






In the May 2003 RRR Newsletter, I said I was putting a new book together on the early English history of the Roby family in England. I also said the new book would apply to all of the Castle Donington Roby’s that came to the colonies of Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. I have kept my promise and then some

My new book “Early English History of Roby, Robey, Robie, etc, Ancestral Families of American Immigrants” begins in 50 A.D. with the 360 year Roman occupation. It identifies all of the major historical English events (and their relationship to Roby land ownership) through the 16th century. These are documented facts as abstracted from an English history book and Henry John Roby’s book “Pedigree of Roby of Castle Donington”, 1889 and 1907.

The 17th-century in Castle Donington is explained by my abstracts from the book “Castle Donington in the 17th-century a Manorial Society” by Bruce M Townsend and the Castle Donington History Group. These abstracts explain how the Manor system worked during the century of the Roby immigration into America.

While in Castle Donington in 1988, I made copies of all the pages of the “Town Book” from the year 1634 through 1672. My abstracts from this historical document show in great detail the many duties, responsibilities, assets and taxes of our Roby and related families.

I abstracted the portions of Henry Roby Thorpe’s 1904 book “The Roby Family” that explain how Henry’s ancestor in 1650 purchased the “Key House” and Farmlands from the Lord of the Manor. These abstracts also shed light on the social differences between the Roby’s of the Hall (Mr.) and the Roby’s of the Farm (Yeomen).

I proved major conclusions related to each important historical abstract from the book so that we may all understand the impact of these abstracts in today’s language.

Additional sections include a through list of all Roby birth, death and marriage records from the church registry, abstracts of a diary in prose written by Thomas Roby born 1645, an abstract of Henry John Roby’s 1889 Pedigree Chart and finally, my cousin Beverly Ashton’s detailed descendant chart on out line of Robey’s in California.

The documents in this book provide all of the necessary court record facts that identify the basic makeup of our early English ancestry through the year 1672. These recorded facts provide a solid basis for all Roby descendants in America and our cousins who remain in England to share my extreme pride in out ancient ancestry.

To order: mail your check or money order for $20.00 ($15.00 for the 123 page book and $5.00 for postage and handling) to:

Billy F. Robey
Thousand Palms Lane
Las Vegas, NV 89130

If you need more information, call me at 702-658-3014.





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