Backpacking - Janeway says that her parents took them on backpacking trips because they wanted them to be aware of their pioneer roots; she hated the trips. (Resolutions)

Backup power couplings - Paris tells the Doctor to disable the backup phaser power couplings when Paris and the Talaxians attack Voyager; this will cause an overload when Cullah tries to switch to the backups during the attack; Suder is able to do this before he is killed by the Kazon. (Basics, Part 2)

Badlands - This is an area of space where plasma storms make travel difficult; the Maquis ship and Voyager are transported to the Delta Quadrant while they are here. (Caretaker)

Bahrat (Carlos Carrasco) - Manager of the station near the Nekrit Expanse; any transaction on the station must be approved by him and he gets a 20% commission on all trades; Bahrat agrees not to charge Neelix and Wix if they turn Tosin over to him. (Fair Trade)

Ballet - Janeway says that the dying swan dance that she learned when she was 6 years old was the hit of her beginning ballet class. (Coda)

Baja Peninsula - Chakotay is able to see the entire Baja Peninsula while he and Torres are in the shuttle. (Future's End, Part 2)

Baker, The - Neelix takes on the persona of the baker as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; he delivers the code key to the Resistance at the Le Coeur de Lion; he says that he has become quite friendly with the Gestapo and that they love his struedel; the baker is killed by Turanj when he becomes impatient to start "the hunt". (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Banea - Home of the Baneans; the people of Banea and Numiri once coexisted on the same planet but are now at war. (Ex Post Facto)

Banean doctor (Aaron Lustig) - He was a Numiri agent hoping to send Tolen Ren's equations from his weapons research to the Numiri; he murdered Tolen Ren and framed Paris for the murder. (Ex Post Facto)

Banjo man - The Caretaker appears as this person. (Caretaker)

Bantan - This is one of the dishes Neelix serves to the crew; he says it is a little on the spicy side but as long as you don't eat any of the little pink things you'll be fine. (The Cloud)

Barclay, Reginald (Dwight Schultz) - Male Lieutenant stationed at Jupiter Station Holoprogramming Center; he is Dr. Zimmerman's assistant; Barclay tries to convince the Doctor that he is really Dr. Zimmerman and that Voyager is a holo-simulation that is malfunctioning; Barclay was part of the original engineering team that designed the Doctor's program; he was in charge of testing the EMH's interpersonal skills. (Projections)

Barcode readers - Starling says that without him, there wouldn't have been laptops, the internet, or barcode readers. (Future's End, Part 2)

Barium - This was administered by physicians until the late 21st century to patients with certain gastrointestinal conditions; the radioactive properties of the barium made the lining of the intestines visible with an imaging technology called Xrays, the Doctor suggests they use something similar to barium to help restore Tuvok and Neelix. (Tuvix)

Bartender, The - Tuvok takes on the persona of the bartender of the Le Couer de Lion as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; he is a member of the Resistance; he is suspicious that de Neuf is a Nazi infiltrator since she has sometimes been uncooperative and argumentative. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Baryon sensors - Kim says that they could tie the baryon sensors into Deflector control in order to make it hard for the Ramuran ships to penetrate Voyager's shields. (Unforgettable)

Barzan wormhole - Voyager discovers this wormhole; seven years ago the Enterprise hosted negotiations for ownership rights to the Barzan wormhole; the wormhole is in a fixed spot in the Alpha Quadrant, but jumps around in the Delta Quadrant which made it worthless; Arridor and Kol were pulled into the Delta Quadrant when they made a nefarious attempt to secure rights to the wormhole. (False Profits)

Basal ganglia - After ingrafting the Klingon tissue into Danara's cerebral cortex, the Doctor says he needs to create an axonal pathway between that tissue and her basal ganglia. (Lifesigns)

Bathtub - Janeway wishes they had a bathtub on the planet since that is her favorite way of relaxing; Chakotay constructs a bathtub for her. (Resolutions)

Bat'leth - As part of the Day of Honor ritual, Torres must engage in battle with a master of the Bat'leth, but she decides not to go through with it. (Day of Honor)

Battle drills - Tuvok orders a series of battle drills after they make arrangements to rendevous with the Vidiians. (Resolutions)

Battle of Pyrithian Gorge - Neelix tells Kes how he faced down an entire battery of Haakonian artillery at this battle; later he admits that he never reported for duty and never was at this battle. (Jetrel)

Baxter, Walter (Tom Virtue) - Male Lieutenant aboard Voyager; the doctor treats him for an injury he got during a hamstring exercise. (Eye of the Needle) Janeway thinks that Baxter would like to remain on the planet because he is adventurous and a risk taker and that he would want to take on the challenge of building a new life on the planet. (The 37's) He is a security officer. (Twisted)

Baytart, Pablo - Ensign on Voyager; he showed Neelix the basics of shuttle operations. (Parturition) Neelix has him on "A Briefing With Neelix" to demonstrate his juggling ability; Baytart is one of the people that Janeway has in mind to replace Paris at Conn. (Investigations) Baytart's quarters are next to Kim's; Baytart doesn't appreciate Kim's clarinet playing because he bangs on the wall when Kim plays. (The Thaw)

Beacon - Voyager is being hailed by a beacon from someone using a Federation signal; they discover that it is Seska and that she has set up a trap to steal Federation technology from Voyager; Chakotay sends out an automated message beacon to Voyager telling them not to come to try to rescue him. (Manuevers) Voyager sends a beacon into the nebula to try to track down the shuttle after they receive Chakotay's distress call. (Mortal Coil)

Beamot tea - Neelix drinks beamot tea when he wakes up in the middle of the night. (Night)

Beatrice - SEE: Burleigh, Beatrice. (Cathexis)

Beggar (Michael Ensign) - A beggar in the temple square recites the Song of the Sages and tries to charge Chakotay and Paris for listening to it; he says that he need ointment for his eye; he recites the last verse of the song in exchange for Chakotay's shoes. (False Profits)

Belle (Lindsey Haun) - Belle is the Doctor's daughter in the holographic family he creates; the Doctor says that she is already studying algebra and trigonometry in school and that she is budding athlete; the Doctor changes Parisses squares from Monday, Wednesday, Friday to Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday which puts Belle on the second team; she is good enough to be on the first team but the Doctor thinks she isn't old enough; Belle suffers severe cranial trauma when she hits her head on the edge of the court during Parisses squares; the Doctors are unable to stop the hemorrhage and Belle dies. (Real Life)

Benaren - Benaren is the name of Kes's father; he was the greatest inspiration in her life; Kes suggests the name Benaren to Wildman when she is trying to decide what to name her baby. (Dreadnought) Kes says that if it wasn't for her father, she would never have questioned her people's beliefs or left the city; her father died when she had just turned 1; Kes doesn't miss him as much since she started working with Tuvok. (Resolutions) When Kes jumps back in time to when she was a child, she tries to tell her father about what is happening to her; her father says that Kes is his favorite daughter. (Before and After)

Bendera, Kurt - former Maquis; crewman on Voyager; he was killed during a Kazon attack when a console in engineering exploded and caught him in the face; he saved Torres life once near the Cardassian border; he became a friend of Chakotay's on Telfas prime when he helped Chakotay fight off some miners who attacked him. (Alliances)

Bennet (Richard Garon) - Ensign on Voyager; he is injured when the shuttle he and Tuvok are in crashes on the moon; several of his vertabrae have been fractured; he tells Tuvok that it seems sad not to leave anyone behind; Tuvok tells him that Ensign McCormack would miss him a great deal; he dies and Tuvok puts his body in stasis until they can return to Voyager. (Innocence)

Bentha - Steth says that he will take the alien back to Bentha to find out who else's body the alien has stolen. (Vis A Vis)

Benthan - Steth says that he is from the 4th planet in the Benthan system; this system is 20 light years from Voyager; Commander Avik of the Benhtan Guard orders Paris/Steth to surrender after Paris ends up in the Kotaba Expanse in Steth's ship. (Vis A Vis)

Berlin, Karyn - She is one of the descendents of the "37's"; she and John Evansville attack the away team when they believe that they are Briori. (The 37's)

Beta squad - Kim tells Kellin to volunteer for the Beta squad security team; he says that they are the best team and that Kellin can learn a lot from them. (Unforgettable)

Beta team - Tuvok leads this search party as the crew look for resources on the planet. (Basics, Part 1)

Bewoulf - An epic earth poem set in 6th century Denmark in which Bewoulf fights a creature name Grendel; Kim plays Bewoulf in a holodeck simulation; the Doctor participates in the Bewoulf program in order to rescue Kim, Chakotay, and Tuvok from the photonic energy life form. (Heroes and Demons)

Big bang - Federation cosmotologists had a theory that Omega once existed in nature for an infinitesimal amount of time at the exact moment of the Big Bang; some of them claimed that Omega was the primal source of energy for the explosion that began the universe. (Omega Directive)

Big Daddy-O Surf Special - Paris replicates a Big Daddy-O Surf special shirt to wear to the luau on the holodeck. (Alter Ego)

Binary matrix - Tuvok and Chakotay determine that the bio-mass has a binary matrix that is laced with neuropeptides which may be its version of a warp core. (Scorpion, Part 1)

Binary pulsars - The source of the energy reading Voyager discovers is two binary pulsars; the gravity between them is so intense that everything within 50 million kilometers is being pulled in; the gamma radiation levels around the pulsars is high; Voyager circles the pulsars at a distance of 90 million kilometers in order to avoid the random proton burst; Janeway takes Voyager directly between the pulsars in a desperate attempt to rid Voyager of the aliens. (Scientific Method)

Binary system - When Janeway wants to upload the database on Starling's computer, Kim says it will take a few minutes to reconfigure Voyager's computer to Starling's binary system. (Future's End, Part 1) Janeway and Chakotay are surveying the 2nd planet in a binary system in order to collect nitrogenase compounds. (Coda)

Bio-ablation pump - According to Seven, the Entharan assisting Kovin says that the bio-ablation pump is engaged and pressurized; this causes Seven's nanoprobes to multiply. (Retrospect)

Biochemical analysis - The biochemical analysis of the orchids show that the plants have chloroplasts; lysosomal enzymes and cytoplasmic proteins; the analysis shows nothing unusual. (Tuvix)

Biochemical changes - Janeway believes that when the Nechisti monks go through a series of ordeals, it causes biochemical changes that protect them from the biogenic field in the shrine; Janeway undergoes a series of biochemical changes after she is bitten by the nesset. (Sacred Ground)

Bio-electric field - There is a bio-electric field on Voyager that is preventing Janeway from scanning for life signs; the field is permeating the ship and Janeway can't localize it; the filters are purged after the Doctor is beamed back but the virus has already migrated into the transporter buffer. (Macrocosm) The Doctor can only make a visual diagnosis of Species 8472's injuries because its body is generating a bioelectric field that he can't scan through. (Prey)

Bio-electric interference - Voyager is unable to get a lock on the away team because of bio-electric interference from the alien coming toward them. (Scorpion, Part 1)

Biofilters - Chakotay won't let the Doctor beam the macrovirus onto Voyager because the ship's biofilters may not recognize it. (Macrocosm) The Doctor says that Kim may have been exposed to retrovirus during an away mission and that the Taresian DNA may have been tranferred into his cells before the biofilters destroyed the virus. (Favorite Son) When Rekar catches him at a console on the Bridge, the Doctor tells him that he was checking the biofilters for evidence of the Torothka virus. (Message in a Bottle)

Biogenic field - Tuvok tries to augment this field when the transporter pattern begins to degrade rapidly when he and Janeway attempt regenerative fusion in order to restore the victims of the Metreon Cascade. (Jetrel) The shrine is protected by some sort of biogenic field; Kes was injured by this field when she accidently entered the shrine; the field caused severe neuroleptic shock; the Doctor believes that increased neuropeptide levels could create a natural barrier to biogenic energy; Janeway decides to take Kes back through the biogenic field and trust that the Ancestral Spirits will prevent her from dying; the Doctor says that the iridium ions in the sanctuary caused a temporary dielectric effect in the outer epidermic layers which neutralized some of the biogenic energy so that the altered biochemistry was an effective defense. (Sacred Ground)

Biogenic weapons - In the Kyrian simulation, Voyager uses biogenic weapons on the most populous Kyrian territories in order to flush out Tedran. (Living Witness)

Biological repository - The Vidiians keep the organs they have harvested in this storage facility; Tuvok found pulmonary organs, epidermal tissue and ocular nerve fibers stored here. (The Phage)

Biomatrix - The Vidiians shut down the biomatrix after the genotron has completed the regeneration phase. (Faces)

Biomagnetic traps - This is one of the things that the Kazon Ogla use on Tarok in their training exercises. (Initiations)

Biomimetic gel - Chakotay and Paris have to pick up some biomemetic gel from the trading station; Starfleet Standard issue container L647X7 is the listed as the proper transport device for the gel. (Fair Trade)

Biomolecular evolution - Janeway decides that she will try to learn more about the biomolecular evolution of the planet's ecosystem in hopes that it will lead her to a cure for the virus. (Resolutions)

Bio-molecular warheads - Janeway suggest that they encase the nanoprobes in some of their torpedoes and turn them into bio-molecular weapons; Seven says these warheads will lack the necessary range and dispersive force; after Seven takes Voyager into the alien realm, she demands that Voyager consturct a complement of bio-molecular warhead but Chakotay refuses; after Janeway recovers, she orders Tuvok to give Seven the nanoprobes and to work with her to build as many of the warheads as they can; (Scorpion, Part 2)

Bioneural circuitry - Voyager is equipped with this circuitry in which traditional circuitry has been replaced by gel packs that contain bioneural cells that organize information more efficiently and speed up response time. (Caretaker) Voyager begins experiencing multiple failures in this circuitry; the Doctor discovers that the gel packs have caught a viral infection. (Learning Curve)

Bioneural energy - All of Chakotay's bioneural energy had been extracted from his brain when he and Tuvok were attacked on the shuttle. (Cathexis)

Bio-polymer residue - The away team discovers this organic residue in the caverns when they beam down to one of the asteroid rings; the Doctor says that the residue is a byproduct of the alien's natural decomposition process; as their tissue decays, the residue is excreted by the epidermal layer. (Emanations)

Bio-scanners - The bio-scanners indicate that Tuvok and Neelix's patterns have merged. (Tuvix) Chakotay initiates a level 1 bio scan of the surface in order to locate Kim. (Favorite Son)

Bio-ship - Voyager finds a "bio-mass" attached to the hull of one of the damaged Borg ships; the biomass seems to have dissolved right through the Borg hull; the Borg attempted to assimiliate it but were unsuccessful; it appears to be a ship of some kind; Tuvok and Chakotay determine that the bio-ship has a binary matrix that is laced with nueropeptides which may be its version of a warp core. (Scorpion, Part 1) Janeway suggests to Seven that destroying a few of their bio-ships may deter Species 8472 and convince them to give up this war; Voyager destroys 4 bio-ships with their modified photon torpedoes and 13 more with their high-yield warhead. (Scorpion, Part 2)

Bio-spectral analysis - The Doctor has Kes run a full bio-spectral analysis on Tuvix. (Tuvix)

Bio-stasis chamber - The Doctor tells Kes to store the implants that he has removed from Seven a bio-stasis chamber. (The Gift)

Biosuppressor field - The Doctor tries to inhibit Paris's cell mitosis with a biosuppressor field. (Threshold)

Bio-temporal chamber - Kes begins living her life backwards after she wakes up in the bio-temporal chamber; the Doctor says that the chamber is a completely revolutionary procedure and he says that it could add another year onto Kes's life; the bio-temporal chamber would push Kes's cells back into an earlier stage of entropic decay; the Doctor is surprised that Kes already knows about the bio-temporal chamber because he was going to tell her about it at her birthday party; Torres believes that putting Kes in another bio-temporal chamber and exposing her to a precisely modulated field of anti-chronotons will purge her system of the chronoton radiation and bring her back in temporal synch and stop her from moving backwards in time. (Before and After)

Bio-temporal flux - The Doctor says that Kes's cells are in a state of bio-temporal flux; (Before and After)

Blackbird's wing - This is one of the items in Chakotay's medicine bundle. (The Cloud)

Black Market - Brigitte tells Davis that the Resistance bought most of the explosives they have on the black market. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Blain - Crew member on Voyager; Blain's brain wave pattern shows up on the Doctor's console when he is showing Chakotay that the patterns of all of the sleeping crew members are the same. (Waking Moments)

Blood gas infuser - This is stored in the equipment storage unit, second shelf on the left; Holodoc uses this to keep Neelix's oxygen level stable for a few hours. (The Phage)

Blood pie - Neelix brings Torres blood pie for the Day of Honor; many Klingon families serve blood pie on this date. (Day of Honor)

Bloodworms - This is the only thing that Chakotay finds when he scans the planet for lifeforms; Neelix wants to bring some back to Voyager for a tar tar that he wants to make. (State of Flux)

Blue alert - Voyager goes to a blue alert when they land the ship on the planet. (The 37's) Voyager goes to blue alert when they land on the planet. (Demon)

Bluebonnets - These are Riley's favorite flower; she picked them back home in Texas with her grandfather. (Unity)

Boat - Chakotay shows Janeway his plans for building a boat so that they can explore the river. (Resolutions)

Body armor - The Doctor is trying to remove the Hirogen's body armor when he regains consciousness; according to the Hirogen, his body armor can defeat most hostile environments. (Prey)

Body temperature - Kes experiences a sudden drop in body temperature right before she jumps backwards in time; Linnis runs a hypothalamic scan to try to establish a pattern to the drops in Kes' body temperature; Kes's normal temperature is 16.3. (Before and After)

Bolian - Riley tells Chakotay that she was the Science officer on board a vessel in the Bolian sector when their ship was attacked by the Borg. (Unity) Kim tells Seven that Bolians are one of the hundreds of humanoids species living on Earth. (Hope and Fear)

Bolian embassy - Charlene is scheduled to speak at the Bolian embassy on Wednesday. (Real Life)

B'omar - Janeway negotiates with the B'omar to arrange passage through their space; the B'omar decide to let Voyager travel through their territory but have many guidelines Voyager must follow; the B'omar use a perimeter grid to identify and trace every vessel, object or particle of dust that crosses their borders; Gaumen refuses to let Voyager enter B'omar space to track Seven; they want Janeway to keep Voyager at least 5 light years away from their borders; they double the number of ships patrolling the border and increase the sensitivity of their perimeter grid by 36%; the B'omar destroy The Raven just after Tuvok and Seven are able to get out of the ship; a fleet of 68 B'omar ships is heading toward Voyager so Janeway orders Voyager out of B'omar space. (The Raven)

Bones - Hogan finds some bones at the entrance to a cave; Neelix tells him to gather them up so they can be used as tools or weapons. (Basics, Part 2)

Borg - Q "introduced" the Borg to the races of the Alpha Quadrant. (Deathwish) Chakotay finds the remains of a Borg on the planet's surface when they were clearing away the Sakari ruins; they were the invaders who destroyed the Sakari colony. (Blood Fever) Voyager finds a Borg cube that is not operational; they board the ship so that they can have the opportunity to learn about the Borg technology; all activity in the cube ceased abruptly 5 years ago; there are 1100 Borg corpses on the cube; Chakotay discovers that all the people on the planet had been assimilated by the Borg; the members of the cooperative still have Borg neuro-processors implanted in their nervous systems because removing the implants would have killed them. (Unity) Voyager's probe sees several Borg cubes being destroyed; Borg space is vast, encompassing thousands of solar systems; the Doctor says that he has examined every square millimeter of the Borg corpse and is closer to understanding how the Borg assimilation technology works; according to Jean Luc Picard, the Borg are without mercy and are driven by the will to conquer; Kes has a premonition of a pile of Borg bodies; Kim finds a pile of dead Borg bodies when he, Tuvok and Chakotay beam onto the damaged Borg cube; the Borg are unable to assimilate Species 8472; the Doctor hopes to use Borg nanoprobes to penetrate the aliens cells; the Borg have been attacked by Species 8472 over a dozen times over the past 5 months and the Borg have been swiftly defeated each time; Janeway decides to form an alliance with the Borg in which the Borg will allow Voyager safe passage through their space in return for Voyager helping them defeat Species 8472. (Scorpion, Part 1) In order to save Voyager, the Borg sacrifice their own cube by putting it into the path of fire from Species 8472; the Borg are losing the war with Species 8472; the Borg orders Seven to seize control of Voyager and take it into the alien realm; Seven says that the assimilatin of Species 8472 would have greatly added to the Borg's perfection; it will take 2 weeks to remove all the Borg technologry from Voyager's systems; Janeway tells Chakotay to leave the Borg improvements in the power couplings on Deck 8 since they seem to work better with them. (Scorpion, Part 2) Kes pushes Voyager safely beyond Borg space; the Doctor is able to extract 82% of the Borg hardware from Seven's body. (The Gift) Kim jokingly tells Seven that he always wanted to learn Borg; Seven says that the Borg have no need for seduction or single-cell reproduction since they just assimilate any species that they want. (Revulsion) Seven starts to have flashbacks of being on a Borg vessel; she says that she wasn't traumatized by the Borg; she doesn't see them as threatening because she was raised by the Borg; while searching the Cargo Bay, Torres finds a Borg data-link that seems to be a succession of log entries written in Borg alphanumeric code; 13% of the Borg technology that he removed 3 weeks ago has regenerated in a matter of hours; every Borg ship is coded to emit a distinct resonance frequency to guide drones that have become separated from the collective. (The Raven) Seven says that the Borg are capable of reactivating drones as much as 73 hours after death; they have no fear of death; when a drone is damaged beyond repair, it is discarded but its memories continue to exist in the Collective consciousness; according to Seven, children assimilated by the Borg are placed in maturation chambers for 17 cycles. (Mortal Coil) Seven remembers Kovin performing a surgical procedure on her and extracting Borg technology from her body. (Retrospect) Alpha Hirogen says that the Borg are a worthy prey and he wants to recreate the notorious battle known as Wolf 359 after World War II simulation is over; the Doctor disables Seven's neural interface by remodulating one of her Borg implants to emit a jamming signal. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Seven tells Janeway that she will enhance the holographic weapons using Borg technology; Paris says that the Nazis were the "Borg of their day" since the Nazis were bent on world conquest; Seven tells Turanj that despite their arrogance, one day the Borg will assimilate the Hirogen. (The Killing Game, Part 2) Seven says that each drone's experiences are processed by the collective and only the useful information is retained; the Borg were able to create a single molecule of Omega and keep it stable for one-trillionith of a nanosecond before it destablized and destroyed 29 vessels and 600,000 drones; Seven says that to the Borg, Omega represents perfection; the Borg discovered Omega 229 years ago through the assimiation of 13 different species; every drone is aware of Omega and have been instructed to assimilate it at all costs. (Omega Directive) The Kyrians believe that the Warship Voyager had Borg drones as part of their crew; in the Kyrian simulation, Janeway initiates the Borg activation sequence and orders Seven of 9 to stop the Kyrians in the engine room; Janeway tells Seven to assimilate the two surviving Kyrians since Seven has been wanting to expand her Borg fighting force. (Living Witness) When Seven is hallucinating, she sees Borg on Voyager. (One) Arturis tells Seven that she is much more attractive than the average drone; the Borg called Arturis's people Species 116; Arturis says that the Borg collective is like a force of nature; Seven says that the quantum slipstream drive is similar to the transwarp drive of the Borg; Arturis says that his people have managed to elude the Borg for centuries, but they were assimilated after the Borg defeated Species 8472; Arturis doesn't blame the Borg since he says they were just drones acting with their collective instinct; when the slipstream shuts down, the Dauntless is surrounded by Borg cubes. (Hope and Fear) Janeway tells Chakotay that she almost wishes they would run into a Borg cube just for a distraction. (Night)

Boronite - Voyager finds this in the composition of the debris field where the Vostigye station should be. (Real Life) Seven says that the Borg didn't have enough boronite ore left to synthesize another Omega molecule after the first one destabilized. (Omega Directive)

Botha - The Botha protect their territory fiercely and don't want anyone crossing their borders; the Bothan ships send out a massive energy field that has psionic properties and cause the crew to hallucinate. (Persistence of Vision)

Bourgett - This is one of the compounds that Janeway and Tuvok discover. (Displaced)

Bow and arrow - Tuvok fashioned a bow and arrow to use as a weapon; Chakotay mistakenly believes Tuvok made it for him but Tuvok informs Chakotay that he intends to use the weapon himself since he taught archery science for several years at the Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts. (Basics, Part 2)

Box wrench - Paris can't find his box wrench when he leaves Steth's ship; later when he finds it, Steth says he needed it in order to get a DNA sample. (Vis A Vis)

Braxton (Allan G. Royal) - Captain of the Federation Timeship Aeon; his ship appears out of a spatial rift and he attempts to destroy Voyager; he tells them that he comes from the 29th century and is here to destroy Voyager since they are responsible for a disaster in his century; his ship is pulled back into the spatial rift into the year 1967 and he initiates an emergency beam-out before this ship crashes in the High Sierras on Earth; Starling stole his timeship; he was put in a mental institution for awhile where they filled him with primitive pharmaceuticals. (Future's End, Part 1) After Starling and the timeship are destroyed, Braxton appears out of the rift; he says that he never experienced the timeline where he had crashed on Earth; he takes them back to the exact time and place where Voyager first encountered the timeship. (Future's End, Part 2)

Bread crumbs - This is Kim's way of saying that Voyager should modify a subspace transponder that could be deployed along the away team's path in order to maintain a link with the ship. (Faces)

Breen - This species is one of the most warlike species; among the Breen pregnancy at an early age is a common event. (Elogium) The Breen are one of the races that Starfleet has encountered that use an organic-based vessel. (Scorpion, Part 1)

Brel (Eugene Roche) - Jor Brel is one of the Enarans that Voyager picks up on the Fima colony and takes to Enara Prime; he plays something that Mirell composed on an Enaran musical instument at the reception; he uses his telepathic abilities to teach Janeway to play the piece as well; Brel says that the dreams Torres is experiencing may be stray thoughts from the various Enarans on board Voyager. (Remember)

"Bride of the Corpse" - This B movie was the sequel to "Orgy of the Walking Dead"; Paris asks Rain if she has seen this movie. (Future's End, Part 1)

Bridge access relays - Kim says that someone on the holodeck has to engage the bridge access relays in order for he and the Doctor to disable the neural interfaces; while she and Katrine are at Nazi headquarters on the holodeck, Seven is able to engage these relays. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

"Briefing With Neelix" - This is the name of Neelix's daily program that he begins in order to bring joy to everyone's day; the program consists of news of general interest, interview with crew members, musical performances, recommendations for new holodeck programs, previews of upcoming meals, regular updates on the ship's progress and commendations for outstanding crew members. (Investigations)

Brig - Numira says that Voyager's brig seems barbaric; Tuvok says that it is only used to ensure the safety of others or to confine a hostile alien until the proper authorities can be notified; he tells Numira that on rare occasions they have incarcerated a crew member who has committed a serious infraction; the brig has been occupied for less than 1 % of Voyager's journey; Tuvok confines Guill in the brig until he can be turned over to Nimira. (Random Thoughts)

Brigitte - Torres takes on the persona of Brigitte in the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; she is a member of the Resistance; she is pregnant with the child of the German kapitan; in order to gather info about Nazi headquarters, she tells the guard outside that she is ill and has to see the Kapitan; Brigitte met Davis when he spent a summer in Sainte Claire; according to Davis, she has great gams and one hell of a temper; he and Brigitte wrote to each other for 3 years but they lost contact with each other after the war broke out; while Seven and Katrine infiltrate Nazi headquarters, Brigitte stays at Le Coeur de Lion with orders to destroy all evidence of the Resistance if anything goes wrong. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Brigitte is reunited with Davis when the Americans invade Saint Claire; she and Davis first kissed during the movie they saw at the Cinema Mystere before the war; Davis's last letter to her asked her to leave France; Brigitte tells Davis that she took advantage of the German kapitan's interest in her in order to help the Resistance. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Brill cheese - Neelix makes this cheese using the schplict that Voyager got from the planet Napinne. (Learning Curve)

Briori - An alien race that abducted over 300 people from Earth in the year 1937, brought them to the planet, and turned them into slaves; when the slaves revolted the Briori on the planet were destroyed. (The 37's)

Bristow, Freddy - Ensign on Voyager; he has a crush on Torres and has been making any excuse to hang around engineering and around Torres; according to Paris he's tall and good looking; Torres says that she played him one game of Parisses' Squares and she crushed him; Torres says that she rather take her chances with Freddy Bristow than go out with Paris. (The Swarm)

Brone (Michael Mahonen) - He is the team leader of the 4th Vori Defense Contingent; Brone rescues Chakotay when the Kradin stake him to the ground upturned; Brone is going to join with the 5th Contingent to try to free the Larhana villagers; Chakotay discovers that Brone was just part of a Vori training simulation. (Nemesis)

Bronze Age - A metallurgic analysis of the 2nd planet indicates that the inhabitants of the planet are at a Bronze Age level of technology. (False Profits)

Brooks (Sue Henley) - Female ensign on Voyager; she is Seven's cabin mate since the crew have had to share quarters; Seven says that she leaves equipment laying around and her clothing on the floor. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Builder - Automated Personnel Unit 3947 thinks that Torres is a Builder; the Builders were the humanoid people that created the automated personnel units. (Prototype)

Burial site - The away team discovers that the cavern on the asteroid ring they are exploring is really a burial site. (Emanations)

Burleigh, Beatrice (Lindsey Haun) - Character in Janeway's holodeck program; daughter of Lord Burleigh. (Cathexis) Her title is Lady Beatrice Flora. (Learning Curve) Janeway says that Beatrice is musical because she thinks she hear Beatrice playing piano in the music room; the Bothan causes Janeway to see Beatrice outside the holodeck. (Persistence of Vision)

Burleigh, Henry (Thomas Alexander Dekker) - Character in Janeway's holodeck program; son of Lord Burleigh. (Cathexis) His title is Viscount Timmons. (Learning Curve) He has a talent for mathematics. (Persistence of Vision)

Burleigh (Michael Cumpty) - Lord Burleigh is a character in Janeway's holodeck program; father of Henry and Beatrice. (Cathexis)

Bussard collectors - Torres says that they can use the bussard collectors to cut through the nebula to gather the sirillium. (Flashback) Since the energy emissions from Voyager are too high, Paris attempts to use the bussard collectors on the shuttle to try to collect the plasma from the particle wake. (Real Life) Seven suggests that they modify the bussard collectors to gather the deuterium. (Unforgettable)

Butch (Brent Hinkley) - This is one of the men who hold Chakotay and Torres captive. (Future's End, Part 2)

Byrd, Danny - Kim's best friend; Kim discovers that in this reality, Ensign Danny Byrd became operations officer on Voyager instead of him. (Non Sequitor)

Byron, Lord (Christopher Clarke) - This is one of the characters that the Doctor interviews as part of his personality improvement program; the Doctor chose Byron because he was creative, poetic and a genius; however, Byron was also emotionally intense and even unstable. (Darkling)


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