played by Garrett Wang

Kim is a human male; he serves as Ensign and operations officer aboard Voyager; he plays the clarinet and played in the Juliard Youth Symphony; he and Torres are kidnapped by the Caretaker. (Caretaker)

Kim discovers a wormhole that leads to 20 years in the past in the Alpha Quadrant; he usually calls his parents every week; he is about 22 years old. (Eye of the Needle)

Kim is transported to the Vhnori homeworld where the Vhnori believe that he has returned from the next "Emanation". (Emanations)

Kim befriends Eudana on Sikaris and discovers the platform which is a transporter that operates on the space folding principle. (Prime Factors)

Kim undergoes matter conversion when a photonic energy being becomes Grendel in his Bewoulf holodeck program. (Heroes and Demons)

Kim graduated from the Academy on stardate 47918; he met Libby at a Ktarian music festival when he was sitting in her seat; he has at least a level 3 security code; in the alternate reality he requested duty on Voyager but the request was denied; instead he was assigned to the Engineering Corps as a Starship design specialist and has received the Cochrane Medal of Excellence; Kim's office is located in the main complex, level 6, subsection 47; Kim discovers that he was caught in a time stream and transported to this alternate reality; with the help of Paris, he recreates the incident and makes it back to his own reality. (Non Sequitor)

Kim ate Neelix's food for a week so that he could use his replicator rations to replicate a clarinet to practice on. (Parturition)

The Bothan causes Kim to hallucinate that he is seeing Libby on the viewscreen. (Persistence of Vision)

Kim was editor of the Academy newspaper for a year; he wrote an editorial on the Maquis's first activity against the Cardassians. (Investigations)

Kim is sucked out into space when the breach on Deck 15 widens; Janeway from the duplicate Voyager sends Kim back through the rift with Wildman's baby. (Deadlock)

Kim is trying to practice his clarient, but Baytart bangs on the wall when he plays; he is trying to prepare for an important performance with Nicoletti; Kim and Torres use the hibernation pods to see what has happened to the people from the Kohl settlement; the Clown holds Kim hostage; the Clown says that he knows how much Kim misses Libby; Kim can nver hit the G sharp in the Mozart concerto; the Clown says that Kim is afraid of turning into an old man and having to be cared for; also he says that Kim hates to feel like the baby on the crew. (The Thaw)

When Tuvok orders that Voyager set a course away from the Vidiian convoy, Kim challeges his orders and is relieved of duty; Kim goes to Tuvok later hoping to persuade him to contact the Vidiians, but Tuvok still says no and tells Kim that he will relieve him of duty permanently if Kim questions his orders again. (Resolutions)

Kim and Paris are arrested and convicted of participating in the bombing of the Laktivia Recreational Facility on Akritiri; they are confined in the Maximum Security Detention Facility; Kim finds a way to use the pipe and wiring to disable the force field that prevents them from entering the chute; he persuades Zio to give them shelter after Paris is stabbed by Pit; he almost kills Paris when Paris takes apart the pipe. (The Chute)

Janeway puts Kim in charge on the bridge when she, Chakotay, Tuvok and Paris beam down to Earth; he takes Voyager into a low orbit and uses the emergency transporters to rescue Janeway and Chakotay from Starling. (Future's End, Part 1)

Kim's sport program Theta 2 consists of the gold medal winning volleyball team of 2216. (Warlord)

Kim falls in love with Marayna, a holodeck character; he goes to Tuvok to try to find a way to control his emotions; Tuvok has him try meditation to block his emotions; Kim becomes jealous when he finds Tuvok and Marayna together; his quarters are on Deck 3; at the Academy, Kim studied the case of the holodeck character that took over the Enterprise D. (Alter Ego)

Kim performs a clarinet solo for Neelix's talent night. (Coda)

Janeway suspends Kim from duty after he fires on the Nasari vessel without provocation; he dreams about the time he had the Mendakan pox and then wakes up to find spots on his face; the Taresians tell Kim that he was conceived on Taresia, placed in stasis as an embryo and then taken to Earth and implanted in the womb of an Earth woman; all his life all he ever wanted to do was to join Starfleet; he always wondered why he loves music so much since both of his parents are practically tone deaf; Kim's parents used to call him their "miracle child" since they had been trying to have a baby for years; his parents always used to say how special he was and spoiled him rotten; Kim used to imagine he had hidden powers or anything that would make him more than the average kid; the first appearance of the Taresian genes in Kim is on Stardate 50698; when Kim tries to escape, the women have him surrounded but Voyager beams him out at the last minute; Kim says that the idea that he was more than just "young Ensign Kim" was very compelling and that he wishes that he was more like Paris. (Favorite Son)

In the reality that Kes is experiencing, Kim is married to Linnis; Andrew is their son; he was best man at Kes and Paris's wedding and was so nervous during the toast that he spilled champagne all over Paris's dress uniform. (Before and After)

Kim is attacked by the alien just before the away team is beamed back to Voyager; Kim is being "eaten alive" by the alien cells in his body. (Scorpion, Part 1)

The Doctor is able to use the Borg nanoprobes to defeat the alien cells. (Scorpion, Part 2)

Kim and Seven work together on upgrading the Astrometrics Lab; Kim jokingly tells Seven that he always wanted to learn Borg; Kim develops a crush on Seven; Seven says that Kim's pupils dilate when he looks at her body; he tries to get out of continuing to work on the astrometrics lab with Seven, but Chakotay thinks they make a good team. (Revulsion)

Kim deciphers Seven's logs from the Borg data-link; Seven mentions him in her personal observation about the crew and says that his behavior is easy to predict. (The Raven)

Paris says that Kim is the most upstanding ensign in Starfleet. (Scientific Method)

Kim and Seven demonstrate the improvements to the Astrometric Lab to the senior staff; Kim and Torres are trapped in the turbolift for 6 hours after the main power relays are damaged during a Krenim attack; Kim says that he is a sports afficionado. (Year of Hell, Part 1) Janeway sends Torres and Kim to the Nihydron vessels to work with their engineers to equip their fleet with temporal shielding. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Kim says that he is a pretty easy-going person and that it takes a lot to ruffle his feathers. (Concerning Flight)

In Kim's dream, Seven kisses him; Kim's quarters are on Deck 6, door 105-2; Tuvok and Janeway are unable to wake Kim; the Doctor says that Kim is in a hyper-REM state; Kim wakes up after they reach the border of the alien's space; he has been sleeping for 17 hours; he says that he is famished in order to get out of helping Seven in Jeffries tube 21 beta; Paris and Kim play 3 games of hoverball on the holodeck hoping that it would wear them out enough for them to go to sleep. (Waking Moments)

Kim and Paris try to create a replacement for the holographic doctor. (Message in a Bottle)

Kim is happy that his folks know that he is alive; Torres is able to download a message from his parents before the relay station is disabled. (Hunters)

The Hirogen force Kim to expand the holodeck grid on Voyager; he and the Doctor figure out how to disable the neural interfaces. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Davis almost kills Kim until Kim is able to convince him that he in an American by answering a question about Betty Grable; Kim initiates an overload in the holo-emitters in order to shut down all of the holographic simulations. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Seven assigned Kim the designation "6 of 10"; she reassigns him to chamber maintainance and gives him a new designation of "2 of 10"; he tells Chakotay that Seven is taking the hive mentality a little too far but Chakotay tells him to adapt. (Omega Directive)

According to the Kyrian simulation, Kim is a Lieutenant. (Living Witness)

Kim says that since he has a lot more experience now, he is not afraid to take the initiative and voice his opinions; the Doctor says that the fluid from the planet has bioformed Paris and Kim and altered their physiology at the cellular level; the away team finds the real Kim on the surface. (Demon)


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