Bahrat (Carlos Carrasco) - Manager of the station near the Nekrit Expanse; any transaction on the station must be approved by him and he gets a 20% commission on all trades; Bahrat agrees not to charge Neelix and Wix if they turn Tosin over to him. (Fair Trade)

Biomimetic gel - Chakotay and Paris have to pick up some biomemetic gel from the trading station; Starfleet Standard issue container L647X7 is the listed as the proper transport device for the gel. (Fair Trade)

Cryostatic suspension - Wix doesn't want Neelix to tell the truth because he's afraid that Bahrat will put them into cyrostatic suspension; Bahrat says that someone will serve 50 years of cryostatic suspension for Sutok's murder. (Fair Trade)

Deuterium maintenance - Janeway assigns Neelix to two weeks of scrubbing the exhaust manifolds in Deuterium maintenance to give him time to reflect on what he has done. (Fair Trade)

Dilithium matrix - Neelix asks Torres if she has tried phase locking the plasma injectors to the dilithium matrix to help regulate the plasma flow; Torres tells him that that was the first thing she though of. (Fair Trade)

Duotronic probe - Torres askes Vorik to get her this tool when she is having trouble regulating the plasma flow. (Fair Trade)

Environmental controls - The pergium will be used to regenerate the filters in the environmental controls system. (Fair Trade)

Exhaust manifold - Janeway assigns Neelix to 2 weeks of scrubbing the exhaust manifolds in Deuterium maintenance to give him time to reflect on what he has done. (Fair Trade)

Fire snakes - Wix says that the Kolaati are mean as fire snakes (Fair Trade)

Gagh - Neelix serves cold gagh for breakfast as part of his special Klingon breakfast buffet, but neither Torres or the crew seemed enthusiastic about it. (Fair Trade)

Gravidic caliper - Vorik suggests that Torres use this tool to help regulate the plasma flow since it is a more precise instrument that the duotronic probe. (Fair Trade)

Klingon - Neelix prepares a special Klingon breakfast buffet but none of the crew seems to be enthusiastic about it. (Fair Trade)

Kolaati - Wix was acting as an agent for the Kolaati traders and he says that they weren't happy they didn't get paid; he says that the Kolaati are mean as fire snakes and will kill them; Wix convinces the Kolaati to take a sample of Voyager's warp plasma instead; Tosin is one of the most powerful Kolaati. (Fair Trade)

Magnetic spindle bearings - Chakotay and Paris go to the station looking for magnetic spindle bearings for the reaction control assembly; Wix finds the spindle bearings for Voyager; (Fair Trade)

Map dealer (Eric Sharp) - The map dealer tells Neelix that there are no maps of the Nekrit Expanse because it is too unstable to chart. (Fair Trade)

Narcotics - Wix tells Neelix that they are delivering medical supplies, but they are really narcotics; cryostatic susupension hasn't been an effective deterrent to stop the drug trafficking on the station. (Fair Trade)

Nekrit Expanse - An area of space thousands of light years wide that seems to be an interstellar dust cloud; no one knows much about this vast terrritory; there are plasma storms in the expanse that might cause a problem for navigation; there are no maps of the Nekrit Expanse since it is too unstable to chart; Wix finds someone that has a map of it and persuades Neelix to help him deliver "medical supplies" in order to get it. (Fair Trade)

Orillian lung maggot - Neelix says that he has no problem dying if it would get rid of an Orillian lung maggot like Tosin. (Fair Trade)

Pergium - One of the supplies that Janeway wants to trade for on the station; it will be used to regenerate the filters in the environmental controls systems; Bahrat says that it is a rare commodity and may be difficult to find; Wix is able to find some pergium for Voyager. (Fair Trade)

Phaser - Wix persuades Neelix to let him take a phaser with them when they deliver the medical supplies; the energy reading at the scene of Sutok's murder indicates that it is a Type 2 phaser. (Fair Trade)

Rhuludian crystals - These crystals are a narcotic; Sutok offers these crystals to Chakotay and Paris while they are looking for magnetic spindle bundles; Sutok says that the crystals make days of tedious travel seem like moments of exquisite rapture. (Fair Trade)

Spectral analysis - A spectral analysis of the energy reading at the scene of Sutok's murder is identified as a Federation phaser signature. (Fair Trade)

Starfleet - Janeway tells Neelix that the first duty of any Starfleet officer is the truth. (Fair Trade)

Surveillance system - The narcotics dealers are able to disable the station's surveillance system by creating false visual signals. (Fair Trade)

Sutok (Steve Kehela) - Sutok is a narcotics merchant on the trading station near the Nekrit Expanse; he offers rhuludian crystals to Chakotay and Paris when they are on the station looking for magnetic spindle bundles; after Wix and Neelix deliver the narcotics to Sutok, he shoots at them, but is killed when Wix fires back. (Fair Trade)

Toffa ale - Wix and Neelix go have a Toffa ale after they meet on the trading station. (Fair Trade)

Tosin (James Horan) - Tosin is one of the most powerful Kolaati; he wants a sample of Voyager's warp plasma; Wix and Neelix agree to turn Tosin over to the Bahrat in exchange for their freedom; Bahrat tells Tosin he is under arrest for violating Station code 4279 subsection beta. (Fair Trade)

Type 2 phaser - The energy readings at the scene of Sutok's murder indicates that a Type 2 phaser was used in the murder. (Fair Trade)

Ubeans - Wix says that things have not gone well for him since that nasty business with the Ubeans. (Fair Trade)

USS Voyager - Bahrat says that Voyager's location and communications will be monitored while Voyager is at the station near the Nekrit expanse; the Kolaati want a sample of Voyager's warp plasma. (Fair Trade)

Vorik (Alexander Enberg) - Male Ensign on Voyager; Vorik suggests that Torres use a Gravidic caliper to help regulate the plasma flow since it is a more precise instrument that the duotronic probe; Torres sends him to adjust the control interface in the food replicators. (Fair Trade)

Warp plasma - The Kolaati want 3 grams of Voyager's warp plasma so that they can increase the efficiency of their engines; Neelix goes into the Jeffries tube to get a sample, but decides that he can't give it to the Kolaati; the warp sample that Neelix gives Tosin is contaminated; Neelix disengages the safety nodes on the plasma canister so that the whole area is filled with plasma particles and firing a weapon or activating a transporter system would destabilize the plasma and cause an explosion; one of Tosin's men fires a weapon causing the warp plasma to ignite. (Fair Trade)

Wix - This is the nickname of Neelix's friend. SEE: Wixiban. (Fair Trade)

Wixiban (James Nardini) - Male Talaxian; he is an friend of Neelix; he runs into Neelix on the trading station near the Nekrit Expanse; he says that things haven't gone well for him since the nasty business with the Ubeans; Wix says that he has been stuck on the station for 3 years since he ship has been impounded and he can't afford to give Bahrat what he wants to get it back; Wix tells Neelix that he has located some pergium and a map of the Nekrit Expanse which they can get once they deliver some medical supplies; he went to prison for Neelix where he ate worms and slept in a cell where vermin chewed on him every night; Wix tells Neelix that they are delivering medical supplies when in fact they are delivering narcotics; Wix kills Sutok after Sutok fires on him first; Wix and Neelix finally confess to Bahrat and agree to turn over the Kolaati to him; Wix is given his ship back and leaves. (Fair Trade)


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