Daeleus cliffs - These cliffs are on Enara Prime; Mirell tells Jessen about these cliffs when Jessen says that she always considered the Fima colony to be her home. (Remember)

Dagger of Kut'luch - SEE: Kut'luch. (Real Life)

Daggin (Eric David Johnson) - Ocampan male; Daggin is Kes's friend who helps her try to find the missing Voyager crew members. (Caretaker)

Dalby, Kenneth (Armand Schultz) - Former Maquis; Male Crewman on Voyager; Dalby had a hard life on the Bajoran frontier; his wife was raped and killed by 3 Cardassians; Dalby then joined the Maquis and tried to slaughter as many Cardassians as he could; he is one of the Maquis selected to participate in special training to help him adjust to serving on a Starfleet ship; Dalby finally warms up to Tuvok after Tuvok goes back into the Cargo Bay to save Gerron. (Learning Curve)

Daleth (Rod Arrants) - Vaskan ambassador; the Doctor tells Quarren that Voyager had just negotiated a trade agreement with the Ambassador Daleth when they were attacked by the Kyrians; Daleth kills Tedran. (Living Witness)

Dalmine Sector - The first Talaxians were assimilated by the Borg in the Dalmine Sector. (The Raven)

Dammar (Kenneth Tigar) - Dammar is the first Nyrian that appears on Voyager; Janeway translocates Dammar and Rislan to the Argala compound in order to get them to surrender. (Displaced)

Dampening field - A dampening field from the Vidiian ship is draining energy directly from the warp core while Voyager is inside the asteroid. (The Phage) Seska uses a localized dampening field to block Voyager's targetting scanners so that they can't transport Chakotay back to Voyager. (Manuevers) There is a narrow band EM dampening field around the temple of the sages; the dampening field prevents Voyager from being able to beam Neelix, Arridor and Kol off the planet when the Takarians build a fire around them; Chakotay is able to destroy the field generator and eliminate the dampening field with his phaser. (False Profits) A dampening field in the inversion nebula keeps all of the strands from going up into flames; the dampening field only appears when one of the strands ignites. (Alter Ego) The aliens use some sort of dampening field to shut down Voyager's warp core. (Waking Moments) A dampening field causes Voyager to lose main and auxiliary power. (Night)

"Dancing Girls of Ninipia Prime" - Paris tells Torres that the program he has been running on the holodeck is "The Dancing Girls of Ninipia Prime". (Vis A Vis)

Dark matter nebula - Tuvok says that an unidentified ship from the dark matter nebula attacked the shuttle; the nebula contains strong electromagnetic radiation which prevents Voyager from scanning inside it. (Cathexis)

Darkstorm Tales - The guard tells Latika he has been reading too many of these tales after he tells the guard he thinks Janeway and Paris are demons. (Time and Again)

Darod (Tom Todoroff) - Darod is a member of the Alsaurian resistance; Neelix bought the tellerium at his shop; Darod was captured by the Mokra and escapes when Janeway causes a disruption in the shields around the prison. (Resistance)

Darvok fritters - One of the dishes that Neelix is cooking; he asks Ensign Parsens to rotate them until they turn a deep chartreuse. (The Phage)

Darwin, Frank - Male Crewman on Voyager; Darwin is found dead in an EPS conduit; at first they believe he was killed accidently, but the Doctor concludes that he was murdered; Darwin had 3 sisters back home; his training instructor at Starfleet Academy recruited him as an officer candidate, but Darwin turned it down to come on Voyager; the Doctor determines that his time of death was 2214 hours; he was killed when Suder hit him with a coil spanner while he was sitting at the impulse system control panel. (Meld)

Daryo - Karya's brother; he is the team leader of the 7th Defense Contingent; Karya says that he left 2 plantings before and that he was sturdy and pleasing to glimpse in his colors; Karya gives Chakotay a message to deliver to Daryo. (Nemesis)

Data - Torres tells Automated Personnel Unit 3947 about Data who is the only sentient artificial life form in her society. (Prototype)

Data block 14 beta - Arturis says that this part of the Starfleet message is too degraded to recover; Janeway uses a new decryption algorithm to reconstruct the data block and finds a message from Admiral Hayes saying that Starfleet was unsuccessful in finding a way to get them home. (Hope and Fear)

Data compression buffers - Torres added data compression buffers to the Doctor's program to compensate for the additional time he has been activated but now breaking down. (The Swarm)

Data fragmentation - Jonas tries to convince Neelix that the gaps in the subspace comm logs are due to the plasma overload. (Investigations)

Data storage device - Tuvok finds the data storage device that Dr. Vatm hid in the internal circuitry on the roof of the carriage; Sklar takes the device after he pushes Tuvok off the side; it contains tactical information about an alien starship including info on weapons, warp drive, and shield modulations; Voyager uses the info from the device to disable the Etanian ship. (Rise)

Data stream - After five months, the Voyager crew still have not been able to decrypt the coded message in the data stream from the Alpha Quadrant; Arturis reconstructs over 68 kiloquads of information from the data stream but says that data block 14 beta is too degraded to recover; Janeway is able to reconstruct this last fragment of the data stream and learns that Arturis tampered with the message. (Hope and Fear)

Dathan - SEE: Alaris, Dathan (Remember)

Davenport, Lucie - Janeway plays the part of this governess in a holodeck program set in ancient England. (Cathexis)

DaVinci, Leonardo (John Rhys-Davies) - This is one of the characters that the Doctor interviews as part of his personality improvement program. (Darkling) Janeway goes to Da Vinci for advice about what to do about the situation with the Borg and Species 8472. (Scorpion, Part 1) Janeway says that Da Vinci was always an inspiration to her because he was a prolific artist and a scientist as well; he conceived of an airplane centuries before one was actually built. (The Raven) The Doctor hides in the Da Vinci simulation on the holodeck. (Scientific Method) Janeway and Da Vinci try to fly his mechanical bird but end up in the River Arno when it fails; he decides to leave Florence and go to France; Janeway asks him why he has abandoned his most important works such as the painting of the Adoration, the great bronze horse in Milan, and the Battle of Anghiari but Da Vinci doesn't answer her; Janeway and Tuvok find Da Vinci on the planet; he thinks he is in America; he is wearing the mobile emitter; Da Vinci believes that he was kidnapped by Spainish sailors and brought to the New World; he says that his patron gave him his new workshop in return for Da Vinci's ideas; Tuvok says that Da Vinci is an astute observer of nature and that his maps couldn't be improved upon; Janeway says that Vasari thought Da Vinci was an angel, Freud thought he had a problem with his mother, and that James T. Kirk claimed that he'd met Da Vinci once; Janeway says that he is one of the greatest creative minds in Earth's history; one of Tau's guard shoots Da Vinci and he is puzzled as to why it didn't kill him; Janeway explains it to him by telling him that there are certain realities beyond the limits of his comprehension; Janeway and Da Vinci escape by using his new flying machine; he tells Janeway that his earliest memory is a great bird perched on his bed with its feathers open toward him summoning him; all his life he has wanted to fly. (Concerning Flight) Janeway tells Seven that Da Vinci doesn't like visitors after midnight; Seven says that Da Vinci protested to her being there so she deactivated him. (Omega Directive)

Davis - Paris takes on the persona of Lieutenant Davis as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; he spent a summer in Sainte Claire when he was 18 and fell in love with a local girl named Brigitte; his train pulled out of Sainte Claire on Aug 19, 1936 at 12:17 pm; he and Brigitte wrote to each other for 3 years but lost contact with her after the war broke out; he is part of the 5th Armored Military that attacks Sainte Claire. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Davis is reunited with Brigitte when the Americans invade Saint Claire; he and Brigitte first kissed during the movie they saw at the Cinema Mystere before the war; his last letter to Brigitte was to ask her to leave France. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Day of Honor - Neelix brings Torres blood pie for the Day of Honor; Torres doesn't know if she wants to go through with this Klingon ritual or not since she's not sure what effect it will have on her; she decides to try it but changes her mind after she starts the ritual on the holodeck; Torres and Paris designed the Day of Honor holodeck program together. (Day of Honor)

Deactivation sequence - Janeway tells the Doctor that it might be possible to give him control over his own deactivation sequence so that the Doctor could turn himself off or prevent himself from being turned off (Eye of the Needle) The Doctor's deactivation sequence allows him to deactivate himself by telling the computer to "override command 1 EMH alpha and end program; Jetrel deactives the Doctor using this command. (Jetrel)

"Death Takes a Holiday" - Brigitte says that the movie that she and Davis saw at the Cinema Mystere was "Death Takes a Holiday". (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Decathalon team - Torres was the fastest runner on the decathalon team before she quit the Academy. (Basics, Part 2)

Deck 1 - The Bridge is located on Deck 1. (Twisted) There is a hull breach on Deck 1 and the bridge must be evacuated. (Deadlock) Tuvok shuts down life support on all decks except Decks 1 and 5. (Demon)

Deck 2 - The Mess Hall is located on this deck; Tuvok had his Maquis trainees go from Deck 11 to the Mess Hall and then to Deck 13 by way of the Jeffries tube. (Learning Curve) Murphy is found unconscious on Deck 2 after being attacked by Arridor and Kol. (False Profits) Voyager sets up a Level 4 quarantine on Deck 2 after the crew in the Mess Hall is infected by the macrovirus. (Macrocosm) Gegen and Veer transport to Deck 2 after Chakotay erects a force field around the Bridge. (Distant Origin) In the holographic scenario, some of the Starfleet crew put up a fight on Deck 2 against the Maquis mutiny. (Worst Case Scenario)

Deck 4 - Another malfunctioning of the gel packs occurs on this deck in section 9-C. (Learning Curve) Cargo Bay 2 is located on Deck 4. (Manuevers) Paris's quarters are located on Deck 4, Sections 3-C. (Investigations) Ensign Lang is having a problem with the internal sensors on Deck 4 and is unable to repair them due to a circuit relay malfunction. (Displaced) Deck 4 is decompressed in order to blow all the Borg out into space. (Scorpion, Part 2) Kim is able to expand the holodeck by 5000 square meters by cutting through the bulkheads on Decks 4, 5 and 6. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Janeway tells Chakotay to clear Deck 4 and erect emergency force fields around Cargo Bay 2. (Omega Directive)

Deck 5 - The Vidiians cut an access route to the duplicate Voyager through the hull on Deck 5; in a short while they control everything below Deck 5. (Deadlock) Sickbay is located on this deck. (Tuvix) A power overload in Sickbay causes half of the conduits on Deck 5 to overload and explode; after the explosion, sections 10-53 on Deck 5 are gone. (Year of Hell, Part 1) Kim is able to expand the holodeck by 5000 square meters by cutting through the bulkheads on Decks 4, 5 and 6. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Tuvok shuts down life support on all decks except Decks 1 and 5. (Demon)

Deck 6 - The holodeck is located on this deck; the fluctuations in power on this deck cause Janeway's holodeck characters to disappear. (Learning Curve) The first alien appears on Deck 6 near the holodeck. (Displaced) The crew tracks Seven to Deck 6, Section 28 alpha; Tuvok takes a security team here and Chakotay seals off the deck; Seven enters the armory on Deck 6. (The Raven) Kim's quarters are on Deck 6. (Waking Moments) Kim is able to expand the holodeck by 5000 square meters by cutting through the bulkheads on Decks 4, 5 and 6. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Deck 7 - Security is relocated to this deck so that Deck 9 can be shut down. (Parallax) This deck loses its gravitational grid when the bio-neural network begins to fail sequentially. (Learing Curve)

Deck 8 - Teirna is restricted to quarters on Deck 8; he causes a massive discharge on that deck when he injects himself with something and explodes. (Basics, Part 1) Suder hides from the Kazon search parties between Decks 8 and 9. (Basics, Part 2) During the Insurrection Alpha program, Janeway and Paris are able to beam to Deck 8 on Voyager. (Worst Case Scenario) The power couplings on Deck 8 work much better with the Borg improvements so Janeway tells Chakotay to leave them. (Scorpion, Part 2)

Deck 9 - This deck is shut down in order to divert more energy to propulsion. (Parallax) Suder hides from the Kazon search parties between Decks 8 and 9. (Basics, Part 1)

Deck 10 - Seven takes the turbo lift to Deck 10; she disables Tuvok's security team and moves toward Junction 32 alpha to access the shuttle bay; Chakotay tells Kim to reroute all available power to this deck. (The Raven)

Deck 11 - Tuvok tells his Maquis trainees to report to him on Deck 11 at 19:00 hours; (Learning Curve) Engineering is located on Deck 11. (Twisted) A chronoton torpedo becomes lodged in a Jeffries tube on Deck 11, section 2. (Before and After) Torres wants to check the Jefferies tube network on Deck 11 since she believes that the EPS manifold might have been hit during a Krenim attack; since Torres is injured, Seven goes to check it instead and finds a undetonated chronoton torpedo lodged in the starboard Jeffries tube in Section 2; the power grid on Deck 11 is destroyed in a Krenim attack. (Year of Hell, Part 1) There is a hull rupture on Deck 11, Section 3 when Species 8472 comes on board Voyager; after Species 8472 accesses Environmental controls, Deck 11 loses life support and artificial gravity; Chakotay, Paris and the Hirogen corner Species 8472 on Deck 11, Section 59. (Prey)

Deck 12 - Environmental controls are located on Deck 12. (Macrocosm)

Deck 13 - Tuvok clears this deck of all personnel for the evening so that he can have his Maquis trainees run 10 km on this deck; he increases the gravity on this deck by 10% during their run. (Learning Curve)

Deck 14 - The hull breach on Deck 15 widens to Deck 14, Section 12. (Deadlock) As Voyager begins to sink, Deck 14 and 15 are submerged in the metallic compound. (Demon) The stasis chambers are being relocated to Deck 14 so that they can be monitored more easily. (One)

Deck 15 - This deck loses all power when the bio-neural network begins to fail sequentially. (Learning Curve) There is a hull breach on Deck 15, Section 29 alpha; Kim thinks he can seal the breach if he can get close enough to set up a portable containment field; Kim is sucked out into space when the breach widens. (Deadlock) As Voyager begins to sink, Deck 14 and 15 are submerged in the metallic compound. (Demon)

Decoy - Voyager uses echo displacement to generate decoy images of ships to distract the Kazon from attacking Voyager. (Basics, Part 1)

Dedestrus - Gath says that the cloth that Janeway likes is from this place. (Prime Factors)

Deer - In Chakotay's dream, he is hunting deer with his father; he says that this is odd because this was something that he always refused to do; when he first enters his lucid dream, he follows a deer to the Mess Hall where it transforms into the alien. (Waking Moments)

Defenders - Chakotay is captured by Vori defenders, but they set him loose when they see he isn't the Nemesis; Brone says that his defenders are new to the clash; the people in Larhana settlement think Chakotay is a novice defender. (Nemesis)

Defense procedure Omega - Janeway tells the crew to implement Defense procedure omega when the aliens attack Voyager. (Waking Moments)

Deflector control The Borg in Cargo Bay 2 access deflector control in order to open a singularity and take Voyager into the alien realm. (Scorpion, Part 2) When Voyager is being bombarded by the micro-meteorites, Janeway goes to Deflector Control to get the deflectors back online manually; Tuvok says that the area around Deflector Control has been designated hazard level 4; Janeway finds a fire there and sustains severe burns when she accesses the manual controls. (Year of Hell, Part 2) Chakotay, Paris and the Hirogen corner Species 8472 near Deflector control; Deflector control is located on Deck 11, Section 59; the creature was trying to access Deflector control in order to open a singularity back into its realm. (Prey) Kim says that they could tie the baryon sensors into Deflector control in order to make it hard for the Ramuran ships to penetrate Voyager's shields. (Unforgettable)

Deflector dish - The 2 Voyager ships decide to try to send out a massive resonance pulse from the deflector dish at the same time; they think that this will cause the 2 Voyagers to merge. (Deadlock) Kim thinks he can produce a dampening field similar to that of the inversion nebula's by using the deflector dish. (Alter Ego) The main deflector dish has to be modified in order to create the transwarp conduit; Vorik sets up a temporary tachyon matrix within the deflector. (Day of Honor)

Deflector grid - Kim says that they can program the deflector grid to make it look like help is on the way if they are attacked by the Kazon. (Basics, Part 1)

Deflector shield - The sirillium from the nebula could be used to boost the deflector shield efficiency. (Flashback)

Dejaren (Leland Orser) - Dejaren is an HD-25 isomorphic projection; he is a maintenance unit with extreme-hazard clearance; his responsibility on the ship was to clean the reactor core and eject the antimatter waste; he says that he had never left the antimatter storage container until the crew got sick; Dejaren says that he feels an affinity for the ship and that it feels like it is part of his body and soul; he doesn't like organics; Torres discovers that Dejaren was lying to them about the lower deck being flooded with antimatter radiation; Dejaren decides not to take the ship back to the organics and wants the Doctor to join him; Torres discovers that Dejaren killed the crew; he puts his hand through Torres's chest when he discovers that she is trying to access his primary matrix; he disappears when Torres shuts down the emitters; Torres uses an isomagnetic conduit to permanently disable him. (Revulsion)

Dekyon beam - Voyager used this to try to increase the size of the rupture in the event horizon. (Parallax)

Delaney, Jenny - Jenny Delaney works in stellar cartography with her sister; they went on a trip on the holodeck with Kim and Paris; Jenny Delaney and Kim went on a ride on a gondola in which Kim fell over the side into the water when she became "voracious". (Prime Factors)

Delaney, Megan - Megan works in stellar cartography with her sister; Paris was dreaming about Megan Delaney when Kim woke him. (The Chute)

Delaney sisters - Assigned to stellar cartography; Paris tries to get Kim to go out with one of them and told them that Kim had broke the single pilot speed record at the Academy. (Time and Again) Kim and Paris took them on a trip to Venice on the holodeck. (Prime Factors) Paris and Kim think about going on a picnic with the Delaney sisters to distract them from being hungry. (The Chute)

Delios 7 - The shamans of the Kalis tribe on Delios 7 practice a ritual that increases the electrical resistance of their skin so that they are protected from the plasma discharges in their sacred caves. (Sacred Ground)

Dell - Crewman on Voyager; Seven assigns him to the task of calibrating the ionic-pressure seals on the observation ports; she tells him that his new designation is 3 of 10. (Omega Directive)

Delta band frequency - The Doctor tells Kes to set the Delta band frequency of the holo-emitters to 8.6 tetrahertz. (Lifesigns)

Delta Quadrant - Voyager is transported to the Delta Quadrant by a coherent tetrion beam. (Caretaker) Dreadnought was brought to the Delta Quadrant by a coherent tetrion beam; Dreadnought believes that Torres is willingly or unwillingly participating in the "Delta Quadrant deception" when she tries to convince it that it is really in the Delta Quadrant and has locked on to the wrong target. (Dreadnought) The Barzan wormhole is in a fixed spot in the Alpha Quadrant, but jumps around in the Delta Quadrant. (False Profits) The last record of Seven's parents show that they were headed toward the Delta Quadrant. (The Gift) In the Starfleet message, Admiral Hayes says that they have sent Voyager all the data they've collected on the Delta Quadrant; Arturis says that there were other species in the Delta Quadrant that had a vested interest in the war between the Borg and Species 8472. (Hope and Fear) Chakotay says that Voyager has gathered enough data on the Delta Quadrant to keep Starfleet scientists busy for decades. (Night)

Delta team - Neelix leads this search team as the crew looks for resources on the planet. (Basics, Part 1)

Demalos - This is one of the names on the list of the Regressives to be resettled. (Remember)

Demmas (Brad Greenquist) - Demmas is the Autarch's oldest son; he asks Janeway's help in defeating Tiernan; Demmas inherits the title of Autarch when Tierna kills his father, but Demmas believes that the Ilari people will follow whoever has more power; after Tiernan is defeated, Kes returns the talisman to Demmas. (Warlord)

Demon class - Demon class is another name for Class Y planets. (Demon)

Demons - Latika believes that Janeway and Paris are demons after he sees them appear out of thin air. (Time and Again)

De Nuef - Seven takes on the persona of Mademoiselle de Neuf as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; De Neuf is the singer at the Le Coeur de Lion in Sainte Claire; the bartender thinks that de Neuf is a Nazi infilitrator because she is argumentative and has disobeyed Katrine's direct orders; she is a munitions expert; Katrine tells the bartender to have her followed for the next few days; De Neuf is killed by the Turanj when she tries to save the baker from being killed; Seven is in the middle of singing a song as Mademoiselle de Neuf when she becomes aware of who she is. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Depolarization matrix - Paris suggest setting up a depolarization matrix around the fuselage of the shuttle to prevent it from moving at a faster rate than the nacelles. (Threshold)

Derata - Paris and Torres play a game of derata in the Mess Hall; Paris says that derata is a game of subtlety. (Night)

Dereth - Vidiian; he steals Neelix's lungs and grafts them into Motura's body; He is Motura's hunata. (The Phage)

Dermal dysplasia - When Paris tells Tuvok to take off his shirt and enjoy the sunshine, Tuvok says he will not risk dermal dysplasia. (Future's End, Part 1)

Dermaline gel - The Doctor tells Kes to treat an injured crew member with second degree burns with dermaline gel. (Deadlock)

Dermal osmotic sealant - The Doctor prepares a batch of this to help protect the away team from the high levels of trigemic vapors on the planet. (Parturition)

Dermal regenerator - The Doctor asks Kes for this so that he can run a full blood scan on Seska when she is beamed aboard after she is injured aboard the Kazon ship. (State of Flux) The Doctor tells Kes to use this to treat one of the patients that is wounded in Engineering when he has second degree burns to his face and chest. (Investigations) After the Doctor puts Nakahn's hand in the fire, the Doctor tells him that his hand will be fine after a couple minutes in a dermal regenerator. (Darkling) The Doctor isn't able to heal all of the damage to Janeway's skin after she is burned by the fire in Deflector Control because he doesn't have a dermal regenerator. (Year of Hell, Part 2) Seven uses a dermal regenerator to heal the burns on her hand that were caused by the overload of the particle-beam rifle. (Retrospect) The Doctor tells Seven to go to the bridge and use the dermal regenerator to treat the crew's burns. (One)

Dermal stimulator - The Doctor uses this on Chakotay when he is surgically altering his apperance to look like a Vidiian. (Faces)

Dermaplastic grafts - The Doctor places several dermaplastic grafts on Seven in order to help the regenerative process. (The Gift)

Detector grid - The detector grid around the Imperial palace make a surprise attack difficult; Kim says that the system of the detector grid goes through a maintainence cycle every 10 hours and that there mayt be a few seconds where it may be vulnerable to a narrow band EM pulse; Tiernan is aware that Voyager knows of this weakness and warns them that he will have extra troops waiting for them. (Warlord)

Detonation control circuit - Torres tries to access this circuit on Dreadnought in order to detonate the explosive before it reaches the target. (Dreadnought)

Deuterium - Voyager vents this into space after it is hit by the multipolar charges of the lifeform. (The Cloud) Janeway tells Kim and Seven to search for deuterium; Seven suggests modifying the bussard collectors to gather it. (Unforgettable) Voyager is low on deuterium; Seven finds a planet with dense pockets of deuterium about .4 light years from Voyager's position; the crew tries unsuccessful to beam the deuterium from beneath the planet's surface; the pools of liquid that Paris and Kim find on the surface contain liquefied deuterium; Kim says that there is enough deuterium on the planet to get Voyager to the Alpha quadrant and back again; Kim already collected 20 kilos which is enough to get Voyager's main systems back online. (Demon) Since Voyager won't be able to take on fresh supplies while they are in the Void, they are using power cells to stockpile deuterium. (Night)

Deuterium maintenance - Janeway assigns Neelix to two weeks of scrubbing the exhaust manifolds in Deuterium maintenance to give him time to reflect on what he has done. (Fair Trade)

Deviled wood throck - Neelix serves this food to Janeway in the Mess hall. (Persistence of Vision)

Devonian Era - The Eryops lived during the Devonian Era. (Distant Origin)

Diagnostic bed - The diagnostic bed causes Seven to have an anxiety attack; it causes her to anticipate pain and that it is closing in around her. (Retrospect)

Diagnostic matrix - Torres uses the Jupiter Station Diagnostic program to access the diagnostic matrix for the EMH; the holographic interface for the matrix comes in the form of a hologram for Dr. Zimmerman; Voyager no longer has a diagnostic matrix since they grafted it onto the Doctor's matrix. (The Swarm)

"Dictates of Poetics" - Tuvok tells Paris that according to the "Dictates of Poetics" by T'Hain of Vulcan, logic is an integral part of narrative structure. (Worst Case Scenario)

Dielectric effect - The Doctor says that the iridium ions in the sanctuary caused a temporary dielectric effect in the outer epidermic layers which neutralized some of the biogenic energy so that the altered biochemistry was an effective defense. (Sacred Ground)

Dielectric field - When Janeway and Paris use the shuttle to get to the moon's surface, they generate a dielectric field with the shuttle's warp coils to protect them from the turbelence; the dielectric field weakens the structural integrity of the shuttle so they can't go too fast or they will break up. (Innocence)

Dilithium - Torres predicts that there is between 500 - 1000 metric tons of dilithium on the rogue planetoid. (The Phage) Voyager finds a new form of dilithium in an asteroid field; this form of dilithium remains stable at a much higher warp frequency; they hope to use this dilithium to break the maximum warp barrier of warp 10. (Threshold) The reaction chamber of the warp core is equipped with a compositor which allows them to recrystalize the dilithium. (Innocence) Liria believes that Voyager was involved in the terrorist attack since Voyager is powered by dilithium which can be converted to trilithium. (The Chute) Janeway agrees to share medical supplies with the Vaskans in exchange for dilithium. (Living Witness)

Dilithium matrix - After the Pralor vessel attacks Voyager, their dilithium matrix is destabilized and they can't get the warp engines running. (Prototype) Torres says that she needs to shut down the warp drive in order to realign the dilithium matrix; since Voyager is being pursued by the Swarm, Torres must realign it "on the fly" instead. (The Swarm) Neelix asks Torres if she has tried phase locking the plasma injectors to the dilithium matrix to help regulate the plasma flow; Torres tells him that that was the first thing she though of. (Fair Trade) After the Maquis take over the ship during the Insurrection Alpha program, the warp engines are offline for 2 days because they can't the dilithium matrix re-initialized. (Worst Case Scenario) Paris tries decoupling the dilithium matrix in order to try to stabilize the warp core but it doesn't work. (Day of Honor)

Dilitus lobe - Gegen notes that Hogan's remains is lacking a dilitus lobe which indicates that the species has a very rudimentary sense of smell. (Distant Origin)

Dimensional distortion - A dimensional distortion is detected just before a subspace vacuole forms. (Emanations)

Diochromates - Janeway and Torres find diochromates in the sample from the planet. (Demon)

Directed energy weapons - Neelix tells Janeway that the Numiri have this type of weapons; these weapons combined with their regenerative shields may even give the Numiri an advantage in a fire fight. (Ex Post Facto)

Dispersion field - The building containing the main computer processor is surrounded by a dispersion field which makes transporting it out of there impossible. (Concerning Flight)

Displacement wave - The Maquis ship and Voyager were transported to the Delta Quadrant by this wave. (Caretaker)

Disrupter snares - This is one of the things that the Kazon Ogla use on Tarok in their training exercises. (Initiations)

Distant Origin theory - Gegen claims that the discovery of Hogan's remains proves the Distant Origin theory that says that the Voth evolved somewhere else in the universe and travelled to this area of space millions of years ago; this theory goes against basic Voth doctrine. (Distant Origin)

Distortion ring - Voyager encounters a distortion ring that is generating intense pulses of EM radiation; the ring disables the comm system and engines and distorts the shape of the ship; after it engulfs Voyager and moves on Torres discovers that the ring has input 20 million gigaquads of information into the ship's computer and that it has copied and downloaded all of the info from Voyager's entire database. (Twisted)

Distribution node - Chakotay tells Kim to find a Borg distribution node so that he can download the Borg's tactical database since it might contain a record of what happened to the Borg ship. (Scorpion, Part 1)

Divergence field - When it exited the plasma drift, Voyager encounter some type of divergance field which caused every particle of matter on Voyager to be duplicated. (Deadlock)

Divine Vault - Arridor and Kol keep all their profits in the Divine Vault inside the temple. (False Profits)

Divine treasury - Neelix, disguised as the Grand Proxy, tells Arridor and Kol that they should tell the Takarians that they have been recalled to the Divine Treasury. (False Profits)

D'k tahg knife - Every Klingon is given a D'k tahg knife when they are in preparation for their Rite of Ascension; Larg tells the Doctor that the knife that he has is a D'k tahg knife because he doesn't want him to know it is really a dagger of Kut'luch. (Real Life)

DNA - Steth runs a DNA stability analysis after his appearance changes; Steth takes Paris's box wrench in order to get a DNA sample; the alien posing as Steth is capable of doing some sort of selective DNA exchange; the Doctor finds a second DNA pattern when he does a blood analysis on Janeway/Paris. (Vis a Vis) The silver blood reads the DNA of whatever it comes in contact with and recreates it; Janeway gives the silver blood samples of the crew's DNA so that it can duplicate the crew. (Demon)

DNA sequencer - This is one of the things transported down to the planet so that Janeway can continue researching to find a cure for the virus. (Resolutions)

DNA stability analysis - Steth runs a DNA stability analysis after his appearance changes; according to the analysis, complete genome recovery is imminent and he will revert to his previous form in 3 hours, 13 minutes. (Vis A Vis)

Doc Brown - Paris longs for Doc Brown who never had holocomics more than 6 months old and who offered lollipops and made house calls. (Cathexis)

Docking port - When Kim and Zio are able to climb up the chute, at the top Kim finds some sort of docking port that leads to space; he believes they could get out of the prison by surprising the ship that comes to drop off prisoners or food. (The Chute)

Doctor Alpha - This is the name of the program that the Doctor initiates so that he and Danara can dance. (Lifesigns)

Dog - Q creates an puppy for Janeway as part of his efforts to convince Janeway to mate with him. (The Q and the Grey)

Don Carlo - The Doctor wants to rehearse a duet from Don Carlo on the holodeck. (Night)

Dopamine - The aliens have been increasing Janeway's dopamine levels to see how much more strain she can bear. (Scientific Method)

Dorado - Crew member on Voyager; Dorado receives a personal letter from home. (Hunters)

Dorsal emitter - Tuvok discovers that an unauthorized transmission was sent the the Kazon ship and masked by a test of the dorsal emitters a week ago. (State of Flux)

Double effect principle - This principle dates back to the Bolian middle ages; this principle says that an action that has the principle effect of relieving suffering may be ethically justified though the same action has the secondary effect of causing death; Janeway says that this would be the only think that would make her decide in Quinn's favor. (Deathwish)

Drabian love sonnets - Q tells Paris and Kim that he has tried writing and sending Janeway these sonnets in order to convince her to mate with him. (The Q and the Grey)

Drake - Shuttlecraft on Voyager; Kim is piloting this shuttlecraft when he is caught in the time stream. (Non Sequitor)

Drakian forest dwellers - According to Neelix, this tribe has para-normal abilities. (Time and Again)

Drayans - Neelix says that nobody's had direct contact with the Drayans for decades; the rumors about the Drayans indicate that they are a very private, but not hostile race; Alcia says that advance technology used to be their highest achievement and that they were once brilliant scientists and engineers; their society would have self-destructed if not for the Reformation. (Innocence)

Drayan 2 - Voyager sent out 2 scouting parties to analyze mineral deposits in the moons around Drayan 2; Tuvok and Bennet crash land on one of Drayan 2's moons. (Innocence)

Dreadnought - This is the nickname that Torres and Chakotay gave to a Cardassian weapon that had been programmed to destroy a Maquis munitions base in the Badlands; it is a self-guided tactical missile carrying a charge of a thousand kilos of matter and another thousand of antimatter; it could destroy a small moon; it has one of the most sophisicated computer systems that Torres has ever seen; Torres reprogrammed the computer after the kintetic detonator failed to go off; she sent it to destroy the Cardassian fuel depot on Aschelan 5, but Dreadnought was transported to the Delta Quadrant by a coherent tetrion beam; Dreadnought has the ability to use a sensor echo to mask its true location; Dreadnought locks its targeting scanners on to Rakosa Five which it mistakenly believes is Aschelon Five; Torres destroys Dreadnought by cutting through the magnetic constrictor casing and detonating the warhead. (Dreadnought)

Dreams - Torres begins having dreams in which she is a woman name Korenna; the dreams are very intense and feel absolutely real to her; each dreams advances the storyline; she is asleep or unconscious everytime she experiences the dreams; the Doctor says that the dreams are actually implanted memories. (Remember)

Driver coil assembly - Kim reports that the driver coil assembly has been destroyed and impulse engines are offline. (Basics, Part 1)

Dumah(Mickey Cottrell) - Dumah is on one of the B'omar ships that Seven disables. (The Raven)

Dunbar (Christian R. Conrad) - Starling's assistant; Starling sends Dunbar to Griffith to get the data about Voyager and get rid of Rain; Paris, Tuvok and Rain escape Dunbar in Rain's van. (Future's End, Part 1) Dunbar is able to beam Starling off of Voyager; Paris and Rain follow him into the desert when they believe he is moving the timeship; he tries to ram the van, but the shuttle destroys his truck. (Future's End, Part 2)

Dunes of Talmouth - Neelix and Alixia went on an expedition to the Dunes of Talmouth. (Mortal Coil)

Duotronic probe - Torres askes Vorik to get her this tool when she is having trouble regulating the plasma flow. (Fair Trade)

Duranium Voyager detects traces of this in the floating debris they find at Chakotay's last known coordinates. (Initiations) The outer shielding of the warp core is made of duranium. (Projections) Kim suggests using a duranium alloy to reinforce the nacelle to prevent it from being ripped off the shuttle during transwarp; Torres says that this will be too brittle. (Threshold) Da Vinci's new flying machine is made of a duranium alloy; Janeway thinks that this will make it light enough to fly. (Concerning Flight)

Duritanium - Voyager finds the wreckage of a small ship that is composed primarily of duritanium polyalloy; Chakotay says that he hasn't seen many weapons that could do that much damage to duritanium. (Dreadnought) The medical tricorder has a duratanium casing. (Retrospect) The door of the primary test chamber is made of duritanium 13 inches thick; the duritanium has melted into the door frame so the Away team cuts through it with phasers. (Omega Directive)

Durst, Pete (Brian Markinson) - Male Lieutenant on Voyager. (Cathexis) He is taken prisoner by the Vidiians along with Paris and Torres on the third planet of the Avery system; he is killed by Sulan so that his face could be grafted onto Sulan's. (Faces)


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