And He is the Propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. I John 2:2

The Apostle John is here referring to not only the sins of the Elect Jewish Apostles and Disciples ("not for ours only"), but also Grace includes the Elect Gentiles. Also, the word "Propitiation" used here means that the Wrath of G-d has been turned away for all the ones spoken of here.[1]


Here is more about the Greek words translated into English as "world" in the New Testament.

The word in the English New Testament translated "world" is usually kosmos in Greek. It denotes a "system" and not "the earth". That word would be gaiea for earth.

There are two spiritual "systems" in operation mentioned in the New Testament. There is a "system" of the Believer and there is a "system" of the unbeliever.

For instance, there is this passage in Peter identifying a different "world" or "system".

"...the world (kosmos) of the ungodly." II Peter 2:5b

By this we know there is more than one "world" or "system" operating in the Spiritual realm. Both are Known to G-d.


Consider these verses:

"For G-d so loved the world that He Gave His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have Everlasting Life." John 3:16

John 3:16 appears to be speaking of "everyone in the entire world" excluding no one, seeming to say that possibly every person might be Saved if they were only "witnessed to correctly", "just loved enough" or some other persuasive tactics or "reasonable arguments" or "emotional support" then perhaps they would also believe?

But think of this: if the heathens in B.C. times "just had T.V." for example, then maybe many more could have been Saved? This makes Salvation contingent on mans' ability or "methods" however, to present the Gospel?

This, of course would make G-d unrighteous because He didn't make T.V. available for all those past generations so He was negligent in not making it available to every person alike? No, we cannot assign guilt or unrighteousness to G-d. Then whose "fault" might it be? Mans'? Man then ends up blaming self for "missing someone"? "They went to Hell because I missed presenting the Gospel to them!"? No again. Back to the T.V. set. G-d "misses" NO ONE, and is not guilty because He did not supply the proper "envangelistic tools".

Not one more will be added nor one more taken away from the number of the Elect Chosen by G-d "from before the foundation of the world". Unregenerate man is totally incapable of :Saving himself".[2]


For G-d sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be Saved. John 3:17

This verse seems to reinforce the the first verse and adds that "the world" is "not condemned" (even the wicked under Judgment)!? Therefore, some say "don't judge anyone" or anything, because Yeshua only "loved the sinner" and never Judged anyone so we shouldn't either? No, because He Judged the moneychangers in the Temple. What could it mean?

This can only mean "the world" spoken of here is the "world of the Elect" that are not condemned. They all come to Yeshua because they were previously Chosen before the Foundation of the world. (see Ephesians 1:4-6, John 1:13).

Why all the misunderstanding here? We will tell you why. The "free-will" Pelagians have been at it again, and are twisting the meanings of these verses once more!


We know this because "the world" is already under Judgment, Yeshua Judged, and "Judging" was Authorized by Yeshua Himself!

Yeshua Said:

I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which Thou hast given Me; for they are Thine. John 17:9

Now is the Judgment of this world, now shall the prince of this world be cast out. John 12:31

Yeshua Justly Judged what was going on around Him: I Hear I Judge, and My Judgment is Just. John 5:30

And not only did Yeshua Judge, but He also praised a man for Judging Righteously.

and He (Yeshua) Said unto him: 'Thou hast Rightly Judged' Luke 7:34

And Yeshua Commanded us to Judge:

Judge not according to appearance, but Judge Righteous Judgment. John 7:24

There is a division, therefore, between "the kingdoms of this world" (kosmos or "system") and the KINGDOM OF G-D or "the Kingdom of His Dear Son".

This can further be seen when Yeshua said He would separate "the sheep from the goats". A sheep cannot become a goat, neither can a goat become a sheep, although they may graze together.


Election is a Bible word. See Ephesians Chapter 1 verses 4-6 especially. "Elect" comes from the Greek word eklektos and means to choose one in particular from among many. The "choice" is not made by what is chosen, but by the Chooser.


Luke 16:8 "And [kai] the lord [kurios] commended [epaineo] the unjust [padikia] steward [oikonomos], because [hoti] he had done [poieo] wisely [phronimos]: for [hoti] the children [huios] of this [toutou] world [aion] are [eisi] in [eis] their [heautou] generation [genea] wiser [phronimos] than [huper] the sons [huios] of light [phos]."

Other examples would be the "Sons of Light" versus the "sons of darkness" as seen in the New Testament and also the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Also see John 1:13. Salvation is not a product of mans' will.

Yeshua said:

Murmer not among yourselves. No man can come unto Me, except the Father Who has Sent Me Draw him, and I Will Raise him Up at the Last Day. John 6:43b,44

Man wants to be able to completely "figure G-d out" even though the Scripture Declares clearly that His Ways are totally "..past finding out."!

More Following Soon!

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[1]The Arminian must twist the meaning of Propitiation to make his doctrine fit. Otherwise Yeshua failed to Save all He died for, or they must embrace Universal Redemption (that the entire human race is Saved).

The Dispensatuionalists claim, through Lewis Sperry Chafer and John Walvoord, that Jesus paid the penalty for all sin except the sin of unbelief. They taught and Dispies still teach that there was a Universal Atonement. Scripture says Yeshua paid for every sin of His Own, including unbelief.

[2]This is unregenerate mans' Total Depravity. Ruled by The Council of Orange in 529 A.D. It should be well understood that Antinomians refusse to abide by True Church Councils.

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