played by Jennifer Lien

Kes is an Ocampan female; she escaped from the underground city by going through the ancient tunnels created by the Caretaker; she is rescued from the Kazon by Neelix and the Voyager crew. (Caretaker)

She begins to work on a hydroponics bay in Cargo Bay 2 so that Voyager can grow its own food and conserve its emergency rations and replicator power. (Parallax)

Kes begins discovering her unique mental abilities when she is able to sense Janeway and Paris's presence on the planet. (Time and Again)

One of her lungs is transplanted into Neelix when his lungs are stolen by the Vidiians; the doctor asks her to become his medical assistant. (The Phage)

Kes is able to sense the alien presence on Voyager. (Cathexis)

Kes seems to be going through the elogium even though she is not even 2 yet; the false elogium was brought on by the electromagnetic field of the creatures. (Elogium)

The crew has a surprise birthday party on the holodeck to celebrate Kes's 2nd birthday. (Twisted)

Kes uses her telepathic abilities to incapacitate the Bothan so that she can initiate the resonance burst that will block the energy field from his ships. (Persistence of Vision)

Tanis teaches Kes how to use her psychokinetic abilites to move objects; when she demostrates this to Tuvok, she causes his blood temperature to rise and causes him to go into shock. (Cold Fire)

Kes's father was named Benaren; she says that he was the greatest inspiration of her life; Kes has an uncle name Elrem. (Dreadnought)

When Kes goes to Deck 15 to treat Hogan, she disappears into the spatial rift; she appears on the duplicate Voyager. (Deadlock)

Kes has been coaching the Doctor on his diplomatic skills. (Innocence)

Neelix always cooks Trellian crepes for Kes on Wednesdays; Tuvix asks Kes to speak to the captain on his behalf but Kes decides that she can't since she wants Neelix back. (Tuvix)

Kes says that if it wasn't for her father, she would never have questioned her people's beliefs or left the city; her father died when she had just turned 1; Kes doesn't miss him as much since she started working with Tuvok; she persuades Tuvok to reconsider contacting the Vidiians. (Resolutions)

Kes is adamant the they try to find another solution to the Doctor's memory failure rather than simply reinitialize him since that will cause him to lose his memories of the last 2 years. (The Swarm)

Kes is injured in the Nechani sanctuary when she inadvertantly enters the sacred shrine and is hit by a biogenic field; Janeway tries to help her by going through the sacred Nechani ritual but when that fails to help, she takes Kes back through the biogenic field and she is cured. (Sacred Ground)

The Doctor says that Kes will have more responsibilities in sickbay now that he has the mobile holo-emitter that will allow him to leave sickbay. (Future's End, Part 2)

Tiernan's consciousness is transferred to Kes when he dies; Kes becomes frustrated with Neelix since it seems that he want her to spend most of her free time with him; she decides that it would be a good idea for both of them to spend some time apart; Resh initially balks at supporting Tiernan when he sees that he is using Kes's body as a host; Kes's body is not accepting Tiernan's neural pattern very easily; Tiernan says that he can feel Kes in the back of his mind like a trapped animal rattling the cage; Tiernan is able to sense Tuvok's presence using Kes's mental abilities; Kes tells Tiernan that he may have her body, but that he will never have her mind and that she will fight him until he is broken and helpless; Tiernan kills Adin using Kes's mental abilities; Kes's consciousness is reflected in Tiernan's actions when he talks about building a library and when he says that some of the time he felt most content was watching the seedlings grow in the airponics bay; Neelix is able to use the synaptic stimulator on Kes to remove Tiernan's consciousness; Kes senses that Tiernan is then hiding in Ameron and is able to use the synaptic stimulator on him as well. (Warlord)

Kes senses Janeway's presence and works with Tuvok to try to increase the range of her perceptions, but they are unsuccessful. (Coda)

Kes has been working with Zahir; he says that he observes a great tolerance in her; the Doctor says her behavior is becoming unpredictable since she has been spending so much time with Zahir; Kes is almost 3 years old; Zahir asks Kes to explore the Sylleran Rift with him; the Doctor kidnaps Kes and beams to the planet with her; Kes decides not to go with Zahir. (Darkling)

Kes begins living her life backwards after she wakes up in the bio-temporal chamber; she is now 9 years old and has less than 1% of her memory engrams intact; she had performed microsurgery on Chakotay's elbow only week before; she is going through the morilogium; in the reality she is experiencing she is married to Paris and Linnis is her daughter; during one of her jumps back in time her body temperature drops to 14.8 which is almost 2 degrees below normal; the Doctor thinks that Kes may have developed some sort of precognition since she seems to know about events before they have happened; she looks at her old medical records to try to fill in the blanks in her lifeand she discovers that she got radiation poisoning from a Krenim torpedo on Stardate 50973; Kes had helped Paris get over Torres's death; she gives birth to Linnis on a shuttle when she and Paris are on their way back to Voyager after a supply mission; Kes is brought back into temporal synch when the Doctor puts her in the bio-temporal chamber and exposes her to a precisely modulated field of anti-chrontons in order to purge her system of the radiation; Kes's father says that she is his favorite daughter; her mother's name is Martis; Kes's normal body temperature is 16.3. (Before and After)

Kes disappears at 1132 hours which is the same time that Dammar appears on Voyager. (Displaced)

Kes experiences telepathic visions about the death of the Borg and the destruction of Voyager. (Scorpion, Part 1)

Every time she has a vision, a part of her cerebral cortex goes into hyperstimulation. (Scorpion, Part 2)

When Kes looks at the hypospray of anetrizine, it flies through the air into her hand; she hasn't been experimenting with her psychokinetic abilities for months but says that she has been feeling strange lately; she has had lots of energy and sleeping less; her serotonin levels are 62 % above nornal; the telepathic center of her brain is in a state of hyperstimulation like when she was in contact with Species 8472; the Doctor wants to run a micro-synaptic analysis on Kes to determine what is causing these changes; When Seven goes into neural shock, Kes is able to mentally dissolve the Borg implant that is causing the problem; Tuvok works with Kes with a series of guided meditations to help her explore the depth of her new abilities; Kes destabilizes the Jeffries tube at the molecular level in order to stop Seven from sending a message to the Borg; Kes tells Neelix that she couldn't have come this far without him and that she will always love him; she decides that it is time for her to leave Voyager; in the shuttlecraft, her atomic structure completely destabilizes; as a gift, Kes pushes Voyager safely beyond Borg space and 10 years closer to home. (The Gift)


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