Oatmeal - Vacuum packed oatmeal is one of the emergency rations Chakotay eats in order to conserve replicator power. (The Phage)

Oblissian cabbage - Kes and Paris bring some of this cabbage from the Airponics bay to the Mess hall. (Elogium)

Oboe - Nicoletti plays the oboe. (The Thaw)

Obrist (John Loprieno) - Obrist is second-in-command on the Krenim time-ship; after the Krenim Imperium has a 98% restoration, Obrist tells Annorax that they should dismantle the weapon and go back to their families. (Year of Hell, Part 1) Obrist says that he used to honor the birthdays of his brother, parents and friends but stopped after a century passed and he realized he was celebrating birthdays for the dead or for people who had never even existed; he tells Paris that he and crew are not happy with Annorax's obsession to totally restore the Krenim timeline; Obrist agrees to give Paris access to their communications array so that he can send a message to Voyager; Annorax orders Obrist to target the other vessels, but Obrist shuts down the temporal core instead and transports Chakotay and Paris to one of the Mawasi ships. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Ocampa - The Ocampa are a race that lives only 9 years; lives 2 miles underground on the fifth planet; the Caretaker has been taking care of them for over a millennium since the technology of his species caused a warming on the planet. (Caretaker) Kes says that the Ocampa have unique mental abilities. (Time and Again) Voyager discovers a colony of Ocampa living on a space station similar to the Caretaker's array; there are over 2000 Ocampa living there; Suspiria brought these Ocampa to the space staion 300 years ago and helped them develop their psychokinetic skills; Tanis says that they have the technology to extend the Ocampa life span to 20 years; the Ocampa on the space station have not been in contact with the Ocampa homeworld for hundreds of years. (Cold Fire)

Ocampan prayer tapers - Kes is burning Ocampan prayer tapers when Tuvix comes to her quarters; one is for Tuvok and one is for Neelix. (Tuvix)

Ocampa Nurse (Jennifer Parsons) - She tries to help Kim and Torres by giving them medicine from the moss of a fruit tree. (Caretaker)

Occipital concussion - Neelix sustains an occipital concussion after Sklar pushes him off the balcony; Tuvok says that he is unable to treat this because he has limited knowledge of Talaxian physiology. (Rise)

Ocular implant - According to Seven, Kovin removes her ocular implant using a micro-caliper. (Retrospect)

Odala (Concetta Tome) - Odala presides over Gegen's heresy hearing; she accuses him of using the Distant Origin theory to attack and undermine the guiding principals of Voth society and wants him to retract his claims. (Distant Origin)

O'Donnell - Male; former Maquis; in the holographic scenario, Chakotay tells Carlson and O'Donnell to take the Starfleet bridge officers to the brig. (Worst Case Scenario)

Odysseus - Kim tells Paris and Neelix the story of Odysseus and how he and his crew avoided being lured to their deaths by the sirens' song by covering their ears. (Favorite Son)

Ogla - SEE: Kazon Ogla.

Oglamar - SEE: Kazon Oglamar

Ohio - Chakotay has a cousin who lives in Ohio; (Message in a Bottle)

Oh-nah-hoo-pez-nyeetz - Chakotay greets First Prelate Alcia with this greeting; it means peace in your hears, fortune in your steps. (Innocence)

Old Iron Boots - This is Colonel Thaddeus Riker's nickname. (Deathwish)

Olivine - A mineralogical scan of the asteroid fragment reveals that the fragment is composed of tryoxene, olivine, and triadium. (Rise)

Omega - Voyager's sensors detected the Omega phenomenon within 1.2 light years; the instructions in the secured file order Janeway to implement the Omega Directive; the Borg were able to create a single molecule of Omega and keep it stable for one-trillionith of a nanosecond before it destablized; they were unable to synthesize another one because they didn't have enough boronite; Seven says that Omega is infinitely complex, yet harmonious and to the Borg it represents perfection; Seven determines that there may be hundreds of Omega particles within 10 light years of Voyager; Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet; Janeway says that Omega is a threat to the entire galaxy and that only starship captains and federation flag officers have been briefed on this threat; she says that it is the most powerful substance known to exist; a single Omega molecule contains the same energy as a warp core; in theory a small chain of them could sustain a civilization; Omega was first synthesized over a 100 years ago by a Starfleet physicist named Ketteract; Ketteract managed to synthesize a single molecule particle of Omega but it only existed for a fraction of a second before it destabilized and destroyed the research station and caused subspace ruptures extending out several light years; an unexpected secondary effect of Omega is that it destroys subspace which makes it impossible to create a stable warp field; a chain reaction involving a handful of Omega molecules could devastate subspace throughout the quadrant and make warp travel impossible; the Borg discovered Omega 229 years ago; Species 262 referred to Omega as a powerful substance which could burn the sky; Species 263 believed that Omega was a drop of blood from their creator; Federation cosmotologists had a theory that Omega once existed in nature for an infinitesimal amount of time at the exact moment of the Big Bang; some of them claimed that Omega was the primal source of energy for the explosion that began the universe; the alien tells Seven that they were able to synthesize about 200 million Omega molecules; Particle 010 is the Borg designation for Omega; every drone is aware of Omega and have been instructed to assimilate it at all costs; the Omega molecules are transported to the Cargo Bay; Seven is able to neutralize some of the molecules; right before Voyager jettisons the harmonic chamber, Omega begins to stabilize; the remaining Omega molecules are destroyed by the gravimetric torpedo. (Omega Directive)

Omega Directive - After Voyager encounters the Omega phenomenon, Janeway accesses the secured file on Omega and is ordered to implement the Omega Directive; protocol forbids Janeway from discussing Omega with the crew; Janeway says that the Omega Directive authorizes her to use whatever means necessary to destroy Omega. (Omega Directive)

Omega Sector - Seven's parents were last recorded at a remote outpost in the Omega Sector and they were headed toward the Delta Quadrant. (The Gift)

Omicron particles - These particles are detected in the nebula; Voyager wants to collect these particles to provide an additional antimatter energy reserve. (The Cloud) When Chakotay was on a survey mission, he detected omicron radiation in the atmosphere of the planet. (Nemesis)

Open Sky - This is the name of the terrorist group on Akritiri; Liria suspects that the group has off-world conspirators such as Voyager; Piri and Vel are members of the terrorist group; Piri says that one day this group will lead the legitimate government of Akritiri. (The Chute)

Opera - The Doctor has begun studying opera and finds it quite satisfying; he has been practicing the part of Rudolpho in Puccini's "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Optical assembly - Seven's misalignment of the optical assembly is off by .5 degrees. (Revulsion)

Optical processors - When Torres performs a "tune-up" on the Doctor, she says that the Doctor's optical processors check out fine. (Real Life)

Optronic data core - Janeway gives the Hirogen an optronic data core so that they can create holodeck technology on their own ships. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Optronic pathways - Viorsa says that it would require a recalibration of the optronic pathways in order to get it to operate with a simulated brain; actually, he was trying to tell them that if they access the data banks that were programmed when the system was created, they could interrupt the optronic pathways and disassemble the world and characters piece by piece. (The Thaw)

Orbital tether - The orbital tether is used to lift cargo from the surface to the supply station; it uses magnetic leverage to lift the carriage; the tether is 300 kilometers long and would take 12 hours to reach the station; Neelix says that he was on a tether maintenance team on Rinax; Neelix wants to use the tether to leave the ionsphere and get above the interference so that they can contact Voyager. (Rise)

Orbiter sensor net - An orbiter sensor net surrounds the whole planet; Kim says that it is the most sophisicated system he has ever seen; he suggests that they modify the main deflector to send out dozens of radion beams which will be able to penetrate the prison's shields. (Resistance)

Orchid - Tuvok and Neelix are on the planet looking for a variety of orchid that may be a valuable nutritional supplement; this is Tuvok's favorite flower; Tuvok and Neelix were beaming up to Voyager with several dozen samples of an orchid when their patterns were merged; the lysosomal enzymes of the plant could be evidence of symbiogenesis; the Doctor and Kim merge a chrysanthemum and a clematis into single hybrid flower by transporting them along with one of the symbiogenetic orchids. (Tuvix)

Organic - Dejaren calls Torres an organic when he discovers that she is not an isomorph like himself; he says that he has thinks that organics are repulsive; Dejaren admits that he has acquired some hostility against organics because he was treated badly by the crew. (Revulsion)

Organ Processing - This is the place where the Vidiians extract the organs from their prisoners. (Faces)

"Orgy of the Walking Dead" - A poster for this movie hangs in Rain's office at Griffith Obseratory; Paris says that the movie is a classic; the sequel to the movie was "Bride of the Corpse". (Future's End, Part 1)

Orillian lung maggot - Neelix says that he has no problem dying if it would get rid of an Orillian lung maggot like Tosin. (Fair Trade)

Orkett's disease - Seska says that she contracted this disease in the Bajoran work camps during the Occupation and that she survived because of a bone marrow transplant giving by a sympathetic Cardassian woman name Kattell; the Doctor discounts Seska's story. (State of Flux)

Orlando - Orlando is one of the crew members on Voyager that Kim finds listed in the crew manifest. (Non Sequitor)

Orum (Ivar Brogger) - Romulan male; he had been assimilated by the Borg and ended up on the planet with Riley and the others when the link to the collective was severed. (Unity)

Oscillator - Kovin says that a faulty oscillator adjustment caused a power cell in the rifle to overload. (Retrospect) Katrine tells Mademoiselle de Neuf to go to a Monsieur Groleau to buy a high frequency oscillator to extend the range of their radio; she tell de Neuf to offer 300 francs for the oscillator but don't go any higher than 500. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Osmotic pressure therapy - The Doctor uses osmotic pressure therapy to try to stablize the baby's cell membranes; the baby dies when Sickbay loses power. (Deadlock)

O Soave Fanciulla - The Doctor is practicing this aria from the opera "La Boheme"; Kes and Torres think that the Doctor has lost all his past memories until they hear him humming this after the matrix overlay. (The Swarm)

Osteogenic stimulator - The Doctor tells Kes to use an osteogenic stimulator to set the broken arm of an injured crew member. (Resolutions)

Osteopathic pressure therapy - The Doctor uses osteopathic pressure therapy to try to relieve Janeway's headache. (Scientific Method)

Osteo-regenerator - The Doctor tells Kes to include a osteo-regenerator in the med kit she is preparing to take down to the planet in order to treat Zahir; he tells her to use the regenerator until Zahir is stabilized. (Darkling)

Ostetomy - The Doctor says that the male humanoid aboard the ship that Voyager finds adrift has suffered a complete ostetomy; he has been "gutted" and his entire skeleton and musculature, ligaments, tendons and internal organs have been removed. (Hunters)

Otel, Jaret (Andrew Hill Newman) - Associate of Gath; Gath tells Janeway that Jaret can take care of anything that Janeway needs while she is on Sikaris; he tells Kim that he will give Voyager the matrix of the trajector in exchange for Voyager's stories. (Prime Factors)

Oxygen converters - The oxygen converters on the carriage have been damaged when they launched the tether and won't produce enough oxygen for 6 people; they try to augment the converters in order to have enough oxygen for the trip up the tether. (Rise)


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