played by Kate Mulgrew

Janeway is a human female; she served as science officer under Admiral Paris on the Al-Batani during the Arias expedition; she is Captain of the USS Voyager; she takes Voyager into the Badlands to track down a Maquis ship; when she destroys the Caretaker's array, she strands Voyager in the Delta Quadrant; Janeway invites Chakotay and the Maquis crew to join the Starfleet crew on Voyager. (Caretaker)

Janeway and Paris become trapped in a subspace fracture while they are investigating the polaric detonation on the planet. (Time and Again)

Janeway is an expert pool player. (The Cloud)

Janeway tells Earhart that she was inspired by her accomplishments as a pilot. (The 37's)

The Bothan causes Janeway to hallucinate that Mark is on Voyager. (Persistence of Vision)

Janeway is injured in the Alsaurian marketplace when the Mokra troops arrive; Caylem rescues her because he thinks that she is his daughter; she causes a disruption in the shields around the Mokra prison in order to rescue Torres and Tuvok. (Resistance)

Janeway decides to try forming an alliance with the Kazon Nistrim but rejects the idea when Cullah insists on an exchange of crew members; she forms an alliance with the Trabe and works with Mabus to set up a conference with the Kazon hoping to bring peace to the quadrant; she later realizes that Mabus was using her to try to destroy the first majes of the Kazon sects. (Alliances)

When he is still in his amphibian-like state, Paris kidnaps Janeway, steals a shuttle and goes into transwarp; this causes her to evolve into an amphibian-like creature as well; the crew finds them and their offspring several days later. (Threshold)

Janeway orders a self-destruct sequence and orders everyone to the escape pods when that seems to be the best chance of destroying Dreadnought; her authorizaion code is Janeway pi one one zero. (Dreadnought)

Her grandfather used to make her Welsh rabbit; she has an aversion to suicide; Janeway decides to grant Quinn asylum aboard Voyager when she finds it impossible to support immortality forced on an individual by the State. (Deathwish)

Neelix says that Janeway will give regular updates on the ship's progress on "A Briefing With Neelix"; Janeway reveals to Chakotay that Paris's unruly behavior was part of Janeway and Tuvok's plan to flush out the spy on Voyager who was communicating with the Kazon. (Investigations)

When Janeway was 12 years old, she walked home in a thunderstorm over 7 kilometers because she lost a tennis match; she decides to self destruct the ship in order to save the duplicate Voyager; before she can do this, the Vidiians attack the duplicate Voyager and the other Janeway self destructs her ship to save Voyager. (Deadlock)

When she was Science officer on the Providence, Janeway always envied the Captain's privilege of making first contact. (Innocence)

Janeway says that she will be the Clown's hostage if he releases the other hostages; she tricks the Clown by modifying the hibernation pods to put her on the system with being in stasis. (The Thaw)

Janeway says she still dreams about being with Mark and misses him terribly; she admits to Kes that someday she may have to accept the fact that he's not part of her life anymore; she decides to force Tuvix to take part in the separation; when the Doctor refuses to take Tuvix's life against his will, Janeway steps in and performs the procedure. (Tuvix)

Janeway and Chakotay contract a virus from an insect bite and must remain on the planet since something in the planet's environment is keeping them from being sick; Janeway tells Chakotay to call her Kathryn since they're no longer in a command structure; she hates to cook; her parents took her on backpacking trips that she hated; she says that she was always a child of the 24th century; Chakotay and Janeway both experience sexual tension and "define the parameters" of their relationship; as a kid, Janeway preferred studying quantum mechanics to gardening. (Resolutions)

Janeway surrenders Voyager to Cullah after she is unable to set the self-destruct sequence; she asks Cullah to allow her crew to live since they were just following orders. (Basics, Part 1)

On Hanon Four she is adamant that her crew do anything necessary to survive on the planet. (Basics, Part 2)

Janeway says that she is the closest thing to a family that Tuvok has on Voyager; she acts as his pyllora during the mind meld; she says that she would have loved to ride shotgun at least once with a group of officers like Captain Kirk, Doctor McCoy and Captain Sulu. (Flashback)

When she was in high school, Janeway sometimes snuck out of the house late at night. (The Swarm)

Janeway loves music and always regretted that she never learn to play an instrument. (Remember)

Janeway goes through the sacred Nechani ritual to try to save Kes's life; she believes that there is a scientific explanation for most religious doctrines; her sister is the artist in the family while Janeway is the scientist; as a child she would be doing mathematics problems while other children were outside playing games; Janeway goes back to the guide again when the info from the subdermal microprobe fails to help Kes; she has always been driven to succeed; she has great faith in science; Janeway decides to trust the Ancestral Spirits and take Kes back through the biogenic field. (Sacred Ground)

Janeway decides to take tennis up again after 19 years of not playing; she was on her high school tennis team; she played in a novice tournament and lost in straight sets; Janeway and Chakotay go to Starling's office to find out more about Starling and to find the timeship. (Future's End, Part 1)

Janeway manually launches a photon torpedo at Starling's ship from Torpedo bay 1 since the launch activation sequencers aren't responding. (Future's End, Part 2)

Q decides that he wants to mate with Janeway; she would like to have a child someday, but could never have a child with someone she didn't love; Q takes her to the continuum and shows her the civil war that is occuring among the Q; Q thinks that Janeway's human DNA will bring a new breed of Q that will help bring peace to the continuum; she finds Q's offer of exploring new dimensions tempting, but says that she could never abandon her responsibilities to Voyager; she tries to convince Q to mate with Miss Q; she goes to the enemy camp under the white flag hoping to bring an end to the conflict among the Q; Janeway is accused of collaborating with the enemy and is sentenced to death by the Q general; Q chooses her to be baby Q's godmother. (The Q and the Grey)

Neelix and Janeway go on a 3 day trade missions with the Tak Tak; Janeway insults the Tak Tak ambassador by putting her hands on her hips; Janeway grew up in Indiana; Janeway ruptures her dorsal extensor muscle and bruises 2 ribs when she is attacked by the macrovirus in the Mess Hall; she destroys the macroviruses by setting off an antigen bomb in the holodeck. (Macrocosm)

Janeway tells Neelix that he has been her most trusted advisor since they began their journey home. (Fair Trade)

The highlight of talent night was Janeway's portrayal of the dying swan dance that she learned when she was 6 years old in beginning ballet class; she and Chakotay seem to experience a time loop in which they are attacked by the Vidiians; she contracts the Vidiian phage and the Doctor says that the only humane course of action for her is euthanasia; in the next time loop, the Doctor is unable to revive Janeway and she dies at 0320 hours of massive cerebrovascular collapse; the crew believes that Janeway's consciousness may have phase shifted out of their reality; her father appears on Voyager saying that he is there to help her crossover into another state of consciousness; her father's death 15 years ago was devastating to her and she fell into a terrible depression until her sister forced Janeway back into the real world; Janeway is not ready to accept that she is dead and becomes suspicous when her father continues to push her to come with him; she realizes that an alien is causing her to experience these series of events and she fights to stay alive. (Coda)

Janeway says that she was the acknowledged master of the "all-nighter" in her academy days; she took a Klingon physiology course at the Academy where Professor Holk permitted nothing less than excellent recall. (Darkling)

In the reality that Kes is experiencing, Janeway was killed duirng the Year of Hell when Voyager was being constantly attacked by the Krenim. (Before and After)

During the Insurrection Alpha program, Janeway and Paris leave on a shuttle to meet the Rukani; Janeway attempts to save Tuvok and Paris by rewriting the Insurrection Alpha program. (Worst Case Scenario)

Janeway decides to form an alliance with the Borg in order to get them to guarantee Voyager safe passage through their space. (Scorpion, Part 1)

Janeway sustains plasma burns to her thorasic region when the alien energy discharge strikes her; the discharge has disrupted all of her neural electrical pathways; the Doctor induces a coma in order to protect her higher brain functioning; Janeway is upset at Chakotay because he went against her orders regarding the alliance with the Borg. (Scorpion, Part 2)

Janeway tells the Doctor to remove all of Seven's Borg implants even though it would be the last thing that Seven would want. (The Gift)

Janeway met Tuvok during her first command when he dressed her down in front of 3 Starfleet admirals for failing to observe proper tactical procedure; she has known Tuvok for 9 years. (Revulsion)

Janeway says that sculpting helps her unwind; DaVinci was always an inspiration to her. (The Raven)

Janeway has been experiencing headaches; the Doctor says that she works absurdly long hours under constant stress and that she eats on the run without sufficient rest or exercise; the Doctor recommends intense osteopathic pressure therapy to help relax her; Janeway becomes more and more irritable; she says that she hasn't felt his way since her first command; she tells Tuvok that after this crisis is over, she wants to spend a few days in Renaissance Tuscany at a little inn outside Sienna; the aliens have been increasing Janeway's dopamine levels to see how much more strain she can bear; Janeway takes Voyager directly between the pulsars in a desperate attempt to rid Voyager of the aliens; Tuvok says that calling Janeway "reckless" was an understatement. (Scientific Method)

May 20th is her birthday; Janeway orders most of her crew to evacuate Voyager but she and the senior staff remain on Voyager. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

While fixing the malfunction in the ventilation system, the alveoli in her lungs are chemically burned; she refuses the Doctor's recommendation that she stay off her feet for 48 hours and orders him to give her trioxin to help her breathe easier; when Voyager is being bombarded by the micro-meteorites, Janeway goes to Deflector Control to get the deflectors back online manually; according to the Doctor, she sustains 3rd degree burns on 60% of her body and will be left with scars on her face and arms; the Doctor thinks that she is suffering from traumatic stress syndrome and wants to keep her under observation; the Doctor formally relieves her of command but she says that he will have to shoot her before she'll give up command; Janeway sends the rest of the crew to the Mawasi and Nihydron ships; she remains on Voyager to coordinate the attack and to "go down with the ship"; Janeway says that she feels as close to Voyager as she does to any member of the crew since it has been their home and kept them together. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Janeway says that she was busy sorting out the coins when the attack occurred since she's not used to handling currency; Janeway, Neelix, and Torres are questioned by Nimira about the attack; Janeway and Tuvok go over the witness statements to try to find fault with Nimira's findings. (Random Thoughts)

Janeway and Tuvok go to the Northern continent of the planet to try to track down Voyager's main computer processor; Janeway tells Da Vinci that she got to America because of a Portugese ship, some Turkish pirates and a couple of hurricanes; Janeway and Da Vinci escape by using Da Vinci's new flying machine. (Concerning Flight)

In Janeway's dream, she sees some of the crew dead in the Mess Hall; Janeway realizes that that they are all dreaming when she survives the warp core explosion in Engineering. (Waking Moments)

Janeway started writing letters to her family and to Mark a year ago; she begins updating the letters just in case they are able to contact their families. (Message in a Bottle)

Janeway gets a letter from Mark; Janeway tells Chakotay that the origin of the relay stations is the kind of archeological puzzle that has always fascinated her; in his letter, Mark tells Janeway about the litter of puppies that her dog had; he also tells her that he married someone else about 4 months ago; she says that she didn't expect him to wait for her and that she was using him as a "safety net" so that she wouldn't feel she had to become involved with someone else. (Hunters)

When she was a Lieutenant, she and others on her team were decorated by Starfleet Command for defending a Federation outpost against the Cardassians; she tells Seven that in retrospect she is most proud of their act of compassion in saving the life of a wounded Cardassian amidst the intense fighting. (Prey)

Janeway plays the role of a Klingon warrior on Holodeck 2 and is killed by Alpha Hirogen; Janeway takes on the persona of Katrine as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; the Doctor is able to disable her neural interface just as she is about to kill Seven. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Janeway and Seven continue to play along with the World War II simulation; Janeway tells Miller that when it comes to her people's safety, she gets a little gung-ho; Janeway and Miller are able to disable the neural interfaces by setting charges in the Jeffries tube below Sickbay; Janeway is shot and captured by the Hirogen; she is able to convince Alpha Hirogen to call a cease fire; Janeway kills Turanj when he tries to attack her. (The Killing Game, Part 2) After Janeway calls for Security to come to her ready room, Tuvok finds Paris/Steth choking her; Steth/Paris switches bodies with Janeway; the Doctor is able to restore Paris, Steth, and Janeway back to their own bodies. (Vis a Vis)

After Voyager encounters Omega, she seals the door to her ready room and access the secured file using the level 10 clearance code Janeway 1153 red; Janeway tells Chakotay that she and Seven will take a shuttle to complete the mission and if they are successful they will return in a few days; Chakotay is able to convince her to let the senior staff help. (Omega Directive)


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