Great party, Mike.
Find somewhere else next time.

As long as you're waiting for all these beautiful pictures to load, an editorial comment.

Woodstock 99 was 3 days of peace, love, music, heat, mud, hash bagels, bad brown acid, cannabis, beer, overflowing toilets, hiking on a long hot runway, noise, and really strange people. You probably heard on the news that it ended "tragically", and saw clips of the fires, but 99 hours of the concert comprised the aforementioned peace, love, music, heat, mud, etc. and 99% of the crowd did NOT "riot". But there are things that could have been done differently:

  • The trash could have been picked up, so folks would "pitch in"
  • The johns could have been set on concrete so you didn't have to wade through "shit creek" to get in
  • The bands inciting the destruction could have been disinvited
  • The much-ballyhooed "Grand Finale" (video clip of Jimi Hendrix) could have been unballyhooed
  • The food & drink prices could have been more normal, like one third
  • A plywood wall? hello?? Great for fuel, but security? No. (We have a couple pieces, but just plain painted, no Peter Max)
  • Somebody could have fixed or shut off that buzzing speaker (that got pushed over, finally)
  • The "Peace Patrol" could have NOT disappeared
  • You could have stayed home and watched it on TV, where the sound, smell, and temperature were better
OK, the pictures are here. Watch your step, and hold your nose:

The east stage


The potties near the east stage.

Aren't you glad you're not barefoot?

You know what ONE of these things smells like; imagine 2000 of them.

The campground
Where Teepees once stood, now t.p.'d

The torched trailers and trounced tent.
Next time, they'll charge even more to cover the damage

The campground near the west stage
Mom was not around to tell you to pick it up

Had enough? If not, we'll post more.
Thanks for coming by to smell this page.

The following are not responsible for this web page, or the mess in general:
Michael Lang, Joe Griffo, the US Air Force, the Griffiss Local Development Corporation, Metropolitan Entertainment, Geocities, Air Force Research Laboratory, Pay Per View, the Oneida Indian Nation, the Rome Common Council, Ralph Eannace, Dave Townsend, Nancy Hoffman, Hillary Clinton, RoAnn Destito, the NY State Police, the Peace Patrol, Oneida County, Ogden Fools - err, Foods, NBC, CBS, PBS, ABC, CCL, FCC, me, you, anybody.
It just happened.

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