Falata onion crisps - This is one of the dishes that Neelix serves to the bridge crew during their second encounter with the lifeform. (The Cloud)

Falor's Journey - Tuvok's youngest son always asks him to play this; it is a tale of enlightenment about a prosperous merchant named Falor who went on a journey; it consists of 348 verses; Tuvok sings part of it to the Tressa, Corin and Elani. (Innocence)

Farn - This is one of the species abducted by the Borg and brought to the planet; the Farn on the planet raided the Parein. (Unity)

Farran - This is one of the names on the list of the Regressives to be resettled. (Remember)

Faux lime aftershave - Neelix says the lifeform's mother may not return if she smells Paris's faux lime aftershave. (Parturition)

Fayla - Corin tells Tuvok that this is one of the children from the crashed ship that the morrok had already taken while they were sleeping. (Innocence)

Fear - The Doctor finds evidence of extreme fear and stress in the 2 dead humanoids; the Clown is a manifestation of fear. (The Thaw)

Federation - The Federation consists of over 150 different worlds; these worlds agree to share their knowledge and resources in peaceful cooperation. (Innocence) The holographic Chakotay says that he won't let almighty Federation principles get in the way of getting Voyager home as fast as possible. (Worst Case Scenario)

Federation Astronomical Committee - Paris suggests that this committee should name the newly discovered wormhole "The Harry Kim Wormhole" since Kim discovered it. (Eye of the Needle)

Federation-Klingon peace treaty - The destruction of the Klingon moon Praxis led to the signing of this treaty. (Flashback)

Federation Penal Colony - This penal colony is located in New Zealand; Tom Paris was serving his sentence there before being recruited by Captain Janeway for the mission to the Badlands. (Caretaker)

Feedback loop - A feedback loop between the holodeck computer and the Doctor's program is caused when there is a radiation surge in the imaging system while the Doctor is on the holodeck; the feedback loop causes the Doctor's memory circuits to be erradicated. (Projections)

Felaron rose petals - Neelix says that his life before Voyager was no bed of felaron rose petals. (Parturition)

Feragoit goulash - Neelix says that this dish of his is known across 12 star systems. (Parallax)

Ferengi - Arridor and Kol are Ferengi; the Ferengi are not members of the Federation; one of their leaders in the Grand Nagus; they are motivated by profit; the Ferengi follow the Rules of Acquisition to guide their decisions. (False Profits)

Ferenginar - This is the Ferengi homeworld; Neelix, disguised as the Grand Proxy, tells Arridor and Kol that the Grand Nagus wants them to return to Ferenginar. (False Profits)

Ferric oxide - Ferric oxid corrodes iron particles or rust; Voyager detects this in space and traces it to a 1936 Ford truck floating in space. (The 37's)

Fetal transport - The Doctor uses a fetal transport to deliver Wildman's baby when the baby's exocranial ridge becomes lodged in the uterine wall; the transport causes a slight hemocythemic imbalance. (Deadlock)

Fever - The Doctor tells Janeway that humans respond to an infection by getting a fever; Torres proposes that infusing the gel packs with a high energy plasma burst from a symmetric warp field will raise the temperature of the gel packs; by giving them a "fever", the gel packs can fight off the viral infection. (Learning Curve)

Field emitter - Janeway suggests that Chakotay try remodulating the field emitter when he is trying to magnetize the hull but is having trouble with the alignment module. (Deadlock)

Field medic - Paris serves in this position since he has had two semesters of biochemistry at the Academy. (Parallex) Kes replaces him as medic. (The Phage)

Field training - Chakotay selects Dalby, Henley, Gerron, and Chell to participate in field training in order to help them adjust to serving on a Starfleet ship. (Learning Curve)

Fifteen 501 - The crew personnel report that the holodoc tells Kes that her government has failed to file since she joined the crew. (Time and Again)

Fifth Contingent - The 5th Contingent is trying to free the Larhana villagers but according to Brone, it doesn't go brightly for them. (Nemesis)

Fiji - Torres suggests to Paris that they go to Fiji on the holodeck since it is warmer there; Paris says that there is nothing to do there. (Waking Moments)

Fima - Voyager picks up the Enarans on a colony in the Fima system and takes them to Enara Prime; Jessen has spent her whole life at the Fima colony and considers it her home. (Remember)

Fin - Gaunt Gary asks Kim if he wants to bet a fin on the pool game; Paris tells Kim that he thinks this is some kind of old Scandanavian currency. (The Cloud)

Final ritual - Tressa tells Tuvok that they were brought to the moon for the final ritual and then the morrok will take them away. (Innocence)

Fina Prime - Danara had been helping to treat the outbreak of the phage on Fina Prime and was on her way back to her home colony when Voyager had picked up her distress call. (Lifesigns)

Finley - Doctor Finley operated on Belle for 3 hours after she had her accident. (Real Life)

Fire snakes - Wix says that the Kolaati are mean as fire snakes (Fair Trade)

First Castellan - Tiernan makes Resh First Castellan because of his loyal service. (Warlord)

First Prelate - This is the title used on Drayan 2; Alcia is the First Prelate of Drayan 2. (Innocence)

First Race - The Voth have believed for millions of years that they were the first intelligent beings to evolve in their region of space; this belief has been questioned in recent years by Circles of Science and Philosophy and by the common people as well; Gegen claims that the discovery of Hogan's remains disproves that the Voth were the "First Race" and that the Voth evolved somewhere else in the universe and travelled to this area of space millions of years ago. (Distant Origin)

Fish - Dejaren tells Torres that she nibbles like a fish; Dejaren programmed a holographic fish named Spectrum to keep himself company; the Doctor realizes that the emitters aren't offline when he sees Dejaren's holographic fish is still there. (Revulsion)

Fitzpatrick - Male crew member on Voyager; Fitzpatrick receives a personal letter from home. (Hunters)

Flashbacks - The Doctor calls these hypnagogic regressions; he says that Seven is experiencing flashbacks as a result of her human physiology reasserting itself; she has a flashback of when the Borg attacked the ship that she and her parents were on. (The Raven)

Flashpoint - The Voyager crew looks for Janeway and Paris at the flashpoint thinking that they may try to prevent the polaric detonation. (Time and Again)

Florence - The citizens of Florence heckle Da Vinci after his mechanical bird fails to fly; Da Vinci decides to leave Florence and go to France; he says that his workshop in Florence is a cave compared to the one he has now. (Concerning Flight)

Floriculture - Tuovk has an interest in floriculture; this interest has been passed on to Suder because of the mind meld. (Basics, Part 1)

Flute - Kim ate Neelix's food for a week so that he could use his replicator rations to replicate a flute to practice on. (Parturition)

Flux capacitance - Torres adjusts this after her first attempt to activate the prototype doesn't work. (Prototype)

Folding space principle - The platform on Sikaris works on this principle; this principle has been theorized, but no one has ever been able to develop the technology. (Prime Factors)

Footlong hot dogs - Tuvok gets Chili burritoes, footlong hotdogs and goliath gulps for Paris, Rain and himself to have for breakfast. (Future's End, Part 2)

Force field - The Vidiians use a force field with a rotating phase modulation so that the Voyager crew will not be able to disrupt it (The Phage) Voyager discovers that a Vidiian force field is preventing them from locating Paris, Torres, and Durst on the planet; the force field has been adapted to repulse phaser fire; Kim discovers a network of micro-fissures in the force field that develop each time the field is remodulated; he believes that they may be able to transport someone through the fissure. (Faces) After the Doctor finds a strange growth on Kes's back, she becomes delirious and erects a force field in the Doctor's office; Janeway convinces her to lower the force field and let them help her. (Elogium) Torres tries to erect a holographic force field to prevent the distortion ring from engulfing the holodeck. (Twisted) Jonas places a force field on the door to Engineering while he attempts to disable Voyager's weapons systems. (Investigations) The Doctor erects an emergency force field around Sickbay to try to keep the Vidiians out. (Deadlock) A force field prevents the inmates from climbing up the chute to escape; Kim is able use the pipe and its loose wiring to rig a device to short out the force field of the chute so that they he and Zio can get into the tube. (The Chute) Chakotay detects a force field in Starling's office and is unable to scan beyond the wall; after he and Janeway are transported back to Voyager, he is able to disable the force field around the timeship. (Future's End, Part 1) Chakotay erects a level 10 containment force field around the bridge after Kim detects an intruder's cloaking technology; the force field disrupts Gegen and Veer's interphase so that they are unable to transport back to their own ship. (Distant Origin) Chakotay orders force fields around sensitive areas of the ship such as the warp core, the armory, and the torpedo bays. (Displaced) Seven erects a force field around the Jeffries tube when she attempts to contact the Borg using the subspace transmitter; when Seven is in the brig, she begins to throw herself against the force field. (The Gift) When Chakotay erects a force field around the shuttle bay, Seven accesses the transporter controls and does a site-to-site transport; Seven erects a level 5 force field in the shuttle to keep Tuvok from attacking again. (The Raven) Tuvok thinks that erecting a Level 10 force field should contain the explorsion of the chronoton torpedo lodged in the starboard Jeffries tube on Deck 7 but the torpedo explodes before he can do this. (Year of Hell, Part 1) A level 5 force field is erected around the Hirogen in Sickbay; Seven erects a level 10 force field around Engineering to try to prevent Species 8472 from entering; when Voyager loses main power, the force fields on the ship go down and they must use auxilary power to restore them. (Prey) There is a level 9 force field around the surgical console in sick bay; Janeway shuts the force field down so that charges they are detonating will destroy the console. (The Killing Game, Part 2) Janeway tells Chakotay to erect an emergency force field around Cargo Bay 2; (Omega Directive) Four Kyrians beam in to Voyager's engine room and erect a force field. (Living Witness) The Doctor erects a level 7 force field around the biobeds in Sickbay and fills it with atmospheric gases from the planet. (Demon) Seven incapacitates Trajis Lo-Tarik by erecting a level 3 force field around the Bridge and cutting off the oxygen. (One) Arturis uses a force field to prevent Janeway and Seven from stopping the ship; Janeway adjusts Seven's cranial implant which alters Seven's bioelectric field so that she can pass through the force field. (Hope and Fear)

Foster - Female crewman on Voyager; Kes says that Foster came into sickbay earlier for an analesgic. (Lifesigns) Foster takes Vel to Chakotay so that he can upload the coordinates and codes of the Maximum Security Detention Facility. (The Chute)

Foster - The Doctor says that Foster's brain wave pattern is the same as Kim's which indicates that they are having the same dream. (Waking Moments)

Fourier spectral analysis - Paris tells Rain that the curves on her fourier spectral analysis don't look so great and that she may have better resolution if she adjusts the amplitude parameters. (Future's End, Part 1)

Fourth Vori Defense Contingent - Brone is the leader of this group of defenders; Penno says that the 4th Contingent are sturdy clashers; most of the 4th Contingent is nullified by the Kradin. (Nemesis)

France - Da Vinci says that the king of France is a fan of his; he decides to leave Florence and go to France because he is admired there. (Concerning Flight)

Frane (Bobby Burns) - Frane attacks a merchant on Mari; Nimira says that Torres's violent thought instigated this attack; Frane will undergo an engramatic purge to remove the violent images from his mind; according to the Mari security records, Frane was arrested on 4 previous occasions for harboring violent thought; the Mari classified him as "habitual perpetrator of hostile images"; Nimira says that his thoughts were purged each time and that Frane has been through years of neurogenic restructuring in order to cure him; Tuvok believes that Frane had a relapse and that he alone is responsible for his actions; engramatic scans of Frane show that Torres's thought was prevalent in his mind during the attack; Frane and Guill conspired to provoke a violent thought in Torres and then telepathically draw it from her mind. (Random Thoughts)

Frangs - Unit of currency on Takar; the beggar tries to charge Chakotay and Paris 3 frangs to hear the first verse of the Song of the Sages. (False Profits)

Frazier, Riley (Lori Hallier) - Riley sends the distress call to Chakotay's shuttle; she tells Chakotay that about 7 or 8 years ago when she was the Science officer on board a vessel in the Bolian sector, their ship was overpowered within minutes by someone; she and the other survivors were put into some kind of stasis and taken to the planet they're on now; she is one of the few 100 or so that established a cooperative; she has reoccuring dreams about her mother's famous Texas barbeque; after Chakotay discovers that she was a Borg, Riley tells him that she was she was assimilated at Wolf 359 when she was serving on the Roosevelt; Orum created a prosthetic arm for Riley after she removed her Borg appendages; her favorite flowers are bluebonnets; her home was in Texas; after Chakotay is linked to the cooperative, Riley tells him that she wants to be closer to him and wants them to know everything about each other. (Unity)

Frederick - Wildman considers naming her baby Frederick since it is very distinguished; she changes her mind when the Doctor tells her that the name bears a close resemblence to a rather impolite term on the Bolian homeworld. (Dreadnought)

Freedom faction - Q is the ringleader of the "freedom faction" of the continuum. (The Q and the Grey)

French toast - After Paris experience turbulence on the shuttle, he jokingly says that he's beginning to wish that he hadn't had that second helping of French toast that morning. (Real Life)

Freni - This is one of the people that the Doctor mentions when he says that he has studied the finest recordings of "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Freya (Marjorie Monaghan) - A shield maiden and daughter of King Hrothgar in the Bewoulf program; she befriends the Doctor and is stabbed and killed by Unferth while trying to protect the Doctor. (Heroes and Demons)

Fried soy meal - Neelix is serving fried soy meal in the Mess Hall. (Unforgettable)

Frola (Nina Minton) - Gegen's daughter; Gegen knows that Veer is attracted to Frola because he has seen the tint of his scales whenever she is around. (Distant Origin)

Fudge ripple pudding - This is one of the things that Kim suggests when they are imagining what he and Paris would like to have to eat once they get out of the prison. (The Chute)

Fuel cell overhaul - Torres had to cancel the fuel cell overhaul after the coolant injector burst for no apparent reason. (Day of Honor)

Funeral dirge - While on the planet, Neelix sings a Vulcan funeral dirge; he says that it was the most cheerful song he could find in the Vulcan database. (Tuvix)

Fusion-based generator - The transmitter on the airplane is powered by an alien fusion-based generator. (The 37's)


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