-a-vis the symbols they use.

The rise of "many antichrists" is a part of the devils work. The "many antichrists" now being produced (giving them names even: Stone Alexander, Nicolae Carpathia) by these "myth-makers", whose work is that then? Even if it is "fiction"? Do they frighten little children with these "fictions" just the same? Or not?

Should responsible parents take their children to such movies? Read them these stories? What "role" do parents "play" if they do?

Deceiving their public with one AntiChrist using "many antichrists" (even fictionally) to keep their myth alive, constitutes causing their audiences to "wonder after the Beast".

We shall not.

In addition, promoting that they "deeply love the Jewish people"[4] has seemed to work for them so far. The Dispensationalist "myth makers", mostly in full co-operation, bilk money from possibly millions daily.



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[1] An entire legend was also constructed around Robin of Loxley, (aka "Robin Hood") "riding through the glen...with his band of merrie men" avoiding the Sheriff of Nottingham to win the heart of Maid Marion while "robbing from the rich to give to the poor".

An English geneological search was once done to attempt to find "Robin of Loxley" (Robin Hood). The historical figure that most closely corresponded to the "Robin of Loxley" description historically, unfortunately for that Loxley, had been unceremoniously hanged.

There was even greater research on "the Arthurian legends". There was no historical evidence found whatsoever that he ever existed. Yet the works of Mallory, Chretien de Troyes and Geoffrey of Monmouth about King Arthur still remain.

[2]Dispensationalism today is in great disarray. It bears small resemblance to what Darby and Scofield first presented. Talbot and Grace Seminaries are moving away from their former strong Dispensationalist stance. Dallas Theological Seminary (under new President Chuck Swindoll) is at this time working on some "new and still more improved version".

No Dispensationalist can stand up any more (as Darby and Scofield once did) and state absolutely what it is, there is so much division within its ranks. For instance when the Rapture will occur: the "Pre-Tribbers", the "Mid-Tribbers" the "Post-Tribbers" are three glaring examples which still split their Churches. Yet the symbols still remain.

We do believe in I Thessalonians 4:15-17 and into Chapter 5 of course, along with the rest of the New Testament. We just do not agree with their interprertation. Neither did the Presbyterian Church who, in 1945, Ruled that Dispensationalism was not a Christian doctrine.

PLEASE NOTE: As a matter of fact, the I Thessalonians 4:15-5:4 Rapture that we know will happen, will be neither silent nor secret. It will accompany the Resurrection and will, "swallow up death" the final enemy. Read I Corinthians 15:51-55 and Revelation 20:1-4.

[3] Since such a large number of these Dispensationalist "prophets" and preachers who claimed that these things would happen in their generation are now deceased, it should be immediately obvious that this is a false prophecy on the part of Dispensationalism in general and all those denominations should repent.

Yeshua was speaking directly to the Disciples at the time and referred to the events of 70 A.D.: in their generation, which it absolutely did.

The generation Yeshua Spoke of was His own. See Matthew 24:34, Mark 13:30, Luke 21:31-32; cf. Matthew 23:20-36.

[4]They "deeply love the Jewish people" while they wait for an horrendous slaughter. Since Dispensationalists reject the fulfillment of prophecy in the Bible, that 2/3 of the Jewish people in Jerusalem were already slain in 70 A.D. fulfilling it, they say, "no, it has to happen again, literally, but worse when The Antichrist comes", while many serious Bible scholars agree that it was clearly NERO that the Apostle John was Prophesying about, and that the Book of Revelation was completed before 70 A.D..

So they sit around singing hymns, some dancing Messianic dances or visiting Israel (hoping for a mass uprising of Arabs to more quickly bring a more hastily desired "Armageddon"?), eagerly awaiting 2/3 of all Jews to die excruciatingly horrible deaths without mercy at the hands of their "he's coming soon" (or may be here already) megalomaniac "unfulfilled-as-of-yet-Antichrist" who must appear "for Jesus to come back".

And to bring in their "Millennium"?

Once again,

Well, a LOT of Jews just HAVE to die!

Something sound familiar? Oy

Never Forget:

If enough people believe it, or if a national leader believes it and begins to act upon its principles, false teachings can find their way into the areas of political decision-making.


Uttinger, Greg. "Eschatology and the Power of Myth". Chalcedon Report. Valecito, California. October 2002.

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