Labin, Gathorel (Ronald Guttman) - Magistrate on the planet Sikariis; he wants Janeway and her crew to stay on the planet. (Prime Factors)

La Boheme - The Doctor is practicing the part of Rudolpho in the Opera "La Boheme"; La Boheme is an opera by Giacomo Puccini. (The Swarm)

Lactic acid - The Doctor detects a gradual buildup of lactic acid in Janeway's extensor muscles over the last few hours which indicates that she is experiencing a light strain. (Sacred Ground)

Lady Beatrice Flora - Beatrice Burleigh's title. (Learning Curve)

Lakari essan - This means "pleasant dreams" in Taresian; Eliann says this to Kim after she "tucks" him in. (Favorite Son)

Lake Como - Paris says that he has a holodeck program of sailing on Lake Como that Torres might enjoy. (The Swarm)

Lake George - Janeway invites Chakotay to moonlight sail on Lake George with a bottle of champagne to celebrate that she cheated death. (Coda)

Lake Tahoe - When Paris was 16, he took his fathers's shuttle out for a joyride and the shuttle ended up in Lake Tahoe. (Vis A Vis)

Laktivia Recreational Facility - Paris and Kim are accused and convicted of a terrorist bombing at this facility which resulted in the deaths of 47 off-duty Patrollers. (The Chute)

Lang (Deborah Levin) - Ensign on Voyager. (Blood Fever) She becomes acting Chief of Security after much of the crew has disappeared. (Displaced)

Lantaru - The Lantaru sector was the location of the classified research center where Ketteract first synthesized an Omega molecule; the station and the scientists there were killed when Omega destabilized; it is imposible to create a stable warp field in the Lantaru sector because of this accident; Paris says that he was told that it was a natural phenomenon. (Omega Directive)

Laptops - Starling says that without him, there wouldn't have been laptops, the internet, or barcode readers. (Future's End, Part 2)

Larg (Stephen Ralston) - Larg is one of Jeffrey's Klingon friends; the Doctor finds K'kath, Larg and Jeffrey with a Kut'luch knife. (Real Life)

Larhana settlement - After the Kradin attack, Chakotay discovers the Larhana settlement; the Kradin attack the settlement and take the villagers away; Chakotay joins Brone and the 5th Contingent to try to free the settlers; when Chakotay sees the village intact and the villagers alive, he realizes that he has been brainwashed. (Nemesis)

Larson - Male Voyager crew member; he is one of the last crew members to disappear from Voyager. (Displaced)

Lasca - Male Lieutenant in the Engineering Corps in Starfleet; in the alternate reality, he and Kim are working on a new design for a runabout that uses tetrion plasma warp nacelles. (Non Sequitor)

Laser drill - This is one of the supplies that the away team brings with them when they beam down to the planet to find gallicite. (Blood Fever)

Latent data stream - Seven finds a latent data stream buried under Starfleet's message; it is heavily encrypted and contains a large block of text and maybe a map; she thinks that she will be able to access the coded message when more of the personal messages have been cleared out. (Hunters)

Lateral E-M scan - Paris asks Tuvok to run this scan when he believes that there is another ship in low orbit around the planet. (State of Flux)

Lateral EPS relays - Chakotay disrupts the lateral EPS relays to try to disrupt the computer functions. (Displaced)

Latika (Brady Bluhm) - He believes that Janeway and Paris are demons after he sees them appear out of thin air; his father works for the media bureau; Latika reports for his school journal and tells Paris that everyone is going to find out about Paris when he writes about it in next week's edition. (Time and Again)

Latinum bricks - Chell says that his pack feels like it's filled with latinum bricks. (Learning Curve)

Lattice - Kim discovers that the Swarm ships are connected by some sort of lattice and that destroying one ship may cause a chain reaction to destroy the others. (The Swarm)

Launch activation sequencers - The launch activation sequencers aren't responding so Janeway goes to Torpedo bay 1 to manually launch a photon torpedo at Starling's ship. (Future's End, Part 2)

Laundris blend coffee - Torres has 2 pots of this type of coffee when she is in the Mess Hall trying to figure out how to keep the robot running. (Prototype)

Laurelian pudding - One of the foods that Neelix is preparing in his kitchen while Torres's team is searching the Mess hall for the source of the infection to the gel packs. (Learning Curve)

Lavaflies - The Rinax marshlands had vicious lavaflies that grew to be 6 centimeters long. (Macrocosm)

Laxeth (Jerry Sroka) - Talaxian male; he is a friend of Neelix; he is the communications master of the Talaxian convoy that Paris joins. (Investigations)

Le Coeur de Lion - This nightclub in Sainte Claire, France is part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen create on Holodeck 1; Katrine is its proprietor; it is a front for the French resistance. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Captain Miller uses the Le Coeur de Lion as a command post and has Lieutenant Davis set up a transmitter and post guards around the perimeter. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Lectrazine - The Doctor orders 20 milligrams of this after the Vidiian is transported to sick bay. (Lifesigns) The Doctor gives Kes lectrazine to try to counteract the disruptions in her cardiac functions. (Sacred Ground) The Doctor tells Kes to give Tiernan 20 milligrams of lectrazine in order to save Tiernan's life, but Tiernan's biochemistry is incompatible with the medication. (Warlord) The Doctor gives Paris a combination of hyronalin and lectrazine to give him temporary protection from radiation poisoning. (Real Life) When one of the bridge crew is in hypertensive shock, the Doctor gives her 20 milligrams of lectrazine to try to save her. (Scientific Method)

Leola root - Neelix brings the Voyager crew to the planet to get this root; he says that there is no better source of vitamins and minerals in the quadrant; it tastes horrible. (State of Flux) Neelix says that if he were in his kitchen, he would fix the reptilian lifeform some leola root broth. (Parturition) Neelix brings Suder some leola root soup in his quarters. (Basics, Part 1) Paris and Kim say that they are so hungry, they could even eat a bowl of leola root stew. (The Chute)

Levodian flu - The Doctor programs himself with the symptoms of the 29 hour Levodian flu so that he can better sympathize with his patients when they are sick; he is miserable and thinks something is wrong the flu doesn't go away after 29 hours; he learns later that Kes added a couple hours to the length of the computer program. (Tattoo)

Lewis - Crewman on Voyager; he participates in the Paris's betting pool to predict what the radiogenic particle count will be at 1200 hours the next day. (Meld)

Leyron - Janeway says that she has studied the gestural idioms of the Leyron. (Macrocosm)

Libby (Jennifer Gatti) - Kim's finance; he met Libby at the Ktarian Music Festival when he was sitting in her seat. (Non Sequitor) The Bothan causes Kim to hallucinate that he is seeing Libby on the viewscreen. (Persistence of Vision) The Clown says he knows how much Kim misses Libby. (The Thaw)

Library - A library is one of the charitable projects that Tiernan is planning; Nori says that they will break ground for the library soon.(Warlord)

Lightning - Chakotay and Janeway's shuttle gets hit by lightning; this damages the attitude control of the shuttle. (Coda)

Lillias (Lisa Kaminir) - Lillias is a foundry worker on the Nezu planet; she agrees to help get the orbital tether operational; she has a sister called Halla; Lillias's home was destroyed 3 weeks earlier after the first asteroid impact; she hasn't seen her sister since then; Lillias sister is found later. (Rise)

Linnis (Jessica Collins) - In the reality that Kes is experiencing, Linnis is her daughter but Kes does not remember her; Linnis is against using the bio-temporal chamber since she believes that Kes wouldn't want extraordinary methods taken to extend the normal 9 year life span; Kes finds records of her prenatal exam when she and Paris listened to Linnis's heartbeat; Linnis works in sick bay; she says that she feels a little awkward with baby Andrew sometimes and that she is more comfortable with a molecular scanner than a diaper; Kes gives birth to Linnis on a shuttle. (Before and After)

Liquid helium - When Trajis Lo-Tarik wants to trade for a microfusion chamber, Seven asks him if he has liquid helium. (One)

Liria (Robert Pine) - Ambassador of Akritiri; he believes that Voyager is collaborating with the Open Sky terrorist group and tries to board Voyager to arrest the crew; he refuses to exchange Paris and Kim for the terrorists who were really responsible for the bombing. (The Chute)

"Live long and prosper" - Paris and Kim tell about the time they rigged the internal sensors to say "Live long and prosper" every time Tuvok accessed them. (Revulsion)

Lizard - Janeway's animal guide is a lizard. (The Cloud)

L'maki nuts - Neelix makes the icing for Kes's birthday cake from L'maki nuts. (Twisted)

Lobi crystals - Quark said he obtained these from a strange creature called the Morn; Paris compares them to Koladan diamonds and says there is a shop at the Volnar Colony that sells a dozen assorted shapes for one Cardassian Lek. (Caretaker)

Locater signal - Paris tries to use the stereo from Rain's van to send a locater signal to Voyager; when that doesn't work, they decide to use the satellite dish from the observatory instead. (Future's End, Part 2)

Locket - Paris gives Kes a locket for a birthday present; it costs him two weeks of replicator rations. (Twisted)

Locutus - Picard had been transformed into the Borg called Locutus. (Scorpion, Part 2)

Lodge - Nakahn runs the lodge on the planet; the lodge was the last place that Zahir was seen before the attack. (Darkling)

Log cabin - Chakotay says that he's built a few log cabins when he was growing up since his father thought that it was important that he learn how. (Resolutions)

Logic - Tuvok tells Paris that according to the "Dictates of Poetics" by T'Hain of Vulcan, logic is an integral part of narrative structure. (Worst Case Scenario)

Lorrum (Michael Spound) - Kazon male; when Jonas contacts the Kazon Nistrim ship, he tells Lorrum that there is dissension among the Voyager crew; Lorrum tells him that they want Jonas to create a small accident to damage Voyager's warp coil. (Lifesigns)

Low orbit - Kim takes the ship into a low orbit in order to use the emergency transport to get Janeway and Chakotayu back to the ship. (Future's End, Part 1) Voyager can't risk going into low orbit again or they may be intercepted by the U.S. air force. (Future's End, Part 2)

Luau - The Voyager crew have a polynesian style luau on the holodeck. (Alter Ego)

Lucid dreaming - This is a technique which allows you to take control of your dream; Chakotay suggests that he use lucid dreaming to communicate with the alien that has been appearing in their dreams; he says that he will be able to have a lucid dream using the same technique he uses for a vision quest; before he goes to sleep he will choose a visual clue which will let him know he is dreaming and once he sees it in the dream, he can wake himself by tapping the back of his hand 3 times; Chakotay uses the akoonah to initiate the lucid dream. (Waking Moments)

Lumas (Alan Altshuld) - Lumas is captain of one of the Caatati ships; he comes on board Voyager to ask for supplies from them; his wife and children were taken by the Borg; he returns to Voyager later with a fleet of 27 Caatati ships and demands that Voyager give them food, weapons and their entire supply of thorium; he agrees to return Voyager's warp core in exchange for the energy matrix that Seven designs that will allow them to produce thorium isotopes in large quantities. (Day of Honor)

Lungs - The Vidiians steal these from Neelix in order to transplant them into Motura's body; One of Kes's lungs is transplanted into Neelix. (The Phage)

Lute - The Bothan cause Tuvok to hallucinate that the lute he used to play for T'Pel is sitting right in front of him. (Persistence of Vision) Tuvok tells the children that this is a 5 stringed instrument that is tuned on a diatonic scale; Tuvok's youngest son is particularly found of it. (Innocence)

Lydroxide corrosive - This is a coolant used in the tether couplings; Vatm was poisoned when someone put this in the water supply. (Rise)

Lyris (Deborah May) - She is the leader on Taresia. (Favorite Son)

Lysosomal enzymes - Tuvix says that the orchid's lysosomal enzymes could be evidence of symbiogenesis. (Tuvix)


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