There are three basic views of the Millennium within the Assemblies. We will examine one view: Premillennialism.[1] Premillennialism is the belief that the "Millennium" has not yet arrived. It is still future.


There are two types of Premillennialism, and all Premillennialists are not the same. In fact, the two types oppose each other radically at various points as we shall see.

These two types of basic Premillennialism are: Christian Premillennialism and Dispensational Premillennialism. Both believe in "a literal 1,000 year" visible reign of Messiah on earth. They differ as to who will receive the earthly blessings during Messiahs' reign and many other things however.

We will examine each, with their core beliefs, in turn, beginning with Christian Premillennialism.


Christian Premillennialism, or Post-Millenialism, holds to a glorious Millennial kingdom for Christs' Church on earth. The Church will have a glorious future that will include the ingathering of the Jews, all the Blessings of the Old Testament, and the Old Testament Promises will be literally fulfilled in the future by the Christian Church. Historically, many have held this belief in some form.[2]

1. The Church will receive all the Blessings of the Millennium, togtrher with all the Old Testament saints.

2. The New Covenant will be fully realized. Jews and Gentiles of the Church will reign together with Christ as "One in Messiah".

3. Jesus Christ will reign Supreme and His Church will reign with Him.

4. Multitudes will be Saved through the preaching of the New Covenant Gospel as it was preached by the Apostle Paul.

5. The Millennium is a fulfillment to the Church of all the Old Testament Prophecies.

6. The Millennium will be a completely Christian Age. Christ and the Church will rule in all the earth.

7. Since the First Advent of Jesus, there has been and will remain only One Gospel preached to Jew and Gentile alike until the end of time.

8. All Prophecy of the Old Testament, in the main, is interpreted in light of the New Testament.

9. The Jewish people will be converted, and ingathered as a whole into the Church.


Dispensationalism states that all the future Blessings of the Millennium are for Judaism only, and were never for the Church. Literalism is carried to an extreme.

1. The Church is but a "temporary interruption" of Judaism.

2. Full restoration of Judaism will occur in their Millennium.

3. Judaism will be the true religion "forever".

4. In their "Millennium" or "Kingdom Age" the "Church Age" will be over and done. Finished. Certain New Testament promises made to the Gentiles will no longer be in force. Everything returns to the Mosaic Law and the Old Testament priesthood, for instance.

5. Contrary to the Book of Hebrews, animal sacrifices will be offered once more, with Gods' full approval.[3]

6. Although Messiah will be "ruling and reigning" on a literal throne of David in Jerusalem, presumably in a Resurrection body, there will still be sinners living on earth at that time.

7. Judaism will fully inherit all of the Old Testament promises, after all, they assert they were never made to the Church. The Church was a "mystery parenthesis", completely unknown to all the Old Testament Prophets.

8. There will be multitudes more Saved in the Millennium under Judaism and the Mosaic institutions than were ever Saved through all the evangelism of the Church.

9. The Davidic ("Millennial") Kingdom which they say was offered to the Jews only, will be brought in "absolutely unchanged" with the whole Mosaic Law as before, including circumcision, and Judaism will rule the world enforced by the rod of Messiahs' power. Rabbis will be in charge. Since "sinners will still be present", the death penalty for violating the Sabbath would be in force.[4]

10. The Millennium will be a predominately Jewish Age.

11. There are "two Gospels".[5] The first was preached by Jesus to the Jews only and was for the Millennium only, and when, they say, "the Jews" rejected it, another gospel, called "the gospel of the Grace of God", was revealed to the Apostle Paul. It is for the Church Age only. At the end of the "Church Age" (their "Darby Rapture") this "gospel of the Grace of God" (Pauls' Gospel) will be totally abolished[6] in order to fully restore Judaism.

12. New Testament prophecies are all interpreted by the Old Testament.


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[1]There are two other views of the Millennium. Amillennianism and Post-Millennianism.

Amillennialism (the belief that the 1,000 years is a Spiritual number, Spiritually and actually Fulfilled [Matthew 28:18], which also is Christs' Kingdom in the hearts of His Elect; all those who have believed and will believe in Jesus in every generation).

The Amillennial position has been the most accepted teaching of the Church since the 4th Century.

Post-Millennialism is the belief that the "1,000 years" are still future, but is a Christian Age. Also called Whitbyanism.

[2]Teaching that the Old Testament priesthood will be completely restored, contrary to the Book of Hebrews, has remained very difficult for Christian Premillennialists to explain also.

[3] Paul also says these were "weak and beggarly elements" which have been abolished.

[4]There has been an attempt to retranslate the Hebrew word "Torah", saying it always only meant "Teaching" and never meant "Law"?

This begs the simple question to be put to proponents of this belief: Which mere "Teaching" was ever given the Force of Law to execute capital punishment on those who violated its' commands as does the Torah? "Teaching" does not have the power to do this, only Law does.

[5] Here is a more in-depth study of Two Gospels of Dispensationalism which new students to Dispensationalism may not even be aware, but is usually taught later on as being their "deeper knowledge of the Scriptures".

[6]When Paul pronounced the warning against those that would despise his Gospel, their "Darby Rapture" fulfills when Paul said, "until the L-rd comes". Therefore, they teach that Pauls' Gospel can then be freely disregarded because their "Church Age" is completely over at the "Darby Rapture".

We believe this was why Darby was led to first introduce "the two separate comings of Jesus" in 1830. The first (the Darby-style Rapture) fulfills Pauls' words "until He comes" and their "Church Age" is then said to be completely over. This makes it much easier, that without Pauls' Gospel or the Church left on earth at all, they teach Judaism is free to be logically reinstituted, "completely unchanged", "over all the earth".


Allis, Dr. Oswald T. Prophecy and the Church. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company. 1945.

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