A-koo-chee-moya - Chakotay calls upon this person when he is performing the Pakra ritual to commemorate his father's death. (Initiations)

Ayala - Janeway tells Neelix that she doesn't know how Ayala would be handling the separation from his children without Neelix's help since he misses them terribly. (Initiations)

Biomagnetic traps - This is one of the things that the Kazon Ogla use on Tarok in their training exercises. (Initiations)

Calogan dog - Jal Razik says that Kar would rather die than run like a Calogan dog like Chakotay. (Initiations)

Code white resuscitation - Chakotay tells Paris to alert sick bay to prepare for a code white resuscitation; he plans on letting Kar kill him so that he can earn his Ogla name and then letting the Doctor resuscitate. (Initiations)

Disrupter snares - This is one of the things that the Kazon Ogla use on Tarok in their training exercises. (Initiations)

Duranium Voyager detects traces of this in the floating debris they find at Chakotay's last known coordinates. (Initiations)

Electroceramics - Voyager detects traces of this in the floating debris they find at Chakotay's last known coordinates. (Initiations)

Goven - Kar says that he would be a goven, or outcast, to any of the other Kazon sects; everytime he would meet another sect they would cut one digit off. (Initiations)

Hali - Jal Haliz was called Hali before he earned his Ogla name by killing a Kazon Relora warrior with his bare hands. (Initiations)

Haliz - SEE: Jal Haliz.

Holodeck defense simulation - Neelix is upset because he wasn't invited to participate in this. (Initiations)

Homing signal - When Chakotay and Kar are on Tarok, Chakotay sets his tricorder to emit a homing signal so that Voyager will be able to track him down. (Initiations)

Ion trail - Voyager follows an ion trail leading away from Chakotay's last known coordinates hoping that it will help them find out what happened to him. (Initiations)

Jal Haliz (Tim deZarn) - Also called Haliz; used to be called Hali before he earned his Ogla name by killing a Kazon Relora warrior with his bare hands; he became first maje of the Kazon Ogla when Kar kills Jal Razik. (Initiations)

Jal Kanell - Kar's brother; Jal Kanell earned his Ogla name by dying bravely in battle. (Initiations)

Jal Karden - Kar earns this Ogla name by killing Jal Razik and pledging his loyalty to the new first maje Jal Haliz. SEE: Kar (Initiations)

Jal Razik (Patrick Kilpatrick) - First Maje of the Kazon Ogla; also called Razik; used to be called Ra before he earned his Ogla name by destroying a Kazon Nistrim frigate and killing more than 100 people in a single shot; he was killed by Kar so that Kar could earn his Ogla name. (Initiations)

Kar (Aron Eisenberg) - Kazon male; about 13 years old; Kar is sent to destroy Chakotay's shuttle in order to earn his Ogla name; when he fails in his mission and rescued by Chakotay, he is sentenced to be executed; he escapes with Chakotay to the moon, Tarok, which the Kazon Ogla use in training exercises; he earns his Ogla name by killing Jal Razik and pledging his loyalty to the new maje, Jal Haliz. (Initiations)

Kazon - There are currently 18 Kazon sects. (Initiations)

Kazon Ogla - First maje of Kazon Ogla is Jal Razik; according to Jal Razik, the boundaries of the Kazon Ogla territory change everyday. (Initiations)

Kazon Relora - One of the Kazon sects; Kar tells Chakotay that this sect invaded Ogla space in the past. (Initiations)

Kolopak (Henry Darrow) - Chakotay's father; Chakotay performs the Pakra ritual to commemorate his father's death. (Initiations)

Magnesite - Voyager detects traces of this in the floating debris they find at Chakotay's last known coordinates. (Initiations)

Micro-generator - Kes notices the micro-generator that seems to be trapping the away team in a statis field; they determine that if they can remodulate the phaser to a high frequency output, they can send a narrow beam through the field and disable it. (Initiations)

Pakra - Chakotay celebrates this solitary ritual which commemorates the anniversary of this father's death. (Initiations)

Plaxan sensors - Neelix sold some of these to the Kazon Ogla a few years ago. (Initiations)

Polyduranide - Torres finds traces of a polyduranide alloy in the sample of floating debris that is beamed on board; she determines that the debris can't be the remnants of Chakotay's shuttle since this alloy isn't used in the construction of Federation vessels. (Initiations)

Proton beam - This is one of the things that the Kazon Ogla use on Tarok in their training exercises. (Initiations)

Ra - Jal Razik was called Ra before he earned his Ogla name by destroying a Kazon Nistrim frigate and killing more than 100 people in a single shot. (Initiations)

Radiothermic interference - Voyager detects radiothermic interference on the surface of Tarok; Kes says that this is how the Kazon conceal their weaponry; this interference prevents Voyager from communicating with anyone who beams down to the planet. (Initiations)

Razik - See: Jal Razik.

Tarok - An M-class moon that the Kazon Ogla use to conduct training exercises; Chakotay and Kar transport to this moon after they escape; the planet is full of proton beams, biomagnetic traps and disrupter snares which are used in the training exercises. (Initiations)

Trabe - Kar tells Chakotay that the Kazon shared their homeworld with the Trabe; the Trabe took everything from the Kazon until the Kazon took it back from them when they revolted 26 years ago. (Initiations)


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