Nacelle - When Paris is testing the transwarp drive, the port nacelle keeps being ripped off the shuttle. (Threshold) Torres says that one of the warp nacelles is offline and the other is a lost cause; Janeway wants to reroute all available power to the good one; Torres reports that it will take a minimum of 3 weeks to repair the starboard nacelle; the nacelle pylon begins to buckle from the damage from the micro-meteorites. (Year of Hell, Part 2) One of the Hirogen ships disable both of Voyager's nacelles so that the ship is unable to go to warp. (Prey)

Nacelle control system - Janeway tells Paris to deactivate this system so that they can get the warp engines to run at 80% of maximum while the ship is standing still. (Learning Curve)

Nadion burst - Janeway tells Tuvok to use a nadion burst from the phaser emitters to try to weaken the electromagnetic properties of the fluid. (Demon)

Nakahn (Stephen Davies) - One of the Mikhal explorers; after the Doctor's program goes haywire, he burns Nakahn's hand by putting it in the fire; the Doctor wants Nakahn to arrange for him to get a ship off the planet; Nakahn is suspected of attacking Zahir since Zahir was last seen in Nakahn's lodge. (Darkling)

Namon (Nathan Anderson) - He is one of the defenders of the 4th Vori Defense Contingent; he says that he will nullify one nemesis for each brother and cousin he's lost and then one moreafter; Namon volunteers to walk with Chakotay to find his shuttle; he is nullified when the Kradin attack him and Chakotay; Chakotay discovers that Namon was just part of a Vori training simulation. . (Nemesis)

Nanites - The Doctor uses nanites to retrieve DNA strands from inside Darwin's head wound. (Meld)

Nanoprobes - The Doctor says that once the Borg injection tubules are inside the skin, they release a series of nanoprobes into the bloodstream; the nanoprobes assimilate the bloodstream almost instantaneously; the Doctor hopes to create an "assimilation antibody" to slow down the nanoprobes; the Doctor wants to use Borg nanoprobes to penetrate the cells of Species 8472 by reprogramming them to emit the same electro-chemical signal as the alien cells; Janeway proposes that they teach the Borg how to modify their own nanoprobes in order to use them to defeat Species 8472. (Scorpion, Part 1) The Doctor uses the Borg nanoprobes to rid Kim of the alien cells that are taking over his body; the nanoprobes in the bio-molecular weapons are successful in defeating Species 8472. (Scorpion, Part 1) According to the Doctor, the dormant nanoprobes in Seven's body are reasserting themselves. (The Raven) Seven and the Doctor revive Neelix by using nanoprobes to reverse cellular necrosis while they stimulate his cerebral cortex with a neuroelectric iso-pulse; they use 70 grams of nanoprobes from Seven's bloodstream; Seven says that the nanoprobes will compensate for any cellular degradation in Neelix's cerebral cortex; he has to be injected with nanoprobes on a daily basis until his damaged tissue can function independently. (Mortal Coil) According to Seven, after using the bio-ablation pump, Kovin extracts the nanoprobes through Seven's assimilation tubules and takes them to another subject and assimilates him; Janeways says that in the wrong hands, a single nanoprobe could lead to disaster; Tuvok finds Borg nanoprobes on the table in Kovin's lab. (Retrospect)

Naomi - SEE: Wildman, Naomi. (Mortal Coil)

Napinne - Voyager visits this planet to get foodstuffs such as varmeliate fibers, whole green putillos, and schplict. (Learning Curve)

Napoleon - The Clown says that Napoleon didn't give an ultimatum after his defeat at Waterloo. (The Thaw)

Narcotics - Wix tells Neelix that they are delivering medical supplies, but they are really narcotics; cryostatic susupension hasn't been an effective deterrent to stop the drug trafficking on the station. (Fair Trade)

Narrative parameters file - When Tuvok accesses the narrative parameters file, the holodeck is sealed and the safety protocols are shut off; Janeway uses the narrative parameters file to try to rewrite the program in order to help Tuvok and Paris. (Worst Case Scenario)

NASA - Rain thinks they should call NASA when she discovers Voyager orbiting the Earth; Starling is able to convince her not to just in case it's a mistake. (Future's End, Part 1)

Nasari - Alben is the commander of the Nasari ship, Nerada; Kim fires on the Nasari vessel when he detects a tetrion surge; Kim says that he had a feeling of suspicion and loathing when the Nasari vessel approached; the Nasari tell Janeway that no one who comes home to Taresia ever leaves again. (Favorite Son)

Nassordin - The B'omar will not let Voyager travel through the Agrat-Mot Nebula because it is a key resource in their trade negotiations with the Nassordin. (The Raven)

Navigational array - Neelix pretends that his navigational array is broken in order to explain why he is docked at the Maximum Security Detention Facility; he asked the Akritirian Patrol if they could recommend a respectable establishment where he could have his array repaired. (The Chute)

Navigational control - Helm control was locked out from this station on Deck 12 Section B-7 by Paris when he was possessed by Chakotay. (Cathexis) Arturis destroys the navigational controls on the Dauntless so that no one can stop the ship. (Hope and Fear)

Navigational Matrix 1711 - When Paris wakes up in Steth's ship, he is in Navigational Matrix 1711 which is in the Kotaba Expanse. (Vis A Vis)

Nazi - The bartender thinks that de Neuf is a Nazi infilitrator; in order to gather info about Nazi headquarters, Brigitte tells the guard outside that she is ill and has to see the Kapitan; Katrine and Seven enter Nazi headquarters to disable their communications systems; Katrine listens to an incoming message about German troop movement and realizes that the Germans know the Americans are coming; Katrine threatens to kill Seven because she thinks Seven is trying to send a message to the Nazis; after Nazi headquarters is blown up, the holodeck is blow out across 3 decks making it appear like a secret Nazi bunker. (The Killing Game, Part 1) Paris says that the Nazis were totalitarian fanatics on Earth during World War II and that they were bent on world conquest; he says that they were the "Borg of their day". (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Nebula - Voyager detects a rich deposit of omicron particles 64 million kilometers inside the nebula; the nebula is 7 au's in diameter and sensors show intermittent gamma and thermal emissions. (The Cloud) Paris hids in the nebula and waits for the Talaxian ships to lure Cullah there. (Basics, Part 2) The anomaly is a Class 17 nebula with the standard amounts of hydrogen and helium and 7000 parts per million of sirillium; the nebula that the Excelsior encountered was a Class 11 nebula; both nebulas contained trace amounts of sirillium. (Flashback) Voyager takes refuge in a Class 9 nebula in order to make repairs; gas from the nebula gets onto Voyager when there is malfunction in the ventilation system; Janeway decides to leave the nebula because she wants to get back into open space and find allies and put together a fighting force to take on Annorax. (Year of Hell, Part 2) Voyager encounters a Class-1 nebula; they detect traces of proto-matter inside the nebula and send a shuttle into the nebula to try to collect a sample of it; Neelix tries to end his life by beaming himself into the nebula, but the Bridge is able to block his transporter signal. (Mortal Coil) Voyager comes upon a mutara class nebula; Kim detects a slight radioactive field when the ship enters the nebula; the nebula extends for at least 110 light years; it will take well over a month to get through it and over a year to get around it; subnucleonic radiation from the nebula is devastating to organic tissue; Trajis Lo-Tarik says that he is resistant to the effects of the nebula; the Doctor discovers that the radiation from the nebula is producing a degradation in the synaptic relays of Voyager's gel packs and altering the neurotransmitter levels in Seven's sensory nodes causing her to hallucinate. (One)

Nebula class starship - This type of starship comes after Kim and Paris after they steal the runabout Yellowstone from spacedock. (Non Sequitor)

Necel strips - Neelix prepares this brine-soaked food for Janeway in the Mess hall. (Persistence of Vision)

Nechani - The Nechani have invited the Voyager crew to enjoy shore leave on their planet; Kes is injured in their sacred shrine. (Sacred Ground)

Nechisti council - Janeway asks the Nechisti council to let her undergo the sacred ritual; the council is fascinated by her request and decides to allow her to do it. (Sacred Ground)

Nechisti order - The brothers of the Nechisti order devote their lives to serving the Ancestral Spirits. (Sacred Ground)

Necklace - Caylem gives Janeway his wife's necklace since he believes that Janeway is his daughter. (Resistance)

Needle snake - Neelix calls the Kazon soldier this name. (Projections)

Neeka - Neeka is Lidell Ren's dog; Neeka doesn't like strangers; she identifies the Banean doctor as Lidell's accomplice in murdering Tolen Ren. (Ex Post Facto)

Neelix Resort Program - This is the name of Neelix's Paxau Resort Program. (Alter Ego)

Neevok - This is the first name Tuvix suggests when Kes asks him what should she call him; he chooses the name Tuvix instead. (Tuvix)

Negative density false vacuum - Miss Q says that each time a star implodes a negative density false vacuum is formed; this vacuum sucks all the surrounding matter into the continuum. (The Q and the Grey)

Negative Expanse - Paris wants to rename the Nekrit Expanse the Negative Expanse since they haven't run across anything interesting in days. (Unity)

Nekrit Expanse - An area of space thousands of light years wide that seems to be an interstellar dust cloud; no one knows much about this vast terrritory; there are plasma storms in the expanse that might cause a problem for navigation; there are no maps of the Nekrit Expanse since it is too unstable to chart; Wix finds someone that has a map of it and persuades Neelix to help him deliver "medical supplies" in order to get it. (Fair Trade) Chakotay and Ensign Lang go on a scouting mission to find a faster route through the Nekrit Expanse; Paris wants to rename it the "Negative Expanse" since they haven't run across anything interesting in days. (Unity) Near the Nekrit Expanse, Gegen and Veer learn of a ship called Voyager that has a group of explorers claiming to be from the other side of the galaxy. (Distant Origin)

Nemesis - This is the word that the Vori and Kradin use for enemy; the Vori defenders are drilled to abhor none but the Nemesis; the Kradin are the Vori's nemesis; according to the Kradin, the Nemesis are vicious and shoot without warning; they use biochemical weapons and routinely massacre civilians. (Nemesis)

Neodyne - The Guide has has told the monks to replace the the chromodynamic lights with neodyne ones. (Sacred Ground)

Nerada - The Nerada is a Nasari ship that Voyager encounters; Alben is the captain of the Nerada. (Favorite Son)

Neria (Jerry Hardin) - This doctor is the chief thanatologist at the complex where the transference ritual occurs. (Emanations)

Nerve sheath - The final step in the motor cortex reconstruction procedure is to restore the nerve sheath using the myelin regenerator. (The Swarm)

Nesset - These creatures are able to travel from this world to the spirit realm; they serve as gatekeepers; Janeway is bitten by the nesset in the basket and then feels like she is dying. (Sacred Ground)

Netinaline - The Doctor used 2 cc's of this drug to revive Ptera. (Emanations)

Network - After Seven extends the range of the Astrometric sensors, she detects a large network of relay stations; the network has been abandoned, but is still functioning; after establishing a sensor link with the nearest relay station, Voyager is able to get readings from the entire network; when Voyager tries to send a message to the Starfleet vessel, their carrier wave degrades as it moves across the network; the sensor network belongs to the Hirogen. (Message in a Bottle) Starfleet uses the sensor network to send a message to Voyager. (Hunters)

Neural implants - Tolen Ren's memory engrams are implanted into Paris using neural implants; before these implants, the punishment for murder was lethal injection. (Ex Post Facto)

Neural interface - The Hirogen use this sub-dermal transmitter that links the neo-cortex to the holodeck and makes the crew believe that they're a character within the Holodeck; Seven's neural interface is damaged when Turanj shoots her on the Holodeck; Kim tells the Doctor that they must disable them before they will be able to retake the ship; the Doctor determines that the interface circumvents the memory center since Seven is unable to remember anything that occured on the holodeck; the Doctor disables her neural interface by remodulating one of her Borg implants to emit a jamming signal; after Seven engages the bridge access relays, the Doctor is able to disable Janeway's neural interface. (The Killing Game, Part 1) The neural interfaces are controlled through Sickbay; Janeway and Miller are able to disable the neural interfaces by setting charges in the Jeffries tube below Sickbay. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Neural net - Torres and Paris discover that the sample from the protostar has a neural net which indicates that they are dealing with a lifeform. (Heroes and Demons)

Neural solvent - According to the Doctor in the Kyrian simulation, a neural solvent would be a clean and efficient way to induce pain in the prisoner. (Living Witness)

Neural toxin - The Doctor fills the area within the bio-forcefield with a neural toxin in order to carry out the Janeway's euthanasia. (Coda)

Neural transceiver - The Borg want to implant a neural transceiver into Janeway and Tuvok; they say that this transceiver is required for maximum communication; Janeway doesn't allow them to do this and insists that the Borg choose a representative that they can work with instead. (Scorpion, Part 2) Janeway tells the Doctor to neutralize the neural transceiver in Seven's upper spinal cord in order to sever her link to the collective. (The Gift)

Neuralyte probe - The Doctor tells Torres that he will use a neuralyte probe to extract the tissue sample from her parietal lobe. (Lifesigns)

Neurochemical imbalance - The Doctor detects a neurochemical imbalance in Vorik and surmises that he is experiencing Pon Farr. (Blood Fever)

Neuro-cortical monitor - The Doctor has Tuvok wear this monitor so that they can record a complete encephelographic profile if he has another episode; the monitor will also alert sick bay. (Flashback)

Neuro-electric - The aliens that board Paris and Torres's shuttle use a neuro-electric weapon on them which cause trauma to their nervous system. (The Swarm) The cooperative helps heal Chakotay by activating a neuro-electric field that repairs his damaged neural tissue. (Unity)

Neuroelectric generator - Riley wants Janeway to reactivate the neuroelectric generator on the Borg cube so that they can re-establish the neural link among the Borg to help unite the people on the planet; Janeway won't activate the generator since this will create a new collective and impose a choice on thousands of others with no choice; the cooperative re-links with Chakotay forcing him to divert the shuttle to the Borg cube and reactivate the generator. (Unity)

Neuroelectric iso-pulse - Seven and the Doctor revive Neelix by using nanoprobes to reverse cellular necrosis while they stimulate his cerebral cortex with a neuroelectric iso-pulse; the iso-pulse is set for 1 second intervals. (Mortal Coil)

Neuro-epinephrine level - Suder has elevated neuro-epinephrine levels which indicates that he has aggressive, violent tendencies. (Meld) Kim's norepinephrine levels rise when the crowd puts him in the guillotine; the elevated levels indicate extreme fear; Viorsa's levels become critical when he is taken to the guillotine and he dies from massive heart failure. (The Thaw)

Neurogenic field - The Doctor detects a neurogenic field being created by the heightened electrical activity in the brains of all of the sleeping crew members in the hyper-REM state; the Doctor and Chakotay are able to find the sleeping aliens by scanning for neurogenic fields; after the neurogenic field is neutralized, the Doctor is able to revive the entire crew. (Waking Moments)

Neurogenic restructuring - Nimira says Frane has been through years of neurogenic restructuring in order to cure him. (Random Thoughts)

Neurolytic emitter - The neurolytic emitter is used on runaways in order to wipe their memories of the outside world; Curneth uses this on Kellin. (Unforgettable)

Neuro-sequencer - The Doctor tells Kes to use a neuro-sequencer to stabilize Seven's motor cortex, but Kes is able to stabilize her without it. (The Gift)

Neuroleptic shock - Kes's synaptic pathways have undergone severe neuroleptic shock which is disrupting all her cortical functions; the biogenic field near the shrine caused the neuroleptic shock. (Sacred Ground) The Doctor believes that a ship-wide neuroleptic shock would disable the genetic tags; the shock will be painful for the crew but they will recover; the aliens prevent Seven from doing this. (Scientific Method)

Neuro-peptides - Tuvok's levels of neuro-peptides are down 15%; the Doctor thinks this is the result of an incompatibility with the Betazoid telepathic neural center; this decrease in neuro-peptides is causing Tuvok to lose emotional control and become violent. (Meld) Janeway's neuro-peptides saturation has risen to quite an abnormal level; this suggests that she is going through a grueling experience; the Doctor believes that levels that high could create a natural barrier to biogenic energy. (Sacred Ground) The Doctor reports that Chakotay's neuropeptides levels have returned to normal and there are no residual traces of the link. (Unity) Tuvok and Chakotay determine that the bio-mass has a binary matrix that is laced with nueropeptides. (Scorpion, Part 1)

Neuro-processors - The members of the cooperative still have Borg neuro-processors implanted in their nervous systems; they use the neuro-processors to activiate a neuro-electric field to heal Chakotay's damaged neural tissue. (Unity)

Neuro-synaptic therapy Suder says he tried targeted neuro-synaptic therapy to try to control his violent impulses, but it didn't work; the Doctor uses this same therapy to try to help Tuvok regain his emotional control. (Meld)

Neuro-transponder - A neuro-transponder is attached to the base of Chakotay's skull before the cooperative intiates the link in order to help heal Chakotay. (Unity)

Neurozine - This is one of the anesthetics available on the Prometheus; the Doctor wants to use this to incapacitate the Romulans by distributing it in a gaseous form in the ventilation system; the Doctor tells EMH 2 to get 3 cannisters of the gas. (Message in a Bottle)

Neutrino bubble - The spatial trajector creates a neutrino bubble around whatever is being trajected. (Prime Factors)

Neutrino emissions - Since Dreadnought is able to deflect its image to another location with a sensor echo, Torres tells Kim to look for a surge in neutrino emissions within 100,000 kilometers to find its true location. (Dreadnought)

Nevala (Valerie Wildman) - Romulan female; she is one of the Romulans who take over the Prometheus. (Message in a Bottle)

New Collective - The New Collective is formed on the planet after the neuro-electric generator on the Borg cube is reactivated. (Unity)

New Earth - Janeway and Chakotay name the planet they're stranded on New Earth. (Resolutions)

New Hope colony - Chakotay and Kaplan receive a distress from this colony on the planet; (Unity)

Newton, Sir Isaac ( Peter Dennis) - Q brings Newton to Voyager as proof that Quinn has touched and affected many lives; Quinn jostled the tree which caused the apple to fall on Newton's head causing a new era in human science to be born; Newton would have died in debtor's prison if not for Quinn. (Deathwish)

Nezu - Voyager help the Nezu by trying to destroy the asteroids that are heading toward their planet; the Nezu have 5 colonies on the planet. (Rise)

Nezu ambassador (Alan Oppenheimer) - The ambassador is on Voyager to get Voyager's help in destroying the asteroids heading toward the Nezu planet. (Rise)

Nicoletti, Susan - Female Lieutenant on Voyager; Torres has this crew member help to retrieve the console on the Kazon bridge. (State of Flux) Her quarters are on Deck 4. (Twisted) Nicoletti and Kim have been practicing together on the orchestral program Kim has been working on for the holodeck; Paris has been chasing after her for 6 months; Nicoletti plays the oboe. (The Thaw) Torres gets Nicoletti to help her realign the dilithium matrix. (The Swarm) Torres tells Vorik and Nicoletti to start working on getting the impulse engines online. (Day of Honor) Nicoletti receives a personal letter from home. (Hunters)

Nihiliphobia - When Neelix experiences anxiety and hyperventilates, the Doctor tells him he is experiencing nihiliphobia; nihiliphobia is the fear of nothingness. (Night)

Nihydron - Voyager forges a coalition with the Nihydron and the Mawasi to attack the time-ship; Janeway sends Torres and Kim to the Nihydron vessels to work with their engineers to equip their fleet with temporal shielding; 3 Nihydron warships join Voyager in the attack on the time-ship; Annorax destroys 2 of the Nihydron vessels. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Nimira (Gwynth Walsh) - Nimira is the Chief Examiner for the Constabulary on Mari; she says that she is becoming obsolete since there is virtually no crime left in their society; Tuovk gives Nimira a tour of Voyager and its security facilities; she is recalled to the surface after the Frane's attack; Nimira arrests Torres for "aggravated violent thought resulting in grave bodily harm"; Tuvok says that Nimira is a skilled investigator; Nimira has never dealt with a murder investigation so she asks for Tuvok's help; she initiates the engramatic purge on Torres but then stops when Janeway says that Tuvok can prove that Torres is innocent. (Random Thoughts)

Niotrinate samples - The Doctor starts cataloguing these samples after he is transferred back to sickbay. (Projections)

Nistrim - SEE: Kazon Nistrim.

Nitric acid - The Doctor in the holographic program treats Paris's phaser burns with 20 cc's of nitric acid which causes him more pain like the proverbial salt in the wound. (Worst Case Scenario)

Nitrogen - The doctor sets up an isolation field around Paris containing 80% nitrogen and 20% acidichloride. (Threshold)

Nitrogenase - Janeway and Chakotay went to the 2nd planet of the system to collect nitrogenase compounds. (Coda)

Nitrogeneated soil - Kes asks the doctor for 4 samples of this to help start the hydroponics bay. (Parallax) Kes puts some of this soil in her mashed potatoes. (Elogium)

Nitrogen tetroxide - Nitrogen tetroxide fumes were in the cabin of Teirna's ship. (Basics, Part 1)

Nivoch - Seska says that she promised to meet her brother there on his birthday and that he will think she broke her promise if she can't get home. (Prime Factors)

Nobel Prize - Chakotay jokingly says that he might win a Nobel Prize if they were stuck in the 20th century. (Future's End, Part 1)

Nogatch hemlock - Q gives Quinn this fatal poison so that he can commit suicide; the replicator will not produce this poison. (Deathwish)

Nondorian tomato paste - Neelix believes he has been hurt when he thinks that this paste is blood. (Projections)

Noonan, Fred (David Graf) - Noonan is Amelia Earhart's navigator; he disappeared from Earth along with Earhart in 1937 when they were abducted by the Briori; he remained in cryo-statis until Janeway and the away team revived him; he remained on the planet with the descendents of the "37's". (The 37's)

Nori (Galyn Gorg) - She is one of the Ilari that Voyager rescues; she is the wife of Tiernan and is cousin to the Autarch; Nori, Adin, and Tiernan steal a shuttle from Voyager and return to Ilari; she is known to be a political extremist; Nori is distressed by the changes in Tiernan and is upset when he announces that Ameron will become his husband. (Warlord)

Northwest Passage - This is what the crew calls the narrow corridor of space that is filled with intense gravimetric distortions and is devoid of Borg activity; they decide to travel through this passage to avoid contact with the Borg; they discover that this area is the origin of Species 8472. (Scorpion, Part 1)

Novice - Rafin and Namon are novice defenders; Penno says that Chakotay's coverings indicate that he is a novice defender. (Nemesis)

Nozawa - Male transporter operator; Nozawa and Seven attempt to beam deuterium from beneath the planet's surface; Nozawa was treated in sickbay after the attempt failed. (Demon)

Nucleogenic beam - Torres determines that sending out this beam along the edges of the breach should promote regeneration in the lifeform. (The Cloud)

Nucleogenic particles - The Ocampa homeworld doesn't have any of these particles because of the Caretaker's technology; because it lacks these particles, the planet is incapable of producing rain. (Caretaker)

Nucleogenic peptide bonds - Torres analyzes some of the matter that is sticking on the hull and sees that these bonds are present; this indicates that the matter is organic. (The Cloud)

Nucleogenic radiation - Torres determines that this radiation ought to assist the life form in its healing process. (The Cloud) There are high levels of this radiation on the bridge of the Kazon-Nistrim ship. (State of Flux)

Nucleonic charges - Turanj wants to use 3 nucleonice charges to penetrate the Le Couer de Lion and capture the Voyager crew members that have taken refuge there; Alpha Hirogen orders him to use hand weapons instead because the nucleonic charges could damage the holodeck further. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Nucleotide sequence - The Doctor tells Seska that human DNA has a significantly different neucleotide sequence than Cardassian or Kazon DNA; by looking at the baby's nucleotide sequence the Doctor is able to determine that the baby is not Chakotay's. (Basics, Part 2)

Nucleus cuneatus - When the Doctor tries stimulating the motor neurons in Danara's brain, he determines that the nucleus cuneatus is functioning properly. (Lifesigns)

Numerian Inquisition - Tuvix says he feels like he has been dragged in front of a Numerian Inquisition when Janeway wants to talk to him. (Tuvix)

Numiri - This race is at war with the Baneans; according to Neelix this race is a remarkably covert society; the Numiri tried to kidnapped Paris twice in order to retrieve the equations from Tolen Ren's weapons research that were were transplanted in Paris's brain; the Banean doctor was a Numiri agent and he and Lidell Ren murdered Tolen Ren. (Ex Post Facto)

Numiri agent - The Banean doctor is a Numiri agent and was trying to send Tolen Ren's weapons research equations to the Numiri. (Ex Post Facto)

Nuwonga - Chakotay says that the crew is going through "nuwonga" or a period of mourning. (The Cloud)

Nyrian system - The Nyrians have a colony on the third planet of the Nyrian system; the system has a red giant star with a large cloud of interstellar dust just beyond the fifth planet. (Displaced)

Nyrians - The Nyrians begin appearing on Voyager at the same time that the crew begins to disappear; Nyrians prefer warmer temperatures and dimmer levels of light; they have a colony on Nyria 3; Janeway confines the Nyrians to the cargo bays and posts security details at every access points when she becomes suspicious of them; the crew soon discovers that the Nyrians are responsible for the disappearances; ther intend to use Voyager to defend their acquisistions; Janeway gets the Nyrians to surrender when she translocates Dammar and Rislan to the cold Argala compound. (Displaced)

Nytoxinal - When the Doctor detects elevated levels of nytoxinal in Danara's body, he becomes concerned that someone is trying to kill her; Danara tells him that she admininstered the nytoxinal because she would rather die than live in her diseased body. (Lifesigns)


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