There is an ongoing battle for the minds and souls of men. This is an ancient battle, and the entire human race is caught-up in it, past, present and future. We owe it to those that have gone before us, ourselves, and future generations to expose this hidden struggle, and recognize our common enemy.

The enemy is the hidden working of lust. There are three basic sources for this lust: the fallen world, the sins of the flesh and the devil. The fallen world is opposed by the Kingdom of G-d in our hearts by Faith, the flesh is opposed by the Law of G-d (I John 3:4), and the devil is opposed by G-d, the Elect Angels and G-ds' Chosen people. Our first concern is our own hearts.

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9

Who indeed.

G-d the Holy Spirit is Pure and Righteous. The Word of G-d condemns lust in all of its' forms. The entrance of lust into religion is an attempt to corrupt His Holiness even within the Assemblies themselves. The Apostle Paul says in Romans 7:7 that we are not to lust. [1]

The place in the Believers' heart where Christs' Spirit is, and His Kingdom is, contains no lust.

Some "religious" leaders or authors of "religious publications" have said that lust and eroticism were practiced by the Holy men and women as a lifestyle in the Bible itself, and that is a lie. Through this lie, they have taught that Holy Matrimony is a place where lust and eroticism are "approved". That is another lie. They cite the Song of Solomon and other Sacred Scripture as "erotic", which means that G-d communicates lust to the believer in His Word as an example of how to live. [2] This is false teaching of the lowest sort that borders on Blasphemy.


"Religious leaders" have said, in print, that the Greek word "eros" (Greek term for so-called "erotic love", and also the name of a false sex "god") is somewhere found in the New Testament. The word is NOT FOUND, yet the word was commonly in use in the First Century. The pagans used it. It was a word always associated with perverted "worship" within pagan "temples" and sex cults.

The marriage bed is to be "undefiled". Further, they use psychological concepts such as "normal" to justify these lies and corrupt individual hearers, families and Churches and attempt to corrupt His Kingdom from within.

This is a Call to G-ds' people to reject this false teaching that gives "biblical approval" to lust and eroticism as an acceptable lifestyle for Believers. We are through Prayer and Bible study to "mortify the works of the flesh" and return to The True Worship of G-d, Who is Holy.[3]

"Be ye Holy, for I AM Holy."


[1] In Romans 7:7, as well as the 10 Commandments , the word "covet" is the Old English word for "lust". The passage is translated, "Thou shalt not lust". Anything that contributes to our lusts must be removed and NOT desired. The New Testament says that these things will be removed by Judgment. Revelation 18:14. Go HERE to learn about judging.

[2] Marriage is a Sacred Bond, particularly the Marriage of two Believers, and acts such as sodomy are prohibited, and can destroy a Marriage. The introduction of things pornographic into Marriage is likewise very destructive. There are many industries that base their prosperity on peoples' lusts. Those attracted to these things or as a business are unhappy to see them Judged. Revelation 18:19-24

Further, the New Testament declares that the women are to dress "in modest apparel" I Timothy 2:9 This means in -every- area inside the home, including the bedroom area, and not just "outside" the home. The Bible says that the immodest woman dresses "in the attire of a harlot" Proverbs 7:10 Also see Romans 13:14, Galatians 5:16, Ephesians 4:22, Jude 23.

Over and over again we find New Testament passages that rebuke lasciviousness and lust in all of its forms, and yet believers are still taught that their marriage is a place where anything is permitted? These are the things practiced by "the nations" who approve and "legalize" such things.

In the Book of Yakov (James) Chapter 3, verses 13-15, the word translated "conversation" (anastrophhs) means "conduct" in the Greek, not "conversational speaking". Whatever CONDUCT therefore, is "of the earth, sensual, devilish" has nothing whatever to do with G-ds' Righteousness.

Our focus should be on things Pure, Honourable, Noble, Upright, Holy, Righteous, Virtuous, Divine and Sacred. We are Called to Light, not darkness.

We are warned about these kinds of persons who practice their lusts as a lifestyle. They are still "in the world" and cause contentions and strifes within the Assemblies. Jude 16-19. They bring the lifestyles of the world back into the Assemblies from which they have been freed. II Peter 1:4

We are not to be "conformed to this world" Romans 12:2 or "the nations" but are to "Come out from among them be ye separate" II Corinthians 6:17 Spiritually.

In I John 2:15-17 we have a passage that reveals how the Kingdom of G-d differs from the "world system". The "world system", all throughout Scripture, is based upon lusts. Without the "pride of life", which is listed side-by-side with lusts for instance, could a "human works system" even exist?

Also because one member of the marriage is unsaved or does not believe these things, it does NOT give the opposite number any "free ticket" to divorce them. They are to remain and win over an unbelieving spouse by their Good Behaviour. I Peter 3:1. Again, "conversation" should be translated "conduct".

[3] I Thessalonians 4:1-8

The Word of G-d speaks to EVERY circumstance in the believers' life. We might expect unbelievers to be in unbelief; at the same time, being especially watchful for those who call themselves "believers" but openly deny His Word.

"...insomuch that if it were possible, they shall deceive the very Elect." Matthew 24:24b

We do not believe that G-ds' Elect can keep on being deceived.

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