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"...speaks vanity


She is ever prompt to oil her words

and she flatters with irony

deriding (challenging, mocking) with iniquitous l[ips].[2]

Her heart is set up as a snare,

And her kidneys (affections, feelings) as fowlers' nets.

Her eyes with defiled iniquity (lusts),

her hands have seized hold of the Pit.

Her legs go down to work wickedness,

and to walk in wrong-doings (willful disobedience).

Her...are foundations of darkness,

and a multitude of sins is in her skirts (teachings).

Her...are darkness of night,

and her garments...

Her clothes are shades (colors) of twilight,

and her ornaments (allurements) plagues of corruption

Her couches are beds of corruption,

and her...depths of the Pit.

and her dominions (will of the flesh) in the midst of the night.

She pitches her dwelling on the foundations of darkness

she abides in the tents of silence.

Amid everlasting fire is her inheritance,

not among those who shine Brightly.

She is the beginning (the Primary Cause) of all the ways of iniquity.

Woe [and] disaster to all that possess (follow) her!

And desolation to all that hold her!

For her ways are ways of death,

and her paths are roads of sin,

and her tracks are pathways to iniquity (lawlessness),

and her by-ways are rebellious wrong-doings.

Her gates are gates of death,

and from the entrance of the house

she sets out toward the underworld

None of those who enter there will ever return,

and all who possess her will descend to the Pit.

she lies in wait (plotting) at secret places.[3]


In the citys' square she veils (disguises) herself,

and she stands (excersizing willful flatteries) at the gates of towns (wherever the people meet).

She will never re[st] from wh[orin]g,

her eyes glance hither and thither.

She lifts her eyelids naughtily

to stare (lust) at a Virtuous man and join him,[4]

and an important man to trip him up,

at Upright men to pervert their Way,

at the Righteous Elect to keep them from the Commandment,

at the Firmly Established to bring them down wantonly (with allurements),

and those who walk in Uprightness to alter the Statute;

to cause the humble to rebel against G-d,

and turn their steps away from the Ways of Justice,

to bring insolence (by imitating her) to their heart,

so that they march no more in the Paths of Uprightness (to forsake the Statute).

to lead men astray to the ways of the Pit,

and seduce with flatteries every son of man."

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[1]This passage depicts a flirt:

Coquet: [from the French: coq]. lit.,...Coquette: A vain, empty, trifling girl who endeavors to attract admiration and advances in love, from a desire to gratify vanity; a flirt.

Flirt: [From the Anglo-Saxon: flaerd. Trifle, folly] To act with levity or giddiness, to play the coquette. One who flirts, a woman who plays at courtship..

A woman who attracts a male by flirtation, as if it were True Courtship.

It has been said this work, The Seductress, reveals the errors of following the flirtations of false doctrine; both the allure and danger: "the land mourns" because of this very reason; following flirtatious false doctrine.

The fruit of it all comes to nothing; in Jeremiah Chapter 12, they are "happy that deal very treacherously" (v. 1); they have spoken "fair words" (flirtations and flatteries)(v.6). As a tragic result of this, even the Prophet Yermiyahus' (Jeremiahs') own Dearly Beloved of his soul, his own True Love, is taken away to destruction:

I have forsaken mine house, I have left mine heritage; I have given the dearly beloved of my soul into the hand of her enemies. Mine heritage is unto me as a lion in the forest; it crieth out against me: therefore have I despised it. Mine heritage is unto me as a speckled bird, the birds round about [are] against her. Come ye assemble all the beasts of the field, come to devour. Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion underfoot, they have made my portion a desolate wilderness. They have made it desolate, [and being] desolate, it mourns unto me; the whole land is made desolate, because no man lays it to heart. Jeremiah 12:7-11.

This is truly a very sad story. The divorce rate in the Church is now over 50%. But G-d is Faithful toward those who have been so used. Hopefullly, the flirtatious one will Truly Repent and Return as she should, or G-d, in Grace, will Provide someone who will be Truly Faithful.

Much of tadays' music and what passes for "entertainment" is based on flirtation. Comparisons can also be made to "the whore who rides on the scarlet colored beast" in Revelation 17:3. According to this, the "seductress" or "whore" attracts men to the ungodly lifestyle by flirtations : to "the Pit", "the world" or "the beast system". This system (kosmos) is energized by the lusts, flirtations and flatteries of this world.

This "system" is already working in "the world" because the Apostle John says: "the whole world lieth in wickedness." I John 5:19. Further, "all nations were deceived" by her. Revelation 18:23,24.

Now contrast this with the unflattering True Virtues of True Doctrine as The Woman of Valour: Proverbs 31:10-31. Her household (the whole land) is in Joy because True Doctrine and True Love reigns supreme: "Her children rise up an call her Blessed." Proverbs 31:28. "For Wisdom is Justified of her children.", Matthew 11:19. Also see II Chronicles 7:14.

Also compare the "world system" with its lusts to the Kingdom of G-d which is Holy and contains no sin (see below). The Kingdom is in the believers' heart.

[2] "She is loud and stubborn, her feet abide not in her own house." Proverbs 7:11. She does as she pleases, counting the mans' (even her husbands') authority as nothing, she does whatever she wants. She refuses to be completely submissive. A Feminist. She is a Strange Woman.

[3]"Her ways are moveable (shaking, changeable, unpredictable) that you cannot know them." Proverbs 5:6b. She breaks promises, vows, oaths, covenants and whatever else. Unpredictable. Because she has underlying faithlessness, she does not keep her word. Even having espoused her love to one man, she continues to flirt with other men; attempting to satisfy her insatiable need to be "loved" and "admired" and sought after by other men.

We may have all been involved in a flirtatious relationship or behavior. Such relationships can lead to dashed hopes, shattered dreams and disillusionment, or worse. "Playing at love" can be a very dangerous game. It is not "just harmless fun" as its proponents wrongly assert.

The idea here is to Repent from all flirtation and to return to G-dliness, Piety, True Purity and Holiness. If necessary, True Ladies of Grace are to gently suggest in Kindness and Humility to Men of G-d that they turn away from such types of activity. The Reward for such Ladies of Grace shall be great indeed.

They are not to instead participate. All such activity immanates from a Humanistic base. G-d must be our First Principle in all relationships, especially Courtship, and not our own selves or desires for "popularity".

If there is no Repentance, separate and avoid by having no fellowship such persons.

Also see Proverbs 7:6-27 compared with Wisdom (Proverbs 1 and following) and Proverbs 8, 9.

[4]"Having mens' persons' in admiration because of advantage." Jude 16.


The Fear of the L-RD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward (flattering, flirtatious) mouth, do I hate.

Counsel is mine and sound Wisdom: I [am] Understanding, I have Strength.

By me, kings reign and princes decree Justice.

By me, princes rule, and nobles, [even] all the judges of the earth.

I love them that love me, and those that Seek me early shall Find me.

Riches and Honour are with me, [yea] durable Riches and Righteousness.

My fruit is better than gold, yea than fine gold; and my Revenue than choice silver.

I Lead in the Way of Righteousness in the midst of the Paths of Judgment.

That I may cause those that love me to Inherit Substance, and I will Fill their Treasuries. Proverbs 8:13-21


Webster, Noah. Webster's Dictionary. c. 1846 Edition.

Vermes, Geza. The Dead Sea Scrolls in English. New York. Penguin Books. 1998.

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