played by Robert Duncan McNeil

Paris is a human male; he caused the death of three officers on Caldik Prime; initially he falsified reports, later admitted it was his fault, and was cashiered out of Starfleet; he joined the Maquis and was captured during his first mission for them; he was serving his sentence at the Federation Penal Colony when Captain Janeway recruited him for a mission to track down a missing Maquis ship in the badlands; Janeway grants him a field commission of Lieutenant and he serves as conn officer on Voyager. (Caretaker)

Paris and Janeway become trapped in a subspace fracture while they are investigating the polaric detonation on the planet. (Time and Again)

One of Paris's favorite holodeck programs is Sandrine's bar. (The Cloud)

Paris is accused of murdering the Banean scientist Tolen Ren and had the victim's memory engrams implanted into his brain so that he would relieve the murder through the victim's eyes once every 14 hours for the rest of his life; the implants were removed after Tuvok proved that Lidell Ren and the Banean doctor were the murderers (Ex Post Facto)

Paris is taken prisoner by the Vidiians along with Torres and Durst on the third planet of the Avery system. (Faces)

Gaunt Gary gives Paris the nickname "Tom Terrific" (Jetrel)

Antique vehicles is one of Paris's hobbies; he tells Janeway that he has never landed a starship before. (The 37's)

When Barclay tries to convince the Doctor that Voayger is a holo-simulation, Barclay says that he modeled the Paris character after his cousin Frank. (Projections)

In the alternate reality, Paris was arrested on Deep Space 9 after a bar fight with a Ferengi and he never set foot on Voyager; he was paroled on stardate 48702; he once served on the Exeter; Kim finds Paris in Marseille, France at the real Sandrine's; Paris helps Kim escape from Starfleet security, steal the runabout Yellowstone, and find the timestream so that Kim can get back to his own reality. (Non Sequitor)

Paris and Neelix get into a fight in the Mess Hall when Neelix suspects that Paris is after Kes; Janeway sends Paris and Neelix to the planet to find edible plant species; they resolve their differences over Kes and become friends. (Parturition)

The Bothan causes Paris to hallucinate that his father is on Voyager. (Persistence of Vision)

Paris makes the first transwarp flight by flying at warp 10; this causes him to mutate and eventually becomes an amphibian-like humanoid creature; he and Janeway have amphibian-like offspring together when she mutates as well; the Doctor determines that these mutations were natural and the transwarp flight cause them to be accelerated by millions of years. (Threshold)

Paris begins running a gambling operation where participants bet one replicator ration and try to guess what the radiogenic particle count will be at 1200 the next day; Chakotay catches him and puts him on report. (Meld)

Paris is reprimanded by Chakotay for being late to the meeting for the senior staff; he tells Torres that he is a little envious of how well she's fit in on the ship; he got into a fight with Rollins because Paris's reports weren't punctuated according to Starfleet protocols and that Paris didn't like his attitude. (Dreadnought)

Paris is late for duty again and gives the excuse that he was helping deliver Ensign Wildman's baby; when the Doctor comes to Paris for advice about women, Paris tells him about how Susie Crabtree dumped him during his first year at the Academy; he almost failed stellar cartography because he walked around in a daze for the rest of the year; Paris is an automobile aficionado; Chakotay relieves Paris of duty when he shows up late again; Janeway puts Paris in the brig after he shoves Chakotay as Chakotay tries to escort him off the bridge. (Lifesigns)

Paris asks to be put off the ship and goes to work on the Talaxain convoy; the Kaxon Nistrim attack the convoy and take Paris aboard their ship; Paris's quarters are located on Deck 2, Section 3-C; Paris's unruly behavior was part of the plan to flush out the spy on Voyager who was communicating with the Kazon; Paris discovers that the spy is Jonas and escapes from the Kazon vessel. (Investigations)

Paris has been chasing after Nicoletti for 6 months. (The Thaw)

Paris takes a shuttle through the crossfire of the attack to try to go back to the Talaxians for help. (Basics, Part 1)

He convinces Paxim to help him retake Voyager; he contacts the Doctor to tell him to disable the backup phaser power coupling; Paris hides his shuttle in the nebula while the Talaxian lead Cullah there; he is able to disable the primary power coupling before he can be detected; he returns to Hanon Four to pick the crew up. (Basics, Part 2)

Paris and Kim are arrested and convicted of participating in the bombing of the Laktivia Recreational Facility on Akritiri; they are confined in the Maximum Security Detention Facility; Paris is stabbed by Pit when he refuses to give him the pipe; in his delirium, Paris takes apart the pipe and Kim almost kills him because of it. (The Chute)

Paris shows an interest in Torres and invites her to enjoy his holodeck program of sailing on Lake Como; the Doctor performs a motor cortex reconstruction on him since he sustained a lot of neurological damage when two of the aliens attacked him and Torres. (The Swarm)

Chakotay and Paris beam down to Takar to try to find the source of the replicator signature. (False Profits)

Paris is an aficinado of the 20th century; Paris and Tuvok go to Griffith Observatory to find out who sent the message to Voyager and to see what they know; he majored in astrophysics at the Academy; he is a fan of B movies; he tries to convince Rain that he and Tuvok are secret agents. (Future's End, Part 1)

Paris and Rain seem to be bonding on a cross-cultural level; Rains tells Paris that he is sexy in a Howdy Doody sort of way and that he is goofy sometimes but is probably the smartest man she ever met; Paris tells Rains that he's never met anyone like her and that he probably never will. (Future's End, Part 2)

Paris volunteers to help in the Mess Hall while Neelix is away, but he ends up with an incinerated pot roast when the heating array overloads. (Macrocosm)

Paris tells Neelix that the reason he got into trouble before was that he didn't tell the truth after he had made a mistake and it ruined his life; Chakotay and Paris are arrested and charged with conspiring with a known drug trafficker and murder. (Fair Trade)

Paris has had a lot of rock-climbing experience; Paris refuses to take advantage of Torres even when she can't control herself because of the Pon Farr. (Blood Fever)

Paris says that since he's been on Voyager, he's tried to be more like Kim and that Kim is his role model because he's reliable, hard-working, extremely punctual, and polite. (Favorite Son)

In the reality that Kes is experiencing, Paris is her husband and Linnis is their daughter; Paris tells Kes that he had a crush on her from the beginning and tried to hide it; he says that Torres had been special to him and that Kes helped him get over Torres's death; he tells Kes that he thought their wedding day was the happiest day of his life but that every day just got better and better. (Before and After)

Paris wants to read Torres's romance novel to get some ideas about how to make Torres's heart quicken; the Doctor says that Paris was undoubtably one of those children who had to climb the highest tree or scale the tallest cliff; he takes a shuttle near the particle wake to try to collect plasma from it, but he gets caught in the interfold layer of the particle wake; he is able to get back to Voyager by positioning the shuttle on the leading edge of one of the eddies and riding it out; he suffers a mild concussion while getting back to Voyager. (Real Life)

Paris and Torres hide from the Nyrians in one of the colder compounds since the Nyrians are very sensitive to cold temperatures; Paris has seniority over Torres by about 2 days. (Displaced)

During the Insurrection Alpha program, Janeway and Paris leave on a shuttle to meet the Rukani; after Paris interrupts Torres during the program, he tries it out himself and gets thrown in the brig when he tries to stop the mutiny; the next time he tries the program he joins the mutiny, but the holographic simulation ends suddenly because additional parameters have not been programmed; Paris always wanted to write a holonovel; he and Tuvok collaborate to write the ending for the program; Paris and Tuvok are trapped in the holodeck with the safety protocols off; Paris sustains second degree phaser burns when the holographic Chakotay shoots him with his phaser. (Worst Case Scenario)

Paris delivers to Torres the helm control evaluation that she wanted; Paris and Torres worked on the Day of Honor holodeck program together; Paris and Torres take a shuttle to go find the warp core and tractor it back to Voyager; they end up floating in space in environmental suits when they structural integrity of the shuttle fails; Torres uses to think Paris was an arrogant, self-absorbed pig; Torres tells Paris that she loves him; Voyager beams them back on board right before they run out of oxygen. (Day of Honor)

Paris kisses Torres after she says that she meant it when she told him that she loved him; the Doctor recruits Paris to help out in sick bay since he is the most qualified crew member; he will have 3 duty shifts a week in sickbay. (Revulsion)

In order to meet up with Torres, Paris tells the the Doctor that he has to deliver his conn report; he brings Torres flowers to make up for canceling out on her the night before because he had an extra shift on the bridge; Paris and Torres are kissing in Engineering when Tuvok walks in on them; they decide that they need to be a little more careful in public and that they won't tell anyone about their relationship; Janeway says that half the ship is gossiping about their public displays and she tells them to use better judgment regarding their personal relationship; Paris switches shifts with Ensign Wildman in order to get the night off to spend with Torres which means tomorrow he will have to work a double shift in sick bay and on the bridge; he and Torres consider the fact that they might have been out of control lately because the aliens had been messing around with their hormones to see what would happen. (Scientific Method)

Paris comes up with the idea of creating transverse bulkheads on Voyager in order to protect most of the crew in the event of a cataclysmic hull breach; the Krenim kidnap Chakotay and Paris from Voyager. (Year of Hell, Part 1)

Annorax says that Paris is the most intransigent young man that he has ever seen; Paris and Chakotay have been in isolation on the Krenim time-ship for 2 months; Paris says that he would rather sit in solitary confinement than listen to what Annorax has to say; Paris becomes friends with Obrist and convinces Obrist to let him send a message to Voyager; Chakotay and Paris almost come to blows when Paris challenges his orders; he tells Chakotay that if Chakotay doesn't do something about Annorax then he will do it himself; Janeway determines that the message from the time-ship contains a classified Starfleet ID code that she says could only have come from Paris; Obrist transports Chakotay and Paris to one of the Mawasi ships. (Year of Hell, Part 2)

Neelix says that Paris used to be quite a ladies man; Paris tries to convince Chakotay that they should rescue Torres from the Mari; Chakotay tells him to come up with a rescue plan that minimizes the possibility of violence and that he will recommend it to the captain if she doesn't have an luck convincing Nimira to change the sentence. (Random Thoughts)

In Paris's dream, he is aboard a shuttle and needs an emergency beam out; Paris and Torres make plans to go to Tahiti on the holodeck on Friday; Paris is able to open a Jeffries tube hatch from the Cargo bay allowing Janeway, Torres and Tuvok to escape; Paris and Kim play 3 games of hoverball on the holodeck hoping that it would wear them out enough for them to go to sleep. (Waking Moments)

Paris and Kim try to create a replacement for the holographic doctor. (Message in a Bottle)

Torres finds a letter from Paris's father, but she is unable to download the entire message before the relay stations are disabled; Paris doesn't want anything to do with the personal messages from home because what he has on Voyager is much better than anything that he had back on Earth; Torres is unable to download the rest of Paris's letter before the relay station is disabled. (Hunters)

Paris takes on the persona of the Lieutenant Davis as part of the World War II simulation that the Hirogen program on Holodeck 1. (The Killing Game, Part 1)

Paris is very knowledgeable about mid 20th century slang. (The Killing Game, Part 2)

On the holodeck, Paris is working on a 1969 Chevy Camaro; Advanced Subspace Geometry was the one course at the Academy where he actually paid attention; Paris tells Chakotay that he needs a change of pace and requests that Chakotay let him help Steth repair his ship; when Paris was 16, he took his fathers's shuttle out for a joyride and fried all the relays; Torres is upset with Paris because he has been cancelling their dates and "hiding out" for hours on the holodeck; "Grease Monkey" is the program that Paris has been running on the holodeck; Steth switches bodies with Paris and sends him off in his own ship; Paris/Steth tries to convince Commander Avik that he is not Steth; Paris/Steth and the real Steth manage to get Steth's ship back to Voyager; Paris/Steth is able to convince Chakotay that he is the real Paris; Paris/Steth and the real Steth manage to stop Steth/Janeway from getting away; the Doctor is able to restore Paris, Steth, and Janeway back to their own bodies; Paris apologizes to Torres by showing her his holodeck program. (Vis a Vis)

The Doctor says that the fluid from the planet has bioformed Paris and Kim and altered their physiology at the cellular level; the away team finds the real Paris on the planet. (Demon)

Paris left the stasis chamber on four separate occasions and had to be put back into the chamber; he doesn't like closed places. (One)


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