Andrew (Christopher Aguilar) - A boy named Andrew brings Kes a birthday present while she is in sickbay; Kes later learns that this is her grandson, Linnis's son; he says that Kes taught him to always think before he speaks; Linnis says that Andrew has Kes's nose. (Before and After)

Anti-chronoton particles - Torres believes that exposing Kes to a precisely modulated field of anti-chronotons will purge her system of the chronoton radiation and bring her back in temporal synch and stop her from moving backwards in time. (Before and After)

Benaren - When Kes jumps back in time to when she was a child, she tries to tell her father about what is happening to her; her father says that Kes is his favorite daughter. (Before and After)

Bio-temporal chamber - Kes begins living her life backwards after she wakes up in the bio-temporal chamber; the Doctor says that the chamber is a completely revolutionary procedure and he says that it could add another year onto Kes's life; the bio-temporal chamber would push Kes's cells back into an earlier stage of entropic decay; the Doctor is surprised that Kes already knows about the bio-temporal chamber because he was going to tell her about it at her birthday party; Torres believes that putting Kes in another bio-temporal chamber and exposing her to a precisely modulated field of anti-chronotons will purge her system of the chronoton radiation and bring her back in temporal synch and stop her from moving backwards in time. (Before and After)

Bio-temporal flux - The Doctor says that Kes's cells are in a state of bio-temporal flux; (Before and After)

Body temperature - Kes experiences a sudden drop in body temperature right before she jumps backwards in time; Linnis runs a hypothalamic scan to try to establish a pattern to the drops in Kes' body temperature; Kes's normal temperature is 16.3. (Before and After)

Carey, Joe - In the reality that Kes is experiencing, Carey was killed duirng the Year of Hell when Voyager was being constantly attacked by the Krenim. (Before and After)

Chronoton particles - The Doctor detects high levels of chronoton particles in Kes's cells even though she was innoculated with the rest of the crew several years earlier; the Doctor thinks that the bio-temporal chamber has reactivated the dormant chronoton particles in her body and that this is bringing her out of temporal synch with the rest of them; he believes that he can purge her body of the remaining chronton particles if he knows the precise temporal variance of the torpedo that contanimated the ship. (Before and After)

Chronoton torpedo - Kes and a lot of the Voyager crew were infected by radiation poisoning from a leak in one of the chronoton torpedo fragments; the torpedos were able to penetrate Voyager's shields because they were in a constant state of temporal flux; a chronoton torpedo becomes lodged in a Jeffries tube on Deck 11, section 2; the temporal variance of the chronoton torpedo is 1.47 microseconds. (Before and After)

Deck 11 - A chronoton torpedo becomes lodged in a Jeffries tube on Deck 11, section 2. (Before and After)

Hypothalamic scan - Linnis runs this scan on Kes to try to establish a pattern to the drops in Kes's body temperature. (Before and After)

Jeffries tube - A chronoton torpedo becomes lodged in a Jeffries tube on Deck 11, section 2. (Before and After)

Jiballian fudge - Neelix makes this for Kes's 9th birthday party since he knows it is her favorite. (Before and After)

Kilodyne - The Doctor brings the bio-temporal field stress to 25 kilodynes and then increases it to 30 kilodynes when they are attempting to bring Kes back into temporal synch. (Before and After)

Krenim - In the reality Kes is experiencing, there was a period of time where Voyager was being constantly attacked by a race called the Krenim; the Krenim torpedos are able to pass through Voyager's shields because they are chronoton based and in a constant state of temporal flux; after Kes returns to normal, she is able to provide info about the Krenim to Janeway. (Before and After)

Linnis (Jessica Collins) - In the reality that Kes is experiencing, Linnis is her daughter but Kes does not remember her; Linnis is against using the bio-temporal chamber since she believes that Kes wouldn't want extraordinary methods taken to extend the normal 9 year life span; Kes finds records of her prenatal exam when she and Paris listened to Linnis's heartbeat; Linnis works in sick bay; she says that she feels a little awkward with baby Andrew sometimes and that she is more comfortable with a molecular scanner than a diaper; Kes gives birth to Linnis on a shuttle. (Before and After)

Martis (Rachel Harris) - Kes's mother; Kes jumps back in time to the moment that Martis was giving birth to her; Martis says that one day she thinks Kes will see the sun. (Before and After)

Memory engrams - The Doctor tells Chakotay that Kes has less than 1% of her memory engrams intact now that she is 9 years old. (Before and After)

MEV - A unit of measurement; the Doctor initiates an anti-chronoton pulse at 10 MEVs and then increases it to 20 MEVs when they are attempting to bring Kes back into temporal synch. (Before and After)

Morilogium - The Doctor says that Kes is experiencing the morilogium which comes in abruptly and advances rapidly; the morilogium is the final phase of the Ocampan life span. (Before and After)

Mozart - In the reality that Kes is experiencing, this is one of the names the Doctor had been considering. (Before and After)

Radiation poisoning - Kes and a lot of the crew were exposed to radiation poisioning during the first Krenim attack on stardate 50973 when there was a leak from one of the Krenim chronoton torpedo fragments; the crew was innoculated against the poisoning but Kes still has trace amounts of the radiation in her body. (Before and After)

Roentgens - A unit of measurement; the Doctor uses this to measure the chronoton level in Kes's body. (Before and After)

Targetting scanners - Chakotay wants Paris to modulate the targetting scanners to a parametric frequency when they are attacked by the Krenim. (Before and After)

Temporal anomaly - Chakotay orders the crew to scan for temporal anomalies in case this is what is causing Kes to experience events in reverse. (Before and After)

Temporal variance - The Doctor believes that he can purge Kes's body of the remaining chronton particles if he knows the precise temporal variance of the torpedo that contanimated the ship with chronoton radiation. (Before and After)

USS Voyager - In the reality Kes is experiencing, during the Year of Hell, Voyager was under constant attack from a race called the Krenim. (Before and After)

Van Gogh - This is the name that the Doctor has taken in the reality that Kes is experiencing. (Before and After)

Yattho - A species in the Beta quadrant; the Doctor says that they are able to predict the future with uncanny accuracy. (Before and After)

Year of Hell - In the reality Kes is experiencing, the year of hell is what the Voyager crew called the period of time when they were under constant attack by a race called the Krenim; Paris says that the ship almost didn't make it that the Doctor was offline for months during this time and that they lost a lot of good people like Janeway, Carey and Torres. (Before and After)


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