Mabus (Charles O. Lucia) - Mabus is a member of the governing council of the Trabe; he meets Neelix on Sobras when they are both prisoners of the Kazon Pommar; Mabus and Janeway agree to an alliance and then set up a conference with all of the first majes majes to try to bring peace to the quadrant; he tries to kill the majes by having a Trabe ship blast the room where the conference is being held. (Alliances)

Macaroni and cheese - Ensign Ashmore asks Neelix to make this dish. (Learning Curve)

Macrovirus - The Doctor determines that Voyager has been infected by a macrovirus; he has never encountered this type of life form before; the macrovirus absorbs the body's growth hormones into its own protein structure and uses it to increase its own mass and dimensions; it is growing at a rate of 30 microns every second; the macrovirus becomes airborne and infects Voyager's crew; it has a needle-like projection to penetrate cell membranes and infuse its victim with its own genetic code. (Macrocosm)

Mademoiselle de Neuf - SEE: de Neuf. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Magistrate (Adrian Sparks) - Kovin says that the Entharan magistrate will take Voyager's side since he is mainly interested in protecting diplomatic relations with them; the Magistrate accompanies the Doctor, Tuvok, and Kovin to examine Kovin's lab; the Magistrate says that there is enough evidence there to detain Kovin. (Retrospect)

Maglev carriages - Neelix says that he has helped rebuild a dozen Maglev carriages; Neelix tells Lillias that they whenever they would finish a tether on Rinax, they would name the carriage for good luck; he names the carriage Alixia after his favorite sister. (Rise)

Maglev cohesion - The carriage is losing maglev cohesion; Neelix says that increasing the carriage's velocity should stabilize their ascent and keep them from going into a freefall. (Rise)

Magnesite - Paris, Torres, and Durst were inspecting the third planet for magnesite formations when they were captured by the Vidiians. (Faces) Voyager detects traces of this in the floating debris they find at Chakotay's last known coordinates. (Initiations)

Magnetic constrictor - This is locked down to help get the reaction rate down to prevent a warp core breach. (Caretaker) Torres uses a phaser to burn through Dreadnought's magnetic constrictor casing to try to detonate the warhead from there. (Dreadnought) Seska tells Jonas to damage Voyager's warp coils by forcing the magnetic constrictors out of alignment. (Lifesigns) The magnetic constrictors have lost alignment which is affecting the injector valves and causing the plasma to be too hot. (Investigations)

Magnetic containment field - The Doctor will have complete control of his magnetic containment field while he is on the holodeck; this will allow the Doctor to make himself solid or let matter pass through himself at will. (Heroes and Demons)

Magnetic spindle bearings - Chakotay and Paris go to the station looking for magnetic spindle bearings for the reaction control assembly; Wix finds the spindle bearings for Voyager; (Fair Trade)

Magnetic storm - The shuttle was caught in a magnetic storm which caused Janeway and Chakotay to crash on the planet. (Coda)

Magneton flash scan - Torres prepares a magenton flash scan in order to reconfigure every sensor on the ship to emit a single burst at one moment to help locate the alien. (Cathexis)

Magneton scan - Voyager uses the magneton scan to try to pick up any sign of Janeway's presence on board and to scan for temporal phase shifting, chroniton particles and field flux. (Coda)

Magneton scanner - Paris says that this is the most thorough scanning device on board; they decide that using this scanner will be ineffective to detect the alien since the alien is able to move from person to person. (Cathexis) Torres suggests that Chell use a magneton scanner to degauss the Transporter room rather than the micro-resonator that he is using; the magneton scanner could finish the job in five minutes. (Learning Curve)

Magneton sweep - Kellin says that Chakotay came up with the idea of using a magneton sweep to disrupt the runaway's polarization cloak. (Unforgettable)

Magnicide dust - This dust was building up on the outer rim of the energy barrier preventing Voyager from getting back through the barrier. (The Cloud)

Main computer processor - The alien ships steal the main computer processor from Voyager; this causes Voyager to lose weapons, navigation, and propulsion; Janeway says that their priority is to get this processor back; Janeway and Tuvok determine that the computer processor is not in the city; Tuvok thinks they might have to resort to buying it back from Tau; the technical specifications of the main computer are it has simultaneous access to 47 million data channels, transluminal processing at 575 trillion calculations per nanosecond, and operational temperature margins from 10 degrees Kelvin to 1790 degrees Kelvin; Janeway tells Da Vinci that they can use the computer processor inside the storage facility to send a message to the Portugese ships and then they will come and rescue them; Da Vinci thinks that there is a mechanical woman inside the processor when he hears the computer speak; Voyager is able to get a lock on the computer processor when Janeway initiates a level 4 induction relay overload. (Concerning Flight)

Main deflector To nudge the creatures out of the way, Torres suggests that they modify the main deflector to create an inverted magnetic pulse and project it toward the creatures. (Elogium) The slipstream on the Dauntless is being created when the energy from the quantum drive is routed through the main deflector. (Hope and Fear)

Maje - Title of the leader of a Kazon sect. (Caretaker)

Makull (Nicolas Surovy) - Makull is one of the patriots who is trying to get the use of polaric energy banned; he tries to get Janeway to help him gain entrance into the power plant so that he and Teria can sabotage it. (Time and Again)

Mala - This was Danara's best friend when she was 9 years old; Mala suddenly no longer wanted to come to Danara's house because the other children were afraid of Danara. (Lifesigns)

Malia (Kristanna S. Loken) - One of the women on Taresia; she becomes Taymon's first wife. (Favorite Son)

Malin (Ted Barba) - Guill charges Malin 3000 renns for the thoughts he is going to sell to him; after Tuvok offers to telepathically exchange violent thoughts, Guill tells Malin to come back later; Malin and another Mari man attack Tuvok when he tries to take Guill into custody. (Random Thoughts)

Malkoth - The Malkoth race was once a powerful race in the region; Annorax says that the bottle of Malkothian spirits is the only component left of the race and that everything else never existed. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Malkothian spirits - Annorax serves Malkothian spirits to Chakotay and Paris; he says that it is an extremely rare vintage and that it is the only bottle known to exist. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Malon - A Malon export vessel, eleventh gradient drives off the alien ships by firing 13 spatial charges at them; Emck is the pilot of the Malon ship. (Night)

Manifesto - Zio has written a manifesto of his insights, reasoning, and evidence regarding the purpose of the clamp; he tries to get Kim to read it. (The Chute)

Manuel override - Gerron attempts to use this to get the Cargo Bay doors open. (Learning Curve)

Manure - Janeway identifies the traces of potassium nitrate, ammonium, and methane in the back of the Ford truck as horse manure. (The 37's)

Map dealer (Eric Sharp) - The map dealer tells Neelix that there are no maps of the Nekrit Expanse because it is too unstable to chart. (Fair Trade)

Maquis - The Maquis is a group of Federation colonists along the Cardassian border who are unhappy with the terms of the Federation/Cardassian treaty and are fighting to retain their homeland; they are considered to be outlaws by both the Federation and the Cardassians. (Caretaker) Chakotay selects four of his former Maquis crewmates (Dalby, Henley, Gerron and Chell) to undergo special training with Lt. Tuvok when they seem to have trouble adjusting to being on a Starfleet ship. (Learing Curve) The Cardassian-Federation Alliance as described in the Treaty of 2367 was rejected by the Maquis. (Dreadnought) The Chakotay in the program tells Torres that the Maquis and about 25 of the Starflleet crew are ready to back him and take over the ship. (Worst Case Scenario) Chakotay learns from his friend Sveta that there are no more Maquis; all of the Maquis are either dead or in prison; the Cardassians wiped out all of the Maquis with the help of their ally from the Gamma Quadrant. (Hunters) Torres became a Maquis after Chakotay saved her life. (One) Seven tells Torres that Starfleet will probably hold her responsible for a multitude of crimes since Torres was once part of the Maquis. (Hope and Fear)

Marayna (Sandra Nelson) - Kim falls in love with this holodeck character; she is tall, athletic, and blond; she is one of the entertainment directors in the luau holodeck program; she gives hydrosailing lessons; she learns how to play Kal-toh because she thought Tuvok might enjoy having an opponent; she appears in Tuvok's quarters after he shuts down the program; Marayna appeared on the holodeck the day Voyager arrived at the inversion nebula; the alien in the ship in the nebula is using Marayna as an interface to interact with the Voyager crew. (Alter Ego)

Marcus - Janeway says that she knows how Marcus felt when she developed the Genesis device and watched helplessly as science took a destructive course. (Omega Directive)

Mari - Voyager has spent the last 3 days on the Mari homeworld; the Mari are a telepathic species; according to Nimira, there is virtually no crime left in their society and violence no longer exists; it is a crime on Mari to think violent thoughts; Paris says that the Mari are a bunch of pacifists and no match for Voyager; Tuvok thinks Mari should be applauded for their effort to eliminate violent thought; Tuvok discovers that there is a black market of violent thoughts on Mari and that outlawing violent thoughts hasn't made them go away. (Random Thoughts)

Mark (Stan Ivar) - Janeway's boyfriend. (Caretaker) The Bothan causes Janeway to hallucinate that Mark is on Voyager. (Persistence of Vision) Janeway says she still dreams about being with Mark and misses him terribly; she admits to Kes that someday she may have to accept the fact that he's not part of her life anymore. (Tuvix)

Mark - Janeway began writing letters to her family and Mark a year ago. (Message in a Bottle) SEE: Johnson, Mark. (Hunters)

Mark 1 EMH - The Mark 2 EMH says that the Mark 1 EMH is an inferior program and has beady eyes and terrible bedside manner; (Message in a Bottle)

Markoph accident- Makull says that there has been more support for their efforts to ban polaric energy since the incident here. (Time and Again)

Mark 2 EMH (Andy Dick) - The Doctor initiates the Mark 2 EMH on the Prometheus; the Mark 2 says that the Mark 1 is an inferior program; the Mark 2 wants to deactivate himself and wait for rescue, but the Doctor won't let him; he says that he hasn't been field tested yet and that he was only installed 6 weeks ago; he and the Doctor incapacitate the Romulans on board the Prometheus. (Message in a Bottle)

Marna (Marilyn Fox) - She is one of the Vori at the Larhana settlement; she offers Chakotay drink and warm coverings; Chakotay discovers that Marna was just part of a Vori training simulation. (Nemesis)

Marob root tea - Lidell fixes some of this tea for Paris so that she can drug him. (Ex Post Facto)

Mars - Kim tells Earhart that Mars was colonized by people from Earth in the year 2103. (The 37's) On the holodeck, Denara and the Doctor "park" in a 57 Chevy at an overlook on Mars. (Lifesigns) Quarren tells the Doctor that they believe that Voyager was trying to get home to Mars. (Living Witness)

Marseille - Kim travels to Marseille, France to the real Sandrine's in order to find Paris and get his help. (Non Sequitor)

Martin - Ensign on Voyager; she transports the Ilari representative on board; she and the representative are killed by Tiernan/Kes. (Warlord)

Martis (Rachel Harris) - Kes's mother; Kes jumps back in time to the moment that Martis was giving birth to her; Martis says that one day she thinks Kes will see the sun. (Before and After)

Mashed potatoes - Kes eats 6 bowls of mashed potatoes with butter; it is a terran delicacy that Ensign Wildman told her about; she puts a container of nitrogenated soil in it. (Elogium)

Matter conversion - Torres believes that Kim, Chakotay and Tuvok may have undergone this process and been converted into energy. (Heroes and Demons)

Matter transmission rate - Torres says that if this rate was reconfigured, Voyager may be able to piggyback a transporter beam onto the visual link and transport the crew back to the Alpha Quadrant. (Eye of the Needle)

Matrix - The alien tries to convince Janeway that the matrix is a place where she can be whatever she wants to be and that her loved ones are waiting for her there; when Janeway refuses to go into the matrix, the alien says that there will be another time that he will get her to come into his matrix and that she will nourish him for a long, long time. (Coda)

Mawasi - Voyager forges a coalition with the Nihydron and the Mawasi to attack the time-ship; Janeway sends Tuvok, Seven and the Doctor to the Mawasi ships; 2 Mawasi cruisers join Voyager in the attack on the time-ship; one of the Mawasi ships is hit and then crashes into Voyager. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Maximum Security Detention Facility - This is the Akritirian prison where Paris and Kim are being held; the inmates believe that the facility is 300 meters underground, but the prison is actually some sort of space station; Janeway gets the location and shield codes of the facility from Vel; they use Neelix's ship to dock at the prison and rescue Paris and Kim. (The Chute)

McAllister, James Mooney - Kim's roommate at the Academy who never slept because he studied algorithims till dawn; he got Kim through 4th year quantum chemistry. (The Cloud)

McCormack - Ensign on Voyager; Tuvok tells Bennet that McCormack would miss him a great deal if he died. (Innocence)

McCoy, Leonard - Dr. Leonard McCoy developed the exact procedure for the ingrafting that the Doctor performs on Denara. (Lifesigns) He and Captain Kirk were accused of murdering the Klingon chancellor; Sulu served with them for a long time and says he owes his life to them a dozen times over; Janeway says that Kirk, McCoy and Sulu belonged to a different breed of Starfleet officer. (Flashback) Leonard Mccoy wrote a text called Comparative Alien Physiology. (Message in a Bottle)

McKenzie - Male Crewman on Voyager; Janeway orders him to have full power to shields and be prepared to fire on the Borg cube if needed. (Unity)

McKinley Station - The Zimmerman holograph tells Torres to schedule an expansion of the EMH's memory circuits when they layover for maintenance at McKinley Station. (The Swarm)

Medical assistant - The Doctor wants to start training Kes to be his assistant so he will have a backup or possibly a replacement for Paris. (The Phage)

Medical Regulation 121, Section A - This regulation gives the Chief Medical Officer the authority to relieve the captain of command if he believes that her judgment has been impaired; the Doctor formally relieves Janeway of command using this regulation. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Medicine bundle - Chakotay shows his medicine bundle to Janeway in order to help her find her animal guide; Chakotay's medicine bundle contains a blackbird's wing, a stone from the river, and an akoonah. (The Cloud) Chakotay tells Neelix that his medicine bundle should contain things that define him; Neelix's medicine bundle contains his sister Alixia's necklace; a flower from Kes's garden and a replica of the Guiding Tree. (Mortal Coil)

Medicine wheel - A talisman used by Chakotay's tribe; Chakotay showed Torres how to perform a special healing ritual using the medicine wheel if he was ever injured; Neelix rearranges the stones on the wheel when he is possessed by the alien which helps Voyager find their way out of the nebula. (Cathexis)

Meditation - Vorik tries to use meditation to resolve the Pon Farr. (Blood Fever) Tuvok works with Kes with a series of guided meditations to help her explore the depth of her new abilities (The Gift)

Megajoules - There are 800 megajoules of biogenic energy going through the shrine. (Sacred Ground)

Megapascal - The pressure of the warp core is measured in megapascals; at 53 megapascals, a warp pulse is generated. (Twisted)

Memories - The Enarans have telepathic abilities which allow them to share experiences or memories through a telepathic link; Torres is experiencing implanted memories when she dreams that she is an Enaran named Korenna; the memories she are experiencing are those of Mirell when she was younger. (Remember)

Memory engrams - Tolen Ren's memory engrams from the last few moments of his life are used in Paris's trial as evidence; these engrams are then implanted into Paris so that for the rest of his life every 14 hours he will forced to relive the murder through the eyes of the victim. (Ex Post Facto) The memory engrams in the dorsal region of Tuovk's hippocampus are being disrupted and causing physical damage to him; the Doctor discovers that a viral parasite is masquerading as an memory engram. (Flashback) The Doctor tells Chakotay that Kes has less than 1% of her memory engrams intact now that she is 9 years old. (Before and After) The Ramuran's bodies produce some sort of pheromone that blocks the long-term memory engrams of others. (Unforgettable)

Memory fragmentation - The holographic Zimmerman says that the EMH has a level 4 memory fragmentation. (The Swarm)

Mendakan pox - Kim dreams about the time he had the Mendakan pox when he was 9 years old and when he wakes up he has spots on his face; the Doctor says that reoccurences of the Mendakan pox is rare. (Favorite Son)

Merchant (John Waller Davis) - A merchant gives Chakotay and Paris ears to wear in exchange for Paris's shoes. (False Profits)

Mess hall - The Mess Hall is located on Deck 2; the source of the infection to the gel packs is traced back to the Brill cheese that Neelix has made in the mess hall. SEE: Galley (Learning Curve) Neelix leads a Kazon soldier on a chase to the Mess hall; the Doctor is transferred here by Janeway to help Neelix. (Projections) Tuvix orders everyone out of the Mess hall when it is in chaos when everyone is trying to fix dinner for themselves. (Tuvix) Neelix decorates with the colors of the Enaran flag to honor their Enaran guests; he uses authenic Enaran music, and food. (Remember) After Voyager returns to the Delta Quadrant, the crew gathers in the mess hall for a toast. (Future's End, Part 2) Janeway finds a lot of the crew in the Mess Hall unconscious; Paris volunteers to help out in the Mess Hall while Neelix is away; a gel pack in the Mess Hall ruptures and causes the crew there to become infected with the macrovirus; a Level 4 quarantine is set up around the Mess Hall and its adjoining sections. (Macrocosm) The Mess Hall is located in Section 13. (Distant Origin) In the holographic scenario, Seska says that some of the Starfleet people have set up a command center in the Mess Hall. (Worst Case Scenario) After half of Deck 5 is destroyed, the Doctor sets up a triage in the Mess Hall. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Metagenic pulse - According to Seven, Kovin tells his assistant to use the maximum setting of the metagenic pulse to stimulate the implants. (Retrospect)

Metallurgic analysis - A metallurgic analysis of the 2nd planet indicates a pre-industrial age at a Bronze Age level of technology. (False Profits) After Gegen retracts his claims regarding the Distant Origin theory, Ogala reassigns him to the task of metallurgical analysis. (Distant Origin)

Metaphasic shield - The prison that Torres and Tuvok are being held in is surrounded by a metaphasic shield; Janeway causes a disruption in the shield in order to rescue them. (Resistance)

Metremia - Metremia is a degenerative blood disease cause by exposure to high concentrations of metreon isotopes; it is a fatal disease that attacks its victims on a molecular level; it can lay dormant for years but once mainifested, it will cause the body's atomic structure to undergo fission and cells will begin to disintegrate; Jetrel tells Neelix that he has metremia. (Jetrel)

Metreon Cascade - A weapon of massive destruction that was used on the Talaxian colony of Rinax when Talax and Haakonian were at war; the weapon was created by Dr. Ma'bor Jetrel. (Jetrel)

Metreon cloud - This cloud around Rinax is a result of the Metreon Cascade; it blocks out the sunlight to Rinax; Jetrel wants a sample of this cloud so that he can isolate the free isotope that causes Metremia and use it to synthesize an antibody to the disease. (Jetrel)

Metro Plaza - Rain lures Starling to Metro Plaza so that the shuttle can beam him on board. (Future's End, Part 2)

MEV - A unit of measurement; the Doctor initiates an anti-chronoton pulse at 10 MEVs and then increases it to 20 MEVs when they are attempting to bring Kes back into temporal synch. (Before and After)

Micro-caliper - Seven says that an instrument like the micro-caliper in Kovin's lab was used to remove her optic implant; Kovin says that he used this instrument to remove the casing over the guidance system on the particle-beam rifle. (Retrospect)

Microcellular scan - Kes says that a microcellular scan shows that she and the other Kes are identical in every way except for a slight phase shift in their DNA. (Deadlock) A microcellular scan of Tuvix doesn't reveal any clue as to how the transport accident happened or how to separate Tuvok and Neelix again. (Tuvix) The Doctor determines that Janeway has contracted the Vidiian phage after he conducts a microcellular scan. (Coda) The Doctor does a microcellular scan on Kim and finds no traces of Taresian genetic fragments which indicates that the Taresians are lying about Kim being born on Taresia. (Favorite Son) The Doctor does a microcellular scan on Dammar to try to find residual energy traces. (Displaced)

Micro-filter implant - For his science project at school, Jeffrey designed a micro-filter implant which will make it possible to cleanse the blood of harmful micro-organisms too small to stimulate an immune response. (Real Life)

Micro-fractures - There are 632 micro-fractures along Voyager's infrastructure; Janeway wants the micro-fractures sealed before they become breaches. (Deadlock)

Microfusion chamber - Trajis Lo-Tarik want to trade with Seven to get a microfusion chamber. (One)

Micro-generator - Kes notices the micro-generator that seems to be trapping the away team in a statis field; they determine that if they can remodulate the phaser to a high frequency output, they can send a narrow beam through the field and disable it. (Initiations)

Micro-inducer - The Doctor uses a Type 4 micro-inducer to set Seven's Borg sensory nodes to a phase variance of .15. (Scientific Method)

Micro-meteorites - Voyager encounters a field of micro-meteorites; the meteorites begin to erode the hull since Voyager's deflectors are offline. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Microns - A unit of measurement; the Doctor says that the macrovirus is growing at a rate of 30 microns every second. (Macrocosm)

Microprobe - Voyager launches a microprobe into the wormhole to get more information about it; when the probe gets stuck in the gravitational eddies, Voyager then uses the probe as a booster to send messages to the other side; the gravitational eddies will crush the probe within 72 hours. (Eye of the Needle)

Micro resonator - Chell uses a micro-resonator to degauss the Transporter room. (Learning Curve)

Microscopic tags - The Doctor and Torres find microscopic tags on Chakotay and Neelix's DNA; the tags are slightly out of phase so the initial scans don't reveal them; the tags are causing the genetic mutations in the crew; after the aliens are gone, the Doctor is able to remove the tags from the crew. (Scientific Method)

Micro-synaptic analysis - The Doctor wants to run a micro-synaptic analysis on Kes to determine what is causing her elevated serotonin levels and the other changes she is experiencing. (The Gift)

Microtubule network - When Janeway tells him to remove the rest of the Borg technology from Seven's body, the Doctor wants to start with the microtubule network embedded in the esophageal tract. (The Gift)

Microwave signature - Torres reconfigures the Doctor's optical scanners to detect the microwave signature of the portals. (Displaced)

Mikah - Kellin tells Chakotay that she thinks Resket jumped to another ship when Voyager was in orbit of Mikah last week. (Unforgettable)

Mikhal - A race of explorers that have a vast knowledge of the territory; Zahir says that the Mikhal travellers have small ships and often just pick a direction and go; they are peripathetic by nature and live for the excitement. (Darkling)

Miller - Chakotay takes on the persona of the Captain Miller as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1; he is the leader of the 5th Armored Military that attacks Sainte Claire. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Janeway and Miller are able to disable the neural interface by setting charges in the Jeffries tube below Sickbay. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Millibars - A unit of measure; after the tether has been launched, the internal atmospheric pressure is 700 millibars. (Rise) The oxygen level in the environmental suits is measured in millibars. (Day of Honor)

Mind meld - Tuvok performs this Vulcan ritual with Paris so that he can witness the murder of Tolen Ren and perhaps prove Paris's innocence. (Ex Post Facto) Tuvok suggests that he could help Kes focus her undisciplined telepathic abilities to better detect the alien more accurately using the Vulcan mind meld. (Cathexis) Tuvok uses a mind meld to link with Suder so that he can understand why Suder killed Darwin and to help Suder gain self-discipline to control his violent nature; the meld helps Suder to be calm and controlled, but causes Tuvok to become violent. (Meld) Vulcan psychocognitive research suggests that the patient experiencing T'lokan schism initiate a mind-meld with a family member to bring the repressed memory into the conscious mind; Tuvok asks Janeway to mind-meld with him since she is the closest thing he has to family on Voyager; during the mind-meld they end up on the Excelsior. (Flashback) Tuvok does a mind meld with Kes to try to delay her transformation until she can get off of Voyager. (The Gift) Tuvok mind melds with Torres in order to experience her memories surrounding the crime; Torres says that she doesn't like the idea of a mind meld any more than she likes the idea of an engramatic purge; during the mind meld Torres remembers that Guill gave her the creeps and that he wanted something terrible from her; Tuvok initiates a mind meld with Guill and shows him thoughts so dark that Guill begs him to stop. (Random Thoughts)

Mineralogical scan - The mineralogical scan of the asteroid fragment reveals that the fragment is composed of tryoxene, olivine, and triadium. (Rise)

Ministry of Elders - After they discover Hogan's remains, Gegen wants to go directly to the Ministry of Elders in order to get a fleet of Voth ships to comb the sector; when the Ministry hears of his discovery, they seize his research and charge him with heresy against doctrine. (Distant Origin)

Minnis - SEE: Jal Minnis.

Mirell (Eve H. Brenner) - Jora Mirell is one of the Enarans that Voyager picks up on the Fima colony and takes to Enara Prime; she composed the piece that Brel plays at the reception; after Torres experiences Korenna getting a scar on her face, she realizes that Korenna is Mirell; Mirell says that the others found out she was sharing her memories with Torres; after the last part of the dream, Mirell is dead; Torres believes the Enarans killed her but made it look like she died of natural causes. (Remember)

Mislen - Chardis says that he is from Mislen which is about 5 parsecs away in a yellow dwarf system; he asks Janeway to tell his people what happened if they happen to pass by there. (The Swarm)

Miss Q (Suzie Plakson) - She has been involved with Q for 4 billion years; she loses her powers after Voyager encounters one of the supernovas; she helps Voyager enter the Q continuum by taking them into one of the supernovas; she mates with Q and has a son; Q calls her the "old ball and chain". (The Q and the Grey)

Mithen - One of the subspace comm logs shows a communication from Voyager to Mithen. (Investigations)

Mithran - Steth says that when he gets back to Benthos he will be doing the first test on a mithran-class fighter; it is more advanced than any warship in the quadrant. (Vis A Vis)

Mithren - Neelix says that his sources on Mithren say that a large number of vessels have been lost in Bothan space. (Persistence of Vision)

Mitral sac - The Doctor finds this sac on Kes's back; this sac normally appears when Ocampa females are going through the Elogium; it is where a child would grow. (Elogium)

M'nea - A character in the romance novel that Torres is reading (Real Life)

Mobile emitter - Marayna uses this device to transfer from the holodeck to sickby and then to Tuvok's quarters. (Alter Ego) Chakotay downloads the Doctor into the mobile emitter in order to save his program. (Displaced) The Doctor says that Torres knows more about his mobile emitter than anyone; after they beam onto the disabled ship, Torres checks the emitter to make sure it made it through the transport okay; the Doctor dematerializes when Dejaren hits his mobile emitter. (Revulsion) The aliens steal the Doctor's mobile emitter from Voyager using their transporter beam; when Janeway and Tuvok see Da Vinci on the planet, he is wearing the Doctor's mobile emitter; Voyager tracks the mobile emitter to a storage facility 4.7 kilometers outside the city. (Concerning Flight) The electro-optic modulator in the Doctor's mobile emitter is damaged so he is unable to leave Sickbay; the Doctor gets the emitter back online and ties it into the EPS conduits; the emitter goes offline when the conduits overload. (One)

Modular shelter - Voyager beams this constructable shelter down to the surface for Janeway and Chakotay; it is beige on one side and gray on the other. (Resolutions)

Mo'Kai - When Janeway is playing the part of a Klingon on Holodeck 2, she says that the house of Mo'Kai will never yield. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Mokra - Neelix says that the Mokra are paranoid and hostile and have little use for diplomacy; the Mokra hold Torres and Tuvok prisoner because they believe they have information about the Alsaurian resistance; Third Magistrate Augris is the leader of the Mokra; the Mokra don't allow the people to have communication devices. (Resistance)

Molecular imaging scanner - Torres says that there is a minor glitch in the molecular imaging scanner right before Tuvok and Neelix are beamed up; the scanners would have to be modified to find a way to compensate for the higher levels of radiation in the radioactive isotope that the Doctor wants to use to separate Tuvok and Neelix. (Tuvix)

Molecular pattern - Janeway hopes that Kim, Chakotay, and Tuvok's molecular patterns might still be in the holodeck and that they might be able to rematerialize them. (Heroes and Demons)

Molecular variance residue - The molecular variance residue on Tierna's shuttle shows evidence of Kazon disrupter blasts. (Basics, Part 1)

Moliere - Kim suggests that he and Paris go to the holodeck to enjoy a Moliere comedy in order to cheer Paris up. (Parturition)

Molina - Male Ensign on Voyager; Gennaro finds Molina unconscious in Engineering after he is attacked by Rislan. (Displaced)

Monitor relay 47 - This is the Emergency Medical Holograph channel. (Parallax)

Monotanium armor - The Hirogen ships have some sort of monotanium armor (Hunters)

Monsters - Tuvok notes that the ancient earth culture from the epic Bewoulf seems to be fascinated with monsters; Chakotay says that every culture has it own demons with embody the darkest emotions of its people. (Heroes and Demons)

Moolt nectar - Neelix has been aging moolt nectar for weeks in preparation for the celebration of Prixin. (Mortal Coil)

Morale officer - Neelix appoints himself morale officer after Voyager was in a freefall during its second encounter with the lifeform. (The Cloud) Seska and the other Maquis trick Neelix by setting up a morale crisis so that they can raid the food reserves. (State of Flux) As morale officer, Neelix helps Tuvok figure out how to get through to his Maquis trainees. (Learning Curve) Neelix decides to have a daily program called "A Briefing With Neelix" in order to bring joy to everyone. (Investigations)

Morgan - Morgan is the coach of Belle's parisses squares team; Belle says that he will be mad if she is late again and send her down to the second team. (Real Life)

Morilogium - The Doctor says that Kes is experiencing the morilogium which comes in abruptly and advances rapidly; the morilogium is the final phase of the Ocampan life span. (Before and After)

Morrok - The children tell Tuvok that the morrok will come for them when it gets dark; they say that the morrok lives in the cave and is what takes you when you die; Alcia says that the morrok only exists in stories. (Innocence)

Mostral - SEE: Kazon Mostral.

Mot'loch - As part of the Day of Honor ritual, Torres drinks mot'loch from the grail of Kahless. (Day of Honor)

Motor cortex reconstruction - The Doctors says that he needs to perform this procedure on Paris since he suffered greater neurological damage than Torres did; it is not a life-threatening operation; the first step in the procedure is to establish anon connections and then test for synaptic potentials; the final step is to restore the nerve sheath; the Doctor can't remember how to do the procedure and Kes leads him through it; Paris goes into respiratory arrest during the surgery, but Kes applie efferent impulses to stabilize his motor neurons. (The Swarm)

Motura - Vidiian male; Neelix's organs are biochemically altered and grafted into Motura; he used to be a sculpture of note on his world; his honnata is Dereth. (The Phage)

Mozart - In the reality that Kes is experiencing, this is one of the names the Doctor had been considering. (Before and After)

"Mr. Leisure Suit" - Rain calls the Doctor "Mr. Leisure Suit". (Future's End, Part 2)

Mucilaginous compound - There is a muculaginous compound around the hole in the floor panel leading into a Jeffries tube; the compound has a high concentration of amino acids, protein, and fragments of non-humanoid DNA; the alien squirts the compound on Neelix which causes him to have a high fever and fluid in the lungs. (Macrocosm)

Multikinetic neutronic mine - Seven wants to create a multikinetic neutronic mine with a 5 million isoton yield to disperse the nanoprobes over a radius of 5 lightyears; Janeway doesn't want to do this since it could affect an entire star system and endanger innocent worlds; it would take 50 trillion nanoprobes to arm this mine and would take several weeks for the Doctor to replicate enough nanoprobes. (Scorpion, Part 2)

Multiphasic scan - Janeway wants to run a multiphasic scan on the Bothan ships to find any evidence of weakness. (Persistence of Vision) Paris suggests that they run a multiphasic scan to track down Dreadnought. (Dreadnought) When Voyager is unable to locate Tuvok on the planet, Janeway says to try a multiphasic bio-scan. (Random Thoughts) A multiphasic scan of the Borg cube shows no active energy signature or life signs. (Unity)

Multiphasic shielding - Chakotay tells Torres to install multiphasic shielding around the warp core. (Omega Directive)

Multipolar charges - Voyager was hit by these charges when they re-entered the lifeform; the shield were unable to compensate for these charges because their polarity were rotating so rapidly. (The Cloud)

Multispectral sweep - Rislan tells Torres that a multispectral sweep would be more useful than a tetryon scan. (Displaced)

Multi-vector assault mode - The Prometheus's primary battle systems include multi-vector assault mode. (Message in a Bottle)

Munitions base The Cardassians originally sent Dreadnought to destroy a Maquis munitions base in the Badlands. (Dreadnought)

Munitions lab - Captain Miller believes that the exposed decks of Voyager is an advanced munitions lab designed to build some sort of super weapon; Janeway plays along and confirms this; Miller wants to call in the RAF for an airstrike, but Janeway is able to convince him not to when she tells him that some of the warheads in the lab may be powerful enough to destroy the entire valley if they were accidently detonated. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Murphy - Male Ensign aboard Voyager; he was seeing one of the Delaney sisters until Kim and Paris "made their move". (Prime Factors) Chakotay tells Murphy to escort Arridor and Kol to secured quarters; he was found unconscious on Deck 2 soon after that; he sustained a severe concussion. (False Profits)

Museum of Kyrian Heritage - Quarren works in the Museum of Kyrian Heritage; after hearing the Doctor's story, protesters storm the museum and destroy it. (Living Witness)

Mushrooms - Seska found these near the mouth of the cave; she wanted to teach Neelix how to make mushroom soup. (State of Flux) Tuvix uses a more moderate seasoning on the Tarellian crepes which allowed the flavor the mushrooms to come through better. (Tuvix)

Mushroom soup - Chakotay's favorite soup; Seska prepares it for him after tricking Neelix and raiding the food reserves. (State of Flux)

Mutara class - Voyager comes upon a mutara class nebula. (One)

Mutation - The Doctor determines that Paris is going through some sort of mutation and his DNA is rewriting itself. (Threshold)

Mutiny - The Insurrection Alpha holodeck program simulates a Maquis mutiny on Voyager; Tuvok wrote the program as tactical training scenario for junior security officers to prepare them for the possibility of a mutiny; Janeway jokingly says that Tuvok may have a mutiny on his hands if he doesn't finish the program. (Worst Case Scenario)

Myelin regenerator - The final step in the motor cortex reconstruction procedure is to restore the nerve sheath using the myelin regenerator. (The Swarm)

Mylean - The Mylean race occupy a region of space near Talax; when Neelix's DNA is hyperstimulated, he begins to look like a Mylean; Neelix's great-grandfather was a Mylean so 1/8 of Neelix's genetic material is Mylean. (Scientific Method)


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