Aschelan Five - Torres programmed Dreadnought with a new mission to destroy the Cardassian fuel depot on Aschelan Five; Dreadnought mistakenly believes that Rakosa Five is Aschelon Five. (Dreadnought)

Benaren - Benaren is the name of Kes's father; he was the greatest inspiration in her life; Kes suggests the name Benaren to Wildman when she is trying to decide what to name her baby. (Dreadnought)

Cameron - Wildman considers naming her baby Cameron until the Doctor tells her that Cameron comes from the ancient Celtic term for "one whose nose is bent". (Dreadnought)

Cardassian-Federation Treaty of 2367 - This treaty between the Cardassians and the Federation was rejected by the Maquis. (Dreadnought)

Coherent tetrion beam - A coherent tetrion beam carried Dreadnought into the Delta Quadrant. (Dreadnought)

Delta Quadrant - Dreadnought was brought to the Delta Quadrant by a coherent tetrion beam; Dreadnought believes that Torres is willingly or unwillingly participating in the "Delta Quadrant deception" when she tries to convince it that it is really in the Delta Quadrant and has locked on to the wrong target. (Dreadnought)

Detonation control circuit - Torres tries to access this circuit on Dreadnought in order to detonate the explosive before it reaches the target. (Dreadnought)

Dreadnought - This is the nickname that Torres and Chakotay gave to a Cardassian weapon that had been programmed to destroy a Maquis munitions base in the Badlands; it is a self-guided tactical missile carrying a charge of a thousand kilos of matter and another thousand of antimatter; it could destroy a small moon; it has one of the most sophisicated computer systems that Torres has ever seen; Torres reprogrammed the computer after the kintetic detonator failed to go off; she sent it to destroy the Cardassian fuel depot on Aschelan 5, but Dreadnought was transported to the Delta Quadrant by a coherent tetrion beam; Dreadnought has the ability to use a sensor echo to mask its true location; Dreadnought locks its targeting scanners on to Rakosa Five which it mistakenly believes is Aschelon Five; Torres destroys Dreadnought by cutting through the magnetic constrictor casing and detonating the warhead. (Dreadnought)

Duritanium polyalloy - Voyager finds the wreckage of a small ship that is composed primarily of duritanium polyalloy; Chakotay says that he hasn't seen many weapons that could do that much damage to duritanium. (Dreadnought)

Elrem - Kes has an uncle named Elrem. (Dreadnought)

Frederick - Wildman considers naming her baby Frederick since it is very distinguished; she changes her mind when the Doctor tells her that the name bears a close resemblence to a rather impolite term on the Bolian homeworld. (Dreadnought)

Greskrendregk - Wildman's husband is names Greskrendregk; he is a Ktarean; Wildman was considering naming the baby after her husband since that is his family tradition. (Dreadnought)

Janeway Pi One One Zero - This is Janeway's authorization code for setting the self-destruct sequence. (Dreadnought)

Jonas, Michael (Raphael Sbarge) - Jonas tells the Nistrim about Dreadnought; he says that the missile is better armed than the entire Kazon Nistrim sect. (Dreadnought)

Kellan (Dan Kern) - Kellan is the First Minister of Rakosa Five; Janeway contacts him to tell him that Dreadnought has targeted his planet for destruction; (Dreadnought)

Kinetic detonator - The Cardassians had armed Dreadnought's warhead with a kinetic detonator which malfunctioned. (Dreadnought)

Ktarian - Wildman's husband, Greskrendregk, is Ktarian. (Dreadnought)

Magnetic constrictor - Torres uses a phaser to burn through Dreadnought's magnetic constrictor casing to try to detonate the warhead from there. (Dreadnought)

Maquis - The Cardassian-Federation Alliance as described in the Treaty of 2367 was rejected by the Maquis. (Dreadnought)

Multiphasic scan - Paris suggests that they run a multiphasic scan to track down Dreadnought. (Dreadnought)

Munitions base - The Cardassians originally sent Dreadnought to destroy a Maquis munitions base in the Badlands. (Dreadnought)

Neutrino emissions - Since Dreadnought is able to deflect its image to another location with a sensor echo, Torres tells Kim to look for a surge in neutrino emissions within 100,000 kilometers to find its true location. (Dreadnought)

Photon torpedoes - Voyager has Type 6 photon torpedoes; Torres programmed Dreadnought to adjust its missile shields to all know weapons, but Janeway thinks that they may be able to destroy Dreadnought with these torpodoes since Voyager wasn't in service when Torres did this. (Dreadnought)

Rakosa Five - Dreadnought locks its targeting scanners on to Rakosa Five since it believes it is actually Aschelon Five; Kellan is the First Minister of the planet. (Dreadnought)

Rollins - Paris says that he and Rollins got into a fight because Paris's reports weren't punctuated according to Starfleet protocols and that Paris didn't like his attitude. (Dreadnought)

Self-destruct - Janeway initiates the self-destruct sequence in order to cause a warp core breach since the best chance of stopping Dreadnought is to set off an antimatter explosion directly in its path; she use the authorization code Janeway pi one one zero to initiate the self-destruct sequence; she sets self-destruct at 20 minutes; she deactivates the self-destruct when Torres finds a way to detonate the warhead and destroy Dreadnought. (Dreadnought)

Sensor echo - When Torres reprogrammed Dreadnought , she programmed a sensor echo into Dreadnought's system so that it could deflect its image up to 100,000 kilometers from its true location; she tells Kim to look for neutrino emissions within this range to find where Dreadnought really is. (Dreadnought)

Sural - Wildman considers naming her baby this Vulcan name until the Doctor tells her that Sural was the name of a dictator on Sakura Prime who was famed for beheading his rivals and his parents. (Dreadnought)

Tachyon beam - Torres says that if they can provoke Dreadnought to fire its thoran shock emitter at full power, it may destabilize its reactor core for 30 seconds and a single sustained tachyon beam might penetrate the core and destroy it. (Dreadnought)

Target parameters - The targeting parameters Dreadnought uses to identify its target are size, radiothermic signature and atmospheric composition. (Dreadnought)

Targeting scanners - Dreadnought's targeting scanners activate once it locks on to its final target; its targeting scanners lock on to Rakosa Five believing that it is Aschelon Five. (Dreadnought)

Thoran shock emitter - Torres says that if they can provoke Dreadnought to fire its thoran shock emitter at full power, it may destabilize its reactor core for 30 seconds and a single sustained tachyon beam might penetrate the core and destroy it. (Dreadnought)

USS Voyager - Voyager has Type 6 photon torpedoes. (Dreadnought)

Wildman - Wildman is trying to decide what to name her baby when it is born; her husband's name is Greskrendregk; her husband is Ktarean. (Dreadnought)


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