Battle of Pyrithian Gorge - Neelix tells Kes how he faced down an entire battery of Haakonian artillery at this battle; later he admits that he never reported for duty and never was at this battle. (Jetrel)

Biogenic field - Tuvok tries to augment this field when the transporter pattern begins to degrade rapidly when he and Janeway attempt regenerative fusion in order to restore the victims of the Metreon Cascade. (Jetrel)

Deactivation sequence - The Doctor's deactivation sequence allows him to deactivate himself by telling the computer to "override command 1 EMH alpha and end program; Jetrel deactives the Doctor using this command. (Jetrel)

Haakonian order - The Haakonians conquered Neelix's homeworld, Talax, more than 15 years earlier after they used the Metreon Cascade on Rinax. (Jetrel)

Jetrel, Dr. Ma'bor (James Sloyan) - Haakonian scientist; he has advanced Metremia and dies on Voyager soon after his failure to bring back the victims of the Metreon Cascade. (Jetrel)

Ka'ree - Jetrel's wife; Jetrel tells Neelix that Ka'ree saw him as a monster after the Metreon Cascade was used on Rinax; she took their 3 children and left him. (Jetrel)

Krallinian eels - Neelix says he'd rather be immersed in a pit of these eels than be examined by Jetrel. (Jetrel)

Metremia - Metremia is a degenerative blood disease cause by exposure to high concentrations of metreon isotopes; it is a fatal disease that attacks its victims on a molecular level; it can lay dormant for years but once mainifested, it will cause the body's atomic structure to undergo fission and cells will begin to disintegrate; Jetrel tells Neelix that he has metremia. (Jetrel)

Metreon Cascade - A weapon of massive destruction that was used on the Talaxian colony of Rinax when Talax and Haakonian were at war; the weapon was created by Dr. Ma'bor Jetrel. (Jetrel)

Metreon cloud - This cloud around Rinax is a result of the Metreon Cascade; it blocks out the sunlight to Rinax; Jetrel wants a sample of this cloud so that he can isolate the free isotope that causes Metremia and use it to synthesize an antibody to the disease. (Jetrel)

Palaxia - This is the name of the girl that Neelix found on Rinax when he and others went there to look for survivors; she was badly burned and looked like a monster; she died a few weeks later on Talax. (Jetrel)

Regenerative fusion - Jetrel wants to attempt regenerative fusion in order to restore people who were vaporized by the Metreon Cascade; he believes that this can be done by imputing DNA sequences from the victim's medical records, isolating those atomic fragments in the Metreon cloud, and then rematerializing the victims; when Janeway and Tuvok attempt this using the transporter, it is unsuccessful because the fragmentation is too great. (Jetrel)

Rinax- Neelix and his family lived on this colony which had the most temperate climate of the entire Talaxian system; his family was killed when the Metreon Cascade was used here. (Jetrel)

Sandrine's - Sandrine's pool table rolls a little to the east. (Jetrel)

Talax - Neelix was on the Talax homeworld when his family was killed by the Metreon Cascade on Rinax. (Jetrel)

Tom Terrific - Gaunt Gary's nickname for Paris. (Jetrel)

Two-tailed talchoks - These nasty vermin with sharp claws and dripping fangs live on Rinax. (Jetrel)

Vulcan Slim - This is Gaunt Gary's nickname for Tuvok. (Jetrel)


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