Alpha Hirogen - Alpha Hirogen takes on the persona of the Commandant in the World War II simulation on Holodeck 1; SEE: Commandant. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Janeway is able to convince Alpha Hirogen to call a cease fire; Turanj kills Alpha Hirogen. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

American 4th Infantry - According to the message the Resistance decodes, the American 4th Infantry will invade Sainte Claire Tuesday at dawn. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Baker, The - Neelix takes on the persona of the baker as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; he delivers the code key to the Resistance at the Le Coeur de Lion; he says that he has become quite friendly with the Gestapo and that they love his struedel; the baker is killed by Turanj when he becomes impatient to start "the hunt". (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Bartender, The - Tuvok takes on the persona of the bartender of the Le Couer de Lion as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; he is a member of the Resistance; he is suspicious that de Neuf is a Nazi infiltrator since she has sometimes been uncooperative and argumentative. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Black Market - Brigitte tells Davis that the Resistance bought most of the explosives they have on the black market. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Borg - Alpha Hirogen says that the Borg are a worthy prey and he wants to recreate the notorious battle known as Wolf 359 after World War II simulation is over; the Doctor disables Seven's neural interface by remodulating one of her Borg implants to emit a jamming signal. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Seven tells Janeway that she will enhance the holographic weapons using Borg technology; Paris says that the Nazis were the "Borg of their day" since the Nazis were bent on world conquest; Seven tells Turanj that despite their arrogance, one day the Borg will assimilate the Hirogen. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Bridge access relays - Kim says that someone on the holodeck has to engage the bridge access relays in order for he and the Doctor to disable the neural interfaces; while she and Katrine are at Nazi headquarters on the holodeck, Seven is able to engage these relays. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Brigitte - Torres takes on the persona of Brigitte in the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; she is a member of the Resistance; she is pregnant with the child of the German kapitan; in order to gather info about Nazi headquarters, she tells the guard outside that she is ill and has to see the Kapitan; Brigitte met Davis when he spent a summer in Sainte Claire; according to Davis, she has great gams and one hell of a temper; he and Brigitte wrote to each other for 3 years but they lost contact with each other after the war broke out; while Seven and Katrine infiltrate Nazi headquarters, Brigitte stays at Le Coeur de Lion with orders to destroy all evidence of the Resistance if anything goes wrong. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Brigitte is reunited with Davis when the Americans invade Saint Claire; she and Davis first kissed during the movie they saw at the Cinema Mystere before the war; Davis's last letter to her asked her to leave France; Brigitte tells Davis that she took advantage of the German kapitan's interest in her in order to help the Resistance. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

C Company - C Company is holding position 200 yards from the Le Couer de Lion; Miller tells Davis to have C Company clear the corridor so that he and Janeway can enter the German bunker. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Charlie 1 - Captain Miller gives the order for Charlie 1 to bomb Nazi headquarters; he says that Charlie 1 isn't known for his accuracy. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Chateau Latour - Katrine tells the bartender to send Commandant Karr a bottle of '36 Chateau Latour with her compliments. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Cinema Mystere - Brigitte tells Davis that the biggest stockpile of the Resistance's weapons are buried beneath the last row of seats of the Cinema Mystere; Davis says that the movie that he and Brigitte saw there was "I'm No Angel", but Brigitte says that it was "Death Takes a Holiday". (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Claude - Claude is the piano player at the Le Coeur de Lion. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Commandant - Alpha Hirogen takes on the persona of Commandant Karr in the World War II simulation on Holodeck 1; the Commandant was sent to Sainte Claire to oversee the occupation of the city; he served with Rommel in North Africa and Schmidt in Poland; he is a formidable military stategist and is notorious for his cruelty; he tells the German kapitan to never underestimate your prey or underestimate its ability; the Commandant is a colonel in the simulation. SEE: Alpha Hirogen (The Killing Game, Part 1) The German Kapitan says that the Commandant has been acting strange the last few days and that he has been questioning German superiority; the Kapitan tells Turanj that the Commandant never embraced the Fuhrer or his vision. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Crusades - This is one of the holodeck programs that the Hirogen have put the crew into. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Davis - Paris takes on the persona of Lieutenant Davis as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; he spent a summer in Sainte Claire when he was 18 and fell in love with a local girl named Brigitte; his train pulled out of Sainte Claire on Aug 19, 1936 at 12:17 pm; he and Brigitte wrote to each other for 3 years but lost contact with her after the war broke out; he is part of the 5th Armored Military that attacks Sainte Claire. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Davis is reunited with Brigitte when the Americans invade Saint Claire; he and Brigitte first kissed during the movie they saw at the Cinema Mystere before the war; his last letter to Brigitte was to ask her to leave France. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

"Death Takes a Holiday" - Brigitte says that the movie that she and Davis saw at the Cinema Mystere was "Death Takes a Holiday". (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Deck 4 - Kim is able to expand the holodeck by 5000 square meters by cutting through the bulkheads on Decks 4, 5 and 6. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Deck 5 - Kim is able to expand the holodeck by 5000 square meters by cutting through the bulkheads on Decks 4, 5 and 6. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Deck 6 - Kim is able to expand the holodeck by 5000 square meters by cutting through the bulkheads on Decks 4, 5 and 6. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

De Nuef - Seven takes on the persona of Mademoiselle de Neuf as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; De Neuf is the singer at the Le Coeur de Lion in Sainte Claire; the bartender thinks that de Neuf is a Nazi infilitrator because she is argumentative and has disobeyed Katrine's direct orders; she is a munitions expert; Katrine tells the bartender to have her followed for the next few days; De Neuf is killed by the Turanj when she tries to save the baker from being killed; Seven is in the middle of singing a song as Mademoiselle de Neuf when she becomes aware of who she is. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Earth - Paris says that the Nazis were totalitarian fanatics on Earth during World War II. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Force field - There is a level 9 force field around the surgical console in sick bay; Janeway shuts the force field down so that charges they are detonating will destroy the console. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

German Kapitan - The German Kapitan is the father of Brigitte's child; the Kapitan says that the greatest prize of the war is art; Brigitte gets into Nazi headquarters by telling the guard that she needs to see the Kapitan. (The Killing Game, Part 1) The Kapitan is 2nd in command of the Saint Claire occupation; Brigitte tells Davis that she took advantage of the Kapitan's interest in order to help the Resistance; after the Kapitan learns that Brigitte is part of the Resistance, he says that the thought of her carrying his child disgusts him; he decides to spare Brigitte's life for now but only because she is carrying a German child. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Germany - The Commandant says that the Resistance will come to Saint Claire because any ground assault into Germany must pass through the city first; Katrine says that they must gather info about German troop movements; the Kapitan says that the German people deserve Europe and everything in it and that Germans are the master race because their blood is pure; while at Nazi headquarters, Katrine listens to an incoming message about German troop movement and realizes that the Germans know the Americans are coming. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Brigitte tells Davis the Resistance stole most of their guns from the German army. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Grable, Betty - To test Kim to see if he really is an American, Davis asks Kim what part of Betty Grable would he be staring at if she came around the corner; Kim answers correctly when he says that he would staring at her legs. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Groleau - Katrine tells Mademoiselle de Neuf to go to a Monsieur Groleau to buy a high frequency oscillator; he lives in a cottage just past the third bridge and has a cellar full of vacuum tubes. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Hirogen - The Hirogen capture Voyager and use Voyager's holodecks to set up simulations to "hunt" the Voyager crew; Alpha Hirogen says that the Hirogen way of life has not changed for 1000 years; they have dispersed themselves throughout the quadrant and have become a solitary and isolated race; he believes that in another 1000 years, no one will remember the name Hirogen; Janeway says that internal scans of the holodeck show 13 Hirogen on Holodeck 1. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Janeway and Seven determine that there are 85 Hirogen on board Voyager including 4 on the Bridge; Alpha Hirogen tells Janeway the Hirogen are hunting themselves into extinction and that Voyager's holodeck technology could give them a chance to rebuild their civilization; Seven tells Turanj that despite their arrogance, one day the Borg will assimilate the Hirogen; the Hirogen and Janeway agree to a truce; Kim causes an overload in the holo-emitters and all the holographic simulations end; Janeway gives the Hirogen an optronic data core so that they can create holodeck technology on their own ships. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Holodeck - The Hirogen set up a Klingon program on Holodeck 2; They set up a World War II simulation on Holodeck 1; Alpha Hirogen refuses to activate the holodeck safety protocols since that will eliminate the challenge of the hunt; Kim is able to expand the holodeck by 5000 square meters by cutting through the bulkheads on Decks 4, 5 and 6; he reroutes power from all of Voyager's non-essential systems to get the necessary power to run the expanded holodeck; Alpha Hirogen tells him to intergrate the Hirogen power modules into Voyager's system to that he can expand the holodeck even more; the crew have been fighting for their lives on the holodeck for 19 days; the simulated explosion of Nazi headquarters on Holodeck 1 blows out the holodeck across 3 decks and the holographic soldiers are moving onto Deck 5; Kim is unable to shut down the holodeck since the program controls are offline. (The Killing Game, Part 1) The battle on the Holodeck 1 is spilling over into Decks 5-7; Alpha Hirogen tells Janeway that Voyager's holodeck technology could give the Hirogen a chance to rebuild their civilization; Janeway agrees to give Alpha Hirogen what he needs to create holographic technology if he will call a cease fire; Neelix leads the Klingon warriors into the World War II simulation on Holodeck 1. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Holographic emitters - In order to end the holodeck simulations, Kim suggests to Alpha Hirogen that they overload the holographic emitter network; Alpha Hirogen doesn't want to do this because it would destroy both of the holodecks; after Janeway and Alpha Hirogen agree to a cease fire, Kim initiates an overload in the holo-emitters. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

"I'm No Angel" - Davis says that the movie that he and Brigitte saw at the Cinema Mystere was "I'm No Angel" with Mae West, but Brigitte says that it was "Death Takes a Holiday"; he says that when Mae West was singing "Sister Honky Tonk" in the movie, he put his arm around Brigitte and that during the courtroom scene he kissed her. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Jeffries tubes - Janeway plans to access the Jeffries tube under Sickbay and set a few charges to blow out the surgical console that is controlling the neural interfaces. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Karr - Alpha Hirogen takes on this persona of Commandant Karr as part of the World War II simulation on Holodeck 1. SEE: Commandant. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Katrine - Janeway takes on the persona of Katrine as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; Katrine is the proprietor of the Le Coeur de Lion in Sainte Claire; she is a member of the Resistance; Katrine and Seven infiltrate Nazi headquarters in order to disable their communications system; Janeway, as Katrine, is about to kill Seven when she becomes aware of who she is. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Klingon - The Hirogen set up a Klingon program on Holodeck 2. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Alpha Hirogen tells Turanj to use the hunters from the Klingon simulation to help the Hirogen get to the holodeck; Janeway tells Miller that the Klingons in Holodeck 2 are her contacts; she says that they are an eccentric people who live in caves; the Doctor says that even half drunk the Klingons are the best warriors in the galaxy; Neelix leads the Klingon warriors into the World War II battle on Holodeck 1. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Le Coeur de Lion - This nightclub in Sainte Claire, France is part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen create on Holodeck 1; Katrine is its proprietor; it is a front for the French resistance. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Captain Miller uses the Le Coeur de Lion as a command post and has Lieutenant Davis set up a transmitter and post guards around the perimeter. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Mademoiselle de Neuf - SEE: de Neuf. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Miller - Chakotay takes on the persona of the Captain Miller as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; he is the leader of the 5th Armored Military that attacks Sainte Claire. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Janeway and Miller are able to disable the neural interface by setting charges in the Jeffries tube below Sickbay. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Mo'Kai - When Janeway is playing the part of a Klingon on Holodeck 2, she says that the house of Mo'Kai will never yield. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Munitions lab - Captain Miller believes that the exposed decks of Voyager is an advanced munitions lab designed to build some sort of super weapon; Janeway plays along and confirms this; Miller wants to call in the RAF for an airstrike, but Janeway is able to convince him not to when she tells him that some of the warheads in the lab may be powerful enough to destroy the entire valley if they were accidently detonated. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Nazi - The bartender thinks that de Neuf is a Nazi infilitrator; in order to gather info about Nazi headquarters, Brigitte tells the guard outside that she is ill and has to see the Kapitan; Katrine and Seven enter Nazi headquarters to disable their communications systems; Katrine listens to an incoming message about German troop movement and realizes that the Germans know the Americans are coming; Katrine threatens to kill Seven because she thinks Seven is trying to send a message to the Nazis; after Nazi headquarters is blown up, the holodeck is blow out across 3 decks making it appear like a secret Nazi bunker. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Paris says that the Nazis were totalitarian fanatics on Earth during World War II and that they were bent on world conquest; he says that they were the "Borg of their day". (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Neural interface - The Hirogen use this sub-dermal transmitter that links the neo-cortex to the holodeck and makes the crew believe that they're a character within the Holodeck; Seven's neural interface is damaged when Turanj shoots her on the Holodeck; Kim tells the Doctor that they must disable them before they will be able to retake the ship; the Doctor determines that the interface circumvents the memory center since Seven is unable to remember anything that occured on the holodeck; the Doctor disables her neural interface by remodulating one of her Borg implants to emit a jamming signal; after Seven engages the bridge access relays, the Doctor is able to disable Janeway's neural interface. (The Killing Game, Part 1) The neural interfaces are controlled through Sickbay; Janeway and Miller are able to disable the neural interfaces by setting charges in the Jeffries tube below Sickbay. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Nucleonic charges - Turanj wants to use 3 nucleonice charges to penetrate the Le Couer de Lion and capture the Voyager crew members that have taken refuge there; Alpha Hirogen orders him to use hand weapons instead because the nucleonic charges could damage the holodeck further. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Optronic data core - Janeway gives the Hirogen an optronic data core so that they can create holodeck technology on their own ships. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Oscillator - Katrine tells Mademoiselle de Neuf to go to a Monsieur Groleau to buy a high frequency oscillator to extend the range of their radio; she tell de Neuf to offer 300 francs for the oscillator but don't go any higher than 500. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Photonic burst - Seven is able to modify an explosive device to emit a photonic burst; this burst will be harmless to organic tissue but should disrupt all holo-activity within 20 meters. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Praxiteles - Brigitte admires the sculpture by Praxiteles that the Kapitan has at Nazi headquarters; he says that Praxiteles was a master sculpture of ancient Greece; the Kapitan says that they are only 3 like it in all of Europe. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

RAF - Captain Miller wants to call in the RAF for an airstrike on the German bunker but Janeway is able to convince him not to. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Replicator - When the Hirogen find him in the Mess Hall, Kim he tells them that he was trying to get the replicator system back online since he was getting tired of emergency rations. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Resistance - Katrine tells the Commandant that the Resistance isn't in Sainte Claire since it is such a small city; he says that the Resistance will come to Saint Claire because it is crucial to any ground assault into Germany; the Le Coeur de Lion is a front for the Resistance; Katrine says the Americans won't be able to approach Sainte Claire without the help of the Resistance. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Saint Claire - This French city is part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; it is a small and defenseless city but crucial to the war because any ground assault into Germany must pass through Sainte Claire first; de Neuf says that 3 more German batallions have occupied the city and a panzer division is holding position 11 kilometers away; according to the message that the Resistance decoded, the American 4th Infantry will invade Sainte Claire Tuesday at dawn; Davis says that he spent a summer in Sainte Claire when he was 18; he says that the people of Sainte Claire love their town and they are willing to fight for it and die for it. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Sickbay - The neural interfaces are controlled through Sickbay; there is only 1 Hirogen in Sickbay with the Doctor; Janeway and Miller are able to disable the neural interfaces by setting charges in the Jeffries tube below Sickbay. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

"Sister Honky Tonk" - Davis says that when Mae West was singing "Sister Honky Tonk" in the movie, "I'm No Angel", he put his arm around Brigitte. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Tarpahk - Neelix, as a Klingon, says that he is dry as the crater at Tarpahk in the middle of the dry season. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Toh-maag - Janeway tells the Klingons on Holodeck 2 that she and Miller were sent by the house of Toh-maag to help the Klingons in their battle; she says that they might not heard of this house since it is a long way from here. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Turanj - Hirogen male; Turanj takes on the persona of a German SS officer in the World War II simulation on Holodeck 1; he becomes impatient for "the hunt" and kills the de Neuf and baker characters in the simulation. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Turanj wants to kill Janeway but Alpha Hirogen wants her brought to him instead; Turanj kills Alpha Hirogen and then hunts Janeway down; he is killed by Janeway when he tries to attack her. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

USS Voyager - The Hirogen breach Voyager's hull and board the ship; half of the crew is locked up while the rest have been stabbed, shot, beaten, phasered, and bat'lethed for the past 3 weeks as part of the Hirogen's holodeck simulations; the Doctor says that there have been 28 casualties and 1 fatality in the past 12 hours; Kim is able to expand the holodeck by 5000 square meters by cutting through the bulkheads on Decks 4, 5 and 6; he reroutes power from all of Voyager's non-essential systems to get the necessary power to run the expanded holodeck; Alpha Hirogen tells Kim to intergrate the Hirogen power modules into Voyager's system to that he can expand the holodeck even more; he wants to transform Voyager into a vast simulation with a varied and endless supply of prey; the Voyager crew have been fighting for their lives on the holodeck for 19 days. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Janeway and Seven determine that there are 85 Hirogen on board Voyager; Alpha Hirogen wants to keep the Voyager crew alive to make repairs on Voyager; Janeway tells Alpha Hirogen that she and the crew will destroy Voyager before they surrender it to the Hirogen; after Janeway and the Hirogen call a truce, Janeway says that the damage to Voyager is extreme. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

West, Mae - Davis says that the movie that he and Brigitte saw at the Cinema Mystere was "I'm No Angel" with Mae West; when Mae West was singing "Sister Honky Tonk", he put his arm around Brigitte. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Wolf 359 - Alpha Hirogen wants to recreate the notorious battle known as Wolf 359 after the World War II simulation is over. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

World War II - The Hirogen set up a World War II simulation on Holodeck 1; the Doctor tells Seven that it was a 20th century Earth conflict. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Paris says that the Nazis were totalitarian fanatics on Earth during the second World War. (The Killing Game, Part 2)


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