Caatati - Voyager encounters this race; Rahmin says that his people were assimilated by the Borg over a year ago and that only a few thousand of them escaped on 30 ships; Rahmin says that they need food, medicine, and thorium isotopes; before they were assimilated, the Caatati were a proud and accomplished people; Lumas says that they have not been welcome anywhere because they have no resources and are treated like vagrants or criminals; a Caatati ship takes Voyager's warp core when they find it floating in space; a fleet of 27 Caatati ships approach Voyager demanding food, weapons and Voyager's entire supply or thorium; they also want Seven so that they can repay one of the Borg for what was done to the Caatati people; they return Voyager's warp core in exchange for the energy matrix that Seven designed that will allow the Caatati to produce thorium isotopes in large quantities and become self-sustaining again. (Day of Honor)

Cabin 125 Alpha - This was the captain's private dining room on Deck 2; Neelix converts it into a galley. (The Phage)

Caldik Prime - Paris's pilot error caused the death of three officers here; the human doctor was stationed at Caldik Prime at the same time Paris was. (Caretaker)

Callas, Maria - The Doctor says that the next time he practices the opera he will take his chances with Maris Callas. (The Swarm)

Calogan dog - Jal Razik says that Kar would rather die than run like a Calogan dog like Chakotay. (Initiations)

Cal Tech - After Rain emailed a friend at JPL about what she detected in orbit, her friend called a professor Cal Tech who called Starling. (Future's End, Part 1)

Calto Province - This is where Janeway and Paris tell the guard they are from. (Time and Again)

Cameron - Wildman considers naming her baby Cameron until the Doctor tells her that Cameron comes from the ancient Celtic term for "one whose nose is bent". (Dreadnought)

Captain Proton - Paris plays the character of Captain Proton in a holodeck program; Captain Proton is a spaceman first class, protector of Earth, scourge of intergalactic evil. (Night)

Captain's private dining room - Cabin 125 Alpha, deck 2; Neelix converts it to a galley for the crew in order to conserve replicator power. (The Phage)

Cararian Mountains - Hatil says that he has friends in these mountains who would be willing to let him stay with them if he decided not to go through with the transference ritual. (Emanations)

Carbon dioxide poisoning - Everyone on the carriage except Tuvok begins showing signs of carbon dioxide poisoning. (Rise)

Carbon 60 composites - Voyager finds this in the composition of the debris field where the Vostigye station should be. (Real Life)

Carburetor - Paris tells Steth that he needs a carburetor for his ship; a carburetor is a device that's hundreds of years old; since a car's engine couldn't run on pure fuel, the carburetor supplies the engine with a mixture of vaporized fuel and air; Paris uses a spare polaric modulator from Voyager's impulse drive to act as a carburetor on Steth's ship. (Vis A Vis)

Cardassians - There are some Cardassians among the people that were abducted by the Borg. (Unity) Chakotay tells Rafin that he has been in battle before when he was fighting to free his people from a nemesis called the Cardassians. (Nemesis) The Cardassians wiped out all of the Maquis with the help of their ally from the Gamma Quadrant. (Hunters)

Cardassian eschelon - The attack formation of the 8 Kazon vessel is a classic cardassian eschelon. (Basics, Part 1)

Cardassian-Federation Treaty of 2367 - This treaty between the Cardassians and the Federation was rejected by the Maquis. (Dreadnought)

Cardassian pinochle - After Tuvok has lost control of his emotions, he jokingly suggests that Suder and he should get together for a few hands of Cardassian pinochle a couple times a week. (Meld)

Caretaker, The (Basil Langton) - His species cause the warming on the Ocampa planet with their technology; he has cared for the Ocampa for over a millennium; he transported many ships including the Maquis ship and Voyager to the Delta Quadrant in order to find a compatible biomolecular life form in order to procreate so that his offspring could continue to care for the Ocampa; he tries to protect the Ocampa by initiating a self-destruct program but the program is damaged when Kazon ship collides with the array. (Caretaker) According to Tanis, the Caretaker maintained the status quo among the Ocampa and kept them servile and weak. (Cold Fire)

Carey, Joe (Josh Clark) - Male Lieutenant aboard Voyager; he was senior officer in engineering after the chief engineer was killed. (Caretaker) He remains senior officer until Torres is promoted to chief engineer. (Parallax) Carey has a wife and 2 boys; he, Seska and Torres decide to acquire and use the trajector matrix against the captain's orders. (Prime Factors) Carey is suspected of giving federation technology to the Kazon but is cleared when it is discovered that Seska is the traitor. (State of Flux) In the reality that Kes is experiencing, Carey was killed duirng the Year of Hell when Voyager was being constantly attacked by the Krenim. (Before and After)

Cargo bay - Tuvok and the Maquis trainees become trapped in the Cargo Bay when the bio-neural network begins to fail sequentially. (Learing Curve) Any of the crew who wants to stay behind on the planet are supposed to report to the Cargo bay at 1500 hours; none of the crew are there when Janeway and Chakotay go there. (The 37's) Cargo bay 2 is located on Deck 4; there is an intruder alert in Cargo Bay 2 when the Kazon ram and board Voyager. (Manuevers) Paris suggests to Kim that he practice his clarinet in the Cargo bay but Kim says that it has bad acoustics; Voyager transport the hibernation pods to Cargo bay 1. (The Thaw) After the Nistrim take over Voyager, they take all the Voyager crew to the cargo bay. (Basics, Part 1) Janeway confines the Nyrians to the cargo bays and posts security details at every access points when she becomes suspicious of them. (Displaced) Tuvok, Janeway and a number of the Borg are transported to Cargo Bay 2 before the Borg cube is destroyed. (Scorpion, Part 2) The aliens take the crew to the Cargo bay after they capture Voyager. (Waking Moments) The Omega molecules are transported to the Cargo Bay; Chakotay decompresses the Cargo Bay so that the harmonic chamber is jettisoned into space. (Omega Directive) Janeway tells Tuvok to assemble the crew in Cargo Bay 1. (Demon) Seven beams Trajis Lo-Tarik to the Cargo Bay. (One) Neelix suggests installing a few emitters in Cargo Bay 2 to turn it into a third holodeck. (Night)

Carlson - Male; former Maquis; in the holographic scenario, Chakotay tells Carlson and O'Donnell to take the Starfleet bridge officers to the brig. (Worst Case Scenario)

Carriage - The carriage on the orbital tether is lifted by using magnetic leverage; the carriage was damaged during the impact of the last asteroid; Neeix says that he has helped rebuild a dozen Maglev carriages; on Rinax, after finishing a carriage, they would always give it a name for good luck; Neelix names the carriage Alixia after his favorite sister; later Neelix admits that the carriages he worked on weren't working carriages but only one-tenth scale models that were identical to the maglev carriages. (Rise)

Carribean - Paris adds musicians from Earth's Carribean region to Neelix's Paxau Resort program. (Warlord)

Carrier wave - Janeway suggests that if they recalibrated their carrier wave at the same time as the duplicate Voyager, they could match phase variance and be able to communicate. (Deadlock) Janeway analyzes every carrier wave of the transmission from the time-ship and determines that the message contains a classified Starfleet ID code that she says could only have come from Paris. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Carrots - Neelix is serving buttered carrots in the Mess Hall; Chakotay hates carrots. (Unforgettable)

Caruso - This is one of the people that the Doctor mentions when he says that he has studied the finest recordings of "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Cascade failure - The EMH database is experiencing a cascade failure causing the Doctor to have momentary lapses in memory; the failure is causing his memory circuits to deteriorate. (The Swarm)

Causality paradox - Janeway says that the erasing of the Garenor species from history may be a causality paradox since all of history was changed as a result. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Cathira - The approximate translation of this Vulcan word is "structure of harmony"; Tuvok is trying to complete the cathira when Kes comes to his quarters; it is a meditational aid; building it requires precise balance and spatial acuity; it helps focus thought and refine mental control; the form of the cathira is not predefined but is a reflection of the builder's state of mind. (Flashback)

Catoline - The Doctor uses catoline to simulate Torres's anaphylactic shock in order to fool Janeway and Tuvok. (Darkling)

Cave - The children tell Tuvok that the morrok lives in the cave; Tuvok looks in the cave after Corin and Elani disappear and finds their clothing; Alcia says that the cave is where the very first spark of life was created and that the children return to the cave by instinct to complete the cycle and rejoin the infinite energy. (Innocence) The crew makes camp in one of the caves that has an overhang to provide them with shelter and a breeze to keep the insects away; Hogan finds some bones at the mouth of a cave; he is killed by some creature as he starts to gather them up; some of the crew are trapped in the cave when they are chased by the planet's inhabitants who start a fire at the mouth of the cave; the crew finds a creature inside who kills one of them; Tuvok and Chakotay manage to collapse the cave before escaping so that the creature can not get out. (Basics, Part 2)

Cavit (Scott Jaeck) - Cavit served as Lieutenant Commander and first officer on Voyager; he was killed when displacement wave transported ship to the Delta Quadrant. (Caretaker)

Caylem (Joel Gray) - Caylem rescues Janeway when she is hurt in the Alsaurian marketplace; he believes that Janeway is really his daughter, Ralkana; Augris says that every once in a while Caylem goes on a mission to rescue his wife from prison; Caylem is killed by one of the guards in the prison as he struggles with Augris. (Resistance)

C Company - C Company is holding position 200 yards from the Le Couer de Lion; Miller tells Davis to have C Company clear the corridor so that he and Janeway can enter the German bunker. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Ce Acatl - Ce Acatl was a great leader of Chakotay's tribe; he was a direct ancestor of Chakotay and Kolopak; Ce Acatl was given life without the consent of his mother; Kolopak tells Chakotay about Ce Acatl when Chakotay is uncertain as to whether he should accept Seska's child as his own. (Basics, Part 1)

Cellulose - Neelix has Wildman look at the replicators because they are having trouble making anything with large amounts of cellulose. (Deadlock)

Centotaph - This device terminates a person's life just before the appearance of a spectral rupture and allows the person's body to be taken to the next Emanation. (Emanations)

Central American jungle - When Chakotay was young, his father took him on a expedition to the Central American jungle looking for descendents of the Rubber Tree People. (Tattoo)

Central clinic This is where the aliens that the Caretaker sends the Ocampa are held. (Caretaker)

Central desert - One of the asteroids impacts in the central desert region on the planet; this is located on the largest continent about 500 kilometers from the southern tip. (Rise)

Cerebral cortex - An alien entity is inhibiting Janeway's cerebral cortex and causing her to experience a series of hallucinations including ones involving the Vidiians and her father. (Coda) Every time Kes has a vision, a part of her cerebral cortex goes into hyperstimulation. (Scorpion, Part 2) Seven and the Doctor revive Neelix by using nanoprobes to reverse cellular necrosis while they stimulate his cerebral cortex with a neuroelectric iso-pulse. (Mortal Coil) According to the Doctor in the Kyrian simulation, the pain from the neural solvent will increase exponentially until the prisoner's cerebral cortex begins to liquefy. (Living Witness)

Cerebro-cortical scan - The Doctor wants to do this scan on Janeway after she begins to have hallucinations. (Persistence of Vision)

Cerebrovascular collapse - The Doctor makes a note in the log that Janeway died at 0320 from massive cerrbrovascular collapse. (Coda)

Ceremonial shroud - The Vhnori wrap themselves in a ceremonial shroud before undergoing the transference ritual; Hatil used the shroud that his father and grandfather used; it has been in his family for 5 generations; Hatil tells Kim it must be wrapped a certain way. (Emanations)

Cervaline - Kes administered 500 milligrams of this drug every 4 hours to Danara as the Doctor has instructed. (Lifesigns)

Chadre-kab - Neelix says that a plate of his chadre-kab should satisfy most of her essential nutritional requirements while providing a pleasureable culinary experience; he prepares steamed chadre-kab because it will be easier on her stomach; the recipe has been in his family for years and is considered a delicacy among his people. (The Raven)

Chaltalk 4 incident - This incident ocurred when a Romulan research colony was nearly detroyed during the testing of a polaric ion device; this incident led to the Polaric Test Ban Treaty of 2268. (Time and Again)

Chamber Maintenance - Seven reassigns Kim to Chamber Maintenance. (Omega Directive)

Cha-mooz-ee - The away team finds this symbol on the planet; Chakotay says that it is a blessing to the land. (Tattoo)

Champagne - Janeway jokingly asks, "Who's got the champagne?" after they witness the supernova explosion; Q has champagne waiting for Janeway in her quarters as part as his plan to seduce her. (The Q and the Grey); Janeway invites Chakotay to moonlight sail on Lake George with a bottle of champagne to celebrate that she cheated death. (Coda) Kellin tells Chakotay that they drank champagne to celebrate when they caught Resket. (Unforgettable)

Chaotica (Martin Rayner) - Chaotica is an evil doctor in Paris's Captain Proton holodeck program. (Night)

Chapman - Professor at the Academy; he wrote a letter in Torres's permanent file saying that he would support her if she ever should reapply to the Academy; he thought she was one of the most promising students he had ever taught. (Parallax)

Chapman, Admiral (Jack Shearer) - Janeway jokingly says that the message she has been trying to decrypt could be Admiral Chapman's recipe for the perfect pound cake. (Hope and Fear)

Chardis (Steven Houska) - Chardis is the only survivor on a ship that Voyager finds that was attacked by the swarm; he is severely dehydrated, has damage to his spinal column and has trauma to his nervous system; he is from Mislen which is about 5 parsecs away in a yellow dwarf system; he tells Janeway that thousands of ships attacked them and extracted the energy from their ship's systems; he dies soon after he is beamed onto Voyager. (The Swarm)

Charlene (Wendy Schaal) - Charlene is the Doctor's wife in the holographic family he creates; she is a wonderful cook; she took a course in continental cuisine so that she could replicate interesting meals for her husband; the Doctor rearranges her lecture nights in order to make the new family schedule work. (Real Life)

Charlie 1 - Captain Miller gives the order for Charlie 1 to bomb Nazi headquarters; he says that Charlie 1 isn't known for his accuracy. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Chateau Couer - Starling jokingly asks Rain if she thinks E.T. likes Chateau Couer. (Future's End, Part 1)

Chateau Lafite Rothschild - Paris suggests a 2296 bottle of this wine when he and Kim are imagining what they would like to have to eat when they get out of the prison. (The Chute)

Chateau Latour - Katrine tells the bartender to send Commandant Karr a bottle of '36 Chateau Latour with her compliments. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Chekotay - In the Kyrian simulation, Janeway calls Chakotay, Chekotay. (Living Witness)

Chell (Derek McGrath) - Bolian; former Maquis; Crewman on Voyager; he is one of the Maquis selected to participate in special training to help him adjust to serving on a Starfleet ship; Tuvok has him degauss the entire Transporter Room with a micro-resonator. (Learning Curve)

Cherel sauce - Corin wants to eat takka berries with cherel sauce instead of the Starfleet rations that Tuvok has on the shuttle. (Innocence)

Chevy - On the holodeck, Denara and the Doctor "park" in a 57 Chevy at an overlook on Mars. (Lifesigns)

Chevy Camaro - Paris is working on a 1969 Chevy Camaro on the holodeck; this car is one of the earliest "muscle" cars ever made; according to the Doctor, it has medieval safety constraints and an internal combustion system producing lethal levels of carbon monoxide. (Vis A Vis)

Chief Engineer - This person was killed when the displacement wave transported Voyager to the Delta Quadrant (Caretaker) Torres was promoted to this position. (Parallax)

Chief Examiner - Nimira is the Chief Examiner of the Constabulary on Mari. (Random Thoughts)

Chile - Paris suggests to Torres that they compromise on their holodeck date and go spring skiing in Chile (Waking Moments)

Chili burritos - Tuvok gets Chili burritoes, footlong hotdogs and goliath gulps for Paris, Rain and himself to have for breakfast. (Future's End, Part 2)

Chi one four - Seven reroutes all the functional gel pack relays to subprocessor Chi one four. (One)

"Christmas Carol" - The Doctor recommends to Seven that she review the text "A Christmas Carol" since he belives it will have educational value. (Omega Directive)

Christmas tree - When Quinn is trying to hide from Q, he makes Voyager an ornament on a Christmas tree. (Deathwish)

Chromodynamic - The guide asks Janeway if she knows anything about chromodynamic lights; the guide says that they are as fussy as tarchee cats and that she has told the monks to replace them with neodyne ones. (Sacred Ground)

Chromoelectric pulse - To disrupt the engines on Steth/Janeway's shuttle, Paris/Steth hits the shuttle with a chromoelectric pulse. (Vis A Vis)

Chromolinguistics - Janeway has studied this. (Macrocosm)

Chronometer - Chakotay gives Janeway a replica of Captain Cray's 19th century mechanical movement chronometer as a birthday present but she tells him to recycle since they can't afford to waste energy on non-essentials. (Year of Hell, Part 1) Janeway finds the chronometer in Chakotay's quarters and she puts it on her belt. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Chronoton particles - The Doctor detects high levels of chronoton particles in Kes's cells even though she was innoculated with the rest of the crew several years earlier; the Doctor thinks that the bio-temporal chamber has reactivated the dormant chronoton particles in her body and that this is bringing her out of temporal synch with the rest of them; he believes that he can purge her body of the remaining chronton particles if he knows the precise temporal variance of the torpedo that contanimated the ship. (Before and After)

Chronoton torpedo - Kes and a lot of the Voyager crew were infected by radiation poisoning from a leak in one of the chronoton torpedo fragments; the torpedos were able to penetrate Voyager's shields because they were in a constant state of temporal flux; a chronoton torpedo becomes lodged in a Jeffries tube on Deck 11, section 2; the temporal variance of the chronoton torpedo is 1.47 microseconds. (Before and After) Tuvok determines that the Krenim weapons are chronoton based and they are able to penetrate Voyager's shields because they are in a state of temporal flux; Tuovk analyzes the info about the chronton torpedoes to see if he can modify Voyager's shields but he is unsuccessful; Seven finds a undetonated chronoton torpedo lodged in the starboard Jeffries tube on Deck 11, section 2; Seven determines that the exact temporal flux of the torpedo is 1.47 microseconds; the torpedo detonates before Tuvok and Seven can get out of the Jeffries tube; Seven is able to construct temporal shielding that protects Voyager against the Krenim's torpedoes. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Chronowerx Industries - Starling is CEO of this company; Janeway and Chakotay go to Chronowerx to get info on Starling and to find the timeship. (Future's End, Part 2) Starling launches the timeship from the Chronowerx building. (Future's End, Part 2)

Chrysanthemum - The Doctor and Kim merge a chrysanthemum and a clematis into single hybrid flower by transporting them along with one of the symbiogenetic orchids; they are able to separate the hybrid back into the two flowers by using a radioactive isotope. (Tuvix)

Chuckles - This is what Q calls Chakotay. (The Q and the Grey)

Chulak - The Clown says that Chulak of Romulus didn't give an ultimatum after his defeat at Galordan Core. (The Thaw)

Chute - New prisoners and food are delivered to the prison via the chute; it has some sort of force field that prevents the inmates from going up into it. (The Chute)

Cinema Mystere - Brigitte tells Davis that the biggest stockpile of the Resistance's weapons are buried beneath the last row of seats of the Cinema Mystere; Davis says that the movie that he and Brigitte saw there was "I'm No Angel", but Brigitte says that it was "Death Takes a Holiday". (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Circassian fig - Dalby tells Tuvok that "I don't give a Circassian fig what's tactically correct." after Tuvok will not let him go back to save Gerron. (Learning Curve)

Circle of Archeology - After they discover Hogan's remains, Veer wants to contact the Circle of Archeology to see if they could spare a research vessel and a few assistants. (Distant Origin)

Circle of Exobiology - Gegen tells Veer to arrange a meeting with the Circle of Exobiology since he believes that he will have their support when he tries to prove the Distant Origin theory; the Circle is afraid to support Gegen after he is charged with heresy against doctrine by the Ministry of Elders. (Distant Origin)

Circulatory system - Chakotay determines that the swirling energy currents that Voyager has detected are really part of the lifeform's circulatory system. (The Cloud)

Citizenship award - Korenna receives the Citizenship Award along with some of the other young Enarans; she says that the award will help her get into the district Education Center; several of the Enaran passengers on Voyager are former recipients of this award. (Remember)

City-ship - After discovering Hogan's remains, Gegen and Veer set course for a Voth city-ship in order to present their evidence of the Distant Origin theory to the Minister of Elders. (Distant Origin)

Civil War - Riker's ancestor, Colonel Thaddeus Riker was wounded at Pine Mountain during the Civil War and Quinn carried him to safety. (Deathwish) Q says that the Q are in the middle of a civil war because Quinn's death caused a disruption in the continuum and caused chaos and upheaval; Q says that the Civil War of Janeway's ancestors brought an end to slavery and oppression. (The Q and the Grey)

Clamp - All the prisoners are fitted with this at the base of their skull; it affects the nervous system and makes the inmates jumpier; anyone who tries to remove it is killed; Zio says that the clamp is a form of prison population control since it causes the inmates to not cooperate and kill each other instead; the Doctor says that the clamp stimulated the production of acetylcholine in the hypothalmus in order to stimulate aggressive tendencies. (The Chute)

Clarinet - Kim ate Neelix's food for a week so that he could use his replicator rations to replicate a clarinet to practice on. (Parturition) Baytart bangs on the wall when Kim tries to practice his clarinet. (The Thaw) Kim performs a clarinet solo for Neelix's talent night. (Coda) Kim practices his clarinet when he is on duty on the Bridge; he finishes writing his concerto, "Echoes of the Void", and plays it for Tuvok. (Night)

Class 3 humanoid - The bioscanner registers the Vidiians as this. (The Phage)

Class 4 microprobe - Voyager launches this microprobe as a distraction so that they can manuever the ship into the breach. (The Cloud)

Class 5 humanoid - The bodies on the asteroids appear to be this type of humanoid. (Emanations)

Class 6 warhead - Voyager's photon torpedoes are Class 6 warheads. (Scorpion, Part 2)

Class Y - The planet where Seven finds the deuterium is a Class Y planet; Starfleet also calls it Demon class; according to Tuvok there is no environment less hospitable to human life than a Class Y. (Demon)

Claude - Claude is the piano player at the Le Coeur de Lion. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Clematis - The Doctor and Kim merge a chrysanthemum and a clematis into single hybrid flower by transporting them along with one of the symbiogenetic orchids; they are able to separate the hybrid back into the two flowers by using a radioactive isotope. (Tuvix)

Cloaking device - The Doctor tells the Clown that Janeway has offered to give him a cloaking device to shield them from being detected by any other interstellar visitors if they return the hostages. (The Thaw) Trajis Lo-Tarik uses a cloaking device to mask his lifesigns when he is hiding on Voyager. (One)

Clown (Michael McKean) - The Clown is a manifestation of fear that formed over the months as the program adjusted the environment to their thoughts and wishes; the Clown can read their minds once they are connected to the system, but there is a delay of several minutes before he is aware of what they're thinking. (The Thaw)

Coaxial warp drive - According to Paris, coaxial warp drive is a hypothetical propulsion system that Starfleet engineers have been dreaming about for years; it literally folds the fabric of space allowing a ship to travel instantaneously across huge distances; Steth's ships is powered by a coaxial warp drive; a coaxial drive explosion could collapse space within a radius of a billion kilometers; Janeway wants Steth/Paris to try to implement the coaxial warp drive on one of Voyager's shuttles; Paris is unable to activate the coaxial warp drive in Steth's ship after Steth has locked out the commands. (Vis A Vis)

Cochrane Medal of Excellence - In the other reality, Kim won this medal for Outstanding Advances in Warp Theory. (Non Sequitor)

Cochrane, Zefram - Janeway says that Paris will be joining an elite group of pilots such as Orville Wright, Neil Armstrong, and Zepfram Cochrane when he breaks the maximum warp barrier. (Threshold) Cochrane had first contact with the Vulcans in Montana on Earth; his ship was called The Phoenix. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Code white resuscitation - Chakotay tells Paris to alert sick bay to prepare for a code white resuscitation; he plans on letting Kar kill him so that he can earn his Ogla name and then letting the Doctor resuscitate. (Initiations)

Coffee - Janeway asks Neelix for this but Neelix only had his "even-better-than-coffee-subtitute" made from the protenitious seed he discovered on an expedition. (The Cloud) Torres drinks 2 pots of Laundris blend coffee trying to figure out how to restore the robot's power source. (Prototype) Neelix names his new blend of coffee "Paris Delight" in honor of Paris making the first transwarp flight; Paris has an allergic reaction to the water in the coffee. (Threshold) Charlene replicates a new blend of coffee from Paksor 3 for the Doctor. (Real Life) Chakotay orders hot black coffee from the replicator; after he drinks it, he drops the cup and his hands begin to shake. (Scientific Method) Neelix gives Kim some of his firenut blend coffee when Kim is going to be up all night wokring on his monthly ops report. (Mortal Coil) Since Paris's dream caused him to oversleep, he only has time to stop for coffee before reporting to the bridge; instead of coffee, Neelix pours Paris a steaming cup of cooking oil by mistake. (Waking Moments) Janeway says that coffee is the finest organic suspension every devised and that it has gotten her through the worst of the last 3 years. (Hunters)

Coffee ice cream - Janeway replicates this type of ice cream after the Doctor orders her to her quarters to get some rest. (Persistence of Vision)

Coherent tetrion beam - This beam scanned both the Maquis ship and Voyager before transporting them to the Delta Quadrant. (Caretaker) A coherent tetrion beam carried Dreadnought into the Delta Quadrant. (Dreadnought)

Coil scanner - Voyager plans to use this tool to locate the stolen transporter module; Chakotay takes this with him in the shuttle when he decides to retrieve it on his own. (Manuevers)

Coil spanner - Suder tells Tuvok that he hit Darwin with a 2-kilo coil spanner while Darwin was sitting at the impulse system control panel; he then hid the coil spanner behind a com line access panel on Deck 7. (Meld)

Cold launch - Janeway initiates a cold launch sequence of the shuttle instead of going through the preflight procedures; she says skipping preflight procedures is not recommended, but sometimes necessary. (Innocence)

Collective - The Borg cube's link to the collective was severed when it was damaged by an electrokinetic storm 5 years ago. (Unity)

Collective unconsciousness - Seven says that the aliens have the crew in a state of collective unconsciousness. (Waking Moments)

Colliculi - Kes says that Seven is in neural shock because of a problem in her colliculi where a Borg implant is pressing against her trochlear nerve. (The Gift)

Collimator - Voyager goes to Banea to get help to fix their damaged collimator. (Ex Post Facto)

Coma - The Doctor induces a coma in Janeway in order to protect her higher brain functioning after she is struck by the alien energy discharge. (Scorpion, Part 2)

Comet - The sensors detect a comet with a highly erratic path and magnetodynamic forces acting upon it; when Torres tries to beam a sample of the comet aboard, Quinn is beamed aboard instead; Quinn was being held captive by the Q Continuum inside the comet. (Deathwish) Chakotay says that Voyager changed course when they encountered a rogue comet and that course correction led them into Krenim space; the Krenim classify this comet as component 37329; by destroying the comet, Chakotay believes that it will cause Voyager to bypass Krenim space altogether; when he runs a simulation he discovers that the destruction of the comet would have caused all life within 50 light years to never exist and it would have destroyed over 8000 civilizations; 4 billion years ago, fragments from that comet impacted a planet and hydrocarbons from it gave rise to several species of plant life which then sustained more complex organisms and eventually several space-faring civilizations evolved and colonized the whole sector. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Commandant - Alpha Hirogen takes on the persona of Commandant Karr in the World War II simulation on Holodeck 1; the Commandant was sent to Sainte Claire to oversee the occupation of the city; he served with Rommel in North Africa and Schmidt in Poland; he is a formidable military stategist and is notorious for his cruelty; he tells the German kapitan to never underestimate your prey or underestimate its ability; the Commandant is a colonel in the simulation. SEE: Alpha Hirogen (The Killing Game, Part 1) The German Kapitan says that the Commandant has been acting strange the last few days and that he has been questioning German superiority; the Kapitan tells Turanj that the Commandant never embraced the Fuhrer or his vision. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Command codes - Janeway transfers all command codes to the Doctor since he is the only one that the alien is unable to control; if the Doctor believes the captain is under the influence of the alien, he would be able to countermand her orders and take control of the ship. (Cathexis) Cullah tortures Chakotay to try to get Voyager's command codes. (Manuevers) Chakotay convinces Teirna to give them the command codes for the Nistim defense net so that they can avoid Nistrim patrols; the code sequence is 491170 Cullah. (Basics, Part 1) After Voyager encounters Omega, Chakotay's command codes no longer work; Janeway uses her level 10 clearance code, Janeway 1153 red, to access the omega file. (Omega Directive)

Command processors - Seven reroutes the command processors to bypass the malfunctioning gel packs; when Seven runs a diagnostic of the command processors she discovers that quantum failures are present in 33 percent of all the gel pack relays. (One)

Command X J L - Seska uses this command to escape Voyager and beam onto the Kazon ship. (State of Flux)

Comm Array - The raiders damaged the cooperative's communications array; Chakotay helps the cooperative repair the array; the cooperative uses the comm array to amplify the signal from the neuro-transponder in order to force Chakotay to reactivate the neuro-electric generator on the Borg cube. (Unity)

Comm badge - The comm badge is designed to self-activate when the casing is destroyed in order to help searchers locate victims; the Voyager crew finds Janeway and Paris's comm badges after they were caught in the explosion; Teria believes that they are eavesdropping devices. (Time and Again) When Jonas is sabotaging the weapons array in Engineering, he takes off his comm badge so that he can't be beamed out of there. (Investigations) Cullah takes the comm badges of all the crew once they are on Hanon Four. (Basics, Part 1) Chakotay's comm badge won't work since all dispatches in the clash zone have been surpressed. (Nemesis) Both Paris and Torres take off their comm badges so they won't be interrupted anymore on their date. (Scientific Method) Guill tells Tuvok that he has to get rid of his comm badge before they can make a deal; Tuvok takes off his badge and tosses it to the ground. (Random Thoughts)

Comm line access panel - Suder tells Tuvok that he hid the coil spanner that he used to kill Darwin with behind a comm line access panel on Deck 7. (Meld)

Comparative Alien Physiology - Leonard Mccoy wrote this medical text; Kim loads this text into the Emergency Medical replacement hologram that he and Paris are trying to create. (Message in a Bottle)

Compositor - The reaction chamber of the warp core is equipped with a compositor which allows them to recrystalize the dilithium. (Innocence)

Compote - Neelix says that he has been aging fruit compote for weeks in preparation for the celebration of Prixin; Janeway asks him not to ferment the compote as long because last year she got light-headed. (Mortal Coil)

Compounds - The Voyager crew find themselves transported to a compound that seems to have been created specifically for them; Tuvok finds 10 compounds like theirs; the compound is approximately 4 square kilometers and is surrounded on each side by wilderness; Janeway and Tuvok discover that there are 94 different compounds including compounds named Argala, Bourgett, and Zooabul. (Displaced)

Compression phaser rifles - Janeway has her away team use these when they return to the surface. (Caretaker) The particle-beam rifle that Paris and Seven evaluate is not as accurate as a compression phaser rifle, but it is a lot easier to handle. (Retrospect)

Computer age - Janeway and Chakotay determine that the computer age of the late 20th century shouldn't have happened since all the innovative technology was based on the 29th century timeship that Starling stole. (Future's End, Part 1)

Computer processor - SEE: Main computer processor. (Concerning Flight)

Comra - Kes tells Ptera that the Ocampa believe that their comra, or soul, is released into the afterlife when they die. (Emanations)

Concussion - Paris suffers a mild concussion when he attempts to ride one of the baby astral eddies out of the interfold layer. (Real Life) Kellin suffers a minor concussion and a compound tibular fracture. (Unforgettable)

Conduit - Torres throws a piece of damaged conduit into the spatial rift on Deck 15; the conduit ends up on the duplicate Voyager; the conduit is from Section 19 alpha, bulkhead 052. (Deadlock) Seska orders a deck-by-deck search of all the Jefferies tubes and conduits to try to discover if one of Voyager's crew is still on board. (Basics, Part 2) Ensign Tuvok detects that there is a rupture in the plasma conduit behind Valtane's console and tries to warn him about it; Valtane is killed when it explodes. (Flashback)

Console - A single console on the Kazon ship's bridge seems to be the source of the explosion; its structural pattern doesn't conform to the rest of the bridge; the residue of the console has a .41% trace of neosorium composite which indicates that it may be federation technology; Torres determines that the console is a food replicator and that there is evidence of bio-neural fibers which indicates that it had to come from Voyager. (State of Flux)

Constabulary - Nimira is one of the last officers working for the Constabulary. (Random Thoughts)

Constance Goodheart - When Seven joins Paris in his holodeck program, she plays Constance Goodheart, Captain Proton's secretary who tags along on all his missions. (Night)

Containment field generator - Torres says Voyager can't go to warp because the containment field generator has been damaged. (Basics, Part 1)

Continental transport - Janeway and Paris tell the guard that they came from Calto Province on this transport. (Time and Again)

Cooking oil - Instead of coffee, Neelix pours Paris a steaming cup of cooking oil by mistake. (Waking Moments)

Coolant injector - There is a rupture in the coolant injector; Vorik recommends that they reconfigure the coolant assembly to fix it. (Day of Honor)

Cooperative - About 100 people on the planet have established a cooperative in which they share work and whatever provisions they have; Riley wants Voyager to help the coooperative by providing security upgrades, medical supplies and weapons. (Unity)

Coral reefs - After the Hermosa quake of 2047, the whole Los Angelos region sank 200 meters under water and became one of the largest coral reefs in the world; it was home to thousands of different marine species. (Future's End, Part 1)

Cordrazine - The Doctor uses 2cc's of this drug to revive Kim after he has been killed by the centotaph. (Emanations) Neelix suggests that they inject the baby lifeform with this stimulant when it appears to be dying. (Parturition) The Doctor gives Tuvok 50 mg's of cordrazine after the mind-meld is broken the first time. (Flashback) The Doctor tells Kes to give Janeway 10 mg of cordrazine to try to revive Janeway. (Coda)

Corin (Tahj D. Mowry) - This is one of the children that Tuvok finds on the planet; he wants to hear a story about the fire beast of Sullus before he goes to sleep; he and Elani disappear during the night and Tuvok finds their clothes in the cave. (Innocence)

Corn salad - Neelix fixes this native dish for Chakotay. (Faces)

Cortical analeptics - Kes brings these to the Doctor before they begin the motor cortex reconstruction; the Doctor has her fill the hyposprays with the analeptics. (The Swarm)

Cortical damage - Torres has some minor cortical damage because the synaptic patterns of the implanted memories are not quite compatible with her neural pathways; the Doctor is able to correct the damage. (Remember)

Cortical implant - The Doctor discovers a cortical implant in Tiernan's dead body; this implant is automatically activated at the moment of death and transferred Tiernan's neural pattern to Kes; Adin installs a new corical implant in Tiernan after they reach Ilari. (Warlord)

Cortical inhibitor - The Doctor has Torres wear a cortical inhibitor that will control the theta wave activity and suppress the memories; Torres removes the inhibitor later so that she can see how the dreams end. (Remember)

Cortical monitor - The Doctor has Vorik wear a cortical monitor when Vorik begins experiencing the Pon Farr. (Blood Fever)

Cortical probe - When the Doctor uses a cortical probe on the Borg, the Borg is activated. (Unity) The Doctor uses a cortical probe to reinforce Seven's neural pathways. (Retrospect)

Cortical stimulator - The Doctor uses the cortical stimulator when Tuvok's memory engrams begin to destabilize and he is unable to break the mind-meld between Tuvok and Janeway; he sets it to emit thoron radiation to bombard his telepathic cortex to try to terminate the meld. (Flashback) The Doctor uses this in conjunction with the cordrazine to try to revive Janeway. (Coda) Chakotay tells Paris to set the cortical stimulator to an autonomic bypass so they can get Neelix's vitals going but Paris says that it is too late. (Mortal Coil)

Cortical theta readings - Torres's cortical theta readings indicate that she is experiencing implanted memories. (Remember)

Cosimo - Cosimo initially appears to be just a coffee vendor whose shop Kim visits every morning; he really is an alien whose people exist in a temporal inversion fold in the space time matrix; he was sent there to make sure that Kim was alright; he gives Kim the coordinates of the time stream so that Kim can try to get back to his own reality. (Non Sequitor)

Cosmos - When Quinn is trying to hide from Q, he takes Voyager back to the forming of the cosmos. (Deathwish)

Coup-contre coup - The Doctor says that the coup-contre coup pattern of breakage on Darwin's head indicates that Darwin did not hit his head on something, but instead that he was hit on the head with something. (Meld)

Coyote stone - The Doctor tells Torres that she has placed this stone at the crossroads of the 5th and 6th realm which would divert Chakotay to the Mountains of the antelope women. (Cathexis)

Crabtree, Susie - She dumped Paris during his first year at the Academy which cause Paris to walk around in a daze for the rest of the year and almost fail stellar cartography. (Lifesigns)

Cranial implant - Janeway adjusts Seven's cranial implant which alters Seven's bioelectric field so that she can pass through the force field. (Hope and Fear)

Cranial trauma - Belle suffers severe cranial trauma when she hits her head on the edge of the court during Parisses squares; the trauma compromises her brain stem and motor cortex and the doctors are unable to control the hemorrhaging. (Real Life)

Cravic - The Cravic are a race that built robots to help them fight a war against the Pralor; when the Cravic attempted to call a truce, the automated units terminated the them since if the war ended the automated units would have been deactivated. (Prototype)

Cravic Automated Commander 122 (Rick Worthy) - This robot is the leader of the Cravic ship that attacks the Pralor ship soon after Torres is successful in activating the prototype. (Prototype)

Cray - Cray was a captain in the British Navy; his ship was hit by a typhoon in the Pacific and he and his crew were thought to be killed but he sailed his ship into London harbor 8 months late. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Cretaceous Period - The Hadrosaur vanished from Earth when a mass extinction occurred at the end of the Cretaceous Period. (Distant Origin)

Crew personnel report - The Doctor tells Kes that her government has failed to file the necessary 15501 form once she joined the Voyager crew. (Time and Again)

Crusades - This is one of the holodeck programs that the Hirogen have put the crew into. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Cryostatic suspension - Wix doesn't want Neelix to tell the truth because he's afraid that Bahrat will put them into cyrostatic suspension; Bahrat says that someone will serve 50 years of cryostatic suspension for Sutok's murder. (Fair Trade)

Crysata - Alcia says that the moon that Tuvok has crashed on is crysata, or sacred ground, and that their presence here is forbidden. (Innocence)

Cryo-statis - Janeway and the away team find 8 bodies in a cryo-statis chamber; they discover that the people in the chamber are the "37's; Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan are two of the people in the cryo-statis chamber. (The 37's)

Cucumber - Torres and Kim find something like cucumbers about 2 hours from camp. (Basics, Part 2)

Cucumber sandwiches - This food is served for tea in Janeway's holodeck program; later Neelix serves these sandwiches in the Mess Hall and says that Lt. Hargrove asked for them. (Persistence of Vision)

Culhane - Ensign on Voyager; he calls Janeway to the bridge when Voyager receives a automated distress call. (Revulsion)

Cullah (Anthony DeLongis) - Cullah is the first maje of the Kazon-Nistrim. (State of Flux) Cullah and Seska work together to steal a transporter module from Voyager; Cullah hopes that having this technology will make the Nistrim the most powerful of the Kazon sects. (Manuevers) Janeway meets will Cullah to discuss a possible alliance; she says that they will be an ally to any Nistrim ship or outpost but will not share and technology or weaponry; Cullah insists on an exchange of crew members which Janeway refuses; he attends the conference with Janeway, Mabus and the other Kazon sects on Sobras. (Alliances) Cullah intends to take Seska's baby as his own and raise him as a Nistrim askara. (Basics, Part 1) Cullah takes the baby with him when they abandon Voyager during the attack by Paris and the Talaxian ships. (Basics, Part 2)

Cullah zero one - Seska use this code to initiate a security lockout so that the computer will disregard all voice commands from Starfleet personnel. (Basics, Part 2)

Curie, Madame - This is one of the characters that the Doctor interviews as part of his personality improvement program. (Darkling)

Curneth - Curneth is a Ramuran tracer; he comes aboard Voyager and uses the neurolytic emitter on Kellin.(Unforgettable)

Cyclic wormhole - According to the Kyrian simulation, the Vaskan ambassador tells Janeway that there is a cyclic wormhole 5 days away and that he will help Voyager stabilize it if she will help the Vaskans. (Living Witness)

Cyclone - When Voyager attempts to land on the surface, they are caught in a cyclone that pulls them towards the surface; they are able to gain altitude again when the cyclone suddenly disappears. (Tattoo)

Cygnus - While they are "parking", the Doctor points out the star Cygnus to Danara. (Lifesigns)

Cyrik Ocean - Quarren tells the Doctor that they found a partial schematic of Voyager in the Cyrik Ocean. (Living Witness)

Cyrillian microbe - Q says that this is one of the species that he could have chosen to mate with. (The Q and the Grey)

Cytological screening - Kes says that she will run a cytological screening of the crew in order to find a compatible blood donor to help save the Kazon's life. (State of Flux)

Cytoplasmic stimulator - The Doctor uses this to stablize Neelix's cellular toxicity levels. (The Phage)


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