Our names are Lindsay and Katie. We are fraternal twins. Lindsay is the oldest, born at 2:42 a.m. on April 15, 1991 and Katie is the youngest, born at 3:16 a.m. also on April 15, 1991. Katie seemed to be a bit reluctant to join the world, as she waited 34 minutes after Lindsay and was then only coaxed to join the family by an emergency cesearan section. Mom and Dad waited so long to have us, and now they became parents twice in the same day! They were still in shock because they'd only found out they were having twins a few weeks before we were born. Katie was hiding from them all that time.

Here is our favorite baby picture. We were about 6 months old and had just discovered that there was actually another baby living in the house. (Yes, the thought was scary to Mom and Dad, too.) This is one of the few times Katie wasn't crying, as it seemed she cried for about the first 9 months. Lindsay cried very little as long as she wasn't hungry. Seems that Katie's crying always put Lindsay to sleep.

The first thing we taught Mom and Dad was how to continue functioning with absolutely no sleep. Took them a while to get used to that one and we enjoyed watching them try. A few other things we taught them was how to feed two babies at once, how to juggle two babies in carriers when we went out with only one of them, and how to remember who had already eaten and been changed and who hadn't.

Life is still a bit hectic at our house, but we've all adjusted to each other very nicely. We look quite a bit alike, but our personalities are very different. Even so, we're still best of friends. We are now in second grade and are in the same class at school. Many people think we need to be apart, but we each have our own friends and our teachers think it is no problem, and we are much happier together.

We'll be working on our page alot in the next couple of weeks, so come back soon. We're going to add bunches of great links to exciting places and lots of neat stuff.


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Pictures from our Class Zoo Trip

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