Earhart, Amelia (Sharon Laqrence) - One of the first female pilots in Earth's history; in the mid 20th century she became famous for flying across the Atlantic Ocean; in 1937 she and her navigator, Fred Noonan, attempted to fly around the world but they disappeared somewhere in the South Seas; Earhart and Noonan were abducted by the Briori along with over 300 other people from Earth in 1937; she remained in cryo-statis until Janeway and the away team revived her; she remained on the planet with the descendents of the "37's". (The 37's)

Ears - The merchant tells Chakotay and Paris that they can't enter the temple without wearing at least one ear; he gives them ears to wear in exchange for Paris's shoes; Kor pulls on Neelix's fake ears to prove that he is not a Feregni. (False Profits) Rain notices Tuvok's Vulcan ears when his bandanna falls off; he says that they are a family trait; Paris tells her that he's very sensitive about them. (Future's End, Part 1)

Earth - Q says that the continuum will return Voyager to Earth if Janeway rules in their favor. (Deathwish) While they are "parking", the Doctor tells Danara that the bluish planet they see if Earth and that Starfleet headquarters is located there. (Lifesigns) The planet that the crew are starnded on seems to be at a Pliocene stage of development which is comparable to Earth several million years ago. (Basics, Part 1) Braxton tells Voyager that Voyager causes an explosion which destroys Earth's solar system; Braxton's ship crashes in the High Sierra on Earth in 1967; Braxton is from 29th century Earth; the Aeon and Voyager are both pulled into a spatial rift causing them to be transported to Earth of 1967 and 1996, respectively; Earth's computer age of the 20th century shouldn't have happened since all of Starling's "inventions" were based on 29th century technology. (Future's End, Part 1) The Saurians may have been the first intelligent life on Earth; evidence of their origins on Earth may have been hidden by the countless natural disasters Earth has encountered in the course of history. (Distant Origin) The Vulcans made first contact with Earth in Montana. (Year of Hell, Part 1) Chakotay uses the Earth's moon as a visual clue during the lucid dream to let himself know that he is dreaming; after he sees the moon, he is able to wake himself by tapping the back of his hand 3 times; after the crew is taken to the Cargo bay, he sees the Earth's moon again and realizes that he is still sleeping. (Waking Moments) Paris says that the Nazis were totalitarian fanatics on Earth during World War II. (The Killing Game, Part 2) According to the Starfleet message, it will take 3 months on the USS Dauntless for the Voyager crew to get back to Earth; Kim tells Seven that Earth has got just about every ecosystem you can think of and hundreds of different humanoids species living there. (Hope and Fear)

Eastern coastal region - The next asteroid to hit the Nezu planet will impact in the eastern coastal region on the same continent; this region is heavily populated with over 500 citizens. (Rise)

Echo displacement - Voyager uses echo displacement to generate decoy images of 10 Talaxian ships to distract the Kazon from attacking Voyager. (Basics, Part 1)

"Echoes of the Void" - Kim finishes writing this concerto while he is on duty on the bridge; he play the concerto for Tuvok. (Night)

Efferent impulse - When Paris goes into respiratory arrest, Kes applies efferent impulse to stabilize his motor neurons. (The Swarm)

Eggs - Torres and Kim find find eggs in a nest about 2 kilometers away. (Basics, Part 2) Neelix asks Paris and Kim if they want some of the scrambled eggs he's making. (Scientific Method)

Eidetic memory - The doctor says that Kes must have this type of memory since she has memorized the medical information he gave her so quickly. (Eye of the Needle) Seven says she has an eidetic memory and requires only seconds to commit what she sees to memory. (Vis A Vis)

Einstein - Janeway says that she knows how Einstein must have felt about the atom bomb as he watched helplessly as science took a destructive course. (Omega Directive)

Elani (Sarah Rayne) - This is one of the children that Tuvok finds on the planet; she says that she always has her hair brushed before she goes to sleep; she and Corin disappear during the night and Tuvok finds their clothes in the cave. (Innocence)

Electrical storm - Electrical storms keep appearing whenever Torres locks onto a site to transport to. (Tattoo)

Electroceramics - Voyager detects traces of this in the floating debris they find at Chakotay's last known coordinates. (Initiations)

Electrodynamic load specs - This is one of the things that Torres asks Jonas to send her while she is trying to get the magnetic constrictors back into alignment. (Investigations)

Electrodynamic probe - The electrodynamic probe in Kovin's lab is equipped with a monofilament stimulator that the Doctor believes could be used to manipulate the neural transmitter levels in a human brain. (Retrospect)

Electrodynamic turbulence - The shuttle encounters electrodynamic turbulence causing it to lose main power. (Rise)

Electrokinetic storm - Five years ago the Borg cube was damaged by an electrokinetic storm and their link to the collective was severed. (Unity)

Electrolyte - Neelix says that Janeway's nasty habit of skipping meals does horrible things to her electrolyte levels. (Persistence of Vision) After Paris has an allergic reaction to the water in the coffee, the Doctor says that Paris' electrolytes are breaking down. (Threshold) Kes's electrolyte balance is deviating when the Doctor starts the treatment. (Sacred Ground)

Electromagnetic force - Tuvok tells Janeway that Voyager is being restrained by an electromagnetic force. (Demon)

Electromagnetic (EM) resonance field - The space dwelling life forms seem to be creating their own magnetic field and pulling Voyager along with them; this field cause Kes to go through a false elogium. (Elogium)

Electromagnetic radiation - Voyager encounters a distortion ring that is generating intense pulses of electromagnetic radiation. (Twisted)

Electron resonance scanner - Torres and the Doctor use the electron resonance scanner in the science lab to scan Chakotay's and Neelix's DNA to try to find out what is causing the genetic mutations; they find some kind of contaminant of the base pair sequencers; the Doctor says that this level of submolecular technology is well beyone what Starfleet has developed; Seven uses the excuse of returning to the Science Lab to repair the malfunctioning scanner in order to go to Holodeck 2 to meet the Doctor. (Scientific Method)

Electro-optic modulator - The electro-optic modulator in the Doctor's mobile emitter is damaged so he is unable to leave Sickbay. (One)

Electro-phoretic activity - The Doctor detects elevated levels of this activity in Kes's nervous system. (Elogium)

Element - The Voyager crew thinks that they have discovered the 247th element inside the rings of one of the asteroids of a class D planet; the element appears to be stable and has 550 nucleons; it is a stable transuranic element inside a natural environment; Torres believes that this element can be used for probe casings and ultrathin reactor shielding. (Emanations)

Eler'atah - This word is chanted by the people at Ptera's pod during her transference ritual. (Emanations)

Eliann (Cari Shayne) - One of the women on Taresia; she tells Kim that there has been a connection between the two of them since the moment he got there; she and Rinna try to seduce Kim and convince him to stay on Taresia. (Favorite Son)

Elixir of Endurance - This is what Neelix calls the ration cubes he prepares for the crew. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Elogium - This is a stage in an Ocampa female's development where the body prepares for fertilization; it usually happens when a female is 4 or 5 years old; it will only occur once; Kes seems to be going through the elogium even though she is not even 2 yet; the false elogium was brought on by the electromagnetic field of the creatures. (Elogium)

Elrem Kes has an uncle named Elrem. (Dreadnought)

Emanation - A Vhnori word for another dimension or "afterlife". (Emanations)

Embryonic life form - Paris and Neelix discover 3 embryonic life forms in the cave; one of them hatches; these life forms will have the ability to stand upright, have the skeletal system of a humanoid, be cold-blooded, have reptilian epidermis, and their brain will be significantly larger than most reptilian species. (Parturition)

Emck (Ken Magee) - Controller Emck drives off the alien ships by firing 13 spatial charges at them; he is from the Malon export vessel, eleventh gradient; he says that he is on a transport mission; Emck offers to take Voyager to the spatial vortex if they turn over the alien to him; Emck doesn't want the rest of the Malon to know about Voyager's method of eliminating theta radiation since it would put him out of business; no one but Emck and his crew know about the spatial vortex; Voyager destroys Emck's ship when he tries to prevent them from entering the vortex. (Night)

EM disturbance - The disturbance in the atmosphere of the planet prevents the away team from beaming to the surface and interferes with the com links; every 30 hours or so an atmospheric window appears that Voyager will be able to beam someone through. (Parturition)

Emergency code - The duplicate Voyager sends a Federation emergency code to Voyager in an attempt to communicate with them. (Deadlock)

Emergency containment grid - Neelix says that he doesn't know where the emergency containment grid on the carriage is. (Rise)

Emergency medical holograph channel - Monitor relay 47 is the Emergency medical holographic channel. (Parallax) Paris contacts the Doctor on this channel to tell him to disable the backup phaser power couplings when Paris and the Talaxians attack Voyager. (Basics, Part 2)

Emergency medical holograph recall - The Doctor sets this recall program when the Kazon enter sickbay so that he will be deactivated and then reactivated 12 hours later. (Basics, Part 1)

Emergency medical holographic program - The EMH program was meant to serve as a short term emergency supplement but became a full time doctor when the chief medical officer was killed. (Caretaker) The EMH wasn't meant to run constantly and the Doctor's circuits are being to degrade; the holographic Zimmerman says that the EMH has a level 4 memory fragmentation; the EMH was meant to be used for 1500 hours at the very most; Zimmerman says that the EMH can't experience feelings but that its emotional reactions are just a series of alogrithms designed to make it easier to interact with others. (The Swarm) It took the greatest holo-engineers in Starfleet years to develop the EMH. (Message in a Bottle)

Emergency medical kit - One of these kits is located behind the tactical console on the bridge. (Projections)

Emergency medical priority 1144 - The Doctor uses this to delete all signs of Suder's combadge from the system so that there is no record of his being on board. (Basics, Part 2)

Emergency Medical replacement hologram - Kim and Paris try to create an Emergency Medical replacement hologram just in case the Doctor is unable to return from the Alpha Quadrant; Kim downloads the entire medical library into the hologram; the replacement hologram begins to overload because its matrix can't accomodate all the data. (Message in a Bottle)

Emergency rations - The aliens steal a month's supply of emergency rations from Voyager using their transporter beam; Janeway tells Neelix to at least try to get Voyager's emergency rations back when he and Paris go to the Southern continent on the planet. (Concerning Flight)

Emergency Transport 21 Alpha - Seska tried this type of beam out when she has trouble transporting the away team from the asteroid. (Emanations)

EMH - SEE: Emergency medical holographic program.

EMH 2 - SEE: Mark 2 EMH. (Message in a Bottle)

EMH backup module - The Doctor tells Quarren that one of the Kyrian attack parties must have taken his backup module. (Living Witness)

Emission nebula - Paris had suggested to Chakotay that they save time by travelling throught an emission nebula, but Chakotay decided against it. (Lifesigns)

Emmanuel - Crewman on Voyager; Emmanuel and Strickler are killed when they are unable to get to safety before the conduits on Deck 5 explode. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

EMS pulse - Paris and Neelix send out this locator signal when they are about to crash on the surface of the planet. (Parturition)

Enarans - Voyager picks up a group of Enaras on Fima Prime and takes them to Enara Prime; this greatly shortens the time it would take them to get there with Voyager's help; in exchange the Enarans share their energy conservation technology with Voyager; they don't use tables and chairs and they prefer a slightly colder temperature; the Enarans have telepathic abilities and are able to share experiences through a telepathic link; they are a very hygenic people; there were once a group of Enarans called the Regressives who refused all but the most primitive technology; the Enarans claim that the Regressives were resettled to their own colony when in actuality they were killed; Mirell shares her memories of these events with Torres because she decided she didn't want to hide the truth anymore; Janeway cancels trade negotiations and shore leave after Torres reveals what Mirell has shared with her. (Remember)

Enara Prime - This is the homeworld of the Enarans that Voyager picks up on a colony in the Fima system. (Remember)

Encephalographic reading The encephalographic readings of the 3 humanoids in the hibernation pods suggest that they are dreaming and their minds are active. (The Thaw)

Endeavor - Amasov is the captain of the Endeavor. (Scorpion, Part 1)

Energy barrier - This barrier blocks Voyager's way to the rich deposit of omicron particles in the nebula; it is 50 meters deep and is a natural phenomenon; Voyager gets through the barrier by using a 4 second burst of maximum thrusters. (The Cloud)

Energy discharge - Tuvok says that he and Chakotay were hit by an energy discharge from the dark matter nebula. (Cathexis)

Energy signature - Paris and Torres are in the shuttle looking for an energy signature that was detected earlier by Voyager. (The Swarm)

Engineering authorization Omega Four Seven - Hogan uses this authorization code to run a signal modulation analysis of some of the deleted subspace comm logs; Neelix uses this code to access the comm link in Paris's quarters. (Investigations)

Engineering Corps - In the alternate reality, Kim works here as a Starship Design Engineer after his request to be assigned to Voyager was denied. (Non Sequitor)

Engramatic purge - Torres will be released after she has undergone an engramatic purge; this purge is a medical procedure that removes the offending images from the mind; Nimira says that Frane will undergo this purge as well; it could be a dangerous procedure since there is a risk of neurological damage; Nimira says that it will take the Mari a day to reconfigure their instruments; Janeway says that if they aren't successful in preventing the Mari from carrying out the sentence on Torres that she hopes the Doctor can figure out how to reverse an engramatic purge; Nimira begins the engramatic purge on Torres but stops the procedure when Janeway tells her that Tuvok can prove that Torres is innocent. (Random Thoughts)

Entaban - Steth tells Paris that he once made the mistake of flying his ship through restricted Entaban territory and that he had to "limp" back to Benthos with phaser holes in his fuselage. (Vis A Vis)

Enterprise - Janeway says that every Starfleet captain has been briefed about Q ever since his appeaarances on the Enterprise. (Deathwish) Seven years ago the Enterprise hosted negotiations for the Barzan wormhole; Arridor and Kol were pulled into the Delta Quadrant when they made a nefarious attempt to secure rights to the wormhole. (False Profits) The Enterprise D was once taken over by a holodeck program and gained control of the ship from within the holodeck. (Alter Ego); Humans first encountered the Borg when Q flung the Enterprise into the path of a Borg cube. (Scorpion, Part 1)

Entharan - Kovin is an Entharan; Kovin says that the Entharan magistrate will take Voyager's side since he is mainly interested in protecting diplomatic relations with them; the Entharans depend on trade with alien species and they have strict protocols about those relationships; according to Kovin, even being accused of violating these protocols is a serious offense. (Retrospect)

Environmental controls - The environmental controls on Voyager fail which causes a "heat wave" on the ship since the heat from the warp plasma conduits can't be vented; Janeway and the Doctor try to get to Environmental controls on Deck 12 so that they can distribute the synthetic antigen through the ventilation system; Janeway is able to get the Environmental controls online but they are damaged again when Voyager is attacked by the Tak Tak ship. (Macrocosm) The pergium will be used to regenerate the filters in the environmental controls system. (Fair Trade) Neelix tells Rislan that environmental controls will be adjusted to make the cargo bays suitably warm and dark for the Nyrians. (Displaced) The environemntal controls on Voyager continue to fail and 7 decks of Voyager are rendered uninhabitable. (Year of Hell, Part 1) The Doctor and Mark 2 EMH are unable access environmental controls because all primary systems have been rerouted to the bridge. (Message in a Bottle)

Environmental suits - Chakotay says that mining will be a lot easier since they won't have to use these suits since the planetoid has an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere. (The Phage) When their shuttle's structural integrity fails, Paris and Torres put on environmental suits and transport out into space; they interplex the comm systems in both suits in order to create a phased carrier wave that will reach Voyager; their suits are damaged by ion turbulence causing them to only have a half an hour of oxygen left. (Day of Honor) Kim suggests using environmental suits to go down to the planet; Tuvok says that it wouldn't be long before the suit would corrode; the environmental seals on Paris and Kim's suits are compromised; the backup systems in the suits kept Paris and Kim's vital functions going. (Demon)

Enzymatic imbalance - The doctor recommends that Paris not make the test flight since he found a slight enzymatic imbalance in Paris's cerebellum and there is a small chance that he could suffer a brain hemorrhage under the subspace stress. (Threshold)

Epsilon 2 - The Doctor tells Seven that if she needs to contact him to use this comm frequency because he has isolated it from the rest of the system. (Scientific Method)

EPS manifold - When Janeway tells Jonas that Paris may be on an incoming shuttle and that they need to increase transporter range to beam him aboard, Jonas stalls by telling her that he is having trouble resetting the EPS manifold and can't transport yet. (Investigations) When Voyager is attacked by the Hirogen ships, the ship sustains a direct hit to the EPS manifold which causes main power to go down. (Prey)

EPS power conduit - Kim suggests that hooking the robot to an EPS power conduit will help keep the unit running. (Prototype) Suder disposes of Darwin's body by putting him in EPS conduit 141; Suder inadvertantly damages one of the circuits when he put Darwin inside causing a failure in the warp drive manifold; the body is discovered when Torres goes to investigate the problem. (Meld) Janeway and Neelix find 35 ruptured EPS conduits as they survey damage to the ship. (Year of Hell, Part 2) The primary EPS power conduits overload; the Doctor goes offline because he had tied his mobile emitter into the conduits. (One)

EPS relay - Seven accesses the EPS relay system and overrides the security protocols hoping to be able to reconfigure the relay to emit a neuroleptic shock; the aliens are able to prevent Seven from doing this. (Scientific Method)

Equatorial dust shrouds - Alixia showed Neelix the equatorial dust shrouds. (Rise)

Erosene Winds - Also called "passion winds" ; these winds on Alastria come just before the dawn; they create euphoria. (Prime Factors)

Eryops - This is one of the creatures that Janeway and the Doctor view on the holodeck when they are trying to find an ancestor common to humans and Veer; this creature lived in the Devonian Era over 100 million years ago and was thought to be the last common ancestor of the cold-blooded and warm-blooded organisms. (Distant Origin)

Erythrocytes - The Doctor detects reduced levels of erythrocytes in Seven's blood. (Hunters)

Escape pods - According to the computer, all the escape pods on Voyager were launched at 2100 hours; (Projections) The Attendants got the children into the escape pods before the ship crashed. (Innocence) Janeway orders most of her crew to evacuate Voyager and use the escape pods to try to make their way toward the Alpha Quadrant; the escape pods are equipped with subspace beacons which will allow Voyager to track them. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Eskarian egg - Neelix says that Tuvok will have Eskarian egg on his face when Neelix discovers who has been sending messages to the Kazon. (Investigations)

Etanian Order - The Etanian Order arrives at the Nezu planet and claims it as their territory; they remodulated the shields of their ship to fool sensors into thinking the ship was an asteroid; their ship has a crew complement of at least 2000; the Etanian Order invade other worlds by creating what appears to be a natural disaster and when the population evacuates, they arrive and stake their claim; Dr. Vatm learned about the Etanians and collected info about their starship and was trying to get the info to the Nezu ambassador; Voyager is able to use the information to disable the Etanian ship. (Rise)

Eudana (Yvonne Suhor) - Sikarian female; Eudana befriends Kim and shows him the planet Alastria. (Prime Factors)

Euthanasia - The Doctor tells Janeway that he has concluded that the only humane course of action for her is euthanasia. (Coda)

Evansville, John (John Rubenstein) - He is one of the descendents of the "37's"; he and Karyn Berlin attack the away team when they believe that they are Briori. (The 37's)

Evek, Gul (Richard Poe) - Cardassian of the fourth order; he tries to chase a Maquis ship through the Badlands. (Caretaker)

Event horizon - The event horizon is a powerful energy field surrounding a quantum singularity; Voyager was trapped here. (Parallax)

Exatanium - Steth says that the engineers on Benthos weren't happy when Steth returned with phaser holes in their brand new exatanium fuselage. (Vis A Vis)

Excelsior - Tuvok's first deep space assignment was aboard the USS Excelsior 80 years ago; Sulu was the Captain; Ensign Tuvok and Janeway appear on the Excelsior during the mind-meld; the Excelsior played a pivotal role in the battle at Khitomer. (Flashback)

Execution - Tuvix tells Janeway that forcing him to submit to the separation procedure would be like an execution like they used to do to murderers centuries ago. (Tuvix)

Exeter - When Kim shows up at Sandrine's in Marseille, and Kim seems to know him, Paris thinks that they must have served on the Exeter together. (Non Sequitor)

Exhaust manifold - Janeway assigns Neelix to 2 weeks of scrubbing the exhaust manifolds in Deuterium maintenance to give him time to reflect on what he has done. (Fair Trade)

Exocranial ridges - While Wildman is in labor, the baby shifts position and its exocranial ridge becomes lodged in the uterine wall; the Doctor says that the ridges could perforate the uterus and cause internal bleeding. (Deadlock)

Exosia - A subspace layer; a place of pure thought and pure energy where Suspiria exists; Tanis tells Kes that if she develops her abilities enough, Suspiria will invite her to go here. (Cold Fire)

Expander - Carey suggests that they use an expander to manipulate the containment field on the Kazon bridge; the expander would rotate the containment field and the radiation away from the console and move it out of the way so that they could retrieve the console. (State of Flux)

Extermination facility - The Kradin are taking some of the Vori to an extermination facility because they're gray and the Kradin think they're unfit to toil; the Kradin decided to take Karya there too when she tries to stop them from taking Penno. (Nemesis)


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