Paffran - Doctor Neria wants to send Kim to the complex at Paffran for a more detailed scan of his microcellular structures and a complete exam of his neuro-chemistry. (Emanations)

Pain sticks - As part of the Day of Honor ritual, Torres must endure the ritual of 20 painsticks, but she decides not to go through with it. (Day of Honor)

Pakra - Chakotay celebrates this solitary ritual which commemorates the anniversary of this father's death. (Initiations)

Paksor 3 - Charlene replicates a new blend of coffee from Paksor 3 for the Doctor. (Real Life)

Palaxia - This is the name of the girl that Neelix found on Rinax when he and others went there to look for survivors; she was badly burned and looked like a monster; she died a few weeks later on Talax. (Jetrel)

Palliantyne peas - Neelix fixes this lightly spiced dish for Kes and himself. (Parturition)

Pancreatic tissue - The Vidiian says that the humans he has scanned have pancreatic tissue that is well suited for transplant. (Deadlock)

Parabolic mirrors - The Doctor suggests installing holo-emitters along the hull with parabolic mirrors to enlarge the decoy images as they are reflected out in to space. (Basics, Part 1)

Paradoxical state-dependent associative phenomenon - Deja vu; Tuvok says that Kim is experiencing this since Kim believes that Voyager has been to this star system before. (Favorite Son)

Paralithium - Paralithium is used as a fuel for certain ion-based propulsion systems; it can be converted into trilithium; Voyager looks for ships entering and leaving Akritiri space that use paralithium as a fuel so that they can find out who was responsible for the bombing; they track down an Akritirian freighter and determine that the explosives were produced aboard that ship. (The Chute)

Parasite - - The Doctor discovers a viral parasite masquerading as a memory engram in Tuvok's brain; the origin and genome classification of the parasite is not on record; it thrives on peptides generated in the brain; the Doctor was able to kill it with thoron radiation; the parasite used the memory of the girl falling off the precipice as camoflage so that the host's mind would repress it; when the parasite sensed death in its host, it would find another host. (Flashback)

Parein - This is one of the species abducted by the Borg and brought to the planet; the Farn on the planet raided the Parein. (Unity)

Parietal lobe - The Doctor discovers that the Vidiian has an implant in her parietal lobe; The Doctor wants to take a sample of Torres's Klingon DNA from her parietal lobe and use it to help repair Denara's neural tissue. (Lifesigns)

Parinisti Measles - The Doctor tells King Hrothgar and the other warriors about the time he stopped the Parinisti Measles before it became epidemic. (Heroes and Demons)

Paris, Admiral Owen - Admiral Paris was commanding officer on the Al-Batani when Janeway served on that ship (Caretaker) He talked at length about the prime directive once a year like a holiday sermon to his son Tom Paris and believed it was the guiding principal of space exploration. (Time and Again) Paris tells Neelix that his father was teaching the class on survival strategies the year that he took the class. (Parturition) The Bothan causes Paris to hallucinate that his father is on Voyager. (Persistence of Vision) Torres finds part of a message from Paris's father, but she is unable to download the entire message before the relay stations are disabled. (Hunters)

Paris Alpha 249 - Paris uses this command code to access manual override on the weapons systems after the Voth are able to disable all of Voyager's systems. (Distant Origin)

Paris Delight - Neelix names his new blend of coffee "Paris Delight" in honor of Paris making the first transwarp flight. (Threshold)

Parisses squares - The Doctor changes Belle's Parisses squares schedule so that she is on the second team; she is good enough to be on the first team but the Doctor doesn't think she is old enough; Belle suffers severe cranial trauma when she hits her head on the edge of the court during Parisses squares. (Real Life) Parisses squares is one of the sports Kim plays. (One)

Parity trace scan - When Torres runs this scan she detects that the shuttle's logs weren't destroyed by an energy discharge, but that someone erased them by overloading the sensor matrix to make it look like they had been damaged. (Cathexis)

Parking enforcement officer - Tuvok tried to talk parking enforcement officer out of giving them a citation using pure Vulcan logic, but the officer gave them the ticket anyway. (Future's End, Part 2)

Parsons - Male Ensign on Voyager; Neelix asks him to keep an eye on things in the galley until he gets back. (The Phage) Neelix believes that Ensign Parsons is possessed by the alien because he has changed his drink order from hot pejuta with lemon to cold pejuta, hold the lemon. (Cathexis) Janeway asks Parsons and Jarvis to arrest the Doctor and Barclay since she doesn't know who either of them are. (Projections) Parson's name is listed on the crew manifest that Kim reads in the alternate reality. (Non Sequitor) The Doctor was testing Parson's glial cells since he has an unusual microbial infection; the Doctor tries to do an immunogenicity analysis on Ensign Parson's cell culture but he can't seem to get the measurement right since he is preoccupied with his holo-family. (Real Life) Parsons receives a personal letter from home. (Hunters)

Particle 010 - Particle 010 is the Borg designation for Omega. (Omega Directive)

Particle-beam rifle - One of the weapons that Paris and Seven test on the weapons range is a particle-beam rifle; it uses terrawatt power; the rifle has a 4 microsecond recharge cycle and a range of 10 kilometers; it is not as accurate as a compression phaser rifle, but it is a lot easier to handle; Seven says that its targeting mechanism could be augmented with a thermal guidance sensor; the weapon is thoron-based; Kovin tells Seven that the particle-beam rifle overloaded and burned her hand; he tells Janeway that a faulty oscillator adjustment caused the power cell in the rifle to overload; the Doctor simulates a rifle blast on Seven's arm to see what happens to her nanoprobes. (Retrospect)

Particle injector - Makull tells Teria to bring this when they go to sabotage the power plant. (Time and Again)

Particle synthesis - Arturis used particle synthesis to create the Starfleet bridge; he says that it is beyond Janeway's understanding. (Hope and Fear)

Particle wake - A particle wake of highly charged plasma impacts with Voyager; if they are able to harness that energy of the particle wake, the crew could go off replicator rations for awhile; Paris attempts to use the bussard collectors on the shuttle to try to collect the plasma. (Real Life)

Patrollers - Paris and Kim were accused of killing 47 off-duty Patrollers during a bombing. (The Chute)

Patron - Da Vinci says that his patron gave him his new workshop; he says that his patron is a demanding taskmaster; in return for his workshop, Da Vinci gives his patron his ideas; Da Vinci tells Janeway that his patron is ruthless as Borgia. SEE: Tau (Concerning Flight)

Pattern buffers - Starling uses the 29th century tricorder to disrupt the transport and overload the shuttle's pattern buffers; Voyager is able to beam Starling on board by locking onto the shuttle's pattern buffers and disabling his tricorder. (Future's End, Part 2)

Pavarotti - This is one of the people that the Doctor mentions when he says that he has studied the finest recordings of "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Paxau - Paxau is one of the places that the Talaxians live; the Paxau Resort is located here. (Warlord)

Paxau Resort - Neelix recreates this resort for a holodeck program for the crew; the Paxau Resort is a very exclusive resort on Paxau; it was the place to go on Talax for serious relaxation and personal pampering; you had to be very rich and priveleged or know someone rich and privileged to go there. (Warlord) Janeway initiates the Paxau Resort holodeck program so that the macroviruses will be lured to the holodeck. (Macrocosm)

Paxim - Commander of the Talaxian ships; Paris convince Paxim to help him retake Voyager; the Talaxian ships attack Cullah on Voyager and lure him toward the nebula where Paris is waiting. (Basics, Part 2)

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich - Neelix fixes this "comfort food" for Paris. (Faces)

Pecan pie - Janeway shares this dish with Gath while trying to convince him to share Sikarian technology with Voyager in exchange for the finest federation literature. (Prime Factors)

Pejuta - Chakotay tells Torres that she should "bond" with Lt. Carey over a hot cup of Pejuta after she breaks Carey's nose in a disagreement in Engineering. (Parallax)

Pel, Danara (Susan Diol) - Denara was beamed aboard Voyager after she sent out a distress call; the Doctor transferred her synaptic patterns to the holo-buffer and created a holographic image of her so that he would be able to get more information to help treat her actual body; Denara says that she was diagnosed with the phage when she was 7 and has began receiving replacement tissue since then; she tells the Doctor that she is a hematologist and had been helping to treat the phage on Fina Prime and was on her way back to her home colony; she gives the Doctor the name Schmullus, which was her uncle's name; Danara and the Doctor fall in love with each other; Danara decides that she doesn't want to go back to her diseased body, but the Doctor convinces her to change her mind; when Danara was 9 her best friend, Mala suddenly didn't want to come to Danara's house anymore because the other children were afraid of Danara. (Lifesigns) Kim tells Tuvok that one of the big bargaining chips Voyager has with the Vidiians is that the Doctor treated Denara Pel and she might be willing to help them; she tells Tuvok that a burrowing insect carries the disease and that her people developed an antiviral agent years ago. (Resolutions)

Penno (Booth Colman) - He is one of the Vori at the Larhana settlement; he is Karya's grandfather; Karya says that he is very gray and his heart's not sturdy; the Kradin are taking Penno to an extermination facility when Karya tries to stop them; Chakotay discovers that Penno was just part of a Vori training simulation. (Nemesis)

Pentangeli, Giuseppina (Carole Davis) - She is the diva that the Doctor is practicing O Soave Fanciulla with; she says that she is the greatest soprano lirico of the 22nd century. (The Swarm)

Peptide - Kes comes to Tuvok's quarters later because the Doctor wanted her to pick up additional peptide readings on Tuvok. (Flashback)

Pergium - One of the supplies that Janeway wants to trade for on the station; it will be used to regenerate the filters in the environmental controls systems; Bahrat says that it is a rare commodity and may be difficult to find; Wix is able to find some pergium for Voyager. (Fair Trade)

Perimeter alert - Voyager has a perimeter alert when a Vidiian ship approaches. (Deadlock)

Perimeter grid - The B'omar use a perimeter grid to identify and trace every vessel, object or particle of dust that crosses their borders; after refusing to let Voyager enter their space, the B'omar increase the sensitivity of their perimeter grid by 36%; Tuvok believes that they may be able to get through the grid by recalibrating their shields to match its frequency. (The Raven)

Personality improvement program - The Doctor develops a personality improvement program so that he will have an improved bedside manner, a fresh prespective on diagnosis, and more patience with his patients; he interviews historical personalities and selects character elements that he finds admirable and incorporates them into his program; Torres tells him that he can't add behavioral subroutines into his program like that because they will interact in unpredictable ways; Torres deletes all the new subroutines so that the Doctor returns to normal. (Darkling)

Personal messages - Janeway has the crew prepare personal messages to be given to Telek R'mor so that he may transmit them to their families at the proper time; the message were never sent since Telek R'mor died 4 years before Voyager left for the mission to the Badlands. (Eye of the Needle) Starfleet's message to Voyager contains personal messages from the families of the Voyager crewmembers. (Hunters)

Peterson - Peterson is one of the crew members on Voyager that Kim finds listed in the crew manifest. (Non Sequitor)

Petri dishes - This is one of the things transported down to the planet so that Janeway can continue researching to find a cure for the virus. (Resolutions)

Phage - The phage is a disease that attacked the Vidiian people over 2 millennium ago; it consumes their bodies and destroys their genetic codes and cellular structures; the phage has the ability to adapt and resists all of the Vidiian's attempts to destroy it (The Phage) An early symptom of the phage is excruciating joint pain; some people have been known to die from this pain; Torres's body was able to successfully fight off the phage (Faces) Denara says that she was diagnosed with the phage when she was 7. (Lifesigns) The Doctor determines that Janeway has contracted the Vidiian phage after he conducts a microcellular scan; he says that this strain of the phage is particularly virulent and there is no way to treat her; he suggests euthanasia to prevent her from dying a lingering, painful death. (Coda)

Phase coil resonator - This is one of the tools Torres uses to build the prototype robot. (Prototype)

Phased carrier wave - Paris and Torres interplex the comm systems in both of their environmental suits in order to create a phased carrier wave that will reach Voyager. (Day of Honor)

Phased ion cannons - When Voyager attempts to penetrate the prison's shields, Augris tells them that there are 85 phased-ion cannons aimed at Voyager and that the Mokra will open fire on them if they don't withdraw from Mokra space in two minutes. (Resistance)

Phaser - Janeway tells Makull that her phaser is used in surveying property; she uses a phaser to seal the hole in subspace to prevent the polaric detonation. (Time and Again) Janeway tells Tuvok to issue type 3 phasers when they return to the surface of the planetoid; Chakotay suggests using the ship's phasers at a minimum power level and sending out a continuous beam in order to discover which reflected image they are seeing is the real Vidiian ship. (The Phage) The interferometric pulses from the Swarm ships causes the energy from Voyager's phasers to be reflected back at Voyager; Voyager remodulates their shields to the inverse harmonic of the interferometric pulse so that their phasers are able to hit the Swarm ship. (The Swarm) It is standard procedure to carry a weapon on an away mission especially when you don't know what to expect; Janeway doesn't take one with her since she doesn't want to appear hostile. (Sacred Ground) Wix persuades Neelix to let him take a phaser with them when they deliver the medical supplies; the energy reading at the scene of Sutok's murder indicates that it is a Type 2 phaser. (Fair Trade) Chakotay sees phaser burns on the hull of the shuttle; the energy signature is Vidiian. (Coda) The security teams sets their hand phasers to a dispersion frequency of 1.85 gigahertz so that they can disrupt the intruder's cloaking technology. (Distant Origin) When the holographic Janeway fires her phaser rifle, it backfires and kills her; Seska says that the phaser rifles from storage locker 3 have been malfunctioning; Paris sustains second degree phaser burns when the holographic Chakotay shoots him with his phaser; the holographic Seska is killed after Tuvok booby-traps a phaser rifle and she attempts to fire it at Tuvok and Paris. (Worst Case Scenario) The Doctor says that a precisely modulated phaser beam may make the aliens visible to everyone; Seven modulates a phaser to make Alzen become visible. (Scientific Method) When targeting control for the phasers is down, Janeway tells Tuvok to fire full phasers using manual targetting and to keep firing until he hits something; the aliens steal 3 phaser rifles from Voyager using their transporter beam; Janeway finds a phaser in Da Vinci's workshop; Da Vinci says that the phaser is pistole that shoots bolts of lightning instead of bullets; Janeway finds some of Voyager's phasers in the storage facility. (Concerning Flight) Seven modifies the phaser rifles to fire nanoprobe discharges; she says that a level 5 phaser blast will stun the creature. (Prey)

Phase variance - Voyager detects a strange phase variance in the radiation stream of the wormhole; Tuvok determines that this variance is cause by the fact that the wormhole is a rift in space and time and that the other side of the wormhole is 20 years in the past. (Eye of the Needle) In order to stall Voyager leaving orbit around Sikaris, Torres tells Janeway that a phase variance in conduit 3 has caused thrusters to go offline. (Prime Factors) Janeway suggests that if they recalibrated their carrier wave at the same time as the duplicate Voyager, they could match phase variance and be able to communicate. (Deadlock) Kim detects a highly localized modulating phase variance on the bridge; he believes that this phase variance is some sort of cloaking technology. (Distant Origin) Torres tries to compensate for the phase variance in the contaminant that she and the Doctor find in the base pair sequencers; she tells the Doctor to access the internal sensors and set them to a phase variance of .15 so that they can trace the source of the signal being transmitted from the DNA; the Doctor sets Seven's Borg sensory nodes to a phase variance of .15 so that she will be able to detect the alien energy signature. (Scientific Method) Torres finds a small phase variance in the transporter log that is responsible for igniting the proto-matter; she remodulates the transporter beam in order to compensate for this variance. (Mortal Coil)

Pheromone - The Ramuran's bodies produce some sort of pheromone that blocks the long-term memory engrams of others. (Unforgettable)

Phoenix - The Phoenix was the name of Zefram Cochrane's ship when he made first contact with the Vulcans. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Photon burst - Voyager sets off 3 photon bursts so that it will look like 3 new stars have appeared in the Eastern sky of Takar. (False Profits) Seven is able to modify an explosive device to emit a photonic burst; this burst will be harmless to organic tissue but should disrupt all holo-activity within 20 meters. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

Photonic energy - Minute quantities of photonic energy escaped from the containment field when it was beamed aboard Voyager; this energy finds its ways into the holodeck and other ship's systems; Voyager discovers that this energy was really a lifeform. (Heroes and Demons)

Photon grenade - If the temporal core of the time-ship is offline, the ship's shields are incredibly weak and a photon grenade could penetrate the hull. (Year of Hell, Part 2) The protesters that storm the Museum of Kyrian Heritage are using photon grenades. (Living Witness)

Photonic lattice - The photonic energy life forms are trying to return to the photonic lattice near the protostar. (Heroes and Demons)

Photon pulse - Kovin uses a photon pulse to cause Voyager's sensors to go offline. (Retrospect)

Photon torpedoes - Voyager has 38 photon torpedoes (The Cloud) Voyager has Type 6 photon torpedoes; Torres programmed Dreadnought to adjust its missile shields to all know weapons, but Janeway thinks that they may be able to destroy Dreadnought with these torpodoes since Voyager wasn't in service when Torres did this. (Dreadnought) The launch activation sequencers aren't responding so Janeway goes to Torpedo bay 1 to manually launch a photon torpedo at Starling's ship. (Future's End, Part 2) Seven knows that Voyager currently has a compliment of 32 Class 6 warhead photon torpedoes; the explosive yield of these torpedos is 200 iso-tons; Seven and Tuvok construct bio-molecular warheads using 13 standard photon torpedoes and one Class 10 armed with a high-yield warhead. (Scorpion, Part 2) Tuvok says that Voyager has 11 photon torpedoes left; since the torpedo launcher are offline, Janeway has Tuvok deploy 4 of the torpedoes like mines. (Year of Hell, Part 1) When they are preparing to attack the time-ship, Janeway says that Voyager still has 6 photon torpedoes. (Year of Hell, Part 2) The aliens steal a couple of photon torpedo casings from Voyager using their transporter beam. (Concerning Flight) Tuvok reconfigures a photon torpedo to emit a sustained polyluminous burst in order to see the ships causing the dampening field; Janeway tells Tuvok that she needs a Class 2 shuttlecraft armed with photon torpedoes so that she can destroy the vortex; Voyager fires a photon torpedo into the vortex as the ship crosses the threshold. (Night)

Photoplasmic trail - When Chakotay and Neelix try to get to the bridge on foot, they use a tricorder to leave a photoplasmic trail so they won't get lost. (Twisted)

Physiometric program - The Doctor uses a physiometric program to analyze the data form the bioprobe. (Sacred Ground)

Picard, Jean Luc - Captain of Enterprise-D when the Enterprise was taken over by a holocharacter. (Alter Ego) According to Picard, the Borg are without mercy and are driven by the will to conquer. (Scorpion, Part 1) Picard had been transformed into the Borg called Locutus. (Scorpion, Part 2)

Pineapple - Paris replicates a Hawaiian shirt with a pineapple motif for Kim to wear to the luau. (Alter Ego)

Pine Mountain - Colonel Thaddeus Riker was wounded at Pine Mountain during the Civil War and Quinn carried him to safety. (Deathwish)

Pipe - Paris finds a pipe when he and Kim search the prison; he thinks that Kim might be able to use the pipe and its loose wiring to rig a device to short out the force field of the chute long enough for them to get into the tube; Paris is stabbed by Pit when he refuses to give up the pipe to him; Paris takes the pipe apart in his delirium which causes Kim to turn on him and start beating him with it. (The Chute)

Piri (Rosemary Morgan) - Akritirian female; she and her brother are part of the Open Sky terrorist group; she is 14 years old; she says that they know where the Maximum Security Detention Facility is located. (The Chute)

Pit (Ed Trotta) - One of the prisoners in the Maximum Security Detention Facility; he tries to "claim" Kim when he comes down the chute; later he stabs Paris in the stomach when Paris and Kim refuse to give up the pipe. (The Chute)

Piton - The piton that Neelix uses malfunctions causing Neelix and Torres to fall. (Blood Fever)

Pizza - Paris wants Neelix to make pizza once a week; Paris says that it is simple to make since it's just made out of bread, tomatoes and cheese. (Mortal Coil)

Planet Hell - This is the nickname that Stellar Cartography gives the planet that is shrouded with vapors and has EM disturbances all over the atmosphere. (Parturition)

Plasma - The robot runs on some sort of super-conducting plasma; the tri-polymer plasma is contanimated so Torres decides to try to use warp plasma to power the robot; she modifies the anodyne relays to act as a regulator to make the warp plasma compatible with the robot's energy matrix. (Prototype) The sirillium from the nebula would be useful as a warp plasma catalyst. (Flashback) The disperal pattern of the interstellar plasma indicate that the wormhole is not at a fixed point in the Delta Quadrant. (False Profits)

Plasma belt - Zahir tells Tuvok that Voyager should navigate away from a plasma belt in order to avoid the Tarkan sentries. (Darkling)

Plasma burns - Janeway sustains plasma burns to her thorasic region when the alien energy discharge struck near here. (Scorpion, Part 2)

Plasma burst - Torres tells Janeway that they can raise the temperature of the gel packs by infusing them with a high energy plasma burst from a symmetric warp field. (Learning Curve) The larger creature emits an electrically charged plasma stream when Voyager attempts to move away from it; the burst causes the smaller creatures to attach themselves to the larger creature. (Elogium)

Plasma drift - Voyager enters a plasma drift in order to hide from the 20 Vidiian ships they detect; the plasma drift extends almost half the length of the sector and blocks Voyager from the Vidiian's sensors. (Deadlock)

Plasma fire - Paris and Tuvok encounter a plasma fire in the Jefferies tube; Janeway programs a plasma extinguisher to appear in order to help Paris and Tuvok. (Worst Case Scenario)

Plasma gas - Plasma gas leaks into the Cargo Bay after one of the conduits blows out; Tuvok estimates that the gas will become toxic within minutes. (Learning Curve)

Plasma injector conduit - Janeway and Tuvok find a plasma injector conduit from Voyager in Da Vinci's workshop; Da Vinci says that it makes mercury flow in 3 directions at once. (Concerning Flight)

Plasma residue - In order to mimic the behavior of the smaller creatures, Voyager vents plasma residue which makes Voyager look blue. (Elogium)

Plasma storms - These storms make travel in the Badlands extremely difficult. (Caretaker) Some type of plasma storm damages most of Janeway's research equipment; their tricorders don't detect the storm coming. (Resolutions)

Plasma strand - The plasma strands in the inversion nebula burn them themself out without igniting the rest of the strands; Voyager hopes that they will be able to use what they learn from the plasma strands to find a new way to contain a warp core breach or any plasma reaction. (Alter Ego)

Plasma stream - Jonas is vaporized after he falls into in the plasma stream. (Investigations)

Plasmatic energy field - Kim detects that this field is forming in engineering when Suspiria arrives at the meeting place. (Cold Fire)

Platform - This is a kind of transportation device on Sikaris that works on the principle of folding space. (Prime Factors)

Plato - Janeway tell Alcia that the philosopher Plato said that what we see around us are only poor shadows of ideal objects which exist on a higher plane. (Innocence)

Platt - Platt is one of the crew members on Voyager that Kim finds listed in the crew manifest. (Non Sequitor)

Plaxan sensors - Neelix sold some of these to the Kazon Ogla a few years ago. (Initiations)

Pleeka rinds - Neelix has served pleeka rind casserole for the 4th day in a row; Paris is forced to eat it since he is out of replicator rations; while on the shuttle to gather plasma from the particle wake, he jokes that this may save everyone from Neelix's pleeka rind casserole. (Real Life) Kim asked Neelix if he has any leftover pleeka rind casserole that he can have for breakfast; he says that he likes it. (Scientific Method)

Pleiades - The Doctor points out a cluster named pleiades to Danara. (Lifesigns)

Pliocene - The planet that the crew is stranded on seems to be at a Pliocene stage of development which is comparable to Earth several million years ago. (Basics, Part 1)

Plomeek soup - Neelix fixes this Vulcan dish for Tuvok since Neelix believes that the crew deserves a little taste of home now and then; Neelix spices up the soup since it seems so bland to him. (Faces)

Pokatah - Chakotay says that the bear has great pokatah and that it is a very strong animal. (The Cloud)

Polaric energy - Voyager discovers a planet that is powered by this type of energy; the planet seemed to have been destroyed by a massive polaric detonation. (Time and Again)

Polaric generator - The Voyager crew uses a polaric generator to try to rescue Janeway and Paris when they are trapped in one of the subspace fractures; it uses polaric energy to open the fractures but it burns itself out after 30 seconds. (Time and Again)

Polaric ion devices - The chain reaction in subspace was very likely ignited by the detonation of one or more of these devices. (Time and Again)

Polaric modulator - Paris uses a spare polaric modulator from Voyager's impulse drive to act as a carburetor on Steth's ship. (Vis A Vis)

Polaric Test Ban Treaty of 2268 - This treaty was established after a Romulan research colony was nearly destroyed on Chaltalk 4 during the testing of a polaric ion device. (Time and Again)

Polarization cloak - Kellin says that Chakotay came up with the idea of using a magneton sweep to disrupt Resket's polarization cloak. (Unforgettable)

Polaron burst - Tuvok uses this in order to get visual contact with the ship that Paris suspects is in low orbit around the planet; the polaron burst reveals that the ship is Kazon. (State of Flux) One of the Swarm that was attached to Chardis's ship, hits Voyager with some kind of polaron burst which changes Voyager's shield polarity so that they can be detected by the rest of the Swarm. (The Swarm)

Polaron grid - Voyager detects a high-density polaron grid surrounding the planet when they return from their negotiations with the Nasari; a network of satellites has been activated in order to maintain the grid; the polaric density is too high for Voyager to get through. (Favorite Son)

Polaron particles - Torres detects a surge of polaron particles right before Kim and Tuvok disappear. (Displaced)

Polaron pulses Seska sends out polaron pulses so that they can locate Chakotay's shuttle. (Manuevers) Voyager sends out a high energy polaron pulse to disable Braxton's subatomic disrupter weapon; the pulse knocked his navigational system off course. (Future's End, Part 1) Seven and Tuvok emit a polaron pulse from the shuttle in order to prevent further degradation of the signal from the relay station. (Hunters)

Polaron scan - Kim had been running a polaron scan with a scanning beam sweeping a radius of quarter million kilometers when he first intersected the time stream. (Non Sequitor)

Polycythemia - This in an abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells; Teirna has this but the Doctor is unable to determine the cause. (Basics, Part 1)

Polyduranide - Torres finds traces of a polyduranide alloy in the sample of floating debris that is beamed on board; she determines that the debris can't be the remnants of Chakotay's shuttle since this alloy isn't used in the construction of Federation vessels. (Initiations) According to Kim, polyduranide can be tough to replicate; Paris was supposed to replicate golf clubs for Kim using polyduranide. (Vis A Vis)

Polyferranide - The away team searches for this mineral needed to seal the warp coils; Torres find a polyferranide deposit but it is contaminated with astiline; she discovers a high concentration of polyferranide 10 kilometers beneath the surface. (Tattoo); Voyager sent out 2 scouting parties to analyze mineral deposits in the moons around Drayan 2; Janeway wants to open negotiaions with Alcia to find out what they want in exchange for the polyferranide; Torres and Neelix find a vein of polyferranide 3 kilometers long on one of Drayan 2's moons. (Innocence)

Polyfluidic compound - Tuvok and Kim discover a residue in the Jeffries tube that is a mixture of DNA and polyfluidic compounds; Tuvok determines that this is a sample of "blood" from Species 8472. (Prey)

Polynesian - Neelix studied the Polynesian culture of Earth to help him plan the luau. (Alter Ego)

Pommar - SEE: Kazon Pommar.

Pon Farr - Tuvok postponed his studies when he began Pon Farr and he took T'Pel for a mate. (Flashback) Vorik experiences his first Pon Farr and asks Torres to become his mate; symptoms of the Pon Farr include a chemical imbalance and loss of emotional control; Vulcans go through Pon Farr every 7 years of their adult life; during the Pon Farr, Vulcans have an irrestible urge to return to the home world and take a mate; there are 3 option to resolve the Pon Farr: 1. taking a mate, 2. ritual combat, and 3. intensive meditation; Vorik and Torres resolve the Pon Farr after Torres defeats him during the Kunat Kaliphee. (Blood Fever) Tuvok's son, Sek, has undergone pon farr and has taken a mate. (Hunters)

Population control - Zio says that the clamp is a method of prison population control; it keeps the prisoners from cooperating with each other so that they will kill each other. (The Clamp)

Poroccan eggs - Neelix says that these eggs are the most flavorful in the sector; he scrambles them with a little dill weed and and touch of rangasso; after they were picked up on Poroccus Four, they had to be sterilized for 3 days in a cryostatic chamber and then had to be parboiled. (Flashback)

Poroccus Four - The poroccan eggs were picked up on Poroccus Four. (Flashback)

Portable containment field - Kim thinks he can seal the breach on Deck 15 if he can get close enough to set up a portable containment field that he had been enhancing. (Deadlock)

Portable phase discriminator - Kim says that he can rig one of these to protect Kes from spatial transition when she goes back to her Voyager. (Deadlock)

Portal - Jarlath is able to enter the compound of the Voyager crew through some sort of portal; it took him 9 years to find the portal; Torres reconfigures the Doctor's optical scanners to detect the microwave signature of the portals; Janeway, Tuvok, Torres, Paris and Jarlath are able to access a portal into a Nyrian control station; Paris and Torres find several other portals which lead into other compounds. (Displaced)

Porter - Porter is one of the crew members on Voyager that Kim finds listed in the crew manifest. (Non Sequitor)

Porter (Clayton Murray) - This is one of the men who hold Chakotay and Torres captive; he thinks that the government sent Chakotay and Torres. (Future's End, Part 1)

Positive ions - Voyager releases this through the nacelles in order to repel some of the interstellar dust. (The Cloud)

Positron beam - Ensign Tuvok proposes that if they modify a positron beam to a subspace frequency, it will trigger a thermochemical reaction in the sirillium. (Flashback)

Potak cold fowl - Neelix decides to open his bottle of this to celebrate after he and Paris make it back to Voyager; it is made from the glandular secretions of an adult dung hill bird found on Potak 3; there are only 27 bottles in existence at this time. (Parturition)

Pot roast - This is one of the dishes that Neelix fixes for Noonan. (The 37's) Neelix tells Wildman that the thermal array in the kitchen overloaded that morning and vaporized a whole pot roast. (Deadlock) A 12-kilo pot roast is incinerated when the heating array in the Mess Hall overloads. (Macrocosm)

Pound cake - Janeway jokingly says that the message she has been trying to decrypt could be Admiral Chapman's recipe for the perfect pound cake. (Hope and Fear)

Power cells - Since Voyager won't be able to take on fresh supplies while they are in the Void, they are using power cells to stockpile deuterium; after Voyager loses power, they hook up a power cell directly to the EPS manifold to get emergency power back online. (Night)

Power grid - After running a signal modulation analysis, Hogan discovers that the messages from the deleted subspace comm logs were sent through the ships power grid by encoding the messages in the waste energy from the propulsion system. (Investigations) Wildman says that a malfunction in the power grid is causing the problems with the replicator. (Deadlock) Kim reports that the power grid is at 32% efficiency but he thinks he can bring it up to 50% in a few days. (Year of Hell, Part 2) After the crew is taken to the Cargo bay, Janeway tells Chakotay and Torres to work on accessing the power grid. (Waking Moments)

Power module - The robot's power module is located in its abdominal cavity; Torres activates the power module by using modified warp plasma as an energy source. (Prototype)

Pralor - The Pralor are a humanoid race that built robots to help them fight a war against the Cravic; when the Pralor and Cravic attempted to call a truce, the automated units terminated them since if the war ended the automated units would have been deactivated. (Prototype)

Praxis - Praxis is the Klingon moon; it was the primary source of energy for the Klingon homeworld until it exploded; the Excelsior encounters a subspace shockwave originating from Praxis; the destruction of Praxis led to the Federation-Klingon peace treaty. (Flashback)

Praxiteles - Brigitte admires the sculpture by Praxiteles that the Kapitan has at Nazi headquarters; he says that Praxiteles was a master sculpture of ancient Greece; the Kapitan says that they are only 3 like it in all of Europe. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Precipice - Tuvok experiences an event where he is trying to save a little girl from falling into a precipice; the Doctor believes that this may be a repressed memory. (Flashback)

Predator class warship - Torres tells the Doctor that 2 of these Kazon warships attacked Voyager. (Projections)

Prefire chamber - After they return to Voyager, one of the things she asked Chakotay to check on is to see if they have solved the problem with the prefire chamber temperature. (Resolutions)

Preganglionic fibers - One of the steps in the motor cortex reconstruction procedure is to repair the preganglionic fibers in the spinal column. (The Swarm)

Prema Two - The Talaxians from the mining colony on Prema Two are willing to come to Voyager's assistance if they run into trouble. (Basics, Part 1)

Primary isomatrix - After Torres stabilizes Dejaren's program, she wants to access his primary isomatrix; Dejaren says that this is on the lower deck. (Revulsion)

Primary power couplings - Paris tells the Doctor that he will take out the primary power couplings during the attack; Paris hides in the nebula and is able to disable the couplings before the Nistrim can detect him. (Basics, Part 2)

Primate - Janeway is scared by a primate when she is taking a bath; Chakotay says they detected primate lifesigns on the planet, but hadn't seen any until then. (Resolutions)

Prime directive - This prevents Janeway and Paris from telling the people that their world will be destroyed the next day; Tuvok doesn't think that Janeway will attempt to find the flashpoint of the explosion in order to prevent it because that would go against the prime directive. (Time and Again) Janeway says that Voyager is on "the other side of the fence" regarding the Prime directive since the Sikarians won't share their advanced technology with Voyager. (Prime Factors) When Tuvok points out to Janeway that they are about to violate the Prime Directive, she says that for the duration of this mission the Prime Directive is rescinded. (Omega Directive)

Prixin - Prixin is the Talaxian celebration of family; Neelix is planning the Prixin celebration on Thursday night in the Mess Hall; he tells Seven that they celebrate it every year on Voyager; Tuvok commences the celebration with the traditional salutation. (Mortal Coil)

Progenia - The Doctor compares Chakotay's premature aging to a rare genetic disorder called progenia; progenia causes children to age prematurely but there has never been an adult case; the disorder was erradicated 2 centuries ago. (Scientific Method)

Prometheus - The Prometheus is the name of the Starfleet vessel that Voyager detects in the Alpha quadrant; using the network of relay stations, Voyager transports the Doctor to this ship; access to the comm system on the Prometheus has been restricted; Romulans have taken over the ship; there are 27 Romulans on board the Prometheus and no Starfleet crew members are alive; the Prometheus is a experimental prototype designed for deep space tactical assignments; its primary battle systems include regenerative shielding, ablative hull armor, and multi-vector assault mode; access to the Prometheus's tactical data requires a Level 4 clearance; only 4 people in Starfleet have been trained to operate it. (Message in a Bottle)

Prostaglandin - When Wildman is in labor, the Doctor says her prostaglandin levels are normal. (Deadlock)

Prosthetic arm - Orum created a prosthetic arm for Riley after she removed her Borg appendages. (Unity)

Protein anaylyer - This is one of the things transported down to the planet so that Janeway can continue researching to find a cure for the virus. (Resolutions)

Protein co-factors - Janeway decides to get a specimin of the insect that bit them and analyze its protein co-factors to try to figure out what in the environment is keeping them from being sick and then replicate it. (Resolutions)

Proto-matter - Voyager encounters a nebula that contains traces of proto-matter; Janeway sends a shuttle into the nebula to collect a sample of the proto-matter; Neelix says that it is one of best energy sources in the quadrant and one of the most sought after commodities; the proto-matter sample that they collect destabilizes before they get it back to Voyager. (Mortal Coil)

Proton beam - This is one of the things that the Kazon Ogla use on Tarok in their training exercises. (Initiations)

Proton burst - Torres wants to infuse the warp core with repeated proton bursts in order to stop the leak of antimatter; Voyager is being rocked by proton bursts but they don't know where they are coming from since Torres never even started the procedure; the bursts seem to be originating from with in the ship; the bursts are weakening the structural integrity of the hull; Janeway of the duplicate Voyager stops the proton bursts when she learns that they are damaging Voyager. (Deadlock) Kim says that he has detected random proton bursts from the binary pulsars and that a strong burst could knock out one of Voyager's shields; Voyager circles the pulsars at a distance of 90 million kilometers in order to avoid the bursts. (Scientific Method)

Protons - When Quinn is trying to hide from Q, he reduces Voyager down to subatomic size where it is attacked by protons. (Deathwish)

Proton weapon - Kellin works with Seven and Kim to develop a defense against the Ramuran's proton weapons; Kim says that the proton-based particle beam is very tightly focuses and is like being hit with thousands of needles; it can penetrate any shield even if the modulations are changed; Kellin says that the trick is to scatter the beams a little to make it harder to penetrate the shields. (Unforgettable)

Protostar - Voyager altered course when they detected photonic matter activity around a nearby protostar. (Heroes and Demons) Kim thinks that Voyager has encountered a type 6 protostar and that the captain is planning on detonating it and opening a wormhole to the Alpha Quadrant. (Omega Directive)

Prototype - Torres agrees to build a prototype robot to prevent the automated units from destroying Voyager. (Prototype)

Prototype Unit 0001 (Hugh Hodgin) - The prototype that Torres creates calls itself Prototype Unit 0001. (Prototype)

Providence - Janeway was the Science officer on the Providence at one time. (Innocence)

Proximity detector - Tuvix goes to the bridge at 0400 to work on a glitch in the proximity detector; Tuvok said that it would take up to 10 days to check out all the possible problems; Tuvix was able to fix it quickly because he "had a hunch". (Tuvix)

Psionic properties - The Bothan is sending out a massive energy field that has psionic properties and is causing the crew to hallucinate. (Persistence of Vision)

Psycho-active herbs - Chakotay's ancestors used these to assist in their vision quests for an animal guide; scientists have found more modern ways to facilitate the search for animal guides so now an akoonah is used instead. (The Cloud)

Psychokinetic manipulation - Tanis teaches Kes how to use her psychokinetic abilites to move objects. (Cold Fire)

P'tak - A Klingon insult; Torres calls Vorik this. (Blood Fever)

Ptera (Cecile Callan) - Ptera's body is left on Voyager by a subspace vacuole when the vacuole takes Kim to Vhnori; she had been dying of a cancerous growth on the midbrain when she was killed by the centotaph during the transference ritual; the Doctor was able to revive her since she had only been dead a couple minutes; he replicates new neural tissue and then uses standard Starfleet post mortem resusitation techniques; Ptera is killed again when they attempt to beam her back to Vhnori with a subspace transponder in order to use it to find Kim. (Emanations)

Puccini, Giacomo - He was a human composer of the 19th century; he wrote an opera called "La Boheme". (The Swarm)

Pulmonary scanner - The Doctor uses this scanner to run a respiratory series on Neelix. (The Phage)

Pulmozine - The Doctor gives Teirna 40 mg of Pulmozine after he is beamed aboard Voyager from the damaged ship. (Basics, Part 1) The Doctor uses pulmozine to get Torres breathing again after she is injured during Kim's attack on the Nasari. (Favorite Son)

Pyllora - Janeway acts as Tuvok's pyllora during the mind meld; a pyllora is a guide that helps the subject reconstruct the memory in its entirety and objectify the experience; the pyllora helps the subject reintegrate the memory into the conscious mind; the pyllora is an observer and not a participant, so no one else but Tuvok will notice Janeway's presence as he relives the memory. (Flashback)

Pyrocyte replacement - The Doctor wants to do a complete pyrocyte replacement on the Kazon that was rescued from the bridge. (State of Flux)


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