Ice cream - Kellin tries ice cream and says that she could eat it everyday. (Unforgettable)

Idrin (Tiny Ron) - Hirogen male; Idrin tells Voyager to terminate their link with the network; Seven shocks him by generating a feedback surge along the sensor link. (Message in a Bottle)

Ilari - Voyager takes Adin and Nori back to Ilari; Tiernan takes over as Autarch of Ilari after he kills the previous Autarch; things worsen on Ilari as the people begin to split into factions supporting either Tiernan or Demmas. (Warlord)

Ilari representative - The Autrarch sends a representative to greet Janeway on Voyager; Tiernan/Kes kills the representative. (Warlord)

Ilis pate - This is one of the dishes that Neelix serves to the bridge crew after their during their second encounter with the lifeform. (The Cloud)

Ilidaria - Neelix suggests that Voyager go to this system/planet to get assistance to help a ship get out of the event horizon; Ilidaria has sophisicated technology. (Parallax) Chakotay and Tuvok were on their way back from a trade mission with Ilidaria when their shuttle was attacked. (Cathexis)

Imaging array - The Doctor stabilizes his imaging array when the power drain begins to dematerialize him. (Deadlock) When Torres performs a "tune-up" on the Doctor, she says that the Doctor's imaging array checks out fine. (Real Life)

Immunogenicity analysis - The Doctor tries to do an immunogenicity analysis on Ensign Parson's cell culture but he can't seem to get the measurement right since he is preoccupied with his holo-family. (Real Life)

"I'm No Angel" - Davis says that the movie that he and Brigitte saw at the Cinema Mystere was "I'm No Angel" with Mae West, but Brigitte says that it was "Death Takes a Holiday"; he says that when Mae West was singing "Sister Honky Tonk" in the movie, he put his arm around Brigitte and that during the courtroom scene he kissed her. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Impedrezene - The Doctor gives Bendera 75 cc's of this drug to try to stimulate his cardiac functions. (Alliances) The Doctor tells Kes to give 20 milligrams of this to one of the patients that is wounded in Engineering. (Investigations)

Implant - The Doctor discovers that the Vidiian has an implant in her parietal lobe; the implant is storing her synaptic patterns and transmitting neuroelectrical impulses to the rest of her body. (Lifesigns) The Doctor taps into Seven's implants so that only she can hear him. (Scientific Method)

Improvoline - The Doctor wants to give Suder 5 cc's of improvoline to calm him down after he has had to kill a Kazon; Suder doesn't want it but tries to use the meditation exercises Tuvok taught him instead. (Basics, Part 2)

Impulse system control panel - Darwin was sitting at the impulse system control panel when he was killed by Suder. (Meld)

Inapprovaline - Kes suggests that they stimulate cell regeneration by giving Denara Pel a high dosage of inapprovaline; the Doctor says it is too late for that. (Lifesigns) When the cordrazine does not revive Janeway, the Doctor tries 75 mg of inapprovaline along with direct synaptic stimulation. (Coda) The Doctor tells Paris to use inapprovaline to treat one of the crew members who has damaged lung tissue. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Indiana - Janeway says that when she was growing up, the summers in Indiana were similar to the hot summer in the Rinax marshlands. (Macrocosm)

Induction coils - The induction coils of the orbital tether are offline; Neelix wants to replace the coils with attitude control thrusters from the shuttle. (Rise)

Infrared radiation - The macrovirus is attracted to infrared radiation and mistakes the Doctor's matrix for body heat; Janeway sets her tricorder to emit a thermal scattering signal so that the macrovirus will find it more difficult to target she and the Doctor (Macrocosm)

Inheritors - Chakotay meets a group of people on the planet that call themselves the Inheritors; the Inheritors visited Earth 45,000 years ago and gave the nomadic hunters living there a inheritance or genetic bonding so that they might thrive; the Inheritors are who Chakotay's ancestors called the Sky Spirits. (Tattoo)

Initialization routine - The initialization routine of the Doctor has been locked out by someone above Deck 4 so all command codes revert back to Janeway. (Cathexis)

Injection tubules - The Doctor says that the Borg injection tubules are the first step in the Borg assimilation process; once the tubules are inside the skin, they release a series of nanoprobes into the bloodstream; these tubules are capable of penetrating any know alloy or energy field. (Scorpion, Part 1)

Injector valves - Torres and Jonas can't get the injector valves closed after the magnetic constrictors lose alignment. (Investigations)

Insect - Janeway and Chakotay have contracted a vrius from an insect bite; Janeway tries to catch one of the insects in a trap so that she can analyze its protein co-factors in hopes that it will lead to a cure. (Resolutions)

Insomnia - Chakotay, Neelix, Kim, Paris, and Tuvok develop insomnia as a side effect of the neurogenic field. (Waking Moments)

Insurrection Alpha - This is the name of the holodeck program that Torres finds when she does a routine purge of the database; the program involves a Maquis mutiny in which a Starfleet security officer is approached by Chakotay to help the Maquis take over the ship; Paris and Torres are unable to find out the identity of the author of the program because the files is encrypted; the holographic simulation ends suddenly because additional parameters have not been programmed; Janeway says that the program has been accessed 47 times by 33 different crew members; Tuvok admits that he wrote the program as a tactical training program for junior security officers to prepare them for the possiblity of a mutiny after the Maquis crew came on board; he deleted the program after the Starfleet and Maquis crews began working together and the possibility of mutiny became unlikely; Paris and Tuvok decide to colloborate to write the ending; when Tuvok opens the narrative parameter file, he discovers that Seska has changed the program so that Tuvok and Paris will die; Janeway attempts to rewrite the program again to help Tuvok and Paris survive. (Worst Case Scenario)

Intercostal space - Tolen Ren was stabbed in the intercostal space which is between the 8th and 9th right ribs; this is the exact location of the Banean heart. (Ex Post Facto)

Interferometric dispersion - Torres says that the interferometric dispersion will prevent the shuttle from radar detection. (Future's End, Part 2)

Interferometric pulses - Each Swarm ship is emitting interferometric pulses which are modulating in opposition to Voyager's shield frequency which causes their shield strength to go to zero. (The Swarm)

Interfold layer - Paris gets caught in the interfold layer of the particle wake when he attempts to take a shuttle near it in order to collect plasma from the wake. (Real Life)

Interlink frequency - After they remodulate their signal to match the network's interlink frequency, Voyager tries to send a message to the Starfleet vessel. (Message in a Bottle)

Interlink sequencers - This is one of the things that Torres asks Jonas to send her while she is trying to get the magnetic constrictors back into alignment. (Investigations)

Internal combustion engine - Paris says that 20th century vehicles had this type of engine with a alternating reciprocating piston cylinder design with a refined petroleum fuel system. (The 37's)

Internal scanner relay - Seska discovers that the internal scanner relays have been damaged when she tries to run a level one scan for intruders; she thinks someone sabotaged it. (Basics, Part 2)

Internal sensors - The holograhic Chakotay asks Torres if she has finished upgrading the internal sensors. (Worst Case Scenario) Paris and Kim tell about the time they rigged the internal sensors to say "Live long and prosper" every time Tuvok accessed them. (Revulsion) Tuvok tries to modify the internal sensors to detect the aliens; the aliens are able to prevent Tuvok from doing this. (Scientific Method)

Internet - Starling says that without him, there wouldn't have been laptops, the internet, or barcode readers. (Future's End, Part 2)

Interphase - The force field on the bridge disrupt Gegen and Veer's interphase so that they are unable to transport back to their own ship. (Distant Origin)

Interstellar dust - The magnetic field from Voyager's impulse engines are attracting this dust which is causing the density to decrease. (The Cloud)

Interstitial fluids - After Paris has an allergic reaction to the water in the coffee, the Doctor says that his interstitial fluids are congealing. (Threshold)

Intra-spinal inhibitor - The Doctor use this to paralyze Torres from the waist down. (Darkling)

Inversion nebula - Voyager is investigating an inversion nebula; this phenomenon has never been seen in the Alpha Quadrant; astro-theorists predict that they're so unstable they're supposed to burn out in a few years; the inversion nebula that Voyager finds is centuries old; Marayna appears on the holodeck the day that Voyager arrives at the inversion nebula. (Alter Ego)

Ionic disruption field - Arridor reconstructs the matter/antimatter generator to produce an ionic disruption field around the temple square so that Voyager will not be able to beam them out unexpectedly again. (False Profits)

Ionized hydrogen cloud - The beacon has drifted into a ionized hydrogen cloud which is interfering with Voyager's sensors so that they are unable to detect the presence of the Kazon ships. (Manuevers)

Ion mallet - Belle can't find her ion mallet that she needs for practice. (Real Life)

Ion trail - Voyager follows the Vidiian ship's ion trail into a crater on the asteroid. (The Phage) Tuvok says that the ion trail of the ship that attacked the shuttle leads into the dark matter nebula. (Cathexis) Voyager follows an ion trail leading away from Chakotay's last known coordinates hoping that it will help them find out what happened to him. (Initiations)

Ion turbulence - When Paris and Torres are floating in space, they hit ion turbulence which causes damage to their environmental suits leaving them with only a half an hour of oxygen left. (Day of Honor)

Ipasaphor - This sticky yellow ooze appears on Kes's hands; the ipasaphor makes the mating bond possible; after it appears she only has 50 hours to begin the mating process. (Elogium)

Iridium ions - Chakotay's tricorder showed traces of iridium ions in the sanctuary; the Doctor says that this caused a temporary dielectric effect in the outer epidermic layers which neutralized some of the biogenic energy so that the altered biochemistry was an effective defense. (Sacred Ground)

Ishan (Bruce Bohne) - This is one of the Sakari that captures Tuvok and Chakotay; he agrees to let them go when Chakotay offers to help them avoid detection by outsiders. (Blood Fever)

Iso-frequency - The iso-frequency of the alien's containment field is 1.68 terrahertz. (Omega Directive)

Isograted circuit - Starling introduced the very first isograted circuit in 1969; he used the technology of Braxton's timeship to "invent" the circuit. (Future's End, Part 1)

Isokinetic cannon - One projectile from this cannon can penetrate the shields of any heavily armed vehicle; Janeway says that she will give Kovin astrometric charts spanning 12 sectors and a generous supply of isolinear processing chips in exchange for this cannon. (Retrospect)

Isokinetic containment field - Torres suggests using a isokinetic containment field to prevent a particle overload in Steth's propulsion system; Paris tells her that that is the first thing he and Steth tried. (Vis A Vis)

Isolation field - The Doctor sets up an isolation field around Paris in sickbay, removes all the oxygen from the field and replaces it with a mix of 80% nitrogen and 20% acidichloride. (Threshold)

Isolinear circuitry - Chakotay suggests switching some fo the ship's systems to this type of circuitry when the gel packs begin malfunctioning. (Learning Curve)

Isolinear processing chips - Janeway says that she will give Kovin astrometric charts spanning 12 sectors and a generous supply of isolinear processing chips in exchange for the isokinetic cannon. (Retrospect)

Isolinear processor - Torres is upset because Seven took an isolinear processor out of Engineering with asking. (Message in a Bottle)

Isomagnetic conduit - Torres stops Dejaren before he steps on the isomagnetic conduit; Torres says that the conduit could destabilize his matrix; Torres uses the conduit to permanently disable Dejaren when he tries to kill her. (Revulsion)

Isomorphic projection - This is what the people from Seros call their holograms; Dejaren is an isomorphic projection. (Revulsion)

Iso-ton - Voyager's photon torpedoes have an explosive yield of 200 iso-tons. (Scorpion, Part 2) The Malon ship is loaded with over 90 million isotons of contaminated antimatter; Emck says that his civilization produces over 6 billion isotons of by-products every day. (Night)

Isotrophic restraint - This restraint holds Neelix motionless so that he won't be able to move more than 2 microns in any direction so that his lungs can be perfectly aligned to his internal physiology. (The Phage) The Doctor places Paris in an isotrophic restraint and infuses it with anti-proton radiation in an attempt to restore Paris to his former state. (Threshold)


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