Monessen, Pa

Celebrating 100 Years


Monesssen is a city located about 30 miles southwest the city of Pittsburgh,Pa.Once, a thriving city of 19,000 people, it has suffered through the closing of the steel mills resulting in a loss of population and businesses. The population today is about 9500, and a lot of empty store fronts. We are slowly recovering. This year marks the 100th anniversery of the formation of the city. Year long celebrations are planned and it started with a New Years Eve party,along with fireworks. I hope to post events and pictures relating to the celebration throughout the year.

The next event planned is a Valentine Day Dance at the Firemens Social Center on Feb 14, 1998.

Other news; Our newly elected Mayor, Ted Harhai, has been elected to fill the unexpired term for State Representative for the 58th District.

Monessen Mayor Ted Harhai meeting with the mayor of Essen, Germany, March 1998.

� 1997 [email protected]

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