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"When people try to live in the area of Non-Reason, they have no way to distinguish between right and wrong; or even between that which is Objectively True and that which is illusion or Fantasy.

"Some modern filmakers showed that as modern man leaps into the area of Non-Reason, to try to find his optimism without Reason, that he does not only not have any categories for moral or human values, but that he does not have any certainty upon which to distinguish between Reality and Illusion."[1]

Philosophic movies have addressed this problem.

One line from "Belle Du Jour": "...they are not dreams; they are fantasies of the spirit, there is no difference between the dream and the reality."[2]

One director said: "It is my only way to live in reality; you know, its for a creator, it is what he does, it is his only reality."[3]

Fantasy itself becomes the Reality.

If the person begins with himself, thinking that there is no personal G-d to speak, as Bergman also demonstrated in his film "Silence", then they have no Final Way to determine between Reality; and Fantasy or Illusion. This is the dilemma of modern Humanistic man.

The Bible has ways to determine between Reality and Fantasy. There are categories. It is not Romantic. Man is a fallen creature in need of a Saviour.

Using the Humanistic base, there is no Basis for Knowing.


[1] Dr. Francis Schaeffer: "How Shall We Then Live?", VHS Film Series

[2] Luis Bunuel; Director, "Belle Du Jour",

[3] Frederico Fellini; Director, "Juliet of the Spirits".


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