Antimatter - The Malon ship is loaded with over 90 million isotons of contaminated antimatter; the Malon have been using the Void as dumping ground for their antimatter waste; Torres says that Voyager's residual antimatter is processed in a transkinetic chamber where it is broken down on the subatomic level. (Night)

Astrometric lab - Tuvok goes to the Astrometrics lab to meditate; he tells Seven that the astrometric phenomenon helps him to focus his mind. (Night)

Beamot tea - Neelix drinks beamot tea when he wakes up in the middle of the night. (Night)

Borg - Janeway tells Chakotay that she almost wishes they would run into a Borg cube just for a distraction. (Night)

Captain Proton - Paris plays the character of Captain Proton in a holodeck program; Captain Proton is a spaceman first class, protector of Earth, scourge of intergalactic evil. (Night)

Cargo Bay - Neelix suggests installing a few emitters in Cargo Bay 2 to turn it into a third holodeck. (Night)

Chaotica (Martin Rayner) - Chaotica is an evil doctor in Paris's Captain Proton holodeck program. (Night)

Clarinet - Kim practices his clarinet when he is on duty on the Bridge; he finishes writing his concerto, "Echoes of the Void", and plays it for Tuvok. (Night)

Constance Goodheart - When Seven joins Paris in his holodeck program, she plays Constance Goodheart, Captain Proton's secretary who tags along on all his missions. (Night)

Dampening field - A dampening field causes Voyager to lose main and auxiliary power. (Night)

Delta Quadrant - Chakotay says that Voyager has gathered enough data on the Delta Quadrant to keep Starfleet scientists busy for decades. (Night)

Derata - Paris and Torres play a game of derata in the Mess Hall; Paris says that derata is a game of subtlety. (Night)

Deuterium - Since Voyager won't be able to take on fresh supplies while they are in the Void, they are using power cells to stockpile deuterium. (Night)

Don Carlo - The Doctor wants to rehearse a duet from Don Carlo on the holodeck. (Night)

"Echoes of the Void" - Kim finishes writing this concerto while he is on duty on the bridge; he play the concerto for Tuvok. (Night)

Emck (Ken Magee) - Controller Emck drives off the alien ships by firing 13 spatial charges at them; he is from the Malon export vessel, eleventh gradient; he says that he is on a transport mission; Emck offers to take Voyager to the spatial vortex if they turn over the alien to him; Emck doesn't want the rest of the Malon to know about Voyager's method of eliminating theta radiation since it would put him out of business; no one but Emck and his crew know about the spatial vortex; Voyager destroys Emck's ship when he tries to prevent them from entering the vortex. (Night)

Holodeck - Since Voyager has entered the Void, the holodecks have been in high demand; Neelix suggests installing a few emitters in Cargo Bay 2 to turn it into a third holodeck. (Night)

Isoton - The Malon ship is loaded with over 90 million isotons of contaminated antimatter; Emck says that his civilization produces over 6 billion isotons of by-products every day. (Night)

Malon - A Malon export vessel, eleventh gradient drives off the alien ships by firing 13 spatial charges at them; Emck is the pilot of the Malon ship. (Night)

Nihiliphobia - When Neelix experiences anxiety and hyperventilates, the Doctor tells him he is experiencing nihiliphobia; nihiliphobia is the fear of nothingness. (Night)

Photon torpedoes - Tuvok reconfigures a photon torpedo to emit a sustained polyluminous burst in order to see the ships causing the dampening field; Janeway tells Tuvok that she needs a Class 2 shuttlecraft armed with photon torpedoes so that she can destroy the vortex; Voyager fires a photon torpedo into the vortex as the ship crosses the threshold. (Night)

Power cells - Since Voyager won't be able to take on fresh supplies while they are in the Void, they are using power cells to stockpile deuterium; after Voyager loses power, they hook up a power cell directly to the EPS manifold to get emergency power back online. (Night)

Shock wave - As Voyager goes through the collapsing vortex, a massive shock wave is right behind the ship; when both engines go offline, they ride the shock wave to the other side of the vortex. (Night)

Shuttlecraft - Janeway decides that she should stay behind in a shuttlecraft in order to destroy the vortex; she tells Tuvok that she needs a Class 2 shuttlecraft armed with photon torpedoes. (Night)

Spatial vortex - Emck says that there is a spatial vortex a few light years away that leads directly to the other side of the Void; using the vortex will cut 2 years off of Voyager's journey home; Emck offers to take Voyager to the spatial vortex if they turn over the alien to him; no one but Emck and his crew know about the spatial vortex; Janeway decides that she should stay behind in a shuttlecraft in order to destroy the vortex but her crew refuses to allow it; Voyager fires a photon torpedo into the vortex as the ship crosses the threshold and the vortex is destroyed. (Night)

Theta radiation - There are high concentrations of theta radiation in the Void; the theta radiation prevents Voyager from seeing the stars beyond the Void; the long range sensors detect dangerously high levels of theta radiation 25 light years away from Voyager; Janeway orders Voyager to alter course to see what the source of the radiation is; the Malon vessel is leaking large amounts of theta radiation; the Doctor says that the alien has been exposed to the radiation over a long period of time causing every organ in his body to degrade at the cellular level; Torres says that the theta radiation from Voyager's antimatter is absorbed by a series of radiometric converters. (Night)

USS Billings - Janeway served as Commander on the USS Billings. (Night)

USS Voyager - It will take Voyager 2 years to cross the Void; it has been 53 days since Voyager entered the Void; the dampening field causes Voyager to lose main and auxiliary power; Janeway wants Voyager to go through the vortex and leave her behind to destroy it but the crew refuses to follow her orders; Voyager is able to get out of the Void when it is pushed out by the shockwave from the destruction of the spatial vortex. (Night)

Void, The - There are heavy concentrations of theta radiation in the Void; it will take Voyager 2 years to cross it; it has been 53 days since Voyager entered the Void; Emck says that there are thousands of the alien vessels ahead; the Doctor says that the aliens may be indigenous to the Void; Emck has been using the Void as a disposal site for the Malon's antimatter waste; after Voyager destroys the vortex, they are pushed by the shock wave through the Void and find themselves near the edge of normal space. (Night)


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